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Invitation to Murder

Page 20

by Beth Prentice

  She threw the photo she'd been holding onto the desk.

  "I dressed as you tonight to see how Jake would feel when he saw me. To test the waters so to speak. Would he notice any differences? Other than the teeth, of course." She laughed.

  I shook my head, my blood pressure causing a monster headache. I also gave in to my desire to throw up. Thankfully, the wastepaper bin was close by and caught the contents of my stomach. I saw Sally's eyes widen, and her skin turn green.

  "Oh God! Don't do that! I can handle anything except vomit. It makes me want to throw up too."

  Sally groaned and moved behind Stuart, who had started to stir. At least I knew he was still alive. She waved her hand in front of her face, attempting to get some air. But the smell was strong, and she quickly moved to the metal door, opening it and moving into the passageway.

  When she'd calmed herself, she moved back into the room, leaving the door open. I should have thrown up earlier.

  "That's the second time tonight that you've done that to me," she said, anger simmering in her voice. "When I hit Faith in the toilets earlier—which, by the way, felt so good—I was going to take her outside and throw her off the mountain so it would look like she slipped and fell, hitting her head on the way down. But you had to come in, didn't you? I'd forgotten how clumsy you were, which was good for me because when I heard you drop goodness knows what and heard you cursing, I had time to push Faith onto the toilet and jump up into the ceiling cavity with the vase. I've watched you from up there before, so I knew how to do it. When you fainted, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. When you came to and threw up, it took everything I had not to do the same. I was stuck in the ceiling, hiding from you, and I very nearly vomited all over you."

  Seriously, I was never entering a public toilet ever again.

  I sat up and death-stared Sally, waving my bin full of vomit closer to her. She took a step backward.

  "Did you really lock Faith in the dub room?" I asked, stalling her as a plan came together in my mind—a plan that involved this bin.

  "Yes," she sighed. "Like I said, I wanted to get rid of her properly, but do you have any idea how many people were wandering around the bloody station?"

  Yeah, I did. About fifty.

  "The dub room was as far as I could get. I figured she was safe in there for a while as I'm one of the few who have keys for that room. And I thought she was dead. I guess that should be a lesson to me. Check twice to make sure your dead body isn't breathing. Don't worry though, Alex. I'll make sure you're dead before I get rid of you. Of course, when I set out tonight, I never planned to kill anyone. All I wanted was for Jake to realize he still loved you, which is why I got Rachel to put him and Faith in your group. When he saw the two of you together, he would realize she wasn't the one for him."

  "You got Rachel to do that?"

  "Yeppidee. It was easy. She loves drama, and as soon as I suggested it, she jumped on it. She's such a cow," said Sally, hatred in her eyes. "I'm getting her back though. You see, like I said, I never meant to kill anybody. All I needed people to do was mind their own bloody business and not stick their noses into mine. But anyway, shit happens. 'Always clean up after yourself, Sally,' Mum would say. So," continued Sally, the joy apparent on her face, "I'm setting Rachel to take the blame." With this, she burst into peals of laughter.

  "It looks like you were trying to frame me!" I said, horrified.

  "No, I wouldn't do that. Why did you think I was doing that? I need you to be a good girl for Jake to fall back in love with you."

  "Well, you marked everyone with a butterfly, and I had the damned butterfly headband. Plus, Faith told everyone I'd hit her."

  "Oh yeah, the butterflies. I forgot about those. But they were to set Rachel up, not you." Sally looked at me like I was an idiot. "I remembered you have one tattooed on your shoulder. See, you're marked with a butterfly just like the others! Rachel also marked you when she agreed to include my sketch design for the headband in your invite."

  "I don't have a butterfly tattoo," I said.

  "Yes, you do. It's on your shoulder."

  "No, I don't. That's a dragonfly."

  Sally stopped dead and looked at me, her eyes wide. "Really?"


  "Shit. Oh well, it doesn't really matter. Rachel made the headband marking you, and I've built a really good case for her killing those people as well. She's insane, and I have a room full of people who will back me up on that one."

