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Where Shadows Linger (Intertwined Souls Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Mary D. Brooks

  “Flowers for the lady of the house,” he said, thrusting the bouquet at Zoe. “And booze for the other sheila,” he quipped, giving the wine to Eva.

  Earl took off his hat and held it in his hands. He was obviously feeling a little shy with Zoe staring at him. “Should I be scared?” he asked Eva, who had stepped back and leaned a hip against the sofa.

  “I’d be protecting your knees...” Eva said.

  “Hello again.” Zoe shook Earl’s hand. After she pulled him into the apartment and shut the door, she stopped him with an imperious look. “Stay right where you are,” she instructed. She walked away and came back a moment later carrying one of the dining room chairs.

  “Is there a whip around here, too?” Earl asked, his expression betraying his worry.

  “In the bedroom,” Eva said and indicated the room with a gesture.

  Zoe smirked. She positioned her chair and climbed up on it, which made her a little taller than Earl’s six-foot-four.

  “So, you kissed my Eva,” she said, crossing her arms and giving him a stern look.

  Earl looked around Zoe to glance at Eva, who had sat down on the edge of the sofa. She held up her hands and shrugged. He turned his attention back to the woman in front of him. “Yes.” Earl nodded. “And it was very good,” he added. “She’s not a bad kisser.”

  “She’s the best,” Zoe said with a forced scowl. She was still slightly annoyed that Earl had kissed Eva. She knew why it was done but doubts still niggled at her. For Eva’s sake she decided to try and like him. Her father used to say that humor covered up many transgressions, or something equally profound. She could not quite remember, but she was certain the sentiment was good. “So what are your plans for my Eva?” she demanded, becoming serious again.

  “Well, I have to survive meeting her jealous lover. Have you seen her?”

  Eva guffawed from the sofa, clearly enjoying the scene as Zoe and Earl exchanged light-hearted banter as though they had known one another for years.

  “Eva tells me that you have plans to marry her,” Zoe said, continuing her interrogation.

  “Want to be a bridesmaid?” Earl asked, giving her what he clearly considered to be his best hopeful expression.

  “Great idea!” Zoe agreed, and they all started to laugh. “Welcome to the family, Mr. Wiggins.” She held out a hand and Earl took it into both of his.

  “You can call me Wiggy.”

  “And you can call me—”

  “Stretch,” Earl said, giving Zoe a friendly nickname as he scooped her up and carried her to where Eva had fallen over on the sofa, laughing. Zoe let out a yelp and protested until she was put down on the sofa, where she collapsed next to Eva.

  Chapter Eleven

  Saturday couldn’t come quick enough for Eva. It was an oasis of calm in a week that had been grueling. All thoughts of sleeping in evaporated on Saturday morning, since her body was used to getting up early. She was going to be on night shift, and frankly, she didn’t think she would enjoy that.

  Eva glanced at the still sleeping Zoe, her very patient partner. They had kissed and cuddled for weeks now. I want to make love to her but... With a deep sigh she got out of bed quietly, not wanting to disturb Zoe. She picked up her robe and threw it over her shoulders, put her slippers on, and went to the wardrobe to take out a towel.

  She had almost come close to making love to Zoe a week before, but she pulled back when she panicked. Zoe put a stop to it immediately. Zoe didn’t initiate anything other than kissing and cuddling, and Eva was certain Zoe was getting tired of it—tired of waiting for her to get over the last hurdle. She closed her eyes and let her mind take her where her body hadn’t gone. Hannah told her it was going to take time, but Eva was tired of waiting, and she had to do something to break the mental barrier. She wasn’t feeling any pain when she kissed Zoe, nor when she cuddled. She was just scared.

  Eva stood in the bathroom watching the bath fill with water. She poured some lavender into the water. She stretched out her legs, slid down until the water covered her chest, and sighed. Closing her eyes, she rested her head on the rim, letting the cool water relax her. There was only one way to find out if she was scared or if she wasn’t ready. She needed to act on her desires.

  There was total silence in the bathroom for some time. Eva smiled. She allowed her fantasy to blossom forth as she felt Zoe’s lips kiss her and the fantasy progressed to the point she found herself making love to Zoe. She waited for the pain to eventuate, and braced for it, but nothing happened. Nothing except her being extremely aroused and sitting in cold water.

