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Srikrishna- the Lord of the Universe

Page 40

by Shivaji Sawant

  I smiled and said to him, “Don’t worry at all dada, they must be here close by, probably giving instructions to somebody.” Then straightforward dada laughed and said, “Usually I don’t worry about anybody or anything at all, but I can’t stop worrying about him. After all I am his dada!”

  Bhama’s and my laughter dissolved in his words. In a short while, a panting Yadava messenger entered our tent. He said, “Maharani, Kalindidevi has left from the next encampment to see the Lord, but she has not reached this encampment yet. We searched a lot for her, but we don’t understand where she has gone in between!”

  Now Bhama and I became anxious. Many search troops were sent in all four directions in search for Kalindi. Nobody thought of looking for her near the steps of Yamuna. Half an hour passed by. A beautiful morning dawned on our encampment. Somehow, a few citizens of Indraprastha got wind of the Lord of Dwaraka’s arrival on the banks of Yamuna. The crowd there kept growing every moment. Now it was getting harder to look for Sri, bhauji and Kalindi. All of a sudden, we saw Sri and Uddhavabhauji coming in plain vestures, surrounded by a few citizens of Indraprastha. We felt relieved. Seeing Kalindi in white clothes, coming after them, our worries faded away. They all were coming from the ghats of Yamuna.

  Later we came to know that as soon as we camped on the banks of Yamuna Sri called for Uddhavabhauji at night and shared a special idea with him; that only both of them will go to Yamuna early morning the next day, to swim to their hearts content. He had purposefully excluded dada from this scheme, because if he would have come the secret dip would have become a grand display! Kalindi had returned from the next encampment, that too to fulfil a vow that she had made along with Sri some time back. She had very skilfully accomplished that virtuous task. Among my seven sisters Kalindi was intelligent like Jambavati.

  I was completely wonderstruck when I stepped onto the holy land of Indraprastha with Sri, dada, bhauji and Bhama after we entered the city in ships with the Garudadhwaja. The western gate of Indraprastha named ‘Kuru’ was crowded with the citizens who adored Pandavas. To welcome Sri, Rajmata Kuntidevi was present in person along with all five Pandavas and Draupadi, their family priest Dhaumya rishi, Panchal king Drupada, Maharani Sautramani, Prince Dhrishtadyumna, commanders of both armies, chief minister, and sages Yaaja, Upayaaja, Asitadevala along with many disciples. Sri took a good look at everyone with his keen eyes. Not a single Kaurava of Hastinapura was present.

  The ensemble of Indraprastha’s musicians raised a loud chorus of musical instruments to welcome Sri. Formalities were completed by putting a garland around his neck and paying obeisance. Rapturous citizens of Indraprastha showered vermillion and flowers on Sri, dada, bhauji and Daruka.

  Amidst the continuous acclamations by the citizens of Indraprastha, the Garudadhwaja chariot of the Yadavas and the Nandighosha chariot of the Pandavas began moving slowly one after the other. The welcome procession had begun.

  Spellbound, I simply kept looking on both sides. As if somebody had gently lifted the beautiful Dwaraka surrounded by the western ocean and placed it here on the banks of Yamuna.

  Indraprastha! The royal capital of the Pandavas! An unmatched sculpture raised by indomitable manly prowess! Well-built, lofty edifices, capacious temples with decorative domes, special practice arenas for various kinds of combats, stables full of horses and camels, fenced pits for goat and cock fights, grand intersections connecting four paths, well-polished iron statues of valiant warriors in different costumes and different war-poses located at those intersections, gardens bustling with sprawling trees covered with creepers and the cacophony of chirping birds, and the crystal clear springs visible from far away. I kept looking at the royal city without blinking my eyes. I found this royal city a tiny bit better than even Dwaraka.

  There was only one thing lacking here – the continuous roaring sound of the ocean was not audible here like in Dwaraka. That is why I felt that Indraprastha was very quiet. For me each word uttered by Sri was true, like the mantras of the Vedas. He had said many a time during the creation of this city, “Rukmini, you will see, as long as the sun and moon exist Indraprastha will be renowned. It will be perpetually famous for some thing or the other. This royal city of the Pandavas will be immortal.”

