Dismount (Off Balance Book 5)

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Dismount (Off Balance Book 5) Page 7

by Lucia Franco

"I could tell you were in pain."

  I looked at him and wondered how he’d figured it out when I knew I’d hidden it well. "It feels numb."

  His fingers made their way down the inside of my arm, his eyes inspecting my reaction each place his fingers pressed into me. When he reached the crease of my elbow, I tightened up.

  "I will not hurt you," he said. His lack of contractions made me think of Kova.

  My lips formed a thin line. I swallowed. Danilo laced his fingers with mine, giving them a good squeeze, then he held my wrist with his other hand and rotated it in slow circles. His hand was warm, and what he was doing felt incredible. He got the blood flowing again. It took away some of the tingling in my arm. Almost like it could breathe again.

  "Thank you," I said when he removed his hand and let go. Danilo nodded. "It feels so much better."

  "All right," Madeline said, tearing my attention from Danilo. I looked into her eyes, searching for something that indicated she knew what really happened with Kova. Anything. But there was nothing there. The tension in my neck loosened marginally. "We want flat hips, a big cast, and a stuck handstand." She was all business. "Beautiful lines would be a plus. Then we'll move on to the release. Think you can do it?"

  A full and a half turn release? No, I couldn’t do it right now.

  "Yes, just spot me."

  I had no idea how the hell I made it through my first day back at practice. All I wanted was to take a hot bath and crash. But I still had a blading session and physical therapy on my arm.

  I sat in the cold locker room stuffing my clothes and leftover lunch into my duffle bag while Madeline spoke to Danilo and Dr. Ethan Hart in the hall. I had a few more minutes to spare before I was supposed to meet them in the therapy room. Madeline planned to go over my schedule, down to when we needed to board the plane.

  "He was arrested for assault."

  I stopped moving. Though Madeline’s voice was low, I could still hear her. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but the gym had cleared out and their voices easily carried down the hall.

  "Tak," Danilo said. It sounded like the word was in the back of his throat.

  "Just doesn't seem like Kova to fight someone in a bar," Ethan said. He wasn't convinced. "He doesn't go to bars," he said, sounding even more stumped.

  Ethan had a point. Kova wasn't a barhopping kind of guy. I don't think he ever went out to dinner, or really did anything for himself. He either was at World Cup, or at home…or with me. My stomach tightened as I held my breath. His life was devoted to gymnastics and those close to him knew that.

  I stood up and tiptoed to the door.

  "I'm just letting you know what he told me," Madeline said. "He fought in self-defense, but since no one saw the victim hit him first, he was the only one arrested. Things are up in the air as more charges are possibly pending; that’s why he hasn't been released from jail yet. Until then, he asked if we could all come together to help. I think we all can agree Kova isn't the kind of person to ask for help, so when he does, it must be serious."

  I clenched my eyes shut.

  Kova was still in jail.


  Pick up… Pick up… Pick up.

  The first thing I did when I got into my truck was call Avery. I needed to talk to her.

  He’s still in jail.

  I clenched my eyes shut at the red light feeling so guilty. How was Kova still in jail? Something wasn't adding up. He should've been released by now.

  Remaining indifferent while I’d been in the therapy room had been a challenge. I’d wanted to ask questions, but felt that would’ve been too suspicious in itself. So, I’d kept my mouth shut while Madeline, Danilo, and Dr. Hart had engaged in small talk.

  I lifted my foot off the brake and pressed down on the gas to merge into the next lane. My arm felt a little better. I had more flexibility in my fingers, and they didn't tingle when I flexed them anymore. Ethan had finished up my session with a full-body, deep-tissue massage, and it was exactly what I didn't know I needed. My body was in worse shape than I’d realized. He’d kneaded every knot and had made sure I wasn't as tense before I left.

  While I was there, my mind had run wild with thoughts of Kova and how he was doing.

  "Besties ‘R’ Us," Avery answered.

  "Ave." I parked the truck and sat back.

