Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance

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Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance Page 1

by Bloom, Julian

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  Table of Contents


  Hot for Talia


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  French Versions

  Spanish Versions

  Cray (Rock Star Romance)

  Recovering the Rock Star

  Game Park Games (Safari Lust 1)

  Out Of Africa (Safari Lust 2)

  Desires of the Golden Girls (Mature Romance)

  Desires of the Golden Girls (Mature Romance)

  Lesbian Romance:

  The CEO’s Assistant (Lesbian Romance)

  Kitchen Heat (Lesbian Romance)

  Healed by Her (Lesbian Romance)

  Gay Romance:

  Serving the Billionaire 1 (The Seduction)

  Serving the Billionaire 2 (The Rejection)

  The Millionaire’s Virgin (Gay Romance)

  Book Covers

  Special For you!

  Hot For Talia

  An Erotic Transgender Romance

  By: Julian Bloom


  Talia was just looking for a fun night out dancing with friends. She’s dated men, women, and everyone in between, but has never found someone she truly connected with. She never expected to meet a trans man with the voice of an angel and a body to match, and she certainly never expected to find herself going home with him. But when their lives begin to intertwine in unexpected ways, will they be able to find a way forward?

  Chapter 1

  “Bye hon, see you Monday!”

  Her coworker Luna’s shout followed her out of the building, and Talia turned to wave at them through the window as she headed for the bus stop. Exhaling heavily as she sat down on the bench, she slipped her headphones in and felt some of her stress evaporate into the cool fall air. She loved what she did, but damn it could be exhausting.

  It had been two weeks since she had packed up her life and moved across the country for a job working at a center for queer and trans youth who were homeless or housing insecure. Under the Bridge, or simply The Bridge, had been cobbled together a few years back by some community members who had lived through the streets as teens.

  Talia had heard about the center maybe a year ago when one of her friends had shared a fundraiser for them. She had done her research, and had known instantly that if there was ever a chance to work with them she had to take it. She knew firsthand what it was like to be out there hustling, trying to survive another night, and she wished there had been somewhere like The Bridge for her to go to.

  When a case manager position came open four months ago, Talia had jumped on it. She had made it through the interview process, and had nearly burst into tears on the phone when they called to offer her the job. The transition had been hard, but she finally felt like she was helping her community in a way that was meaningful.

  Her phone buzzed, and Talia shot back a quick response to her coworker’s last minute reminder about a meeting they had on Monday with a musician who had been hired to work with some of the youth. The bus she was waiting for pulled in, and Talia swiped her card before trudging to her usual seat just behind the plexiglas that bordered the rear doors.

  Dropping into her seat, she had just leaned her head up against the window to catch a quick nap when her phone buzzed again. Cracking an eye open to glance at the message, Talia couldn’t contain her groan when she saw it was from her friend Sean. She had completely spaced that they had plans to go out to a bar tonight with some other friends, and she briefly contemplated sending a text to bail on him.

  Her fingers hovered indecisively over the letters for a moment before she sighed and simply sent back a thumbs up emoji. Letting her eyes drift closed again while she waited for her stop, she mentally sorted through her closet to find something to wear. They were going to the Docks, a queer bar named for its location on the river. It was a little divey if she was being honest, but they always had a good crowd of people there and the drinks were good.

  The sound of her stop being called by the robotic voice of the bus P.A. system jolted her out of the light doze she had been slipping into, and she grumbled internally as she pulled herself to her feet and pushed through the doors to get to the street. The walk to her flat was quick, barely five minutes, and she trekked up the five flights of stairs to get to her door. Dropping her bag as soon as she was in the apartment, she checked her watch. 6:45. Just over an hour to get ready before going to meet up with everyone.

  Shimmying out of her work clothes, she walked over to her closet to grab her go-to outfit for going out: black skinny jeans to hug her curves, a forest green sleeveless silk top to complement the caramel of her skin, a black leather jacket, and black heels to complete the look.

  Clothes taken care of, her attention turned to hair and makeup. She loosely pinned her dark chocolate curls at the nape of her neck, leaving a few glossy ringlets free to frame her face. Touching up her makeup from the day, she blended in some additional eye shadow to add a hint of smokiness before leaning back to take a look at her handiwork in the mirror.

  Satisfied with the results, she leaned over to grab a necklace of interlocking gold rings that would draw just the right amount of attention to the plunging neckline of her shirt. Slipping on her heels and walking over to the door, Talia tucked her ID and cards in her bra. No way did she want to deal with having a purse at The Docks on a Friday night.

