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Oceans Apart 3

Page 8

by Amanda Heartley

  Mike stared at me for a few seconds then looked around the room as if debating what he should do. He nodded yes and I let out a sigh of relief. I knew Mike was my best mate, but all this talk of me needing to talk with my father had me questioning his mind on meds.

  I looked over at Ginny. “I’m sorry, baby. Mind if we cut this party short?” I cupped her cheek in my palm. “I’m just not in the mood for all of this anymore.”

  “No, not at all. I mean… I don’t mind. Let’s go.” I smiled at her, grateful that she didn’t ask me any questions just yet, because I didn’t have any answers.

  Chapter 13 — Ginny

  Tristan was acting very strangely. The car ride from his parents’ estate to Mike’s apartment was awkward and tense. Mike tried to get Tristan to talk about what had happened, but something was clearly bothering him as he continued to answer in one word sentences. Mike gave me a worried look before giving up entirely and I wasn’t sure what to say either. I knew whatever had happened, had something to do with Tristan’s dad and his ex-fiancée Vanessa. I was curious, but afraid to ask. What if I didn’t like the answer? Maybe the whole thing about ignorance being bliss was true?

  Before we knew it, we were at Mike’s apartment. We sat for a moment, all of us unable or unwilling to break the silence. Tristan sighed then opened the car door and walked around to the passenger side. The interior lights illuminated everything and I could see Mike’s face, his brow furrowed as he looked at Tristan.

  “Honey, why don’t you just wait here while I take Mike inside really quick?” Tristan asked, peeking his head back into the car and glancing at me. His eyes were flat and completely devoid of any emotion. It was very unnerving; I’d never seen him like this.

  “Sure,” I answered quietly. “Night, Mike.”

  “G’night, Gin. I’ll see you again soon. Thanks for staying and talking to me at the party. It would have been a total bore without you.”

  I gave him a smile as Tristan helped him out of the car, closed the door and I was plunged into darkness. I wondered if I was in a good neighborhood. It was kind of spooky sitting in this expensive car all by myself. When they got to the door, Tristan glanced back at me and then disappeared inside. I hoped he didn’t take too long in there, because my mind started racing and it was scarier by the minute. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw him coming out the door. I wondered if they talked about whatever it was that was bothering Tristan. I figured he’d let me know when he was ready, because I wasn’t going to ask.

  When he got to the car, he didn’t even glance at me before climbing back into the driver’s seat and peeling away from the curb. My hopes of getting an explanation about all the drama dwindled as each minute went by.

  I figured the silence would continue even after we got inside and it was a major surprise when after the front door was shut, I found myself pushed against the wall, and his hands and lips all over my body.

  Tristan’s kisses were desperate and filthy. The kind of filthy that usually caught my panties on fire and made my heart stop. But, things were off somehow. Never before had things seemed so rushed, and the frantic pace felt more like fear and less about overwhelming need. I was sure I’d be kicking myself later, but I started to pull away from him.

  “Tris …Tristan,” I tried to speak but his lips kept trying to catch mine and the swipe of his tongue against my bottom lip was almost my undoing. I had to take a deep breath and gather myself. “Seriously, Tristan, wait.” He paused before pulling away.

  “What’s wrong? Why are we stopping?” He asked incredulously. His hair was sticking up from where my hands had been gripping the strands and his lips were plump and shiny with our saliva. I wanted to dive right back in and forget this whole terrible night had ever happened, but I knew I had to find out why his mood had changed. I put my hand in his and guided him over to the couch then pushed him down and sat beside him.

  “Tell me what happened, Tristan.” I closed my eyes for a moment then opened them to meet his gaze. I wasn’t surprised to see a flash of anger. I just hoped that it wasn’t for me.

  “I don’t know what you mean, Gin.”

  I shook my head. “You know exactly what I mean. You’re upset, I can see that. I just want to know why, so I can help. Isn’t that what friends are for?”

  Tristan’s eyes narrowed and he pulled back. I swallowed hard. “Friends? Really? That’s what you want to call us? Friends?”

