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Whose Bride Is She Anyway

Page 26

by Dakota Cassidy

  Pack! She had to pack and get the hell out of here.

  No, wait. She couldn’t just up and leave. How was she going to do that? Swim to the mainland, for craps sake?

  George would soon spill the beans about why Tara was here and Kelsey would very sweetly help him without even trying, because she was just too stupid not to realize it would also mean she herself would look like an ass.

  Tara Douglas’s name would become synonymous with the words geek and revenge in the media.


  Great in fact.

  She’d be all over the cover of rag mags everywhere and chased after to do interviews with those Hollywood reporter shows. They’d interview Kelsey and she’d smile her pretty smile, flaxen curls bobbing enticingly as she told them about how Tara Douglas, ex-nerd, tried to ruin her reality show experience.

  Oh, God.

  Tara shook as she got up and dragged her suitcase from the closet, heaving it to the bed. Unzipping the front of it she began to gather her things as a way to stave off her frantic thoughts. Taking action was what she was good at. She’d “think” her way through this … rationally, calmly. It did no good. She was running through the hut now, grabbing things at random.

  So, genius, think.

  What was there to think about? August was kaput. He believed she was guilty of using him for her own gain. Her heart constricted again as she remembered the look on

  August’s face. It would go with Tara to her grave. That look of utter surprise, followed by disappointment and then, anger and accusation. Tara Douglas had fallen in love and managed to botch it up because she wanted to strike back at Kelsey for something she’d done over twelve years ago.

  Pathetic. Tara Douglas, you are pathetic.

  As a result of your pathetic-ness, you lost a man who makes your heart do the Riverdance and your panties sing an aria. A man who not only equaled your intelligence, but made your brain cells literally flutter.

  Tara stopped rooting through the drawer of the dresser for a moment and let herself feel that loss, for all it was worth, so she could remind herself what real pain was in the future when she had nothing better to do than pick at her scabs for amusement.

  It clawed at her heart, tore at her insides, screamed through her head.

  Tara clamped her hand over her mouth to fight back a sob that ripped from her throat. It washed over her in waves of agonizing shame and despair and she had to grip the edge of the dresser for support.

  She’d take it all back if she could.

  All of it.

  There was nothing to do now but face Henry and company, take her licks and go home. Life would eventually return to normal, she soothed herself and then, she could go

  back. Back to her dull life as a chemist. Back to her apartment and her fern. Back to the life she’d created before this reality show nightmare. Back to the life she had before she was an ex-geek seeking revenge. It would all be fine. Fine, just fine.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Two heads are better than one

  A sharp knock on her hut door made Tara jump out of her skin, swiping tears from her eyes.

  Oh, God. Had they come to make her atone so soon?

  It was Henry.

  It had to be. George, or maybe even Kelsey, had ratted her out and he was beating her door down with both contract guns loaded. Tara tried to sort her muddled thoughts with rapid speed so she could find a way to keep August out of this.

  She’d make it up as she went along. She’d do whatever it took to protect August. Tara gulped and squared her shoulders, refusing to back down from what would be her media death. Her legs shook as she made her way to the door and pulled it open.

  August stood in the moonlight, his expression weary, defeated. Tara shoved the door shut, but he propped a shoulder against it and said, “Tara! Listen to me. We have to talk.”

  She was all talked out. What could they possibly say? How to save their lame hides from a media blitz of accountability? “August, go away, ” she said, her voice deflated, exhausted. “I’ll take the blame. I’ll tell them you caught me in the cove and confronted me about Kelsey. We went to high school together. They’ll buy it.”

  “You can’t do that. George has me on tape with my hands wrapped around his scrawny neck. Remember?”

  Frustration welled in the pit of Tara’s belly. “Fine,” she hissed. “I’ll think of something, just go away and let me do that,” she said as she rested her head against the door. It pounded with the endless list of loose ends she had to tie up. If she could just get her act together, she’d figure it out. Tara wasn’t a Mensa member for nothin’

  “Tara,” August’s tone was demanding and insistent and right now, Tara didn’t want to deal with any of it. “Open this damn door, woman! I’m not here so you can cover for me.”

