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Kill a Spy: The House of Killers

Page 26

by Samantha Lee Howe

  Beth smiles at him. ‘That’s a great idea.’ She drops the towel. ‘I’ll wait for you in bed.’

  Elliot smirks and gets up off the bed. He leaves the room and goes downstairs.

  Beth runs to her side of the bed, unplugs the phone and puts it in the top drawer of the bedside cabinet again. She gets in the bed and pulls the covers up over herself.

  Elliot returns. He places the glasses on top of the dresser and pours them both a large glass of red wine.

  Beth is trembling as she takes the glass from his fingers.

  ‘I noticed you have a new phone,’ he says.


  ‘It was on the side, charging when I came in before,’ he says.

  ‘Oh. That was just my work phone. I turned it off so that we won’t be disturbed,’ she says.

  Elliot gets in the bed and slides over to her. ‘I was just speaking to my mother again,’ he says.

  ‘Were you?’

  Elliot nods. ‘She has a very suspicious mind and not surprising really. She was right, what she said, of course.’

  Beth tries to keep her face blank. ‘Right about what?’ she says.

  ‘That someone had cloned my phone. You see, I didn’t accidentally knock something over. I did it to see if there would be an echo of it on the copy you have.’

  ‘What are you…?’ Beth says.

  ‘Shush,’ he says. ‘Eavesdroppers never hear good of themselves.’

  ‘Elliot?’ Beth says.

  ‘Where is the phone now?’

  ‘I don’t…’

  ‘I know you’re lying. You’re really bad at it. No poker face at all. I guess that’s why they gave you an office job instead of, after all that training, letting you out in the field.’

  Beth stares at him. Her heart is beating so hard she can hear the blood pounding through her ears.

  ‘I do like you. A lot. Despite what you may have heard or seen. Mother is a control freak. She never lets us have our own lives, even when we are out working for her,’ Elliot continues.

  ‘You’re scaring me Elliot,’ she says. ‘Please…’

  ‘I just need the phone, Beth, and then I’ll be leaving. I’d hoped I could stay on here. You know, I’m good at my job. And we really did have something nice going on together. I mean, I made you happy, didn’t I?’

  Beth doesn’t answer.

  ‘But now you suspect me, I’m no use to Mother and I can’t continue with our little… courtship,’ he continues. ‘It was fun while it lasted though. Maybe we can fuck just one more time before I go?’

  Something snaps inside Beth’s head as Elliot admits his guilt and makes this revolting suggestion. She’d been prepared to fake it that night, just to stop him being suspicious, but the thought of letting him use her one last time after his admission, makes her see red.

  ‘What have you been doing here?’ she asks and her voice is cold.

  ‘You know I’m not going to tell you that,’ Elliot says.

  ‘You’re one of them. You work for the Network,’ she says.

  ‘No. I’m a different breed from Neva and Michael,’ Elliot says. ‘Now… Give. Me. The. Phone.’

  Beth opens the drawer at the side of the bed and reaches in, but it isn’t the phone that she picks up. Ever since her kidnapping she’s slept with her service revolver in close proximity. She pulls it free, and throwing herself out of the bed and out of reach, she rolls expertly and comes to her knees. She points the gun at Elliot.

  Elliot leaps off the bed and backs up.

  ‘It was you, wasn’t it?’ she says. ‘You kidnapped me?’

  Elliot’s silence confirms her suspicions.

  ‘It had to be you. You knew all about me by then. You came in here and chloroformed me, and then dumped me in that hospital. You had access to all of the right forms to do it.’

  ‘Clever girl,’ he says. He steps towards her. ‘You weren’t in any danger though, Beth. I made sure. You have to listen. I really do care about you.’

  ‘Come any closer and I’ll shoot you,’ Beth says.

  ‘I just want the phone. And then I’ll leave,’ Elliot says again.

  ‘You’re not having the phone,’ Beth says. ‘Now fuck off out of my house before I shoot you.’

  ‘You’re not going to shoot me Beth. You’re not a killer. I could have taken it… while you were in the shower,’ he points out.

