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The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 4)

Page 14

by Julie Farrell

  Jake chuckled. “I sure am.”

  “Well, we’d better change that by taking you to a Yankees game. What are you doing next weekend?”

  Ivan and Samira watched them for a moment, then he turned and kissed her on the cheek. “Shall we get out of here?”

  “Check on Quin?”

  “Yeah, something like that. There’s someplace I want to take you.”

  “Hmm…. I like the sound of that.”


  Samira had no idea where Ivan was taking her, which was as exciting as a childhood Christmas morning. When they’d left the grand hall, she’d expected to go to the room to see Quin – and to perhaps ask the babysitter to give them some time alone. But instead, he led her out of the hotel and toward the back of the building, where earlier Adam and Amy had been posing for photos. It was lush and green out here, albeit very warm. The grounds were huge and sprawling, and Samira was intrigued as to what her gorgeous husband could possibly be up to.

  As they strolled around the corner, Samira’s heart filled with joyful surprise and she halted. There was a beautiful white horse standing in the middle of the grass, waiting patiently with a smartly-dressed groom. The horse was eating hay. The groom was smiling kindly. Samira assumed this horse must be here for the happy couple, but her insides skipped with delight as Ivan strode over and took the reins. “Thanks, buddy. We’ll be a couple of hours.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The groom wandered back toward the hotel, leaving them alone.

  “Ivan, what’s going on?” Samira asked, unable to stifle her grin.

  “I said I was taking you someplace, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, but I thought you meant…” She trailed off and laughed.

  He held out his hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Samira drifted over and patted the horse, who whinnied gently. Then – trying to be as ladylike as possible in her glamorous gown – she stuck her foot in the stirrup and climbed up into the luxurious saddle.

  Ivan climbed up behind her, wrapping her in his arms and pressing his thighs against hers from behind. He took the reins, nibbling her ear and turning her on as he leaned close.

  “I love you,” he said.

  Samira could barely speak with happiness. “Ivan… this is amazing.”

  He geed the horse on, and they started to walk across the lush grounds in the sunshine.

  Samira leaned back against him, relishing the feel of his gorgeous muscles under his suit jacket. “Thank you so much for this. I love horses...”

  “I know you do. And this is just the transportation to where we’re going.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see. Enjoying the ride?”

  “I am. This horse is beautiful. And I have a gorgeous hunk straddled behind me!”

  He laughed and kissed her on the cheek as she relaxed into him.

  She enjoyed the sunshine on her face as they rode for the next ten minutes, walking out further into the hotel’s secluded grounds – away from the family and wedding celebrations. Then, as they turned a corner, Samira saw a clearing of grass, where someone had placed an iron table and chairs – upon which was a bottle of Champagne and nibbles. There was a picnic rug on the ground nearby, and Samira realized with grateful joy that Ivan had organized all this for her. What a gorgeous guy…

  It was stunning out here. A lake ran through this section of the grounds – the trickle of which was the only sound – other than the gentle birdsong from the trees on the outskirts of the nearby wood.

  Ivan gently tugged the reins and the horse halted, then they both dismounted.

  She didn’t know what else to say. “This is amazing, Ivan.”

  “You’re amazing, sweetheart. You more than deserve to feel special.”

  He gestured for her to take a seat on one of the chairs, so she sat down and gazed up at him as he remained standing. Her heart thumped with delight as he sunk to his knees at her feet.

  “Ivan, what are you doing?”

  He held her hands. “Samira, I know we’re doing everything the wrong way round, but somehow I love it. We’re already married, but my proposal back in Texas wasn’t worthy of your greatness.” He delved in his suit trouser pocket, revealing a velvet jewelry box, which he opened, and Samira gasped as her eyes fell on a silver engagement ring, set with the biggest and most sparkling diamond she’d ever seen. “Will you marry me?”

  She burst into laughter. “Yes!”

  They both stood up and he picked her up and spun her around, kissing her and smiling with joy.

  “I didn’t think anything could top the happiness I felt when I married you,” she said, as he placed her down. “But today I’m even happier.”

  “Me too,” he said. “Come on, let’s sit by the water and enjoy the peace while we can.”

  They sat on the dry grass by the crystal stream and Ivan wrapped his arms around her. Samira breathed in the beautiful scenery – the blue sky, fluffy white clouds, and the green trees of the surrounding woodland. She loved the tranquility here – it was like an oasis of calm – a private universe just for them.

  She gazed into his eyes. “Everything’s perfect in my life now… I just need my passport back, then I can apply for my visa to stay here with you.”

  “Don’t worry – I’ll get your passport back, no matter what.” He winced. “God…”

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “It’s just that…” he sighed. “When I was shopping with Clara earlier she said she really likes you…”

  “Well, that’s good, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but she also thinks you’re too naïve and trusting. She said you’ll get in trouble again if you don’t toughen up and start being more suspicious of people like Langdon.”