  She had a good point there. Everyone did think Rachel was insane. I suddenly had sympathy for Rachel for the very first time in my life. I looked down into the bin still in my hands.

  I stretched my arms and wiggled my butt on the chair, hopefully making Sally think I was just adjusting my position. Which was partially true. I was adjusting my position. Just a little bit so that I could get much better coverage when I threw the bin's contents all over her. I was hoping that her reflex instinct to vomit would give me enough time to escape. The only downside to my plan so far was that Stuart was between me and Sally. I just hoped he would forgive me. Sally noticed me looking at Stuart.

  "I didn't mean to hurt Stuart," she said, remorse affecting her voice for the first time. "I actually like him. He was always nice to me."

  Stuart was nice to everyone and didn't deserve any of this. Actually, I didn't think anyone deserved any of this.

  "He found my hiding place. He caught me leaving it when he came to unlock that door for you. He confronted me and was going to tell everyone. I couldn't have that happen. But anyway, I didn't kill him. I didn't hit him hard enough."

  "What are you going to do with him after you kill me?"

  "Hmmm, not sure yet. But I'll figure it out. I always do."

  "What's your mum going to think about all of this when you get caught?"

  "First of all, I'm not going to get caught. Second of all, Mum died years ago."

  "What? But…but you said earlier she was well."

  "She is well. She's sitting in a Royal Doulton bowl next to my bedside. I talk to her every night and make sure she's okay. It's me she's worried about, but soon she won't need to worry anymore. I'll have Jake, and he'll take care of me just like she wanted."

  Okay, a few things were starting to make more sense. I could see how Sally had flipped a switch and lost the plot.

  "But why not tell everyone your mum died?"

  "No one cared, Alex. I'm not you. I don't have a bestie or a boyfriend. And I don't have any family. Mum was it for me."

  I saw the sadness in her eyes. It didn't stay there long, the crazy slipping straight back into its place.

  "Wes knew, didn't he?" I asked, adjusting my feet. "That's why you killed him."

  "No, Wes was an idiot. I only killed him because he was going to get the police before I could get rid of Faith. I didn't have time to set it up to look like Rachel had killed her, and anyway, no one would have believed that because she and Rachel were besties. Well, at least Faith thought they were. Truth was, Rachel was just feeding her a heap of lies about you and Jake."

  My stomach clenched, and I wondered if I was going to add to my bin.

  "Of course, killing Wes meant I had to quickly stop all communications to the police. Luckily, cell signal sucks up here at the best of times—the storm just helped. But I still had to make sure the landline was down. And then I remembered the radios. God, killing someone is hard work. You have to think of everything!"

  Sally moved to the desk and picked up a photo of Jake, her back turned to me. "I love this photo," she said, her voice softening. I stood slowly, my bin at the ready. "I love his eyes. I could get lost in them forever." She sighed as I took a deep breath. "I know this is all going to work out. It has to because I can't live without him. Alex…" she said, turning as she spoke.

  But I didn't wait to hear what she was going to say. I saw my opportunity and took it, launching the contents of my bin—and I'll add that was quite a bit—at her. I hit my target dead on. As it ran down
her face and into her open mouth, I dropped the bin and ran for the open door. I heard her retching over my own blood pounding in my ears as I said a silent prayer for Stuart and ran into the darkness.

  I didn't stop running. The passage was short, and I made it to the steps quickly, but I could hear Sally coughing and moving behind me. I didn't stop to see how close she was. Instead, I pushed the secret door open and launched myself into the room, slamming the fireplace closed behind me.

  My ankle throbbed as I sprinted across the room, pulling the door open. My intention was to close and lock it behind me and then run to the station building to get some help. I needed it before she took her revenge on me out on Stuart. Guilt coursed through my veins as I stepped through the door.

  Only I didn't get as far as closing it. Instead, I felt the punch as I heard the crack of my nose breaking, blood gushing, and pain shooting across my face. I dropped to my knees, shocked and winded, as Faith stood over me, laughing.