  ‘Why didn’t you?’

  ‘Beth… I love you,’ he says. ‘I wanted you to know it wasn’t all a lie.’

  ‘Really? “Never in a million years” comes to mind.’

  Elliot dives at her then. Beth doesn’t blink as she fires two shots directly into his chest. He drops to the floor and doesn’t move.

  When the security detail burst into the house and run upstairs, they find Elliot dead on Beth’s bedroom floor.

  Beth, still naked, continues to point the gun at the corpse until the security men take it from her trembling fingers.

  ‘He was a spy,’ she says. ‘He was a fucking spy.’

  One of the security guards picks up her robe from the back of the bedroom door and wraps it around her.

  Shaking, Beth pulls on the robe. She glances back at Elliot’s prone body and then bursts into tears.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ says the security guard. ‘We’ll take care of everything.’

  He leads her from the bedroom, as the other guard makes the necessary phone call. Downstairs, Beth sits at her kitchen table, staring into space.

  I’ve fixed that lying bastard, she thinks. He can’t spy on us anymore.

  A strange calm comes over her. Ever since she was kidnapped, she’s lived in fear of being taken again. With Elliot dead, and his admission of guilt, Beth no longer has to be afraid. Even with the questions she will inevitably be required to answer, Beth isn’t worried. She can tell them of Elliot’s confession. After years of being a loyal employee, Ray should have no reason to doubt her. Besides, she was already getting her story straight about her suspicion of Elliot. No one had been closer to him than her, she was bound to catch him out eventually. She has no doubt that she will be believed.

  As Beth plans her report, the enormity of what’s happened sinks in. Beth’s calm disappears. The tears come again along with a raging sadness that Elliot is dead, despite all of his lies and deception. She’d really cared about him and now she understood just how Michael must have felt about Neva’s betrayal.

  She sees her life spanning out before her: working at Archive; coming home to an empty house; never trusting anyone again.

  What kind of future is that?

  When the tears dry up, she goes to the fridge, withdraws the half-drunk Sauvignon Blanc bottle and pours herself another glass.

  Chapter Fifty-Five


  Jewel arrives at the château by late afternoon, a taxi bringing her straight from Toulouse Airport. She is nervous as she approaches the gates. All of her life she’s done everything Mother asked of her but what will she say to her about her recent transgressions now that she’s home?

  The guard at the gate smiles at her and waves her through. ‘You’ve been missed around here,’ he says.

  ‘Is Mother home?’ she asks.

  He nods. ‘She has a guest too.’

  Jewel’s taxi passes through the gates and she instructs the driver to take her up to the front of the château. Then she pays him and watches the taxi go, tempted to call him back and get inside, leaving this place behind her for good, but she can’t do it. This is home, despite everything and she must answer Mother’s call. Refusal to do so will bring about repercussions that even Jewel fears.

  She walks up the front steps and enters the house, passing into the huge hallway. There’s a central staircase that goes upwards and then divides into two, then travels upwards to meet the landings on either side of the main hall. The château has five storeys including a cellar. And on each landing the building divides into north and south wings. Jewel stands in the hallway look
ing upwards, almost overwhelmed by the family residence even though she grew up here.

  Mother’s loyal butler, Jeremy, greets her as he comes into the hallway from the service corridor.

  ‘Miss Annalise is in the vegetable garden,’ he says. ‘But she has a visitor.’

  ‘I know,’ says Jewel.

  The thought of meeting Mia sets Jewel’s teeth on edge and brings an unreasonable urge to cut the woman’s throat for just being there. She forces a smile for Jeremy.

  ‘And how is Mother?’ she asks.

  ‘Very upbeat,’ says Jeremy. ‘I think this partnership will be good for us all.’

  Jewel nods. ‘Good. Good.’

  ‘It’s very nice to have you home,’ Jeremy says.