  The formal coronation ceremony of Yudhishthira lasted for an entire week. During this time, many kings of various kingdoms stayed in the Pandava royal palace with plenty of chambers. The wide bed of Yamuna was full of the boats that they had brought and anchored at various places. Many royal pennants with different colours proudly fluttered atop their masts. The royal altar of Indraprastha continuously echoed with the chanting of mantras by the sages who were well versed in the Vedas and came from different kingdoms.

  All the initial formalities were completed. maharathi Yudhishthira and Draupadi were looking a little thin as they had kept a fast for the rituals. But the radiance of the supreme contentment spread on their faces was very unique. Actually, I had met and talked with Draupadi as soon as I came, but that was not enough for me. It was not even possible this time. In our first meeting itself, I felt strongly that though dusky she was indeed extremely beautiful, statuesque and graceful. She had thick hair, fragrant skin, a sharp and determined voice, bright, black, large eyes. And yes, she indeed possessed such a proportionate figure that could have appealed to any macho man.

  The day of the enthronement of the eldest son of Pandu, maharathi Yudhishthira on the grand golden royal throne of Indraprastha dawned. The proposed king Yudhishthira and queen Draupadi finished their ritualistic baths amidst the loud chanting of mantras. Everybody got ready wearing exquisitely fine royal attires and golden ornaments. The five valiant brothers entered our chamber together to meet Sri and me and seek our blessings. Arjuna looked so handsome today that he could have been susceptible to an evil eye.

  After seeking our blessings, while all the brothers were engaged in pleasantries with us, the commander of Indraprastha came almost running. He bowed down to Sri instead of Yudhishthira or Arjuna and presented important news. He said, “Venerable Lord of Dwaraka, grandsire Bhishma from Hastinapura has arrived in Indraprastha, to offer blessings to the eldest son of Pandu. Mahatma Vidura and minister Sanjaya are also with him.”

  Sri listened to the news and to confirm it, asked him, “Who else has come?”

  “Only the select army of grandsire. Nobody else.”

  Sri listened to it and smiling sweetly as usual Sri exclaimed, “Commander, come, let us go to welcome grandsire.”

  Accordingly, he left for the northern gate named ‘Shursena’ on the banks of Yamuna, along with Uddhavabhauji.

  It was good that the proposed king Yudhishthir awas going to get the blessings of the grandsire at least.

  On the given Muhurta the coronation took place in the royal assembly of Indraprastha named ‘Harikripa’. The chief of the Abhishek, family priest of the Pandavas, Dhaumya rishi removed the twisted turban of the Kurus from Yudhishthira’s head and replaced it with the golden royal crown engraved with tracery, amidst loud chanting of the mantras. A small triangular, similar kind of queen’s diadem engraved with tracery was placed on Draupadi’s head. At that moment, the royal assembly ‘Harikripa’ reverberated with the sound of many royal instruments. The assembled kings and the jubilant men and women of Indraprastha showered their king and queen with flowers and vermillion. An acclamation in honour of the new king arose, ‘Hail the Lord of Indraprastha, the pride of the Pandava clan, Maharaja Yudhishthira’. Thousands of voices repeated it. Even the agile ripples on the waters of Yamuna were thrilled to hear it.

  Rapturous Indraprastha got engrossed in dancing, singing and playing various games in the squares of the city for the entire day. That evening our Subhadra who had returned after taking a tour of Indraprasth – the royal city of Pandavas, seemed very different to me. Her face looked as if hundreds of pigeons were about to soar from it. I questioned her persistently, “Subhadra, I hope you have not left out something to be seen or assessed i
n Indraprastha! Clever Subhadra answered, “Sushri, I have seen the entire Indraprastha. Nothing left out at all.”

  It was obvious that she had returned after touring Indraprastha in the Nandighosha chariot. I gently patted her on the back and said, “Some women are fortunate enough to be a queen even without being crowned as such.” She smiled so sweetly at that time.

  Yudhishthira’s coronation ceremony that became famous throughout Aaryavarta got over. The invitees began returning. Though Maharani Draupadi was occupied in bidding farewell to all, she was meeting Sri under some pretext or the other. She kept asking him many questions like a small girl.