  She had to choke back the emotion that bubbled forth. Her gentle laugh filled the bathroom. A victory, the sweetest of them all, had just happened. The real test was going to be if she could make love to Zoe—the real Zoe, not her imaginary lover. She turned her head towards the door and smiled when she heard Zoe just outside talking to Ourania.

  Eva rested her head against the rim. She knew Zoe’s schedule. She would wake up and put the kettle and make some tea. She would then sit outside on the balcony and read the weekly Greek newspaper or sketch. That was Zoe’s usual Saturday morning routine.

  Come on, this is ridiculous, Eva chastised herself. She blew out a frustrated breath. How long could Zoe wait for her? It was unfair to let a passionate woman like Zoe be content with what Eva was able to offer. She pulled the plug and let the water drain before she rose out of the tub and onto the mat.

  “It’s time,” she said aloud as she towel dried her long hair. She put the towel aside and grabbed her robe. She was nervous and felt as if she was the virgin and not Zoe. What if Zoe didn’t like it? Eva would be in a different version of hell if that happened.

  Zoe didn’t know a man’s touch. She didn’t know what it felt like to be kissed and held by a man. All of Zoe’s experiences of any sexual nature were with one woman—a damaged woman in mind and body, and yet Zoe was still with her.

  Eva’s mind was in a whole different turmoil now. What if. What if after ten years, she wasn’t able to go there? It was fine in her dreams, but that wasn’t reality. Self-doubts and what ifs circulated in her mind like a carrousel.

  Eva took a deep breath and paused with her hand on the bathroom doorknob. She was about to find out the answers to those questions. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked out.

  True to Zoe’s routine, she was outside on the balcony eating a piece of toast with that horrid vegemite on it. Eva could see Zoe with her bare feet braced against the balcony railing, the newspaper spread out on her lap. She was still wearing her favorite pajamas—striped blue top with blue bottoms. Zoe had chosen them in deference to Eva. She never wore pajamas, but when Eva was finally able to get into bed with her, Zoe went out and bought them. It was the most unflattering outfit Zoe could find.

  It’s time, so stop tormenting yourself. Enough.

  As if sensing her presence, Zoe turned and smiled. Eva worried her bottom lip as Zoe put aside the newspaper and got up from her chair. Eva smiled when Zoe licked her finger, which must have had some vegemite on it. The smile slowly disappeared as Zoe came into the living room.

  “What’s the matter?” Zoe asked without any preamble. She gazed at Eva, her head tilted a little.


  Zoe’s brows knitted together, and for a moment, Eva was going to lose her nerve, but then she saw Zoe’s growing smile as she took a couple of steps to close the gap between them.

  "Can we make it a little bit more romantic?” Zoe asked quietly, almost replaying a moment in their lives neither would ever forget. Zoe’s hands rested on Eva’s robe-covered hips. “Can I?”

  “I’m scared.”

  “You’re scared that it will hurt?”

  Eva took a deep breath and shook her head. That wasn’t what she was afraid of. “I’m scared you won’t like it.”

  Zoe’s eyes widened. Eva wasn’t sure what to make of that and hoped Zoe wasn’t thinking that at all.

  “I’ve been dr
eaming about this day since Larissa, and you think I won’t like it?” Zoe shook her head slowly. “You’re scared that making love to you will be a disappointment?”

  “Yes,” Eva whispered. “You’ve been waiting for so long and—”

  “Stop. Enough with the doubts and all the other things going on in that gorgeous head of yours. Can we continue, please? I’m not so patient anymore.”

  Eva nodded and Zoe undid Eva’s tie on her robe. It wasn’t the first time Zoe had seen Eva naked—she was her maid in Larissa and she had helped her bathe, and nursed her through her injuries. What was different was Eva had never seen Zoe naked. Zoe always changed in the bathroom or in the dark, but never in front of Eva. It wasn’t that she was shy, but it was a matter of not causing Eva any distress. That was the past. This was now.

  Zoe’s smile grew as she took off the robe and let it drop to the floor. “Oh, you are certainly not a boy.” She giggled, reminding Eva of Larissa once again.