  She let the door go with a suddenness that had August stumbling into her hut. Pivoting on her heel, she ignored him and fought to remain calm as she continued to pack her things.

  “What are you doing?” he demanded harshly.

  “Packing for my dream vacation. You know? The one where they haul me into paparazzi central and grill me for my devious revenge motives?”

  He grabbed her arm to stop her. “Tara! Stop packing and listen to me.”

  She turned and stared up at him blankly. “Listen to you? Listen to you? Why would I listen to you, August? You didn’t listen to me, did you? ”

  His look was sheepish as he clamped down on her arm. “I’m sorry, I really am. Ya gotta admit that it did look bad from my perspective.”

  She wasn’t willing to accept his apology just yet. For all the grief this had caused her, she’d needed him to be on her side and he’d not even given her the benefit of the doubt. She yanked her arm out of his grip. “Yes, I do admit that, but you sure as hell weren’t giving me an opportunity to tell you what really happened, were you? ”

  August reached for her hand and tried to pull her to him, but she brushed him off. He ran a hand through his hair. “Look. I’m sorry. I jumped. I have a hot temper sometimes and it gets the best of me, not to mention the fact that we’re both strung out from this bullshit game. We’re almost at the end. Don’t give up now. We’ll think of something to get out of this together.”

  A kernel of hope made her ask, “So you believe me?”

  He held out his hand to her, “Yeah, I believe you. Of course I believe you. You don’t have it in you to trash everyone around you. Your motives weren’t pure for coming on the show, but whatever happened between you and Kelsey must have been pretty bad. I’m not saying it was right, I didn’t exactly do the right things either, but I know just from watching you with Ms. Mary that you wouldn’t strike out without reason. ”

  Tara softened a little. Just a little. “I didn’t intend to become involved with you. Yeah, I wanted to sway the jury to pick a freak for Kelsey, but I didn’t come here with the intention of swaying the contestants. I swear that’s not something I would dream of doing. ”

  “Know what?” August asked as he reached for her hand.

  She tugged back reluctantly. “What?”

  He laughed at her stubbornness and the thick air of tension dissipated like a puff of smoke. “I think I’m glad as hell you didn’t think I was a freak of nature.”

  Tara held on just a bit more. “Nobody said I didn’t and don’t you even try to make light of this now, August Guthrie. I’m still mad at you and I don’t much like being labeled a user or a player, thank you. I was unethical enough just by coming here because Kelsey and I were never friends. I sure as hell wasn’t going to make it worse by sleeping with you! I was already a walking ad for an antacid commercial. I didn’t need the added guilt you brought, you caveman! ”

  He grabbed her waist and pulled her into his embrace with a chuckle. “I think we just had our first classic misunderstanding. They’re rampant in romance novels, or so my mom tells me. Highly overrated, don’t you agree you, vixen? ”

  Tara put her hand
s on August’s shoulders and looked him in the eye. “I have a lot to explain to you, and it’s not something I’m looking forward to. I was going to anyway, once we got to the mainland. I came here for a purpose and found another one instead. I would never use you. I’m not that revenge crazy, but I do want to explain my reasons for coming on the show if you’ll listen. ”

  “’Course I’ll listen, but first, we have a lot to deal with because we are officially screwed. George has a tape of us together and me defending your honor.”

  Tara laid her head on his broad chest and tweaked it. “You big ox. If you had just stayed hidden…”

  “I could what? Let George rip you to shreds? Nope, not on my watch, girlie.”

  Tara snuggled against him, warmed by the idea that he’d revealed himself to George for her despite what it would cost him. She sagged in relief against his bulk “I’m sorry. I hate that I dragged you into this.”