  Instead of going to the garden, Jewel goes upstairs to her own room which is on the same level as Mother’s, just a few doors down. Other privileged children of the training school have also been granted their own space in the château, instead of sharing with their operative brothers and sisters in the barracks attached to the school. Jewel’s room has always been her pride and joy. When she goes inside it now, she finds it is ready for her arrival.

  The room has a balcony, just like Mother’s and the doors are open. Fresh warm air filters into the room. Jewel glances outside at the peaceful scenery. She overlooks a landscaped garden with a magnificent old fountain as its centrepiece.

  Jewel lies on her four-poster bed, smelling the fresh sheets, perfumed with fabric softener and the smell of the outdoors that she’s always loved since childhood. She is more confident that Mother has no negative plans for her. But is she glad to be home? She’s not sure.

  There is a knock at the door and Jewel gets off the bed and opens it. Jeremy is outside and he holds a tray out to her.

  ‘I thought you’d need this,’ he says.

  Jewel takes the tray and thanks him. After closing the door again, she places the tray down on her dressing table. The tray holds a half carafe of red wine, and a beautifully dressed crab salad. It’s one of her favourite dishes. She knows Mother has instructed the cook to prepare it for her welcome home. Even though she hadn’t confirmed she would be coming back today. But Mother expected her to obey and it was impossible for Jewel not to. Mother likes to bestow gifts on her children when she feels they deserve it. The food tray is a reward for her obedience.

  Normally she would take such a lunch outside on the balcony to eat, but Jewel is enjoying being back in the haven of her room so much that she sits at the dressing table and begins to eat instead.

  After she’s eaten and sipped at the red wine, Jewel goes downstairs. In the hallway she follows the path right around the staircase and goes into the estate office. There is a whole room full of computers here. This is where the operatives learn their hacking skills. She glances inside to see some of the operatives hard at work. Then she walks past and out through the kitchen to the back of the house.

  She goes outside and takes a stroll down to the guard post and from there she begins the long walk of the land, checking the perimeter to calm herself, as she always does when she’s home.

  Chapter Fifty-Six


  Annalise has just concluded her business with Mia when she sees Fleur. They are in the grounds of the château as she approaches. Annalise looks at her wayward daughter, assessing signs of deterioration. She’s been told of her activities and is concerned that she is breaking down in a more catastrophic manner than Neva did, some months back, when she broke away from the Network. But Fleur’s prompt return is a good sign. It shows that Annalise still has enough control to command her.

  ‘This is my daughter, Fleur,’ she says, introducing her to Mia for the first time. ‘You’ve arrived at a fortunate time. We’ve agreed terms.’

  ‘What terms, Mother?’ asks Fleur.

  Mother gives her ‘the look’, and Fleur falls quiet. Another sign that she is not irredeemable. Annalise smiles at her, and gives her a pat on the arm as silent praise.

  ‘Goodbye, my dear,’ says Annalise to Mia. She and Mia hug as though they are old friends. Then the security detail – Annalise’s personal bodyguards – come and escort Mia away.

  ‘She’s returning to England to take her place as Mr Beech,’ Annalise says.

  ‘And what about you, Mother?’ Fleur asks. ‘I thought you wanted the keys to the kingdom.’

  They follow Mia and the guards around to the front of the château. The limousine is waiting, and Mia gets inside. She waves and Annalise can see the excitement in the woman’s face as she leaves the château with a full understanding of who and what she is. A few weeks ago, Annalise had thought it a shame she never got to Michael before Subra interfered with him. What a powerful force the brother-and-sister team would have made. But now, she is pleased she has restored Mia to her real self, even though it hadn’t been her intention to do so. But Kritta had tricked her, not explaining that once triggered in this way, Mia would eventually regain all of the information Beech had given her. She’d hoped to be able to control what Mia knew, but soon learned that wasn’t possible. In the end it had all worked out for the best though. Mia had confirmed she didn’t need Michael and she and Annalise had formed a formidable alliance.

  Annalise glances at Fleur. Though she’s a good agent, the girl is always lacking. Now Annalise wonders what Valentin would have made of his two daughters. As twins went, they were chalk and cheese. Had he lived, Annalise might never have built her empire, distracted as she was with her feelings for the man. In the end, his death had been for the best.