  Locking the door behind her, she glanced at her watch. 8:05. “Damn I’m good,” she muttered out loud, the words echoing in an indiscernible jumble down the stairwell. She made it to the bus stop with two minutes to spare and texted Sean. On my way. Not bothering to wait for a response before sliding her phone into her pocket, Talia leaned against the pole the bus stop sign was mounted on while she waited.

  The evening air was crisp against her skin, and she savored the calmness of the moment. Even in the midst of a city, there were moments of quiet like this one where there weren’t any cab drivers honking, no steam hissing from heating units, no people yelling at each other. As soon as she stepped onto the bus, the quiet would end and the night was likely to get louder from there. It was peaceful, and she had to force herself to ignore the whisper in her mind telling her to just go back to her apartment and curl up with a book and a mug of tea.

  The hiss of an approaching bus braking around the corner made her decision for her, and she grudgingly stepped aboard. Settling into her seat, she glanced at the other passengers on the bus. Cute…. Way too straight…. Meh… Creeper… Giving up, she turned her gaze out the window to watch the streets pass by.

  She wasn’t looking for a partner or anything serious, but it had been months since she’d last hooked up with anyone and the city was lonely. Sure she had friends to hang out with, and most of the time she was so introverted
that she was actually quite happy to not have anyone expecting her time or energy. But still, there were nights when she longed for someone to be with, even if it was only a one-night stand.

  Tugging the cord to signal her stop, Talia pulled herself to her feet and mentally shook herself off. Maybe tonight she could at least find a cute queer to dance with, if nothing else.

  Her phone vibrated as she stepped off the bus, and she looked down to see what Sean had sent.

  We’re inside, table by the bar.

  Luckily there wasn’t a line to get in yet since it was early, so she made her way inside and craned her neck, trying to find her friends. A burst of laughter to her left drew her attention and she turned to see her friends gathered around a table, empty glasses already strewn about.

  “Talia!” Sean shouted, catching sight of her and excitedly waving her over.

  “Hey Sean,” she smiled, “Getting started without me?”

  “Never,” he grinned, before sheepishly looking at the tabletop. “Well, maybe a little. But we saved some for you!”

  Wrinkling her nose as he thrust two shots in her face, she gingerly threw them back, letting the liquor burn its way down her throat.

  “It’s a good thing we’re already friends, or I’d be judging your taste in alcohol pretty harshly right now.”

  Smirking, Sean patted her on the shoulder in a faux-patronizing gesture. “You, my dear, have clearly forgotten the point of going out. We’re not here to critique the booze, we’re here to drink it, dance, and hopefully be escorted out by one of the dashing bouncers!”

  His gaze lingered on one of the men standing on the perimeter of the room, muscles bulging from underneath his black tee. Snapping her fingers in his face to draw his attention back to her, Talia shook her head. “Down, boy.”

  Sean pouted for a second before becoming distracted as he looked her up and down. “Well, not all of us are blessed with your assets, Tal! And damn, I have to say the tough femme is out in spades tonight!”

  Talia shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, well, lot of good it’s done me the last few times.”

  Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, Sean used the other hand to place another shot in front of her face. “Well, you know what they say- you can’t score if you don’t play the game! Now drink up; it’s karaoke tonight, and I heard a rumor that one of the local talents will be here to woo the audience off our feet.”

  Rolling her eyes good naturedly, Talia took the shot and let the conversation from the rest of the group wash over her. The alcohol was already beginning to warm its way through her system, and she glanced towards the stage. If nothing else, she could at least enjoy the show, even if nothing else came of it.

  Time passed by quickly as the club filled with more and more people, the dance floor growing steadily more crowded. Sean and several others had abandoned the table in favor of dancing some time ago, so Talia had moved to the bar. She nursed her beer as she people watched, enjoying her wallflower status for the time being.

  The speakers crackled with static and then a massively amplified voice rang out over the crowd.

  “Ladies, gentlemen, and all you gorgeous enby babes out there tonight! The moment you all have been waiting for has arrived!” A drag queen was standing on stage, sequined dress reflecting the bright lights of the club.

  “We have our very own celebrity in the house tonight to kick us off, and let me tell you, it is my great pleasure to have him up on this stage.” A lascivious smirk and wink at the innuendo drew chuckles from the crowd. “Please give a hand- metaphorically only- for the one and only Butch Cassidy!”