  “No, I can’t say that I am,” Eva replied. She was feeling slightly light headed. “May I?” she asked. She slipped an arm around Zoe’s waist, pulling her against her chest and bending down to place a series of kisses along her neck and shoulders. Eva’s fingers quickly unfastened the buttons of Zoe’s pajama top, pulling the material off her shoulders. The first skin-on-skin contact caused both women to moan.

  Eva ran her palms up Zoe’s chest, gently cupping a rounded breast in each hand. She heard Zoe’s sharp intake of air and her breathless sigh. It was exhilarating and overwhelming. Eva pushed her anxiety away and concentrated on the most important person in her life. She was surprised when she pulled the top button on her partner’s pajama bottom and felt bare skin. She chuckled. “No panties?”

  “Laundry,” Zoe replied a little breathlessly while Eva slid the material down her legs. Zoe kicked them off whilst not losing eye contact with Eva.

  “Are you alright?” Zoe asked. Eva almost laughed out loud. She was definitely not alright. She was consumed with lust, and it had been a long time since she felt so good.

  “Um, yeah.” Eva nodded enthusiastically. “Let’s take it to our room.” She took Zoe’s hand and led her onto the bed. They lay side by side.

  “I’ve been dreaming of this day,” Zoe said as she gazed at Eva. She sighed.

  “Are you scared?”

  “No. Nervous and excited.”

  Eva rolled on her side to face Zoe. She brushed Zoe’s red tresses behind her ear. “I’m going to go slow, and you tell me if you don’t like what I’m doing.”

  Zoe’s eyebrow rose. “We’re making love for the first time, so I don’t think there will be anything I don’t like.”

  “I want you to relax, alright?” Eva lay down, and Zoe looked down the length of her body and grinned.

  Eva cupped Zoe’s face and brought her lips down for a passionate kiss, which turned into two, and then three, until Zoe was moaning. Eva moved her kisses across Zoe’s jaw and down her neck as Zoe slipped one hand into Eva’s hair.

  Eva lavished Zoe’s body with exquisite attention. No area went long without being ministered to, and eventually Zoe squirmed and groaned in equal parts anticipation and frustration.

  Eva teased a small earlobe with her tongue. “Alright, ready?”

  “Uh huh,” Zoe exclaimed. One hand slipped under Zoe’s neck and the back of her head as Eva brought her mouth down onto Zoe’s. The kiss was passionate and sultry, Eva thrusting her tongue past lips that parted quickly for her., “Alright, love, I’m going to touch you there.”

  “Uh huh.”

  Eva felt Zoe’s body tense up. “Relax, my love,” she whispered, and gently pushed her finger in only to have Zoe squirm and pull away from her.

  “Did I hurt you?” Eva rolled off Zoe, who was looking quite pale. “Zoe, talk to me,” she said as she watched Zoe’s face.

  “Uh…no, you didn’t hurt me.” Zoe buried her head against Eva’s chest. “I was just surprised at how it felt.”

  “It’s alright.” Eva pulled Zoe to her and kissed the top of her head as she held her. “It’s alright. Nice and slow,” she said as Zoe gazed up at her. Eva tenderly touched Zoe’s face and lightly smoothed her thumb against her cheek. “Nice and slow, my love. Tell me when you’re ready.”

  “Is this foreplay? Because it’s taking a long time,” Zoe replied and laughed. She reached up and took Eva’s hand, drawing her partner down to her. She gently kissed Eva’s lips and gave her a genuine smile. “Are you alright up here?” She asked as she braced her hand against Eva’s temple. Eva leaned into the touch and nodded.

  “I’ve been thinking and worrying too much. I’m good.”

  Zoe regarded Eva for a long moment. “Alright, now that you’re good, can we stop talking?”

  Eva nodded vigorously before she leaned down and captured Zoe’s mouth. Seconds later, her fingers stroked the wet, velvety flesh between Zoe’s thighs. “It feels good, doesn’t it, love?”

  “Oh…yeah,” Zoe whispered, tilting her head to one side while Eva used her lips and her tongue to weave a sensual path of pleasure along her neck. A small whimper escaped from between Zoe’s lips as she reached up to entangle her fingers in Eva’s hair. “Mmm…don’t stop, Evy,” she murmured.

  “Not planning on it,” Eva whispered against the silky skin. She closed her eyes at the pleasure that ran through her body in response to the sensations. She wasn’t feeling any pain but pure pleasure of having Zoe’s body next to hers. “Relax, my love,” she whispered, feeling Zoe’s muscles twitch in anticipation.