  I was shocked by the hardness of his tone. I looked down at my hands that still gripped the front of his shirt. I forced myself to loosen my fingers and slid them down until my arms hung at my sides.

  “I…don’t know,” I answered honestly, still unable to meet his eyes. “I mean, we haven’t really talked about us, you started last week and— God, Tristan, you must know I care for you.” I looked up at him quickly. “You do know I care about you, right?”

  He stared, but not at me. I could tell his eyes focused on the wall above my head. It was like he couldn’t look at me or maybe he didn’t want to look at me. All I knew was the sweat dampened my back and I’d wished that I’d already changed my clothes, but I wasn’t about to move. Finally, his shoulders loosened and some of the tension seemed to bleed out of him.

  When he finally spoke, I could barely comprehend the words. “My father gave me an ultimatum tonight.”

  “An ultimatum?” I was confused.. “An ultimatum about what? Do you have to get married or something?” My stomach plummeted as I said it. Maybe that’s what they had meant when they were talking about Vanessa. My stomach churned at the thought.

  “No, that’s not what it was about.” Tristan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I felt like I was going to throw up and wondered what he was going to say.


  “He wants me to decide between…” Tristan hesitated again. “He wants me to choose between having you in my life or being a part of the family.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t know how I actually felt right then. “Wow. Okay.” My body froze and heart was about to explode. I knew whatever it was his father had said to him was bad, but I didn’t think it would be this. Family or me? How was that even a real competition?

  Tristan reached over and covered my hands with his, stroking me with his thumb. “Gin, baby, say something please.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” My voice was softer than I’d ever heard it before. I was almost afraid to speak, afraid to say anything at all.

  “Say anything!” He jumped up and paced the floor in front of me. “I mean, it’s fucking ridiculous! My father thinks I’m ruining the family name just by being with you. I thought I was being more covert with my plans to move to LA, but apparently some arsehole got wind of it, and once my father found out, he decided to send that bitch over there as well! I mean, who the fuck does he think he is?” Tristan’s rant was loud, almost unbearably so after the silence. His accent grew thicker with each word, but I understood how royally fucked I was.

  Deep down, I knew what the answer would be but I had to ask it anyway. “So what are you going to do?” My voice startled him from his rambling about his father.

  “What do you mean, what am I going to do?” he asked. “I’ll quit the fucking company of course. I’m sure I can find something else. The man is fucking mad!.”

  “Yeah, but…” I hesitated. Was I really going to do this? “But he’s your father, Tris. He’s only trying to do what he thinks is best for you.”

  “Are you mad?” Tristan stopped pacing and stared at me as if I’d lost my mind. “Didn’t you hear me? He wants me to choose between you and my family.”

  I nodded. “I heard, but I’m sure it’s more than that. He’s your father and if you choose me, it’s like telling him you choose me over your whole family.”

  “Like that’s such a travesty,” Tristan snorted.

  “Well what about your mom?” I asked. By the look on his face, I could tell he hadn’t even thought of that. “From what you’ve told me about her
, it seems like she’d be devastated if you picked me over your family. And…and wouldn’t you miss her?”

  “Why are you doing this Ginny?” Tristan asked. His voice was hollow in a way I’d never heard before. “Why are you trying to talk me out of being with you? Don’t you want us to be together? Is this your way of telling me it’s over?”

  “No! I’m not and it isn’t! I just want you to think about it!” Tears streamed down my face and I couldn’t stop them even if I wanted to. “I don’t want you to regret your decision later! I don’t want to be the reason you hate the rest of your life!”

  He shook his head and I could see his eyes were glistening with tears. “Tristan, I’m—“

  “No, Ginny. No…” He backed up another step then opened the front door, walked out and slammed it behind him. The sound echoed throughout the apartment and I was left staring at the door, wondering what the fuck I’d just done. Did I talk myself out of a relationship with the most amazing man in the world? Was my self-esteem really so low, I’d sabotage my relationship with Tristan? I thought about calling Kari, but I knew she’d tell me to come home, and I didn’t want to hear that right now.

