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Jake (A Redemption Romance #2)

Page 15

by Anna Scott

  “Anyway, I got my nails into his wrist and dug in deep, he let go, so I ran. I went to the fireplace where I have these really tall iron candlesticks that my grandma gave me, anyway, I kept the tallest one behind me. When he came at me again, he bent low like he was going to ram into my middle, so I picked it up over my head and hit him with it. He went down and I was able to run to the kitchen, but before I could get there he was on me again.”

  I heard Jake’s gasp as I gave Dan my accounting. He still clutched my hand, but I felt his twitch when I gave some of the more difficult details. I hated this for him, hated that he had to hear it. Thinking for a moment, I started to suggest that he wait outside, but the quelling look he gave had me shutting my mouth quickly.

  “Do you remember anything else?” Dan asked me.

  “Not much, just him hitting me in every way you can think of. He finally got me to the bedroom, but I was able to hit him in the nose with a palm strike, it was pretty hard. I think I might have broken it. He started bleeding, he cursed at me, and he kept telling me to get his wife back. I didn’t know what he meant. He said she’d better come back or I’d be sorry. That I shouldn’t have ever left him and that it was my fault that she left. Then, he threw me against the wall. I don’t remember anything after that.”

  Dan nodded and continued writing. After a few minutes, he’d reread his notes, thanked me, promised that he’d do his best to make sure the man was locked up, then left the room.

  Jake’s head hung low, defeated, I hated seeing him like that, but didn’t know what I could do to help him. Looking up at me, his eyes blazed with fury, but his face remained gentle.

  “I don’t know how you could ever forgive me. If I’d told you, if I hadn’t lost it, you’d have never left me. You wouldn’t have been there.”

  “Stop, Jake, it isn’t your fault. I knew the danger, but thought that I’d be safe to make a quick stop. I wasn’t staying there long, with all the added security on the house, I thought I’d be safe.” I watched as he grimaced and shook his head.

  “I hadn’t checked the camera feeds since the day before. I should have hired it out, had them watched around the clock. I kept them recording, not thinking you’d go there, not thinking that you’d be in danger, just wanting to catch the bastard when he was stupid enough to show his face there again.”

  “You didn’t do this. I went there, knowing the danger. I just wanted to run in and grab my sister’s birthday present. I am supposed to go to my parent’s house for her birthday dinner on Sunday.” Pausing for a moment, I looked out the window, to the clock and back to Jake. “Today, I guess. I’m supposed to go to my parent’s house later today.”

  “I’m sure the doctor will be in shortly, but I told them that I was your husband, that’s the only way they’d let me stay. The only way they’d give me any information.”

  I sucked in a quick breath, at the thought of Jake being my husband. I searched his eyes. They were still showing his fury, but he was keeping it under control. They also showed a deep longing.

  “I love you, you know. That’s what I wanted to tell you earlier. I love you, too.” Lightning fast, Jake held me in his arms, lifted my chin and planted his sumptuous lips on mine and kissed me. The kiss was beautiful, life affirming, amazing and I forgot about how gross my mouth must be. I loved this man, and he loved me. What else was there in this life, but love?

  An hour later, the doctor came in, checked me over, asked me a bunch of ridiculous questions and told me that I didn’t have any broken bones. Of course the cuts and bruises would take some time to heal, but they would. I had a serious concussion, and because of that, he wanted to keep me for a couple of days to monitor me, to watch for swelling or any other complications.

  “You’re extremely lucky, Mrs. Thompson.” The doctor said, and at the sound of that name, Jake’s name, he leaned in and kissed my cheek. “There aren’t any serious complications, but we need to monitor you and the fetus for any trauma, watch for bleeding or signs of miscarriage since you have several bruises in the abdominal area.

  “Fetus?” I asked, bewildered. Jake’s body stilled, he was like stone, unmoving, and in shock as we both stared at the doctor.

  “Yes, Mrs. Thompson. I apologize, I should have guessed that you didn’t know when your husband didn’t ask about the baby. From the blood work and the ultrasound, it appears that you’re about ten weeks along.

  “Baby?” Jake asked, I wasn’t sure if he hadn’t heard all that, or if he was just confirming again.

