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Ever After High--Epic Winter--The Junior Novel

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by Perdita Finn

  “Uh, no,” replied Apple.

  Blondie looked dissatisfied, but what could she do? It was the only story she had.

  Elsewhere in the school, students checked in on Blondie’s always popular MirrorCast.

  Ashlynn Ella, Cinderella’s daughter, watched with concern. “Have you noticed, Briar,” she said to her best friend, “Blondie’s reporting lately has been not…”

  “Not just right,” completed Briar, using the familiar phrase from the story of Blondie’s mother, Goldilocks. “Definitely.”

  The girls were too busy chatting to see their old friend slip through the front door of the high school. Crystal hid behind a pillar to surprise Ashlynn and Briar. With a flip of her wand, she created a cold gust of wind.

  “Brrrr,” shivered Briar. “Did you feel that?”

  “It just got freezing in here,” Ashlynn agreed.

  Crystal waved her wand. It started to snow.

  Ashlynn smiled, realizing what was going on. “Wait a spell… is that snow?”

  “Impossible! It’s summer,” said Briar, still confused by the unexpected weather. “Unless…”

  “She’s here!” shouted both girls, delighted. But where was she?

  “She must be around here somewhere,” they said. The pair noticed the ice sculpture of a unicorn first, and in the next instant, their friend.

  She grinned. “I thought I would melt in this heat! Ever After High really needs an air conditioner.”

  “Crystal!” exclaimed the girls.

  “Ashlynn! Briar!”

  They hugged one another and fell into a soft drift of newly fallen snow. Laughing, they made snow angels together.

  “It’s been too long! It’s fableous to see you!” Ashlynn said with a smile.

  Students were passing, waving at Crystal. She waved back happily.

  “We’re fairy glad to see you,” said Briar. “But what are you doing here?”

  Crystal paused for a moment. Should she tell them what was happening with her parents? Maybe not yet. She forced a casual smile. “Do I need an excuse to visit my best friends forever after?”

  She waved her wand again, frosting a row of lockers.

  “Of course not, Crystal,” Briar answered. Still, she was troubled. She could tell her friend was hiding something.

  “Now, how about we sparklize these dusty halls?” suggested Crystal, changing the subject. She let out a blast of glittering energy from her sparklizer, filling the air with shimmering crystals. It was just what everyone wanted on a hot, hot day. At least for a little bit.


  Snow Day

  Headmaster Grimm was hard at work in his office. Finally, he realized snow was covering his papers. He shook it off and continued writing with his feather pen. A crowd of students had collected outside his door. They were waiting for him to make an announcement, but he wasn’t paying any attention to them.

  “Come on, come on,” urged Duchess Swan under her breath as more students gathered around.

  The headmaster swept another inch of snow off his desk.

  “Say it,” Lizzie Hearts begged, shaking with anticipation. “You can do it. You can do it.”

  More students crowded close, craning their necks to see the headmaster. Was it going to happen? It had to!

  At last the headmaster couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t ignore the weather anymore. “All right, fine,” he said, sighing. He grabbed the microphone. It was covered in icicles. He cleared his throat. The loudspeaker crackled. “Attention, students. Classes are dismissed for Ever After High’s first ever summer snow day.”

  The students cheered. Whoops and hollers echoed through the hallways. Lockers slammed as kids grabbed their backpacks and headed outside to throw snowballs.

  Uh-oh. A snowball flew through the open window and smacked the headmaster on the side of his face. Winter was here, all right. No question about it.

  More students celebrated their day off from classes in the Castleteria. Melody Piper was at her turntable, filling the room with music. “No need to bundle up,” she told them with a laugh, “’cause DJ Melody’s got hot tunes to keep you nice and warm.”

  Hunter Huntsman was busy sawing long planks of wood into snowboards. He handed one to his buddy Sparrow Hood. “Consider yourself challenged to a shred-off,” said Hunter.

  He hopped on his board and zoomed across the snow-filled room. Sparrow followed him, shredding his guitar while he snowboarded. “Oww! You’re on!” he sang.

