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Out at Home

Page 18

by JL Paul

  “No,” he ordered as lifted her to his lap. “Don’t say anything yet. I just want to hold you.”

  She couldn’t get enough of the comfort his arms offered. He stroked her back softly and she closed her eyes. She nuzzled into his chest, inhaling in his scent.

  “I love you,” she mumbled as exhaustion finally claimed her.

  She woke later, in her own bed and heard Brady in the next room talking on his phone.

  “She’s still sleeping. When she wakes up, we’ll talk.” He paused, obviously listening to whoever was on the other side of the conversation. “Tell Teddy I’ll call him later.”

  After he ended his call, he peered into her room. She smiled at him as he stepped inside and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached over to brush back the uneven strands of hair.

  “Feeling better?”

  She nodded as she gently scooted her aching body up against the head board. “Yes, much.”

  “Liar,” he said with a smile, helping her ease into a more comfortable position. He ran his fingers lightly over her bruised cheek. “I could easily wring that woman’s neck.”

  She reached up to his hand and laced her fingers with his. “Brady, please.”

  He sighed. “Okay, for now.”

  She released his hand and patted the spot next to her. “Come here. You’re too far away.”

  He scooted closer and situated his body next to hers. He rested his hand on her thigh and gave it a light squeeze. “Love, we really need to talk.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Biting her lip, Taylor nodded, wincing slightly as she did so.

  Brady inhaled a deep breath. “First of all, I know you really want to go after that girl, I can see it in your eyes. You don’t need any more problems heaped on you, Taylor. I know you want to take care of it yourself, but just think of all the trouble that could bring.” He lifted her chin and looked in her eyes

  She smiled and finally nodded, slowly. “Okay. I’ll think about it.”

  “Good,” he breathed. “Now, about us. Taylor, I’m sorry about those pictures. I know it must have hurt to see them. I hope you believed me when I told you what actually happened.”

  She traced the pattern of her bedspread with her index finger to avoid his gaze. “I do. And I’m really sorry I didn’t ask you about them. I should have given you a chance to explain.”

  “I know you’re having a hard time trusting me, but…”

  “I do trust you, Brady,” she protested.

  “Love, let me finish, please. I promise to let you have your say.” He waited until she nodded. “Maybe I rushed things with you, I don’t know. And I think maybe I didn’t understand what you’ve had to go through while I was off at college or playing ball. I guess I just assumed that once we clicked, things would just work out somehow. Kind of like Tabby and Alex or Zoey and Mark.”

  “But we’re not them,” she added, forgetting her vow to let him speak.

  He smiled at her. “I know that.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Anyway, I guess what I’m trying to say is that what Teddy said earlier kind of opened my eyes. I realize that you did have the weight of the world on your shoulders and had to deal with things yourself. A lot of hard things. Trust doesn’t come easy for you and I can’t expect to come waltzing back into your life, especially after that stupid bet I made, and expect you to trust me fully.”

  “But I do trust you,” she whispered.

  Chuckling, he gave her a soft squeeze. “Not totally, love. But that’s all right. I’ll be patient and wait while you learn to trust me more every day.”

  She nibbled harder on her lip. “So, are you saying that you want us to not see each other for awhile?”

  He squeezed her again. “Hell no, love. I told you I wasn’t letting you go and I’m not. I’m just promising not to push you. But I want you to promise to come to me more. It hurt that you didn’t tell me what Jason said to you. If you would have, I would have known what he was up to that night.”

  She tensed next to him but before she could speak, he continued. “I’m not blaming you, love. I always knew how sneaky and underhanded he could be.”

  She leaned on his shoulder. “This is so messed up.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “But we’re fixing it, don’t worry.”

  Sniffling, she raised a shaky hand to the tears springing from her eyes. “I’m an over emotional mess myself.”

  “But a beautiful one,” he said, turning so he could take her face in his hands. He leaned forward and brushed his lips softly over hers. “Why don’t you pack up some stuff and stay with me this week? I don’t want to leave you here alone.”

  “But Teddy will probably stay the night.”

  “He can stay in the guest room at my place.”


  Ending his conversation, Brady tossed his cell phone in the console and reached for her hand. She scooted as close to him as her seatbelt would allow.

  “That was Kyle,” Brady informed her as they left the police station. Taylor wasn’t exactly sure what would happen with Teresa - it was her word against the other girl’s - but at least Taylor had filed the report. “Everyone’s at his house and they want you to come over. You up for it?

  “Yeah,” she sighed. “I need to fix this whole mess.”

  He squeezed her hand. “You don’t need to fix anything, Taylor. Relax. Remember?”

  Shrugging, she turned her head to watch the passing scenery. When the courthouse buzzed by, her heart leapt. “Brady! I forgot to call Luther. I bet he’s throwing a fit.”