  “Yes, Mr. Thompson, I’ll be ordering another ultrasound for later today, I’m guessing you missed the first one?”

  “Yeah, no, I mean, I was in here, but they were checking – I mean, I didn’t – a baby?” Jake’s words, confused and a bit crazed actually made me laugh, which hurt like crazy.

  The doctor chuckled at Jake’s deer-in-the-headlights look, patted him on the shoulder and left the room with promises to be back in a few hours. I was so nervous to look at him, worried that he would be upset. This was way too fast.

  Jake’s head turned toward me, eyes wide, but now the fury that had been there only minutes before, was replaced with blissful joy. “Hope.”

  “Yes, honey?” I wondered what he would say, his tone was strange, almost awestruck.

  “You’ve given me hope. You’re giving me a baby.” He said in wonder as he moved his free hand to my stomach and laid it so gently over the hospital gown. “My baby,” still whispering low, I almost couldn’t hear.

  “I didn’t, I mean, I’ve been on the pill, I didn’t do this on purpose.” I told him, my voice pleading, wanting him to understand that I wasn’t trying to trap him.

  “I know, I’m glad, I’m so happy. Don’t worry, okay?”

  Nodding, I felt the tears well up, but willed myself to hold them in.

  “Ten weeks,” I said, thinking back, trying to remember back.

  “Yeah, one life ends and a new one begins.” He replied back, the same awe still in his voice.

  Quiet permeated the room, surrounding us, holding us together. We were bound, an invisible force enclosing us in our own little world.

  “Knock, knock!” We heard called from the door, Aurora’s happy tone entered the room before she did. We pulled apart, our bubble evaporating, as we welcomed our friends’ invasion.

  Luke, Aurora, Gavin, Dawn, Trent, Reed and Amber circled the bed, surrounding us. Their concerned looks couldn’t overshadow the gleam of happiness permeating from Luke and Aurora.

  After greetings, cheek kisses and arm squeezes from everyone, Jake broke away, going to talk to the men on the other side of the room.

  I noticed that Gavin and Dawn had walked into the room together, and when Gavin walked away, he brushed his hand down her back and smiled at her. Dawn had smiled back. I had to know what was happening, but this wasn’t the time to ask.

  Aurora sat on the side of my bed and Amber took the chair Jake had been in earlier and Dawn stood next to her. They expressed their concern for me, their sorrow for what I’d been through and gave their unconditional support. They were truly wonderful friends; amazing women.

  Jake looked my way, gave me a wink and a smile, I smiled back as his gaze trailed down to my stomach and back up to my eyes. Our little secret, held tight inside me, precious and protected. We hadn’t discussed keeping it a secret, but I wasn’t ready to tell anyone yet, not until we knew all was well and as he always did, he seemed to know what I was thinking.

  “When are they letting you go home?” Amber asked, her smile wide after catching the little exchange with Jake.

  “Not sure, a couple of days. They want to watch me, with the concussion, they want to monitor me a while longer.” I explained, without giving away the other reason the doctor had decided to keep me in the hospital.

  We went on with random small talk, but something caught the light when Aurora lifted her hand to move the hair back from her face. A beautiful ring sat on her left hand. Letting out a squeal of del
ight, I grabbed her hand, then winced as I realized that excited movement was still painful. I didn’t care though; I was so happy for her.

  “Oh my god! You’re engaged.” I exclaimed, all the men turning to look at us in unison. I watched as Luke’s face lit with a peaceful, dreamy glow as he looked lovingly at Aurora.

  “I am, he asked me on Friday.” I felt the blush rise on my face, remembering the noises I’d heard coming from their bedroom that day.

  Amber, already privy to the wonderful news, leaned across me and patted Aurora’s leg. “I’m so happy for you guys, it’s wonderful.” As she finished talking, I noticed her gaze travel Trent’s way, my eyes quickly darted to him and saw that he was staring hard at her. I wondered if there was something going on between them too, but before I could ask, Amber stood, saying she needed to go down the hall and freshen up.

  She was out of the room before either of us could respond. Looking back to Trent, I saw that his eyes had followed her escape and were now planted firmly on the door.