  ‘I’m glad you are home,’ Annalise says. ‘Don’t go missing again.’

  ‘You said I could keep the money,’ Fleur says. Annalise sees the petulant child Fleur has always been. She sighs.

  ‘The money means nothing Fleur; your prolonged absence was the betrayal. What have you been doing while you were gone?’ Annalise asks.

  Fleur’s face drops as she plummets from adulthood to childhood in an instant. Annalise studies her. This daughter does not always please her, even though she is of her own blood.

  ‘I was resting. Sometimes I need time alone Mother. I had to put up with that man pawing me. I needed downtime after that,’ Fleur says. ‘And I prefer to be called Jewel.’

  Annalise has tried so hard to shape Fleur. Pushing her also into having relationships when she was so reluctant to share physical contact with anyone. Like the job with Tehrin. It was more about making Fleur rounded than getting access to his pitiful inheritance. She wanted Fleur to learn to enjoy the art of seduction like Annalise did, because such control over another was a great power to possess.

  ‘Don’t be pathetic,’ she says now. ‘You did a good job on him. Even if men aren’t to your taste, you convinced him he was. And as for “Jewel”, you need to prove yourself deserving of such a name. But no matter, what of the other task I set you? Did you manage that?’

  Fleur’s face is guarded, but Annalise sees the stubborn twist of her jaw, always Fleur’s tell that she’s on the verge of rebellion. So far, she has never acted on this urge, but Annalise will knock her to the floor if she ever does.

  ‘I did what you asked me to do. I always do what you say,’ Fleur says.

  Annalise looks back at the limo as it wends its way down the long driveway and approaches the gates. She signals the guard to open up and let them through. The limo drives away.

  ‘A big change is approaching,’ Annalise says. ‘Mia is going to be so useful to me.’

  ‘How Mother? I thought you wanted the Network for yourself?’

  ‘My plans have changed, but ultimately the result will be the same. Through Mia I will control the Network. I may send you out on another task soon,’ Annalise says.

  ‘What task?’ Fleur says.

  ‘We need to get our hands on the child. Then we can ensure that Mia is controlled.’

  Fleur turns away without a word.

  ‘Where are you going now?’ Annalise asks.

  She alread
y has her suspicions as to what the girl was doing while she was away, but the question is why was she doing it?

  ‘I’m walking the perimeter,’ Fleur says. ‘Like I always do Mother. I’m making sure everyone is on task.’

  ‘Good. When you’ve finished, we will dine together, and you will tell me then, everything you’ve done in your absence.’

  ‘Yes, Mother,’ says Fleur.

  Annalise watches as Fleur walks away. Not for the first time she wonders if she made a mistake parting with Fae instead of Fleur. After all, as Neva, Fae continues to work towards her mother’s goals, even when she doesn’t know she’s doing it. Would Fleur have even survived out there, alone, this long, even as Jewel? Annalise doubts it.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven


  After driving around the perimeter, I approach the winery with confidence. It’s late afternoon. Unlike most of the wineries we’ve passed, the D’Aragon Winery has security at the gate. I pull the car up to the barrier and wind down my window.

  ‘Hello,’ I say. ‘My wife and I are wondering if we can have a wine tasting. We’d like to order a shipment of your finest wines.’

  ‘Usually tastings are prearranged, Monsieur,’ says the guard.

  ‘Really?’ asks Neva. ‘Can’t you make an exception?’

  ‘One moment. I will see if there is anyone available to help you,’ says the guard.

  He picks up the phone in his booth and makes a call. Then he begins speaking low in rapid French. When he hangs up, he gives us a smile.

  ‘You are in luck,’ he says. ‘The winery manager is available and can do the tour.’

  ‘Wonderful!’ I say.

  ‘Just follow the road and it takes you straight to the building,’ the man says.

  The barrier begins to rise as I wind up the window and then I drive through and onto the signposted road.


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