  Lifting her bottle to her lips and taking a long pull, Talia waited for the apparent crowd favorite to take the stage. The lights dimmed, and the opening chords to “I Get Off” played through the speakers. Interest piqued, Talia felt the anticipation of the crowd starting to get to her. All the hype in the world, however, could not have prepared her for the sight that greeted her when the performer swaggered out onto the stage.

  Her jaw dropped and her mouth felt suddenly dry as she took him in. Slim muscled body, shoulder length chestnut hair cut in typical rocker fashion, skinny jeans with combat boots, and a leather jacket- he was basically one of her fantasies come to life. She stared, captivated, as he began to sing. He had dropped the key of the song slightly lower to work for his voice, and the rough gravel in his words made her lick her lips in appreciation.

  Unable to tear her eyes away, Talia felt a jolt of arousal pound through her as he suddenly made eye contact with her over the bar. A hint of eyeliner set his eyes off, and his stare burned into her as he leaned into the mic. The raw sexuality radiating off of him was clouding her head, and she could only watch as he sang, eyes never leaving her.

  In the distant reaches of her brain she noted that he was actually very talented, but she honestly thought he could have been croaking like a frog and she still would have swooned.

  Her eyes dropped momentarily to run over the well-defined planes of his body before coming back up to his face. She felt her stomach erupt with anticipation when he shot her a cocky wink as she made eye contact again. Maybe the attraction isn’t all one-sided then, she thought hopefully. The song ended, and Talia began to stand from her chair as the crowd cheered wildly. Before she could take a step forward, the singer had disappeared from the stage without so much as a backwards glance.

  Sinking back onto her stool, Talia tried to quash the pang of disappointment. He was probably just an excellent performer and knew how to work the crowd. That was likely all she had been- just another face in the crowd, someone to woo for the duration of the song before forgetting all about it. She finished her beer quickly, suddenly feeling far less interested in whoever was going to perform next.

  Somebody slid onto the stool next to her and shouted their drink order to the bartender. Still mostly lost in her thoughts, Talia perked up when she heard them tell the bartender to make another of what she was having too. She turned, ready to tell them that she appreciated the gesture but that she was getting ready to leave, and suddenly found herself face to face with the man from the stage.

  She was sure her shock was written all over her face, and she tried to school her facial expression into cool indifference. He looked her up and down, a slow smirk spreading across his face as he said, “I’m Harper. You don’t mind if I sit here, do you?”

  Chapter 2

  Talia shook her head a little too quickly, scooting her stool back so that there was room for him to sit down. He turned to take their drinks from the bartender and she used the brief moment to compose herself. Taking a deep breath, she mentally shook herself as he set her drink down.

  “Thanks,” she said, before arching a brow at the look on his face. “What?”

  “I didn’t catch your name,” he replied with a slight smirk. A faint blush rose in her cheeks and Talia thanked her complexion and the dim bar lighting for hiding it. “Talia,” she said, “My name is Talia.” She reflexively held out her hand as though to initiate a handshake and felt like smacking herself as soon as she realized what she was doing. She couldn’t be less flirtatious if she tried.

  Harper’s smile turned more genuine at the gesture, though, and he reached out and gently clasped her hand in his. He raised her hand to his lips, brushing them against the back of her knuckles without breaking eye contact. Talia felt her lips part in what was half surprise, half silent moan at the unexpected intimacy of the action. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Talia,” he said, letting go of her hand and reaching for his drink.

  “Trust me, the pleasure is all mine,” Talia mumbled under her breath.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing,” she hastily replied, taking a long sip of her drink to cover how flustered she felt. Get it together Talia, she mentally chastised herself. Here was this incredibly hot guy, clearly trying to flirt with her, and she couldn’t seem to string together a coherent sentence. Draining the last of her drink, she set the glass on th
e bar before facing Harper more fully. Letting a hint of flirtatiousness slip into her voice, she idly commented, “I liked your performance up there.”

  “Well, I aim to please,” Harper replied. “It helps having such an intent audience to play to.”

  His last words were paired with a pointed look at her, and Talia smirked. Clearly the vibes she had felt had not been a one-way deal.

  “I’m surprised I haven’t seen you here before,” he said. “I’m pretty sure I would remember if we had crossed paths before now.”

  “I, uh, I don’t get out much,” Talia replied, “Life has been a little hectic lately.”

  Harper nodded, a look of understanding on his face. “Yeah, it’s tough out there.”

  Digging for more information about him, Talia asked, “Do you play other places or just here?”


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