  Brady laughed. “Don’t worry. Josh talked to him already. He told Josh to tell you to stay home this week and recover.” Brady smirked as he changed lanes. “I think he’s afraid you’ll come in and beat up that Henry guy.”

  Taylor snorted. “So tempting. I better let my aching ribs heal first, though.”

  Brady chanced a quick glance at her before exiting the highway. “Yeah, about that. I’m going to need to check that out.”

  A shy smile graced Taylor's lips as her cheeks pinked. “Are you offering to play doctor with me?”

  Grinning, Brady winked at her. She laughed as his cheeks turned a slight red. “Maybe in a couple days. But seriously, I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m fine. Just a little sore and in dire need of a real haircut.”

  Pulling into his drive, he let his eyes rake over her body. “You look ravishing no matter what, love.”

  She unbuckled her seat belt and opened her door. “That’s so romantic and all, but do you mind if I go freshen up in your bathroom?”

  He grabbed her bag and helped her to the door. “Of course I don’t mind.”


  He held her hand as they walked down the street to Kyle’s house. She used her free hand to adjust the baseball cap Brady had given her.

  “Stop, love. You look fine. Sexy even.”

  She huffed. “Please. I look pathetic. I look like a little boy who has been beaten up by the school bully.”

  Stopping, he spun around to gaze appreciatively up and down her body. “I promise you look nothing at all like a little boy.”

  She slapped him playfully and urged him forward. He released her hand to wrap his arm around her waist.

  Once they reached Kyle’s house, they walked around the back toward the voices. Their appearance interrupted the animated discussion concerning the Racers’ playoff chances that was taking place on the deck.

  Standing, Teddy palmed Taylor’s elbow. “You okay now, T?”

  “Of course,” she smiled. She stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for driving down here.”

  “Yeah, well, I needed a break,” he grinned.

  Kyle pulled up a chair, ordering her to sit. She rolled her eyes but her heart warmed at the concern and love radiating from everyone. Not just Brady's friends, but her friends, too.

  “I’m okay, you guys. Honest.” She paused. “
But thanks.”

  “We have Chinese coming, Taylor,” Mark said. “Hope you’re hungry. Alex ordered a ton.”

  “I am, thanks,” she said as she wiggled her hand into Brady’s.

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. She sighed happily and rested her cheek on his arm. All the tension and anger she feared would be present was nowhere to be found. The atmosphere was light and the mood mellow as the sun made its daily trek behind the trees, bathing the world in shadows.


  With confidence roaring in her blood, Taylor walked through the room after leaving Luther’s office, satisfied smile on her face. It was Friday morning and after she’d dropped Brady off at batting practice, she drove back to Somersville to talk to her boss.

  The developers had finally settled the mall matter with the citizens of Somersville. They had come up with a new plan - one the people whole heartedly approved. Instead of a shopping mall, they were going to build a youth center, complete with an athletic facility. One of the developers had actually asked Taylor while she was interviewing him if Brady would even volunteer there during the off season.

  Smiling, Taylor remembered Brady’s reaction after she'd asked him. His eyes had brightened and instead of answering her, he'd opened his phone and called some other players and before long, they had a list and a preliminary schedule.

  “Wipe that self satisfying smirk off your face.”

  Taylor blinked as she came back to reality. Henry Lake stood in front of her, eyes dark and burning. “Shut up, Henry. I don’t have time for you today.”

  “Feeding Luther more lies about my daughter?”

  Josh walked up behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders. “Go away, Lake. Your daughter’s guilty and you know it.”

  Taylor smiled up at him, her hand instinctively going to her newly styled, short hair.

  She had talked to Josh the day at Kyle’s and he'd apologized for his coldness.

  “I just remembered how badly he had hurt you before,” Josh had explained. “You’re like the little sister I never had and I felt so helpless as I watched your feelings for him change from hatred to something else. I just didn’t want to see you fall for him all over again just to have him shove it right back in your face. But, I guess I was wrong.”

  “Thanks, Josh,” she said, eyes burning into Henry’s. “But Henry’s just as cowardly as his daughter.”

  Henry snorted. “Who you calling a coward?”

  Taylor rolled her eyes. “She only confronted me when I wasn’t myself and when I was alone. She had friends with her.” Her eyes washed over Henry in disgust. “You, on the other hand, verbally attack me every chance you get. You can’t stand that I, a woman, might actually have more talent than you. Instead of trying to improve or even offering to work with me, you put me down in front of everyone to try and make yourself look better.”

  “It’s nothing less than you deserve, being the town whore and all.”

  Tensing, Josh applied pressure to her shoulders. She clenched her fist and drew in a steadying breath.

