Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance

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Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance Page 2

by Bloom, Julian

  He shook his head, a touch of ruefulness in his eyes. “Usually just here. This is one of the only clubs where I don’t have to deal with transphobic shit. I’m pretty much blacklisted from a lot of the other bars because they think I’m too much drama. Typical LGB minus the T stuff.”


  It took less than a second for his words to sink in, and Talia felt like her mind was going at the speed of light processing the new information.

  “So you’re part of the ‘T,’ then?” Talia asked, not wanting to be nosy but also wanting some sort of confirmation so that she didn’t jump to any conclusions. Harper’s demeanor shifted and became dramatically more cautious as he nodded. “Yeah, I am. Is that an issue?”

  Talia immediately shook her head. “No, sorry, I just wanted to make sure I was understanding what you were saying!” Her words were sincere, and she breathed a sigh of relief as Harper’s body language relaxed minutely. She meant it when she said that it wasn’t a problem for her; she had dated people of all genders in the past, including people who were trans.

  There were some things that were slightly different, sure- not assuming anything about what someone’s physical anatomy would look like based on their outward appearance, checking in to see if they had any preferences or needs for how she touched them, and a few other minor things. But really, when she thought about it, most of that was stuff that she would do in any relationship or hookup. It wasn’t about doing it because someone was trans or not, it was about being respectful of whoever her partner was and what they wanted.

  Harper being trans didn’t change the magnetic pull she felt towards him, and Talia sought a way to lighten the mood and let him know that she wasn’t going to make a huge deal out of his gender.

  “Those other bars are fuckers anyway,” she said, referencing back to the comment he made initially. “You’d think, even if being decent people wasn’t enough of a reason for them to get their shit together, they would do it for the money.” Harper looked at her inquisitively and she scoffed. “Oh please. Everybody loved you, and you’re incredible. You could pack the house every night of the week if you wanted to.”

  Harper gave her a cocky grin, settling back onto his seat as the last of the tension bled from his body. “Good to know you think I’m incredible.” Talia rolled her eyes at him in mock annoyance, but secretly grinned to see him back at ease. Her attention was suddenly drawn to the dance floor by the lights dimming into near-darkness. Karaoke was clearly over, and as the music picked up she looked over at Harper. “How about we see if you’re as incredible on the dance floor as you are on the stage.”

  His eyes danced with amusement, but there was a clear undercurrent of desire as he nodded and stood. Talia grabbed his hand and tugged him out towards the dance floor, weaving through the mass of bodies until she found a good spot. She let the music wash over her, the thumping bass settling deep into her bones. Her body moved in time with the beat, and she felt Harper’s eyes watching her every move.

  Tossing a saucy look over her shoulder in his direction, Talia let her eyes drift closed and lost herself in the music. Strong hands settled on her waist and she smiled as another body slid in behind her. Their movements were effortless, and felt herself melt a little when he pulled her into him more firmly.

  His body was firm against her back, and when a puff of breath ghosted across her neck she couldn’t help but grind back into him. His fingers tightened against her hips reflexively, and Talia moaned low in her throat.

  The current song melded into a new one with a slightly slower, more sensual beat. One of Talia’s hands reached up and tangled in Harper’s hair, pulling him down closer to her. She tilted her neck, the invitation clear, and she gasped as teeth gently grazed her pulse point. As she arched into his mouth, Talia became aware of just how desperately turned on she was.

  Spinning in his arms so they were face to face, she dragged in a ragged breath. He looked ready to take her on the floor right then and there, and she honestly wasn’t sure she would mind. Leaning in and nipping at his earlobe, she breathed out, “Let’s get out of here.” He nodded, the urgency clear in his actions as he guided them through the crowd and towards the door. On the way out Talia saw Sean hanging around the bouncer he had been eyeing up earlier. He saw her as Harper tugged her past, and mimed cheering and shooing her out of the bar. They had a standing brunch date on Saturdays, so she knew he was already looking forward to hearing all the details.

  The cool night air hit her face the second they cleared the main door, but it served only to make Talia more aware of how on edge her whole body was. Harper turned to look at her and said, “My place is just a few blocks away if you’re okay walking?”

  Talia nodded, and they quickly made their way past the line of people now waiting to get in to the club. They were nearing the end of the block when Harper suddenly pulled her just inside of an alley. Before she could even open her mouth to ask him why they were stopped there, his lips were pressed against hers. Talia stumbled backwards until she was leaning against the solid brick of the building wall and leaned up on her toes to push back into the kiss.

  She nipped at Harper’s bottom lip and he groaned into her mouth, pushing her more firmly up against the wall. Talia felt as though she was drowning and Harper’s mouth was her only source of air. At some point as they kissed his thigh slipped between her legs, and the sudden knowledge that stimulation was so close drew a whine from Talia’s throat.

  Harper pulled back to check in with her, and he looked almost surprised at their position. Surprise was quickly replaced with lust, and he lifted his thigh to press against her center while using his hands to encourage her to grind down. He leaned in and nuzzled her neck, whispering, “Just let go.”