  “Well, I wasn’t exactly screaming no, now was I? I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions, but George made some pretty serious accusations. I guess you didn’t sleep with Jordon, did you?”

  Tara looked up at August, her eyes serious. “No, I didn’t. I tutored him, but Kelsey needed to find something to make my life hell and believe me, she did.”

  August ran his thumb down her nose. “So it would seem. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t blame you if you did after what George said about Kelsey. I still don’t get the naked part…”

  Tara sighed, “I was really overweight in high school and—it was ug…”she tripped over the word, “ugly to say the least.”

  “I see. Kelsey really is a bitch, huh? Look, let’s go find somewhere we can figure this out and hope we don’t get caught while we do it. You can tell me everything, but only if you want to.”

  Tara threw her arms around is neck and hugged him hard as her eyeballs began to float again. “Okay, let’s try and do that.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “C’mon woman, we’ve got some thinking to do. Two geeks are better than one.”

  Tara chuckled.

  They spent the next hours figuring out what to do about what was going to happen to them. So far, they’d come up with nothing but to tell the truth.

  She told August everything that had happened between her and Kelsey and he wanted her anyway. He was even willing to take the heat for their hanky panky on the island right along with her.

  If August didn’t care about the press and the lawsuits then screw it, neither did she.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Isn’t she lovely?

  The scent of gardenias filled the humid air, cloying and thick. Huge bouquets of flowers stood in white vases at the entrance to the mock chapel. Each pew sported a bow made of tulle and lace. Jesus H. How many flowers did a girl need to get married?

  August fought back a sneeze. He tugged at his bowtie as he took his place at the altar beside Vinny. They stood before a thick, red curtain, obviously hiding the minister. Candles glowed everywhere, lining the aisle, casting a mood of intended romanticism.

  Kelsey would make her choice tonight and all the world would watch as she and what she thought would be August—strolled toward matrimonial bliss.


  His stomach lurched in denial, but he held his ground. Vinny stood beside him, cocksure and ready to bolt when the festivities were over.

  August would have liked to shove his fist down the Italian Stallion’s throat for looking so damn glib. The cameras pointed down the flowered aisle, at the door where Kelsey would make her big bridal entrance. She would have already donned a bridal gown, specially made for her big moment. When she made her final choice and the chosen man consented—a ring and a minister would magically appear to marry the bride and groom.

  ‘Til death do us part … and all that jazz.

  Not before he committed hari kari.

  The jury sat to the far right, all in a row, dressed for just this occasion. August snuck a glimpse at Tara. She was, of course, beautiful and solemn as she waited for Kelsey to arrive. Her dark hair, swept high on her head with loose tendrils falling around her face, made his heart clench. They’d spent last night talking about Tara’s real motives for being here, the grudge she was finally able to resolve and Kelsey’s accusation of sabotage. He loved her all the more for admitting her quest for revenge, even if he couldn’t remember the locker room thing. It pissed him off and made him more sure than ever of what he was about to do. August confessed his motivations too and told Tara all about his high school lus t for Kelsey. It made him that much more certain Kelsey would get her due.

  A rash and the runs were the least of Kelsey’s worries now.

  Thank God she’d rid herself of that gross rash. It was nothing more than patches of dry skin here and there. He hoped her runs had disappeared too, because she was going to need to have all of her faculties tonight. Christ, August felt like puking. The cameras trained on him and Vinny were enough to make him want to smash every last one of them. Now all he had to do was say no to Kelsey in front of them, poking in his face … prying into his soul.

  August tried to block out the crowd of people sitting in the pews and focus on exactly how he would say no. It was an easy word…

  No, Kelsey. I wouldn’t marry you even if it meant the world would stop turning if I didn’t. No, Kelsey I wouldn’t marry you for all the beer and a lifetime supply of season tickets to the Super Bowl for the next millennium.

  That might not be the way to say no to marriage and Kelsey Little.