  Sparrow whooshed past Kitty Cheshire, who was poised behind an enormous pile of snowballs. “Meow!” she purred, and hurled a snowball at Raven Queen.

  Raven held up her hand and stopped the snowball in midair with a stream of purple magic. The snowball floated at a standstill—for a moment. Raven grinned. Uh-oh. Kitty’s ears folded back as she realized what was about to happen. The snowball headed backward—in her direction!

  “Nice try, snow cat,” cackled Raven. She twirled her finger, and five more snowballs floated into the air. They all flew right at Kitty. Just in time, Kitty ducked behind a drift.

  In the middle of the room was a brand-new ice-skating rink. Justine Dancer, the daughter of the Twelfth Dancing Princess, was twirling like a skating pro. She spun round and round while the crowd cheered.

  Duchess Swan pushed through to see what all the fuss was about. “Whoa, hold the MirrorPhone,” she told everyone. “I’m the best ice dancer around here.”

  Justine laughed as she kicked her leg up in the air, executing a perfect triple axel. “Do your thing, Duchess. I haven’t met a dance yet I couldn’t master.”

  Duchess was focused. She glided onto the ice. She circled Justine with perfect elegance. The two girls locked eyes as they competed. The music blared. The crowd was riveted. What a snow day!

  In the back of the Castleteria, Crystal sat with her friends, surveying the action. Girls recognized her, waved, and giggled. Boys smiled at her and blushed. In a school full of storybook stars, she was a real celebrity.

  Briar sighed happily. “After the year we’ve had, a little winter break is snow awesome.”

  “But tell us why you really came,” Ashlynn said at last.


  Wicked Cool News

  Crystal frowned. How could she explain what she didn’t really understand? At last she said, “It’s my parents. They haven’t been themselves lately. Especially my dad. He’s been so… cold.”

  “Isn’t that kind of his thing?” Briar asked.

  “No!” exclaimed Crystal. “I mean, he’s mean. It’s like he’s twisting everything to see only bad.” She paused. It was so painful to think about how her father had changed. She didn’t even want to tell her friends what he’d done to her mother. “And let’s just say my mom is a total ice queen all of a sudden. Life is snow unfair. I feel like I’ve been cursed.”

  Ashlynn nodded. “Maybe it is a curse.”

  “It happens,” agreed Briar.

  “You think I’m really cursed?” Crystal wondered aloud. She hadn’t thought about that possibility.

  “Your parents,” said both her friends together.

  Hunter and Sparrow zoomed past on their snowboards, but Crystal ignored them.

  “As I was saying”—Ashlynn continued her thought— “nobody knows more about evil curses than Madam Baba Yaga. I bet she can help.”

  That was a great idea, Crystal realized. Her old teacher was a witch—a powerful witch and an expert on potions, spells, and curses of all kinds. “I knew my old BFFAs would make me feel better. Let’s go see her.”

  Across the Castleteria, students’ phones pinged with a mirror update. Blondie Lockes had a report on the snow day—but she didn’t seem very eager. In fact, she seemed kind of bored. “Hello, everyone. Time for a weird weather report. Ever After High is like one big snow globe. But why? What’s the snow scoop? Is the Evil Queen on the loose? Is it snow global warming? We may never know.” Blondie stifled a yawn.

  Cerise Hood p
oked into the frame. “Sure we do. Crystal Winter is visiting.”

  “Ever heard of suspense?” hissed Blondie. “Breaking news! The cause of this summer snow is the arrival of the Princess of Snow herself, Crystal Winter. Is she really the diva the tabloids say she is?”

  The camera zoomed in on Crystal, who waved politely. “Hi, Blondie! I love your show!”

  Blondie frowned. She couldn’t figure out how to spin this news to make it exciting. “But is everyone thrilled with the chills Crystal has caused?” she asked, her voice low and ominous. Blondie stuck her microphone toward a few startled faces. If there wasn’t any real news, she was going to make some up.

  But it wasn’t working.

  “Crystal is cool!” enthused Duchess Swan.

  “Wicked cool,” Raven Queen agreed.

  “I’m a big fan,” Dexter Charming volunteered.

  “She’s the bee’s knees,” said Sparrow.