  “But, the thing is, sweetheart, I don’t think you should change. You’re perfect just the way you are. Always keep that innocent spark, won’t you?”

  She smiled. “I did what I did with Langdon out of desperation – I want to stay in this country so badly, and I needed to protect Quin. But as for being too trusting… well, maybe I do give my heart away too easily – I run off and get married in Las Vegas and I fall in love with gorgeous hunks. But I like the way I am. I like seeing the good in people – to trust them and give them the benefit of the doubt. It makes my life more pleasant, you know?”

  “I know. And I think you’re perfect.”

  “Well, that’s good, because I think that about you too. It must be fate!”

  He chuckled, then gestured toward the lake. “Wanna go skinny dipping?”

  She burst into laughter. “Ivan, I can’t swim.”

  “I’ll take care of you.”

  “What if your family sees us?”

  “Who cares?”

  Samira grinned. She was sure Ivan never used to be this reckless. Maybe she was having a bad effect on him. But maybe that was a good thing. As for not being able to swim… she trusted Ivan with her life.

  He offered his hands to help her up, and she chuckled nervously at the prospect of being naked out here, but it was incredibly liberating too.

  Ivan stripped off his suit jacket and dropped it to the ground, then his tie and shirt came off too. Samira watched him, captivated by that incredible toned torso of his, which she still couldn’t believe she owned for eternity. He pulled her close and kissed her hard, then he unzipped her dress and let it drop to the ground so that she was wearing her bra and panties. She undid his trousers and pulled them down – taking his underwear with them – so he was now standing there in all his naked glory.

  “You’re so handsome,” she said.

  He caressed her bare shoulder. “You need to be naked too if we’re doing this properly.”

  “No way. I’m keeping my underwear on.”

  He gazed lovingly at her. “Alright. Come on, ready? You can see the bottom – you’ll be able to touch it with your feet when we’re in. So we’re gonna jump in tog

  “Oh god…”

  “You’ll be alright. You know I’ll take care of you.”

  “I trust you, Ivan.”

  They linked fingers and strode together toward the water, then they jumped holding hands. Samira relished the thrill of flying through the air, before she splashed down into the icy water, shrieking loudly as she realized it was freezing. Still gripping Ivan’s hand tightly, she stretched her legs down and touched the silty floor, then she hugged him – already shivering.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah – that was fun – but it’s so cold!”

  Ivan sloshed his arms around her. “Allow me to warm you up, sweetheart…”

  She sunk into his muscular body, wrapping her arms and legs around him, and enjoying the feel of the water around her. He gently maneuvered her around so she was gripping onto his back, then he swam them a little further into the lake.

  He came to a halt where it was deeper and she paddled around to face him – holding on tight the whole time. They kissed and she realized her teeth were chattering.

  “You are cold,” he said. “Your lips are turning blue. You wanna get out?”

  “No, I like it in here with you.” She gazed pensively into his eyes. “Did you know that in some cultures you can bathe in holy water and wash away your sins?”

  “You don’t have any sins, Samira. You’re perfect.”

  She grinned. “Thank you – and so are you. But… come on, let’s dunk anyway!”

  He laughed lightly. “Okay…”

  Samira held Ivan’s hand tight, took a deep breath in, then allowed herself to plunge under the water. She felt Ivan sinking under with her, then they both shot up like phoenixes rising – reborn. Samira laughed with joy. Her hair was soaking wet and her make-up was running down her face, but somehow it didn’t matter. She knew she would dry off easily in the sunshine and she could re-do her make-up. She realized nothing was really ever as terrible as it seemed. The good times always passed… but so did the bad.

  Ivan pulled her close. “Come on, let’s get dry.”

  They hauled themselves out and flopped down on the grass, shivering in the sunshine. Ivan grabbed his discarded shirt and wrapped it around her shoulders, then he pulled on his trousers, before sitting down and kissing her tenderly – easing his tongue into her mouth, and sending dazzles of elation through her body.

  “You taste so good,” he whispered. He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek, sending tingles into her core. “It was great what you said to my dad back there – about putting the past behind him and not blaming Jake for what happened.”

  She bit her lip. “I hope I wasn’t being rude to my new father-in-law. We’re pretty strict about respecting our elders in Iran, but I felt my words were a contribution.”

  “They were – you did great. I was worried on the ranch, because you seemed to have lost your confidence a bit. You’re usually so feisty – which is something I love about you. You don’t take shit.”

  She chuckled. “I know how to play meek when I need to.”

  “Yeah, you do that well too.”

  “I was losing my confidence on the ranch, Ivan. But now I’m feeling so much stronger. Not only because you’re back in my life – which makes me feel so happy. But also because I knew what I was doing with Langdon – with the suitcases – was wrong. Now I feel I can be myself again, because I’m being true to myself. Does that make sense?”