  “Don’t do it,” Josh whispered in her ear.

  “You have until the end of the day to clear your desk and get out of here,” Luther said quietly from behind her. Taylor and Josh each jumped as neither of them heard him approach.

  “You’re firing me? She’s the one that needs to go,” Henry ranted.

  “You’ve done nothing but cause trouble in this office for months now. Get out, Henry.”

  He flashed one last nasty look at Taylor before rushing to his desk. Taylor smiled, wiggling a couple fingers at him.

  “You,” Luther said, pointing to Taylor. She dropped her hand and clasped them both in front of her. “Get the hell out of here. I don’t want to see you back until Monday.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” she grinned, giving him a mock salute. “I’ve got a game to get to anyway.”

  She paused and watched as Josh waltzed back to his desk, hands in his trouser pockets. “Parker!”

  Pivoting, he raised a brow. “What?”

  “I have an extra ticket. Interested?”

  A slow smile spread across his face. “Sure. The wife is still in Evansville, taking care of her mother and I’m tired of sitting home alone. Besides, I heard that arrogant ass Brady Nolan’s playing.” He threw an arm casually around her shoulders. “He used to live around here, you know.”

  “I've heard that,” she responded with a smirk.

  He kissed her unbruised cheek. “If you’re nice, I might be able to get his autograph for you. I have connections.”

  Laughing, she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the door.


  “What is it about you and hotel balconies?”

  Smiling, Taylor turned away from the calming ocean view to face him. “Maybe it’s an obsession.”

  With a smirk, he tugged at his shirt which so happened to be covering her body. He wrapped his arms around her and fingered the strands of her hair. “You need something else to obsess about, love.”

  Gazing up at him, she lifted a brow. “Any suggestions?”

  “A few. But they’ll have to wait. We have a wedding to go to, remember?”

  Groaning, she rested her forehead against his chest. He kissed the top of her head before leading her back inside the room.

  “Let’s save time and water and shower together,” he suggested with a glint in his eye.


  Leading her to the dance floor, he gathered her in his arms. She tucked her head under his neck and closed her eyes. The past few months had been a rollercoaster of ups and downs but somehow, they’d found way to make things work.

  The Racers had finally made it to the playoffs and Taylor couldn’t have been more proud - especially at the determined way Brady had played.

  They'd made it to the Finals, taking the other team to seven games, only to lose in the bottom of the ninth.

  “Beautiful ceremony, huh love?” Brady asked.

  “Yeah,” she agreed. “Tabby looks amazing.”

  Kissing her hair, he rubbed her back lightly. “You’ll be a more beautiful bride."

  She tried to give him a hard glare, but the heat in her cheeks ruined it. “That’s not going to happen for awhile, remember?”

  He flashed a broad grin. “I know, I know. At least I got you to move in with me.”

  She snorted. “I only agreed because your place has a huge hot tub.”

  Laughing, he twirled her around on the dance floor. “I love you, Taylor.”

  She stood on her toes to kiss him. “I love you, too.”

  He wrapped both arms around her waist. “I guess Mark and Zoey are next.”

  She rolled her eyes, hiding a smile. “Yes, Brady. You may have charmed me into moving in with you, but we have plenty of time before we take our turn down the aisle.”

  A frown pulled at his lips but mischief glimmered in his eyes. “Come on! We’re in Hawaii, all our friends are here, and they already have formal wear. It’s a perfect opportunity.”

  She tried to quell his idea with a dark look but he only yanked her into his chest, holding her tighter. He brooded in silence for a few moments before he leaned down and kissed her ear. “How about we just start popping out babies?”

  “Yeah, sure thing. Only, you get to be the one to pop ‘em out. Okay?” she said, trembling as his breath tickled her skin.

  He held up his hands. “Hey, if I could, I would.”

  She stopped dancing and placed her fists on her hips. “I highly doubt it. You’d cry like a baby when the first contraction hit.”

  His jaw dropped. “That’s not even right. I would not.”

  She poked him in the chest with her index finger. “You stepped on a sea shell yesterday and didn’t stop whining and cursing for ten minutes.”

  Pursing his lips, he started at her, seemingly deep in thought. “Okay, you have a point.”

  She smiled in victory, throwing her arms back over hi
s head.

  She loved him and never wanted to be without him. But marriage? So soon? She sighed.

  He kissed the top of her head. “You’re caving.”

  “I am most certainly not.”

  He pulled back to kiss her mouth. “Are too.”

  With a groan, she butted her head against his chest. “Fine, Brady. If you buy the rock, I won’t say no. But we’re not getting married for at least a year. Probably two.”

  He smirked before kissing her. “We’ll see.”

  She glared at him until he kissed her again.

  “I knew you’d cave.”

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