  Foiled again. “Okay, cut.” Blondie sighed. “This isn’t news—it’s fluff. Blondie Lockes signing off.”

  Cerise Hood had been watching her friend the whole time, and she was worried. When Blondie had stowed away her reporting gear, Cerise went over to join her. “This just in: Blondie Lockes needs to chill out. Everything just right, Blondie?”

  “Spellebrity gossip and weather reports are so last chapter. I need a real news story. Something dangerous and hexciting. The kind of story that wins reporters a Princess and the Peabody Award.”

  Blondie sighed, daydreaming about stepping forward and thanking her family and her friends for supporting her journalistic accomplishments. How would it ever happen if nothing ever happened at Ever After High?


  Curses and Cocoa

  Far away from the snow-day festivities, Daring was sitting by himself in the hallway. He was upset.

  Rosabella Beauty was skating by. She skidded to a stop when she saw him. “Daring Charming with a big frown on his face? What’s going on?”

  “I’m just so confused about what I’m supposed to do now that I’m not Apple’s Prince Charming,” he confessed.

  Rosabella sat down beside him. She smoothed her gold skirt thoughtfully. She wanted to help Daring, even though there were some hard things she needed to tell him. But how? “Have you ever considered that you’re not the prince of Apple’s destiny because you haven’t earned it yet?”

  Daring blinked, confused. What was Rosabella saying? “Earn it?”

  “Snow White’s Prince Charming was bold, heroic… and selfless. Maybe it would help if you thought about helping somebody. You know, somebody who wasn’t… you.”

  But Daring hadn’t heard Rosabella. He was gazing at his own handsome reflection in the ice. He smoothed back his hair to get a better look at his profile. He realized Rosabella was staring at him.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Daring apologized. “I got distracted. What were you talking about? Something about me, right?”

  Rosabella shook her head. Well, she’d tried.

  Meanwhile, Ashlynn, Briar, and Crystal were stepping into Baba Yaga’s office. The books and the desks were covered in snow. Baba Yaga was hovering in front of a steaming cauldron, tossing in bits of this and bundles of that. The old witch was stirring up a magic potion.

  “Madam Baba Yaga,” Ashlynn interrupted as politely as she could. “You know a lot about curses, right?”

  “What?” The witch whirled around, suddenly defensive. “Who said anything about a curse? No curses here. You can’t prove anything. Who sent you?”

  “No,” Briar reassured her. “It’s Crystal’s dad, the Snow King. We think he might be cursed.”

  The witch nodded as she sprinkled a fine dust over the surface of the bubbling liquid.

  “Madam Baba Yaga, can you help?” begged Crystal.

  “No promises, child,” Baba Yaga wheezed. “It depends on the kind of curse. Bring your father to me and I’ll see what I can do.”

  Baba Yaga tossed a handful of glowing dragon’s teeth into her potion—and it exploded. Boom! A cloud of thick smoke filled the room. When it had cleared, a tray with four big mugs of hot cocoa with tiny marshmallows appeared. She picked up the tray and offered each girl a steaming mug.

  “Yummy!” Baba Yaga smacked her lips. “Hot cocoa made with fresh pig’s breath!”

  The girls hesitated, their mugs at their lips. Crystal set hers down on a desk. “So we just have to figure out how to get my dad to come to Ever After High…”

  Briar’s eyes lit up. “I’ve got an idea!”

  And all they needed to do was send an invitation!


  Storm Clouds

  The Snow King slumped on his throne. He was in a foul mood. His wife was still frozen solid, and the king had thrown his robe over her outstretched arm as if she were a coatrack.

  “Where is my snow-flakey daughter?” he demanded.

  A frost elf stepped forward timidly. “I believe she went to visit her old friends. She sent you this invitation.” He opened a letter and began reading. “‘You are cordially invited to attend the Ever After High Royal Career Day.’”

  The king scowled as he listened, clearly displeased. What he heard the elf saying, through the aura of the curse, was “Your job is so easy a dim-witted bridge troll with an ice tray could do it as well as you.”

  “What did she say to me?” he shouted, furious.