  Dawn and Gavin kept stealing glances, Aurora and I exchanged a knowing grin before Dawn’s attention was back on us.

  Jake, apparently having had enough time away from me, broke off from the men, he stood next to me, a hand on my shoulder as I talked with Aurora about wedding ideas. She was such a girly-girl I knew Luke would be surrounded by pink, lace and flowers on their big day, but looking at him, staring at her like she was his reason for living, I knew he wouldn’t mind.

  Having been awake so long, I started to get really tired, Jake noticed, of course, and shooed everyone from the room. After more light hugs and kisses, we were alone again.

  “Sit with me,” I requested, scooting over on the bed, making room for him.

  He looked at the small hospital bed dubiously, but gave in and settled down, kicking his boots off. Stretching his arm behind me, he held me as I nestled into his side, laid my head on his chest and fell into a peaceful sleep.

  “Nice to meet you, sir. I’m Jake Thompson.” Roused from sleep, as I felt Jake moving from the bed as he spoke. I opened my eyes and to my horror, saw my father standing at the end of my bed.

  Holding a hand out, he shook Jake’s; “I’m Hope’s father, George Lewis. I assume that you two are – dating?” He asked after a slight hesitation, his lips flattened into their normal irritated tight line. It wasn’t an obvious tell to outsiders, but my family knew what that tight lipped look meant. He wasn’t happy and we should stand well back.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, not sure how he even knew I was here, I certainly hadn’t called him and I doubted that Aurora would. She knew enough about my father to know that we weren’t close.

  “The hospital phoned, said you’d been attacked.” I wanted to ask just when they’d called. I’d been here for about twenty hours now, and I doubted they’d waited that long to call him. I wondered too, if he’d even told my mother that I was here. If he had, she would have asked to come, though he may not have let her.

  “How are you feeling, dear?” He asked with faux concern, always trying to appear the wonderful family man.

  “I’ll be fine, thank you.” I responded, knowing that it was better if I said very little.

  Jake leaned down, kissed the top of my head and after looking into my eyes, his eyes took on a worried look, but I smiled up at him, trying to let him know that I was fine; and I was, I wouldn’t let my father bother me anymore. I’d had enough of that.

  I was going to be a mother, I was stronger now, and I didn’t need to be afraid of a man who’d never treated me like he should.

  “I’m going to go downstairs to grab some coffee, sweetheart, can I bring you anything?”

  “No, thank you.” I told him, wanting to beg him not to leave me. He squeezed my hand one last time, nodded to my father and walked out of the room.

  “Well, Hope; it seems you’ve gotten yourself into trouble – again.” His emphasis on the last was so blatant, it caused an internal shudder. How could a father treat his daughter who was so obviously injured with such coldness? I knew that neither Jake or I would ever treat one of our children, I mean, our child that way. I did a mental head shake, to push away the thought of children.

  “Really, father? How’s that?” I asked, showing him the same disdain he’d shown me. His eyes narrowed and I knew that he hadn’t liked my response one bit.

  Motioning to the bed, then to the rest of the hospital room, he answered, “Obviously, you’ve made that young man so angry that he did all this. I know you’re not expecting me to pay for your bad behavior.”

  “What?” I shrieked, shocked that he’d think that Jake did this to me. “Jake didn’t hurt me; he’d never hurt me. I was attacked at my house; Jake wasn’t even there.”

  “Of course, I’ve told you about women living alone, if you’d gotten married like I told you,” his words drone on and on, I tried to stay focused, to find a place to interject, to defend my choices, to tell him what really happened, but in my father’s usual style, he could rant for hours.

  “You’re so stupid, Hope, I don’t even know why we try. You were better off with that boy Tim, he kept you in line, he didn’t let you back talk and go gallivanting all over the place. Now you act like your better than everyone else, like you don’t deserve to be taken down a peg. Thank god I’ve got your mother under control, you need a husband like your sister. Brian would never allow her to be going around, doing whatever she wants. She stays home and raises his children. That’s what you’re supposed to do, you need to be at home, with a husband and raising his children. Instead, you’re alone, roving all around like some whore. You should have never sent Tim away, filing a police report, you probably deserved the punishment he gave you that night, you need a heavy hand, you’ve always…”

  My father’s words were cut off as the hospital room door slammed open, Jake’s heaving, furious form filled the doorway. The anger radiating off him filled the room. My father’s gaze swung to him and the man actually paled. I’d never seen my father bow down to anyone, Brian, my sister Faith’s husband always encouraged him. Now, my father stood frozen in place and I used the opportunity to say my piece.