  Listening to their easy conversation for hours was an inexpressible joy. I immediately realized one thing through their conversations. Draupadi was talking to Sri freely and addressing him simply without attaching an honorific. In Sri’s case, only the elders could do that. I could have never talked to him like this, leave alone my other sisters in Dwaraka.

  Just as I had deduced about Arjuna and Sri in Dwaraka itself, so I did about both Radhika and Draupadi here in Indraprastha. Radha, whom I had never met, was the pleasant image in Sri’s mind of the ideal hardworking village woman. Draupadi was the pleasant image of the ideal royal woman.

  Draupadi always honoured and respected me earnestly. Taking advantage of that nowadays I was meeting Draupadi, always accompanied by our beautiful and playful Subhadra, before leaving Indraprastha. Draupadi greatly admired her as Sri’s sister. If at all, for any reason, any elderly woman spoke a little harsher with playful Subhadra, Draupadi would immediately stand up for Subhadra and silence the other woman. I would smile at such times, and say to Draupadi, “Oh Pandava Maharani, please don’t praise this Yadava daughter so much. Sometimes things appear simpler from a distance than they actually are. I invite you to come to Dwaraka once with your Archer. Then you will see her qualities.”

  Sri’s councils with Pandava-Maharaja Yudhishthira and Rajmata Kuntidevi automatically increased before leaving for Dwaraka. In one such council Sri put forth a proposal to Kuntidevi and all the Pandavas; a simple one and agreeable to all. Sri said, “Now the acclaim of the Indraprastha kingdom would pervade through the entire Aaryavarta. You gallant brothers should embark on a world conquest by every one of you conquering one direction each and expanding the glory of Indraprastha in all directions. Leave it to your new Maharaja to decide who will go with the army in which direction.

  A grand ceremonial coronation of a kingdom’s ruler is not sufficient. The royal throne on which he is enthroned should be honoured everywhere. There is only one way to achieve this. Grand heroic exploits! For that purpose, Dwaraka will always be there to supply Indraprastha, which is a close ally of the Yadavas, with the four-fold army, elephants, horses, weapons and wealth.

  The most important thing right now is the protection of your newly built kingdom! That is why I am presenting a proposal with foresight. I have no doubt that all of you are valiant. Yet the responsibility of the protection of Indraprastha is eventually going to fall more on the shoulders of only two – Arjuna and mighty Bhima.

  Therefore, to become incomparably skillful in mace fighting and wrestling, Bhimsena, who is already well versed in those skills should be sent right away as the disciple of our Balaramadada who is a maestro in those skills.”

  On that, Maharaja Yudhishthira glanced at Rajmata Kuntidevi in the council, in expectation of a decision. As she nodded affirmatively Maharaja gave his word to the Lord of Dwaraka – “As per Srikrishna’s wish Bhimsena will go to Dwaraka. We will leave Indraprastha for the world conquest, as soon as he returns after completing his training. I request Balaramadada to train my brother. Also, I request Srikrishna to give us his blessings for the world conquest.

  We bade farewell to all in Indraprastha and returned to Dwaraka along with dada, Sri and Uddhavabhauji as decided. This time the mighty Bhimsena was also there in dada’s chariot. A mammoth crowd awaited us at the Shuddhaksha gate as a messenger was sent ahead to Dwaraka to deliver the news. A bigger crowd of Yadavas of Dwaraka had come to see Bhimsena in person, than they had come to see Pandu’s son Arjuna earlier.

  Till today I had respectfully regarded Balaramadada as incomparable in physical strength. But looking at Pandu’s son, mighty Bhimsena sitting in his chariot, I felt that just like Arjuna can be the shadow of Sri, Bhimsena can become dada’s shadow. To see both of them together was like seeing Mount Kailas and Mainaka in a single glance. As soon as they saw the mighty, muscular, ruddy fair physique of Bhimsena, the already eager Yadavas excitedly showered flowers on him.

  After the arrival of gurudeva Angirasa, Dwaraka had experienced a wave of energy, of sacrifice and worship of wisdom. When Arjuna arrived, another wave arose in Dwaraka – that of archery, of seeing Sri’s shadow in person. With Bhimsena’s arrival a wave arose in Dwaraka – that of wrestling – of clanking mace fights – of unprecedented joy to get to see Balaramadada’s shadow in person.