  The frost elf was baffled. Why was the Snow King so upset? But before he could say anything else, the king raised his scepter—and turned the elf into a penguin! The king strode across the throne room, fuming. Terrified elves and panicked pixies scattered as fast as they could.

  “I’ll teach them to mock my royal position,” he fumed. “Make ready my sleigh! I’m going to Ever After High!”

  Jackie Frost and Northwind stepped forward. “We’ll do it, Your Winterness,” Jackie said eagerly.

  The king nodded, grumbled, and stomped out of the throne room.

  Northwind grabbed Jackie. “I thought you didn’t want to take orders anymore,” he whispered.

  “Keep it down, slush brain,” Jackie said under her breath. “The king has clearly flipped his crown. Just as we planned. And his daughter has flown the coop. But if he’s going to where Crystal is, we’ll follow him—and, let’s just say, close the chapter on her story.”

  “Oh, I get it!” Northwind nodded. He winked at Jackie. “It’ll be The End for Crystal Winter.”

  Jackie groaned. She grabbed her sidekick by the goggles and yanked him after her. They had a sleigh to get ready.


  Breaking the Ice

  Parents crowded into the snowy Ever After High auditorium for Career Day. Apple White entered with her beautiful mother, Snow White. Raven pushed a large magic mirror down the aisle so her mother, the Evil Queen, could participate. The Billy Goats Gruff were with their son Billy, and the Cheshire Cat was with Kitty.

  The Evil Queen leered menacingly from her mirror. “Boo!” she shouted—and the Billy Goats leaped into the air.

  From the stage, Briar, Ashlynn, and Crystal anxiously watched the guests arriving. Would the Snow King show up? If he did, Baba Yaga was ready to check for curses.

  “Thanks for making Career Day happen, everyone,” Crystal told her friends. “This is a great trap!”

  Baba Yaga grinned. “I am always happy to arrange school functions for the purposes of deception.”

  “So many parents came to talk,” Ashlynn noted thoughtfully. “Your dad will never suspect we’re trying to pull the crown over his eyes.”

  “Are you sure he’ll fall for it?” asked Briar.

  Crystal scanned the room. “Oh, he’ll be here,” she said. “My dad won’t be able to resist. He may be wicked cold, but he’s full of hot air.”

  “Don’t worry, Crystal,” said Ashlynn reassuringly. “We’ll get to the bottom of this.” Poor Crystal, she thought.

  Far from the festivities, up on the top of a turret, Faybelle was hard
at work scrubbing away evil grime. She was strapped into a harness and grumbling as she ran her washer up and down over the dingy tiles. She squinted as she saw a sleigh pulled by polar bears approaching the castle. It pulled up right in front!

  “You there! You there, boy!” said the Snow King imperiously to Daring, who was working on a snow sculpture. “Come here. My bears need to be watered, fed, and stabled.”

  “That’s not really my job,” said Daring.

  The Snow King’s face turned red. This petulant boy was ignoring him! “Boy, I said, come here!”

  “Can’t you see I’m busy?” Daring answered without moving. “I’m trying to cheer myself up with a ‘snow me.’”

  But the Snow King was not impressed with Daring’s snowy replica of himself. He raised his scepter. “I’ll give you one more chance, boy. Or do I have to spell it out for you?”

  Daring ignored the Snow King and put his mirror in the hand of the sculpture. Perfect! “There we go!” he said, pleased with himself. Then he realized the Snow King was staring at him. “Oh, you’re still there?”

  “You beastly young man,” the Snow King hissed through gritted teeth. “You will regret this forever after!”

  He sent a blast of icy magic right at Daring. It swirled around the prince—and disappeared inside him. Daring rubbed his head. He felt a little funny, a little different, a little off. What was it? He shrugged. He looked at his sculpture again. It needed one more thing. Ah! A crown—that was it. He took the one off his own head and put it on his snow double. What he didn’t notice was the little tuft of white fur sprouting on the back of his neck.

  One of the sleigh bears twitched his nose. He smelled something—another animal. But where was it?


  Chilled to the Bone

  The Snow King burst through the front door of Ever After High in a huff. Luckily, the girls were waiting for him.


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