  I got up on shaky legs, glad that my heels had been discarded by the door, and walked into the bedroom, I felt sick to my stomach. I flopped down on his bed and cried. His scent was everywhere. I wanted to chase after him, but I was in an unfamiliar city I had no idea where he could’ve gone. I didn’t even have Mike’s number, or I would’ve called him. I was fucking alone in this big ass apartment and I had no idea what to do next.

  Chapter 14 — Tristan

  I woke up with a pain in my neck from sleeping at an angle. My head was pounding and my mouth felt like the bottom of a bird’s cage. I hadn’t changed my clothes in two days and they were a crumpled mess. I probably smelled like a barn and a pub, all rolled into one.

  “You, mate, are a bloody idiot.”

  I groaned as the sound of Mike’s voice echoed inside my skull. “Mike…”

  “No you twat, shut the fuck up and let me talk…and don’t throw up on my couch or I’ll rub your face into it, you fucking tosser.” I opened my eyes and blearily focused on Mike’s angry face. The sight of him hobbling over to me in crutches should have been funny, but instead, the sound of them clunking on the floor just made my head hurt worse.

  “You’ve been at my flat for two bleeding days, and you’ve been a piss poor drunk the whole time.” He stopped right in front of me and I forced myself to sit up and leaned my head back so I could stay focused on his face.

  “M’sorry mate.”

  Mike sighed. “I don’t want your apology Tristan! I just want you to get your shit together and figure out what the fuck you’re going to do.” He moved over and sat beside me and I was glad I didn’t have to lean back any longer.

  “I know,” I replied. I’d been wracking my brain ever since I’d left Ginny at the penthouse two days ago. I’d gone to the pub and got spectacularly arseholed before I showed up at Mike’s apartment and crashed on his couch. I woke up that first morning and settled into a routine of drinking until I no longer felt…anything. I vaguely remembered telling him to check up on Ginny, but that’s about it. Fuck I was such an idiot.

  “Yeah, you are T.” Apparently, I’d said that last part out loud. “Look, I know I said you should make up with your father, but I didn’t mean at the expense of your own happiness. Life is too bloody short to waste it being unhappy. Especially when there’s something you can do about it.”

  I nodded. I knew Mike was right, I was terrified. I knew this decision would affect my life forever and I’d lose someone either way. How do I know I won’t come to regret this decision later on down the road?

  “You don’t.” Mike answered again as I unconsciously spoke aloud. “All you can do is follow what your heart says and hope for the best. But, for what it’s worth, I’ve never seen you as happy as you’d been for those past few days with your girl.”

  I knew he was right. Ginny made me happy in a way that I thought would never happen again. I didn’t know if I believed in soul mates, but I knew she wasn’t someone I would readily forget. “You’re right, mate.”

  “Course I am,” Mike huffed. “Now get your filthy arse in the shower and go home. I’d like to have my couch back if you don’t mind and you’d better not have drank all my rum….”

  I showered and changed into one of Mike’s shirts, and I felt much better. My head was still a little tender, but overall I felt like I could talk rationally and figure things out with Ginny. Driving back to my apartment gave me some time to think about what I really wanted. I had plenty of contacts in London and in LA, and I could ask for help with finding a new job. I might not make as much money as I did before, but at least I wouldn’t be stuck with my father hovering in the background. I could have a little measure of freedom.

  I had to face the music at some point, so I drove back to my apartment and walked in. I expected to see Ginny’s angry face and to have to answer her questions of where I’d been for the past two days. What I didn’t expect was to walk into absolute silence. I stopped in the foyer in confusion. Something was missing. Looking behind me, I realized that Ginny’s shoes were gone.

  “Gin?” I called out. Nothing. There was no answer, no rustling of clothing as if she’d been laying down asleep. “Ginny?” I strode quickly to the bedroom door and threw it open.