  His words were all it took for Talia’s hips to shoot down, grinding frantically against him. His mouth latched onto her collarbone as he helped her slide against his leg, and one of his hands slipped under her shirt to stroke the smooth skin of her stomach. Talia could feel her orgasm building until all of her conscious thought was focused solely on that one goal. She nearly burst into tears when Harper suddenly pulled back right as she was about to tip over the edge.

  Before she had a chance to say anything, to beg for him to continue, callused fingers were sliding beneath her pants. They dipped into her underwear and she gasped as he brushed them against her clit. “Oh god,” she sighed, ”Please, I need-“

  Before she could say any more, Harper pressed a finger inside of her and she groaned. “Shh,” he whispered, “Don’t want to attract anyone’s attention, do you?”

  She panted quietly and dragged her bottom lip between her teeth in an effort not to make any sound, and he leaned back just enough to see her face. “But then again, maybe you do want people to notice,” he continued, voice calm even as he added a second finger. “I bet you would get off on somebody seeing you like this, wouldn’t you?”

  Images flashed through her mind of how they would look, her backed up against the brick wall with his fingers buried inside of her, wantonly bucking her hips to try to draw him deeper. She couldn’t stifle the moan that burst from her lips at the thought, and he smirked.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, as soon as I saw you from the stage I knew I had to talk to you, had to see if you were feeling what I was.” He punctuated his words with a nip along the column of her throat. “I couldn’t stop thinking about what it would feel like to be inside you, and god- it’s even better than I imagined.”

  Talia felt her orgasm building and dug her nails into Harper’s arms, trying to pull him closer and beg him without words to let her come. Sensing her desperation, Harper thrust into her one more time with his fingers and pressed his thumb against her clit. “Come for me,” he commanded, and the words were all she needed to tip over the edge. Her inner walls clamped down hard against his fingers, trying to draw him deeper as her body shook with wave after wave of pleasure.

  Harper eased her through the aftershocks of her or
gasm with gentle circles around her clit, using his bodyweight to help keep her upright against the wall. It was all Talia could do to stay standing as she caught her breath. After a few moments she straightened, looking up at Harper before pulling him in for a searing kiss. Her hands felt like they couldn’t touch enough of him as they ran over his shoulders and torso, grasping and pulling to get him as close to her as possible. “Take me to your place,” she gasped, “Now.”

  Lust and need were written all over his face as he nodded and stepped back, letting her catch her breath for another second before leading her out of the alley and back out onto the street. The short walk to his apartment was silent, but their hands remained tightly clasped together. Talia couldn’t stop thinking about everything she wanted to do to Harper, and everything she wanted him to do to her. A shiver raced through her body at the mental images and Harper turned to look at her sideways.

  “You okay?”

  His tone was laced with concern, and Talia quickly smiled and nodded. “Yeah. How much farther?”

  “Two more buildings down,” he replied, and Talia felt her heart rate spike at how close they were. She had never felt this level of arousal and need before- there was just something about him that she couldn’t resist, and she honestly didn’t even want to try.

  Harper led them up the stairs, unlocked the door, and locked it behind them as soon as they were inside. In the back of her brain Talia distantly noted the tidy space she found herself in, guitars and a keyboard propped against one of the walls. Her observations ceased, however, as she turned to face Harper head on.

  “Give me a second?” He asked, and she nodded. He disappeared through a door off the main room, and she breathed deeply to try to contain her desire to follow him and take him then and there. She didn’t know whether he was pre-op or post-op, or if he even wanted surgery at all, and she couldn’t help imagining the different scenarios for each. All of them ended with her coming harder than she had in her life, and she bit her lip in anticipation as she heard footsteps head back down the hall in her direction. After what felt like a lifetime but was probably only a few seconds in reality, he came back into the room. Talia licked her lips as she looked him up and down, noting the increased bulge in his tight jeans.

  His eyes were darkened with lust, and she stalked over to him. Flipping the tables from their encounter in the alley, Talia backed him up against the wall. She pressed a needy kiss to his lips, letting her tongue flick against his for the briefest of moments before she sank to her knees in front of him. She looked up at him through her lashes, watching his face for any sign that she should stop, but saw only anticipation and need on his face.

  Satisfied that he wanted this as much as she did, she popped the button on his jeans and slid the tight material down his legs. She ran her fingers over the muscles as she did, eliciting a jump in his hips. Talia smirked up at him. “Eager, aren’t you?”

  He growled low in his throat but didn’t say anything, and she rewarded him by pulling his boxers down as well. Her eyes widened with lust when she saw the prosthetic dildo, and she felt herself get wet all over again at the thought of him being inside of her with it. It was eight inches and thick, designed to look and feel like skin. She let her fingers run along the length of it before grasping the harness straps and using them to pull him in closer.

  Talia pressed a reverent kiss to the tip before enveloping it in her mouth. She took as much of it as she could before feeling it bottom out at the back of her throat, her nose almost pressed against Harper’s pubic bone. She started a slow rhythm with her mouth, letting her fingers wrap around it to press and tug in sync with her sucking. A needy groan from above her made her pause, and she looked up to see Harper watching her with a hungry look. Talia held his gaze as she took him in her mouth once more, moaning as she did.