  "Shit. What happened?"

  I repeated what I'd heard at the gym.

  "Why is Kova still in jail? Shouldn't he have been out by now?"

  I feared the worst. With how distraught my dad was over the whole situation, I wouldn't put anything past him. I had a gut feeling if Dad could get away with murder, he'd attempt it.

  "I don't know why he's still in when the charge was so small, honestly."

  I pulled the keys from the ignition and grabbed my duffle bag.

  "I wish there was a way to look this info up," I said as I climbed down from the truck.

  I glanced to my left; the sun was dipping behind the rippling water. The salty sweet scent of the ocean calmed me. Memories of when Kova and I lounged on the beach watching the sunset blew into me. I wished I could go and sit there now, replay the moment when he’d said he was already missing me even though I was in his arms.

  "You can," Avery said.


  "You can look it up. There's a specific website you can use to see when he was charged and if he's out."

  My brows shot up. "Really? How'd you know that?"

  "Because I don't live under a rock, that's how."

  The corners of my lips twitched. "Can you do the search for me?" I asked. "I'm just walking into my condo and I need to take my medicine."

  "Already on it, powering up my laptop now. How've you been feeling? How was practice today?"

  There was a brown box waiting in front of my door. I picked it up and realized it was the phone Avery had ordered. Hope bloomed inside of me. As soon as I was off the phone with her, I'd charge it and call Kova to see for myself if he was out. I stepped inside and shut the door.

  "Well, I felt like my arm was hanging by a thread and going to fall off today. The period cramps suck. They're the worst ever, and I had to use tampons today when I’m not supposed to. I plan to soak in the bathtub tonight. Figured it might help. Overall, I'm just peachy."

  "Try to use tampons only if you have to. You don't want to risk anything. I don't know what could actually happen, but since you have such shitty luck, I'd say proceed with caution."

  I walked into the kitchen and flipped on the light. I immediately went for my medication. "You make a good point." I chuckled and uncapped a bottle

  "All right…" she said, her voice trailing off. I put all my pills in a little bowl, then grabbed a water bottle and took a sip. "Oh, dayum. Fish lips gives a good mug shot."

  I perked up. "I want to see."

  "FaceTime me and I'll show you."

  I did, and she flipped the screen so I could see what she saw. I leaned against the kitchen counter.

  My heart skipped a beat looking at the picture of Kova from the shoulders up. His green eyes lacked vitality, and he had a purple fat lip. His hair was disheveled, and there was a small cut near his eye. A series of pangs thumped in my chest. I still couldn't believe Dad had him arrested.

  I stared at him, feeling his torment crash over me in waves. There was anguish in his gaze, though resigned, like he deserved this.

  This was all my fault, and I would fix it. I just hoped he didn't hate me for this.

  "What does it say?" I asked, my voice a little shaky.

  Avery scrolled. "He was arrested the night you were admitted to the hospital. No bond has been posted…" Her voice trailed off, then picked back up. "It says he hasn't been released."

  Chills coated my arms. I stared in confusion. I didn’t know what to think.

  "Ah, Aid?"

  My heart dropped at the dread in her tone.

  "He wasn't arrested for assault, he was arrested for aggravated assault and simple battery." />
  "What! What does that mean? Is that worse? Why are there two charges? Are you sure?"

  "Yeah. That’s what it says." Avery sounded like she was in a state of disbelief herself.

  "How long do people stay in jail for something like that?"

  "No clue. Let me see what I can find." Avery placed the phone in her bra so I could watch while she opened a new tab and typed. "Aggravated assault charges in Georgia…"

  She grew quiet. I couldn't see what she was reading no matter how hard I squinted.

  "Okay, there’s a couple different things… I could be wrong, and don't quote me, but it's a felony. He could face one to twenty years in prison, plus fines and restitution."

  "What makes it a felony?" I asked, my voice low.

  "Let me see, hang on."

  I held on for what felt like an eternity.