  August tugged on his collar again and took some deep breaths. He was going to say no, no matter what. If he continued to cling to that notion, he could get through this.

  Vinny slapped August on the back and offered his hand to him. “August, I wish you luck with Tara, you’re a good man. ”

  “If only the man thing could be said about you, ” August shot back, accepting Vinny’s hand as if they were doing the “may the best man win” shake for the crowd of onlookers and cameras.

  Vinny gripped his hand tighter. “You makin’ fun of my manliness?”

  “Not because you’re gay, Vinny. Because you’re a chicken shit asshole, who didn’t have the balls to back out when he should have,” August gave Vinny a “smile for the camera” grin, gripping his hand right back.

  Vinny snorted, “Look who’s talking…”

  “At least I like women, Vinny. I didn’t come to pay off a debt and if I were you, I’d shut up now before all bets are off.”

  Vinny blanched and pursed his lips.

  Okay, August thought—just say no. He could do this, he could do this, he could do this. He’d better do this…

  August turned abruptly to the sound of hooves outside the mock chapel. Kelsey would arrive in a horse drawn carriage.

  Here comes the bride…

  * * *

  Tara watched nervously as the preparation for Kelsey’s arrival finished up. The press sat in the pews, their nametags stating their assigned publications.

  Tara gulped. Her worst fear was about to become a realization if the press had their greedy way. Each had signed a confidentiality agreement to keep the results a secret until it aired, but what difference did it make if they screwed her and August now or later?

  George, (damn freak) was aiming his camera at August and narrowing his eyes at him. George glanced at Tara and winked.

  Pig. He was going to show that damn tape of her and August and then this charade, this utter farce of a wedding would be over. Tara gave George a dirty look back. He smiled and winked again.

  The nerve…

  There just was no mental preparation she could make at this point that would help her deal with the unknown. She was completely willing to take her licks when George played that video. She didn’t know if it would be here, or after the show was over and everyone had gone home. Tara only knew that he was going to shatter her private existence in the same way Kelsey had back in high school.

  Fine—so be it. She had not
hing left to hide. She was ready for whatever was going to happen. It was time to leave the past behind and move on. If that meant that Kelsey would have the last word on national television—if it meant Tara would be publicly humiliated again, but on a national level—in front of millions—then bring it on, baby.

  But for crap’s sake, could we get it over with?

  Time was ticking away—agonizingly slow. This blindly trusting August thing wasn’t her strong suit. She liked knowing what lay ahead. That wasn’t going to happen this time…

  As the small ensemble of musicians struck up “Here Comes the Bride” Tara’s back stiffened and her eyes automatically sought August. He turned to face the long aisle Kelsey would walk up and his gaze pierced hers briefly. Tara’s breath caught in her throat. August didn’t look worried at all. The confident look he gave her was all she needed.

  As expected, Kelsey made her big entrance.

  Grand and with a flourish.

  Kelsey floated down the aisle to stand between the two men who’d made it to the Last Man Standing round. August was incredibly sexy in his tuxedo, his shaggy blonde hair standing out against the black of the tux.

  Smug and self-assured, Kelsey strutted past Tara and the jury in her wedding finery with a smile on her face and Hollywood in her cold, dead heart.

  Tara didn’t know what to expect next, but August had asked her to trust him and she would. It was all she knew, she had nothing more to go on, but she’d do it because he’d asked her to. What other choice did she have? If the time came and he freaked or looked pressured to marry Kelsey, Tara was going to object—like in a big way. No way was she going to let that viper have her man, lawsuits or not.

  If she didn’t poke Kelsey in the eyes first.

  Folding her hands in her lap, Tara breathed deeply, focusing on keeping her cool and looking at anyone but August.

  Ms. Mary sat beside her, oddly quiet for someone who’d spent so much time rallying for August. “Psst, Ms. Mary, you okay? ”

  “Fine, dear, just fine. Weddings make me sentimental for my Josiah is all.”


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