  “Father, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Tim was an abusive asshole, just like you.” My father’s shocked gaze swung to me, I could tell that he was about to yell at me for swearing, something I almost never did, but he didn’t get the chance, because I went on.

  “Tim was a stalker, he hid in my house, I haven’t seen him in four years, but he hid in my house yesterday, hit me from behind, kicked me, slapped me, pushed me down and dragged me by my hair. Do you know what I did to deserve that? I didn’t do anything.” I paused to take in a breath, glancing over at Jake for a minute, checking to see how he was doing.

  He was still angry, but I could see the pride lighting his face when he looked back at me. It was taking a lot for him to stand down, but he was giving me this, respecting me and knowing that I needed to speak my mind with my father.

  “I’ve put up with you and your mouth for too many years, the only time I ever saw mom happy was when we went to visit her parent’s in Louisiana, you don’t make people happy. You’re a miserable excuse for a man, you’re a bully and a horrible father. If it weren’t for you, Christian would probably still be here.” I paused at the pain of thinking about my brother, it always hurt, but watching my father visibly gasp was enough to keep me going. “You are not in my life anymore. You are a vile person who doesn’t deserve the beautiful family he was given. You didn’t lift us up, you tore us down, you broke mom and I pray every day that she wakes up and leaves you far behind. Your hatred is being continued now, with Faith’s boys, Brian Junior and Jordan will be just like their dad, they’ll be just like you, abusive, useless assholes. I don’t ever want to see you, to hear from you or to know you again.”

  Pausing, I took a deep, calming breath and waited for the tirade to come. Instead, I watched my father’s face turn a bright shade of red as
he began to speak, Jake walked straight to him, stood behind him, placed a hand on each shoulder and showed him to the door.

  “You’ll want to stay quiet now. Hope has said all she needs to say on the subject. You’ve been asked to leave and you are no longer welcome here.” Jake’s tone was so cold, as he escorted my father from the room.

  Chapter 16


  Walking back to Hope’s hospital room, I was hopeful that I’ve given her enough time with her dad. I saw something in her eyes just before I left that made me pause and question, leaving the room, but I needed to let them speak in private.

  Coming closer to the partially closed door, I heard a man’s raised voice going on and on, saying horrible things, was that – was that Hope’s father? Picking up my speed, I threw the door open, my chest heaving as I took in the scene. I was about to take that man out, I wanted to grab his shirt and punch him in his fucking face until he shut up, until he regretted all the shit he was saying to her. I’d heard him say that she should have been with Tim, how he kept her in line, what the fuck was wrong with that man.

  She was pregnant, he was yelling at her and she was pregnant with my baby. How could any father speak to his child that way? How could Hope’s father, speak to her that way?

  She was the most amazing woman I’d ever known. How did he not see that? Staring at him, menace burning in my eyes, I heard Hope speak. Her words were strong, sure and determined. Moving my gaze from the fuck-whit to her, my body relaxed slightly as she tore that asshole apart.

  I was in awe of her, of her courage. I knew, listening to her, watching her now, I knew that this man had done this type of thing for her entire life. He spoke this way to his wife? What the fuck was wrong with him?

  When I saw the idiot start to respond after she told him she was done, my feet moved of their own volition, I took a position behind him, placed firm hands on his shoulders and escorted the mother-fucker out. Hope didn’t need to see this man again.

  Once we were in the hallway, I guided him to the elevator, I pushed the button, moving one hand off him, but moving the other, so my posture didn’t set off any alarms with the staff. The last thing I needed was to deal with my superiors because of this. He was a dick and didn’t deserve one more ounce of Hope’s attention, I had every intention of letting him know just that.


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