  "…with intent to murder, rob, or…" Her voice trailed off again. "Or rape someone." She spoke so low I almost missed what she said.

  Chills raced down my arms. I moved to a chair and took a seat.

  "So your dad did file charges against him," she said more to herself, her voice full of sympathy.

  I nodded as if she was sitting in front of me. My mind flickered like a strobe light with thoughts flying to every corner. How had he managed to file rape charges if I was eighteen?

  My heart plummeted to my gut. He must've lied. Again. I bet Dad had told the police I was seventeen since I was unconscious and couldn't speak for myself.

  This was all sorts of fucked up.

  "And simple battery?" I whispered. "What’s that?"

  I almost didn't want to know the answer.

  "It's a misdemeanor," she said a little brighter. "He’d serve up to a year in jail and some small fines, could be elevated to an aggravated nature if…"

  Avery stopped speaking and I leaned forward. I wasn't sure how much more my heart could take.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "If the victim…" She struggled to get the words out, and cleared her throat. "If the victim was pregnant…"

  The silence was deafening.

  Neither Avery nor I spoke for a solid minute. This must've been what Dad had meant when he threatened to press other charges against Kova if I didn’t keep my distance.

  My dad went there. He really, really went there. If Dad couldn't get Kova for rape, he'd get him for something else.

  "Want my theory?" Avery offered, breaking the dreary silence.

  "Sock it to me."

  "My theory is your dad told the police you were seventeen. He'll later say he forgot you just had a birthday because he wasn't thinking clearly. He'll put on a show and they'll buy it. They'll also drop the charges because your relationship was consensual. Plus, you're legal and you'll never press any."

  I was momentarily speechless and a bit proud of Avery for coming up with that.

  "Not bad. But what about the simple battery? Kova didn’t touch me, and Dad already admitted he told the police I got hurt trying to break up their fight," I said, curious to see what she'd say next.

  Avery mused over the question. "Daddy doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Even if he lied to the police and told them Kova hit you and that’s how you got hurt, you can easily set the story straight. The truth is your dad’s emotions got in the way and he lost it."

  A pulsing throb began in the side of my neck. I needed a moment.

  I needed air.

  I walked across the living room and slid open the sliding glass door. Beach air breezed around me as I stepped onto the balcony. I inhaled and closed my eyes. The ocean was the place I found comfort in many times growing up.

  "I'm sorry, bestie," Avery said, her voice soft and apologetic.

  I opened my eyes and kept my gaze focused straight ahead on the horizon. The sun had completely disappeared behind the ocean.

  I didn't want to face the music that my dad had taken this as far as he had, but the spasm in my heart forced me to wake up. The fact he’d purposely lied about my age to keep Kova and me apart as long as he could topped everything for me.

  Dad knew exactly what he was doing. If this did actually go as he hoped, Kova would miss everything we’d worked so hard for.

  The Trials…

  The Olympics…

  A breath rolled off my parted lips.

  I was sick to my stomach at the thought of Kova missing it. That's not how it was supposed to be, that wasn't the plan. Kova deserved to be there just as much as I did.

  It wasn't fair.

  I took a deep breath, my lungs tight as I struggled not to panic. How was I supposed to do this without him?

  I shook my head. I couldn’t. I needed him. Kova was my everything.

  I swallowed thickly. Tears rose to my eyes at the possibility of that being the outcome. It killed me inside.

  "Are you sure there are two charges?" I asked, needing confirmation.

  "From what I'm reading, if this is his first offense, they'll release him on his own recognizance." She paused. "Is this his first time?"

  I shook my head, overwhelmed. "I… I don't know. I assume so, but I guess I really don't know. I'm guessing since he's still there it's not. Unless my dad said something and wants to actually go through with the other charges without speaking to me, but he can’t do that. So, the only issue really is my dad's charge. And," I continued, drawing out the word, "I'll say I don't know who hit who."