  Now it was as if the entire Dwaraka had turned into a grand wrestling pit and a huge battlefield of mace fights. Expert, mighty wrestlers from the neighbouring kingdoms such as Aanarta, Saurashtra, Sauvira, and Bhrigukachchha who had come to stay in Dwaraka, were seen roaming everywhere. Skilled ironsmiths who could manufacture different kinds of maces arrived in Dwaraka.

  In Indraprastha the entire Pandava family settled down after the coronation ceremony of Yudhishthira. The Pandavas along with Kuntimata and Draupadi had decided upon the rules of conduct for the family, in a secret council. One of the rules decided which days Draupadi would spend with which husband in privacy. During that period, none of the remaining four brothers were permitted to enter the private chamber. One such time while Yudhishthira and Draupadi were in the private chamber a Brahmin’s cows were being abducted. Arjuna needed his Gandiva bow to protect the cows of the Brahmin. Arjuna had no alternative but to enter the private chamber in the night to obtain the Gandiva bow which was left there at night. As per the rule he had to face the consequence of going on a pilgrimage for one year. The news of Arjuna’s departure from Indraprastha as a pilgrim arrived in Dwaraka. Sri became solemn initially on hearing the news. Then smiling his charming smile as usual he said to me, “Surely, Arjuna will visit us within a year now.”

  Balaramdada now got engrossed in the gymnasium for Bhimsena’s training in both the skills. He was so occupied in it that he couldn’t even take out some time to meet and pay obeisance to Vasudevababa, Thorali and Dhakali mata except in the morning and evening. Not only that, he was not able to meet Revativahini except for meals twice a day. Nowadays Sri also started having continuous discussions with commander Satyaki and Anadhrishti in the Sudharma assembly. As per what Uddhavabhauji had conveyed to me those discussions were only about Jarasandha – the Magadha emperor of Girivraja. Both the brothers were not paying any attention at all towards their sister Subhadra who had come of age. Both were still treating her like an innocent young child. Now it became my responsibility to make them realize that she was of marriageable age and it was necessary to find a suitable groom – a life partner for her at the right time. To me Subhadra was like my daughter Charumati. Therefore, I sincerely took the task upon me. I chose the day of Gurupaurnima for that purpose. I specially invited Aacharya Sandipani along with his wife and son Dutta. Through Uddhavabhauji I brought both dada and Sri together for a luncheon on the island of Queens’ mansions.

  As a Maharani, that day I also made arrangements to bring together the entire royal family including Vasudevababa, both Maharanis, and Revativahini. Everyone finished their gourmet meal in the midst of dada’s hearty laughter and Sri’s gentle humour. Finally, it was time to eat betel leaves. At that time, I skilfully instructed Daruka to get Garudadhwaja ready to drop off aacharya and his family in original Dwaraka. I instructed Bhimsena to accompany aacharya and Subhadra to accompany aacharya’s wife. I also took care to send Kalindi and Jambavati along with her so that she wouldn’t feel lonely. Now the dining room was the way I wanted it to be. The
n I presented the topic of Subhadra’s wedding in front of the royal family. Revativahini seconded me as if we had already discussed the issue. I rarely found the entire family at one place. Today I found that opportunity and I decided to take full advantage of it. I said, “I should not speak in the presence of Vasudevababa, both rajmatas, dada and vahini. But forgive me for speaking as I have waited long enough and now I cannot be reticent.

  You all are elderly, valiant and wise. You rehabilitated thousands of women of the Kamarupa kingdom in Dwaraka. What about family though? Our Subhadra has come of age. What about her Swayamwar? Is anyone of you ever going to get some time to pay attention to her at all?”

  As he heard my appeal Vasudevababa immediately said, “What Rukmini says is right. But we are tired and old. Now Prince Balarama should take the initiative to get this done. He should choose a suitable groom for Subhadra. Srikrishna should help him in every possible way to that effect. Srikrishna will definitely look after her welfare. Our blessings are with him.”

  By this time Balaramadada who was laughing loudly so far turned pensive when he heard the commanding voice of baba. With determination, he said, “Subhadra is our most favourite sister. Vasudevababa need not worry about her wedding. I have already chosen a perfect groom for her! I am sure Rukmini will also like and approve of him. And once she approves then there is no question of Dhakata objecting to it! Right Srikrishna?”


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