  I screamed against the pain, angry that Faith had stopped my escape.

  "I knew you were up to something," she yelled. "I knew you'd be with Jake. Is this your secret hideaway? Your love nest?" she screamed. Her switch had flipped also.

  She was hysterical. Well, that was okay. I was pretty close to it myself. I could hear Sally's footsteps coming up the timber steps leading out of the secret passage. I had to get up and lock that door before she made it out.

  I stood, ignoring the pain. The blood was a bit different though. Nausea rolled and my limited vision blurred as I tried to stand. I put my hand on the doorframe and moved my feet under me. The world spun as my blood ran over my lips. I had to ignore all of it. I had to close that door.

  Sally screamed as she pushed the fireplace out. I screamed and stood, grabbing at the door handle, ready to pull it closed. Faith screamed and punched me again, this time in the temple.

  "Don't touch that door, Alex!" Faith screamed. "Jake's in there. I know it!"

  I batted her arm away as Sally emerged into the room. But Faith was stronger than I gave her credit for. She launched herself at me, pushing me off my feet and into the room, my head hitting the floor with a thud. The world spun as the nausea once again rolled. I gave in to the desire and emptied my stomach, this time all over the timber floor.

  Sally rushed at me but slipped, landing on her back. I wanted to run for the door, but Faith was blocking it. Instead, I launched myself at Sally, jumping on top of her and grabbing her hair. I then slammed her backward into the floor, banging her head as hard as I could, all emotion from tonight building to a hatred for this woman. Someone had to stop her, and it may as well be me.

  Faith screamed at me, running and knocking me off Sally. She really had to stop doing that.

  Sally was dazed but managed to get herself up, laughing manically as she did so.

  "Oh Alex, you surprise me," she yelled as she ran at me.

  Faith rolled off me but not before I managed to say, "She killed Jake."

  As Sally grabbed at me, pulling me to my feet, I heard Faith's voice, "What the…?"

  I needed to say the words again, but Sally had her hands around my throat. She was strong. As she tightened her grip, it became difficult to breathe.

  She lifted me off my feet, her laughter ringing in my ears. I panicked, kicking out with my feet, trying my best to contact her somewhere it would hurt, my fingers digging into hers as I did so. But it was no use. She slammed me against the wall and held me up high, her grip tightening with every last breath I took.

  As the world turned black, I heard Faith's scream, her footsteps on the floor, and Sally's hold on me stopped.

  I fell to the floor, pain shooting up my leg from my ankle, twisting as it hit the ground. As I desperately sucked in air, I gave in to the desire to cry.

  Honestly, I didn't know why it had taken so long.

  I could hear Faith's uncontrollable screams and Sally's cries for her to stop. I didn't know what to do. Faith wasn't as strong as Sally, but she did have rage on her side. If I could get to my feet, I could help Faith hold Sally.

  I wiped the blood from my nose with my jacket sleeve and attempted to stand. Only my foot wouldn't hold my weight. As soon as I tried to take a step, I fell back to the floor. But I needed to stand. Faith couldn't hold Sally forever. I dragged myself back up as I heard Faith punching her. Judging by Sally's screams, I'd have said Faith's aim was perfect. My plan was to go to the next room and find something to hit Sally with. It seemed to be working well for her, so why not use her own tactic against her?

  I hopped across the room, panic screaming through me, and slammed into a large, hard body. I screamed as arms wrapped around me and held me tight. It was only as I saw the flashlight scan the room, its beams lighting the person holding me, that I realized I was in the arms of Sam. All was going to be okay.

  * * *

  Matt rushed into the room, pulling Faith off Sally. He was followed by Brent, Marty, and Jake. It took all of them to hold the women. Faith was still screaming and crying that Jake was dead. Sally was screaming and crying that Faith was a maniac. I was just crying. But I did manage to tell Sam that Stuart needed help and where he'd been hidden. Thankfully, Sam and Matt had come equipped with some serious flashlights, so Sam sat me gently on the floor and, with the help of Matt, moved into the secret passageway.