  My body started to overheat. The last thing I wanted to do was call Dad and talk about this, but I realized I had no choice. Not because I wanted to beg him not to press charges, that was a given, but because Kova had to be at the competitions with me. His absence would raise red flags, and without a doubt, it would hinder my performance.

  Dad didn't like bad publicity brought to the family name, so I had an idea.

  "Ave? I have to go. I need to call my dad."

  "Oh, my God. What are you going to say to him?"

  "I have an idea; I’ll tell you if it works."

  "Just remember that regardless if you wanted the dinosaur dong or not, Kova was wrong and that's all your dad is going to ever see. Try not to overreact, but I know that's easier said than done."

  It was wrong of me to laugh, but I couldn’t help it. "Always trying to find a way to lighten the situation."

  She smiled from ear to ear, proud of herself. "I try. Text me when you're done."

  "Will do. Thanks, girl."

  After we ended our FaceTime session, I went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I needed to get my thoughts straight and think about my questions before I called Dad.

  Expelling a heavy breath, I decided to sit down first and open the box containing the new cell phone. Maybe the website Avery had used hadn't updated their records and he was actually out. Once the phone was all set up, I immediately tried to call Kova hoping he'd answer.

  Please. Please. Please.


  I stiffened at the sound of Katja's voice. If she answered his cell, then that could only mean he was in fact still in jail.


  I bit my lip.

  "Is anyone there?"

  "Goddammit!" I yelled after I disconnected the call. "Fuck!" The word came from deep in my chest.

  The new phone rang and I nearly dropped it when Kova's phone number flashed across the screen. I held my breath and hit the "fuck you" button. In that moment, I was so grateful Avery had gotten me the burner phone. It rang again, and again. I finally turned it off when the ringing wouldn’t stop.

  Once I didn't feel so shaky, I reached for my actual cell and dialed Dad’s number. I steadied my breathing as my emotions and hormones combated each other. I didn't want to explode on him because that would only work against me. However, with the simmering anger inside me, I couldn't make any promises.

  "Hello, Adrianna," he said, answering the phone.

  My throat swelled. "Hi, Dad. Do you have a minute to talk?"

  "That depends on what you want to talk about."<
br />

  My stomach cramped. Shit. I already had a bad feeling.

  "Now, I know you don't want to talk about—"


  I sucked in a breath. "Dad, just listen to me, please, for a second," I said quickly.

  "How dare you call me and even attempt to talk about this issue. You have some nerve, young lady."

  Clutching the phone in my hand, I dropped the niceties and demanded answers from him.

  "Kova wasn't at practice today. Why wasn't he there?"

  "Of course he wouldn't be there," he responded. "He's in jail where he belongs."

  My nostrils flared and I forced myself to breathe calmly. "He has to be here. He's my coach, and I need him." Steady breathing… Steady… Breathing. "How long will he be in there? Why do you have to press charges anyway? Why can't you just drop them so he can leave?"

  "It's what he deserves for what he did." He ground the words out bitterly. "You have no right to call me and question me on the whereabouts of the lowlife who took advantage of you. Keep this shit up and I will press further charges on that disgusting piece of shit," he shouted.

  I was quiet as my anger took ahold of every part of my body from the words he just spit out.

  Then I lost it.

  "You can't press rape charges because I'm eighteen!" I yelled into the phone and it silenced him. My heartbeat double-timed, I'd never spoken like that to him before. "People are talking. They know he wasn't at a bar fighting a drunk guy. That's not who he is. They know it's just a cover. They know we were both gone during the same time. People are going to put two and two together." I stressed.

  "Not my problem. Maybe the world needs to be aware of what kind of man he is."

  "I know you lied to the police. If you don't drop the charges, I'll walk into the police station with a photo ID and have them dropped."

  I wasn't too comfortable with confrontation, but I was beyond frustrated with the situation and the lies being told. I guess everyone had a breaking point.

  Dad didn't respond, and I knew it was because I’d hit a nerve.

  "I know what you did. The charges won't stick if I walk in there. Drop them, please. I'm begging you."


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