  “Oh, is that what I’m supposed to be doing? I don’t think so. With you touching me this way?”

  “This is foreplay, my love,” Eva replied with a hoarse whisper. “Oh, yes.” She sighed. She felt Zoe’s body responding to her. She ran her hands back up the same smooth skin, this time on the inside of Zoe’s thighs. Zoe released another tiny whimper which turned into a full-throated groan when Eva moved her hands further up and covered her breasts.

  Eva could feel Zoe’s nipples pressing into her palms and was nearly undone by the electric jolt that clenched hard at her abdomen and ran down to her center. Her own breathing was becoming ragged now as she watched Zoe bring her own hands up to cover Eva’s.

  “So nice.” Eva groaned. Zoe gazed up at her and stroked her face. She ran her index finger along Eva’s lips, letting it trail down across the proud chin, stopping to tease the small indentation there. She smiled, a lazy seductive smile, almost as if she were enjoying a private moment.

  “What are you grinning so devilishly about?” Eva asked.

  “This,” Zoe replied, once again teasing the pronounced dimple in Eva’s chin. “It’s very…very…sexy,” she said breathlessly, almost shyly.

  Eva placed a gentle kiss on Zoe’s lips. Opening her mouth slightly, she ran the tip of her tongue along the edge of Zoe’s upper lip. The intensity of the kiss grew, Eva’s tongue exploring the sweetness of Zoe’s mouth. When at last they reluctantly pulled apart, they were each flushed and breathing in short gasps. After a brief moment, Eva tenderly kissed Zoe once more, her hand sliding along Zoe’s flat abdomen and her fingers swirling past the curls to feel warm silky flesh. She stroked the smooth flesh lightly but didn’t venture forward.

  “Oh, Evy,” Zoe murmured. “Why did you stop?”

  “Do you still want me to continue?” Eva couldn’t help smiling. She felt the same breathless anticipation.

  “Please,” Zoe pleaded, her legs spreading wider.

  Unable to prevent the groan that escaped from her own lips, Eva accepted the invitation and entered Zoe, immediately feeling the inescapable rush of her own impending release. It took only moments for Zoe’s body, which had indeed been teased to the brink, to tense and arch against Eva. They cried out as they rushed headlong into the arms of their climax, their bodies jumping and quivering against one another.

  Eva curled around Zoe and rested her head against her chest. She was home—she was safe. Lying in Zoe’s
arms was the safest place she would ever be. They were both delightfully satisfied.

  Eva wrapped her arms around Zoe and held her tightly. “Oh, Zo . . . I…I…” she stammered.

  Zoe lifted her head and giggled. “Oh boy, now that was worth waiting for! I love you, Evy.” She laughed as Eva embraced her. “That was incredible.”

  They lay in each other’s arms for some time, both savoring the moment. Eva turned her head and smiled at the blissful look Zoe has plastered on her face. They smiled at each other before Zoe tenderly cupped her cheek.

  “No pain?”

  Eva shook her head, and a tear rolled down her cheek. “No, none,” she said hoarsely.

  “Why are you crying?” Zoe asked as she brushed Eva’s wet cheek.

  Eva couldn’t respond. She buried her head against Zoe’s chest and wept out of sheer joy.

  Chapter Twelve

  Eva flicked through a magazine but she wasn’t really reading it. Her mind went back to that morning’s lovemaking with Zoe. She looked down at the elegant looking image of the Queen in the magazine’s pages and laughed. She couldn’t help it—the feel of Zoe’s body against hers, the sound she made when she climaxed and called out her name, her gorgeous green eyes as she gazed up at her. The feel of her kisses loving her. It was better than she had imagined, much, much better and different. Zoe wasn’t as shy as Eva imagined her to be; nothing was shy about her lover. Eva giggled and fanned herself with her hand.

  She was alone in the apartment and in need of some sleep due to her change in shifts from day to night. Zoe had reluctantly gone to work for the midday to evening shift at the restaurant. She usually picked up extra shifts to earn a little more money but today was different. Zoe wanted to forego the money and stay home with Eva. Unfortunately Elena also had the same shift so Zoe reluctantly went to work. Eva sat back on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face and she didn’t want to.


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