  When Faith saw Jake she crumbled, falling to the floor hysterically crying. "I…I…thought you…you were dead!" she cried as he cradled her like a baby.

  "Sssh," he said, soothingly. "I'm okay. It's all okay now."

  He looked over to me, and in the glow of the flashlight, I could see his concern. "Alex, are you okay?" he asked, not letting go of Faith.

  I nodded. "Yes." Even though I didn't feel okay.

  My ankle throbbed. I was positive my nose was broken. I was scared and alone. Tears filled behind my lashes. As they spilled over, mixing with everything pouring from my nose, the sobbing started. Faith matched my sobs, her own drowning out any noise coming from either Sally or myself. I prayed that Jake would get her the mental help she needed.

  Brent and Marty were both sitting on Sally, holding her down so that she couldn't move. I had a moment of thinking I hoped she could breathe, but then I thought I really couldn't care less. I then thought what a bad person I was, making my sobbing kick up a notch. Before long, I was having trouble breathing. It was only as Sam stood over me that I attempted to get a grip.

  "Geez," I heard him say, unsure what to do with me. "That's a lot of liquid coming from someone so small."

  I had to laugh. He squatted in front of me.

  "How…how's Stuart?" I managed to ask, wiping my nose on my jacket sleeve again. I was going to throw this jacket away as soon as I could.

  "He's alive. He's lost a lot of blood, and his pulse is slow, but the police helicopter is on its way. Matt is going to stay with him until they get here."

  The crying started again, relief that help was finally here. Sam pulled me into him. As the sound of his heart beat strong in my ear, I finally let go of the anxiety that I'd been feeling all night.

  * * *

  With the help of Sam, I made it outside. Daylight was peeking over the horizon, giving it a warm glow. It wouldn't be too much longer before the sun would be joining it. The wind picked up as the sound of the helicopter whooped through the air, and lights flicked across the grass. The helipad hadn't been kept in great condition, but it was good enough for the helicopter to land, and before we knew it, Sergeant Ed Helms was running across the grass. Sam stood and moved toward him. I saw him point to the house, and they both disappeared inside.

  Jake came and sat next to me. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

  "I've been better. You?"

  "Got one hell of headache." He smiled down at me.

  "How did you guys come to find us?" I asked him.

  "Well, I woke up with Sam slapping my face and yelling at me. Turns out both he and Matt had been qu
ite worried about you when you weren't in the studio like you were supposed to be. So they went looking."

  "Where's Faith?"

  "I took her inside to sit with Georgie until the police want to talk to her. She was freezing but unhurt."

  "She's got one hell of a punch," I commented, feeling my nose, which seemed to be a few sizes bigger than an hour or so earlier.

  "Yeah, I heard about that. Sorry. She thought you pushed her down the stairs and left to shack up with me. She had a bit of rage pent up against you."

  No kidding.

  "Jake, you will get her some help won't you? I'm sorry because I know you love her, but she has some serious issues."

  He looked back at me, his expression one of concern. "I know. She has been getting help for her jealousy issue, but I think it's time to get her more serious help. Are you pressing charges against her?"

  I thought about the implication of that for a moment, about what that would do to Jake.

  "If I don't, will you promise to get her psychologically evaluated?"

  He nodded. "I'm going to do that anyway."

  "Okay then. I'll do my best to smooth over it when I speak to the police."

  We sat in silence for a few minutes, Jake wanting to say something but not being able to find the words. Eventually, he spoke up.

  "I'm sorry, Alex. For everything. For leaving you all those years ago without an explanation, for what I did with Faith, for hurting you. But most of all, I'm sorry about Sally."

  I'd filled Sam, Matt, and Jake in about what happened after Sally had knocked Jake unconscious. No one had suspected her. Which actually made me feel a little bit better, as I wasn't the only one.


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