  Harper had been trying to keep his hips still up to that point so as not to be too rough, but he couldn’t stop them from bucking as he watched her. Talia groaned encouragingly when one of his hands slid into her hair, winding strands around his fingers and tugging, and she picked up her pace. He began thrusting shallowly into her mouth, and Talia used her free hand to palm his ass and guide his rhythm. She could tell he was getting close, his thrusts becoming more erratic as she kept sucking at him, and she let her own actions become a bit rougher in response. It seemed to be just what he needed, as it took only a few moments for him to go completely rigid and then shudder, his hips jerking in quick succession as he came.

  Talia sat back on her heels and looked up at him. He was breathing hard, but it didn’t take long for him to open his eyes. His gaze darkened with renewed lust as Talia wiped her mouth and stood, waiting to see what he would do next. He extended his hand, waiting until she took it before hurriedly leading her towards what she assumed was his bedroom.

  Harper pulled her into a heated kiss as he pulled her shirt off, breaking the kiss just long enough to get it over her head. Her bra, pants, and underwear quickly joined her shirt on the floor, and Talia moaned at how good it felt for him to be able to touch her without the barrier of clothing. She tugged at the hem of his shirt, making her intentions known, and he stripped off his own shirt, leaving him in just a bind.

  Harper nudged her backwards until her calves hit the edge of the bed, and Talia let herself fall backwards onto the mattress. She slid up so that she was resting against the headboard as Harper climbed on top of her, straddling her hips with his own. His cock brushed against her center and Talia raised her hips, trying desperately to get more friction. Harper grinned down at her and slowly slid his hands up her arms before gently pinning her wrists above her head. He glanced down to make sure that she was okay with it before lowering his head and leaving a trail of kisses down her neck and onto her chest.

  Talia arched her back to try to encourage his mouth to go where she wanted it, and huffed in needy frustration when he continued nipping and sucking all around her breasts. Just when she felt as though she might combust from the teasing, a hot mouth suddenly enveloped her left nipple. She cried out, squirming in pleasure as he scraped his teeth against it before giving the other nipple the same attention.

  Harper ran his hands down her body until he was grasping her hips and flipped her over in one smooth motion. Talia instinctively settled on her elbows and knees, raising her ass in the air to try to entice him. She felt his fingers dip into her wet heat, and glanced back to see him coating himself with her wetness. Talia whined as she felt the hard tip of his cock press against her opening, and dropped her face until it was pressed into the comforter.

  He entered her excruciatingly slow, and Talia sagged into the mattress with how good it felt to be filled. When he bottomed out inside her, Harper pulled back and began a steady pace, letting her get used to the feeling of him being inside of her.

  “More,” Talia gasped, “You don’t have to be gentle with me.” Harper clearly heard her, but kept up a maddeningly slow pace as he reached up her body to roll a nipple between his fingers. Watching him with hooded eyes, Talia couldn’t help but think that she had never seen anything quite as sexy as the way he was fucking her. He wielded the prosthetic cock as an extension of his body, confidence oozing out of him, and she couldn’t remember the last time she had felt this incredible. The tension building in her stomach was becoming unbearable, and she pushed her hips into his thrusts with more force, hoping to convey to him how much she needed to come.

  Harper seemed to get the message, and he slowly sped up until his thrusts were rocking her into the bed with their force. Talia could feel him getting closer as her own orgasm approached, and she let out a muffled cry when she felt herself tighten briefly around him. “So close,” she mumbled, “Come with me, Harper.”

  His hips stuttered for a second and then began slamming into her with renewed force as he slipped a hand around to skitter over her clit. The glancing pressure was the most exquisite torture she had ever felt, and Talia whimpered as he rubbed her hipbone. A few seconds
later his fingers returned to her clit, applying more pressure this time as he rubbed quick circles. Talia’s orgasm hit with unexpected force, and the corners of her vision started to go dark as her whole body shook. Harper buried himself to the hilt in her one final time as he came, a long groan leaving his lips as he folded over her back, keeping gentle pressure on her clit to draw out the aftershocks of her orgasm.

  They stayed like that for a long moment, twitches from their lingering shared orgasm hitting every few seconds. Harper eventually pushed himself up and carefully pulled out of her. Talia mewled at the sensation, her nerve endings still sensitive, and let herself collapse onto the bed. She heard some rustling off to the side of the bed and what she assumed was the sound of the harness and prosthetic hitting the floor before the mattress sank with Harper’s weight, and she rolled over so she could see him.

  He looked how she felt- completely exhausted. “Stay?” he murmured, sleepiness clear in his voice. Talia nodded, suddenly too tired to form words, and curled into the sheets to sleep.

  Chapter 3

  Talia woke slowly, her body pleasantly sore. She stretched languidly, her mind gradually coming back to consciousness, and then froze as the events from the previous night came crashing back. Her eyes popped open and she looked at the empty space in the bed next to her, her heart sinking at the feeling of waking up alone.


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