  Nothing. A check of the wardrobe, and I realized that everything of Ginny’s was gone. I tried not to panic as I pulled my mobile out of my pocket and called Mike and he answered straight away.

  “Mate, seriously. I don’t want to hear your sodding voice for like a week at least.”

  “Mike, where’s Ginny?”

  There was silence on the other end. “What do you mean, where’s Ginny? Isn’t she at your drum?”

  I walked back out to the living space and into the kitchen. “Mike, I’m here, she isn’t and all of her stuff is…” my voice trailed off. On the kitchen table, the table where I’d sat Ginny and eaten her pussy until she cried was a note.

  “…find her? Tris? Tristan?” I could vaguely hear Mike’s voice in the background, but my entire focus was on the note. I picked it up and saw her handwriting clear as day and my heart pounded in my head as I read it.

  Dear Tristan,

  I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you to tell me what happened. I just wanted so badly to help you when maybe it wasn’t my place to try. Your mom came by yesterday and explained some things to me about your father and your family. She’s a lovely lady, we had a long chat and she was very nice to me. She’s so proud of you.

  Anyway, I know now the kind of pressure you are under and I thought it would be better if I went home so you could think in peace and not worry about me. Tell Mike I’m sorry I didn’t come say goodbye and that I hope he gets back to work soon. Try to relax. I don’t expect you to throw your life away for me so don’t worry. If you need me, you know how to reach me. It seems to be what we’re good at


  I sank down into my kitchen chair. My hands were shaking and I let out a heavy sigh. I felt a lump form in my throat and licked my dry lips before attempting to speak.

  “She’s gone.”

  “What do you mean? Who’s gone? Ginny?”


  I could hear the sound of Mike’s crutches hitting the floor on the other end of the phone. “Well, where’d she go and why? I called her yesterday and she was worried about you, but otherwise fine. I told her I was going to kick you out today and send you home.”

  “Well apparently my mum came by yesterday, they had a chat and Ginny decided that leaving would be best for both of us.” I stood up abruptly and the chair fell back banging on the floor. “Fuck! I bet she went home thinking I’ve abandoned her! How in the hell could I be so fucking stupid? I told her about my dad’s stupid fucking ultimatum, probably scared the shit out of her and then left for two days! Of course she left. She obvious
ly thinks I’m going to choose money over her!”

  “Well, are you?”

  “Are you that fucking stupid as well?” I growled at Mike, my grip tightened on the phone. “Fuck!”

  “Calm down T. It’s a legitimate question in the face of your problem. What are you going to do, mate? Choose the girl who makes you happy or your family and the job you’re so good at? Either way, you need to decide fast before she decides to find someone with less baggage. Okay, I ‘m finished with this conversation. Cheers!” then he was gone.

  I sat and stared at the phone. I knew Mike was right about Ginny and my job.

  Chapter 15 — Ginny

  It had been two months since I’d last talked to Tristan. Although I logged on to Skype every now and then, I never saw his profile come online and I wondered what had happened. Had he finally taken his father’s advice and moved on to a more suitable match? I didn’t want to believe it, but it was for the better. For him, for me. I had learned a lot about myself. It was sad to realize how self-conscious I used to be and I was grateful at how much of that had gone away thanks to Tristan’s constant approval. To have that kind of man ripped away so abruptly was the most painful thing I’d ever experienced.

  My days consisted of going to work in my new position of office manager, going to the gym that Kari and I finally joined, cooking and reading. Other than Skype, I didn’t bother logging into anything else. My Facebook account was neglected and the online dating website I joined a month ago sat untouched. Why bother looking online when I was still stuck on the perfect man?

  Kari had tried dragging me out to a club with her new beau and while it was a pleasant evening, not once was I even tempted to look at another man. My heart was still stuck on Tristan and my nights were filled with memories of our love-making. When I played with my pussy, all I could think about was how beautiful I felt with Tristan’s thick fingers inside and the way he rubbed my tummy. Sometimes my thoughts were on how sore I was after riding him until we both collapsed from exhaustion.


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