  “It does.” He pulled her close, nuzzling her neck. “Oh, and you did punch me back at the ranch, so I don’t think you were ever quite too meek!”

  She laughed with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry about that! I was upset and confused. It was totally wrong of me.”

  “Hey, nothing I couldn’t handle. Although you do have a pretty good right hook there.” He rubbed his chin and they both laughed.

  She gazed at the huge rock on her finger. “And now I have a knuckle-duster too!”

  They laughed again, then faded to a tranquil silence. Samira splashed her feet in the cool water. “I’m going to take swimming lessons. When we’re teaching Quin to swim, I’m going to learn too.”

  “I think that’s a great idea.”

  She gazed at him, feeling something profound shift inside her. She’d been waiting for this man all her life – for this glorious feeling of love. “I want to give you something – in return for all you’ve given me.”

  “You’ve given me plenty, babe: happiness, love, Quin… your beautiful body…”

  “Well, you give me those things too.”

  “We’ve given each other our hearts and souls – that’s all I want from you Samira – just your love and your company for the rest of our lives.”

  She shuffled out of his arms and reached around to unclasp her necklace, removing the delicate chain and holding up the inch-high silver pendant, which looked like an ‘&’ sign. “This belonged to my mother,” she said. “It’s the Arabic symbol for love. I want you to have it. I know you don’t wear jewelry, but you can put it in your wallet, next to my photo.”

  Ivan’s tough expression melted into humble love. “Thank you, sweetheart. This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever given me.” He studied it for a moment, then he took out his wallet and slipped it inside for safekeeping. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly. “But I’m only the temporary custodian of this.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. When we have a daughter, I’ll give it to her.”

  Samira beamed with joy. “I’d love a daughter.”

  “We’d better keep trying until we get one then, huh?”



  Once they were both dry, Ivan and Samira pulled on their clothes and went back to join the wedding celebrations. Samira hadn’t put her underwear back on, because it was still damp from the dip, so she subtly asked Amy if she had anything she could lend her. Amy was delighted to help, and they went up to the bridal suite, where she gave Samira some of the most beautiful brand new lingerie she’d ever seen.

  “Don’t you need it for your honeymoon?”

  “Nah,” Amy said. “You keep it. I’ve got plenty of other things I can use to thrill my new husband.”

  After the wedding reception was over, Ivan and Samira thanked the babysitter for watching Quin, then they made their way back across the city to the Quinlan house and put the baby to bed.

  “We should go to bed too,” Ivan said.

  “But I’m not tired,” she purred.

  “I was hoping not.”

  In Ivan’s childhood bedroom, Samira lit some peach-scented candles which she’d found in the bathroom and she put on some sassy tunes, creating a sizzling romantic atmosphere. Ivan removed his shirt and tie, revealing his perfect sculpted pecs and abs, which Samira couldn’t resist touching. His flesh was so soft, and his body was firm… she still couldn’t believe this was hers.

  He allowed her to fondle his toned chest, before pulling her close and kissing her hard. Desire zoomed through her body – making her feel weak at the knees. As the kiss grew more passionate, he slipped his tongue into her mouth – shooting volts of pleasure between her legs. She grinned between kisses. It felt so good to be married to this amazing guy…

  He kissed her sensuously. “You belong to me. And I belong to you.”

  “Yes, Ivan.”

  “I’ve been fantasizing about stripping your clothes off and fucking you all day. That dip in the lake was hot…”

  “If you want to strip me, be my guest...”

  He pulled her satin gown over her head and threw it to the chair, so she was standing in her underwear. Samira chuckled as his expression changed to one of delight – she was wearing Amy’s lacy bra, silky panties, and stockings with a garter belt.

  “Jesus, Samira… you’re so fucking hot…”

  She smiled, feeling proud of her body and excited about the effect it had on him. Maintaining eye contact, she reached out and undid his trousers, tugging ou
t his hard-on – which was straining for some action.

  In her most seductive voice, she said, “I fancy some wedding cake. Do you fancy some wedding cake?”

  He frowned. “No.”

  Samira stripped off her bra, then padded over to where they’d place two slices of cake earlier and grabbed one of them – unwrapping the paper napkin from around it. She raised it to her mouth and licked off some of the gooey icing.

  “Mmm,” she said. “This is the best cake I’ve ever tasted. Want some?”

  Ivan opened his mouth to reply, but Samira moved the cake toward her breasts and rubbed it into her flesh, silencing him with delighted surprise.

  “Whoops, I’ve spilt it on me. Hopefully some gorgeous hunk will come along and lick it off.”

  He stepped forward and scooped her into his arms, pressing the cake against his own bare chest and getting sticky. He growled and bent to lick her nipples, causing lust to swirl up inside.

  “For turning me on like that, I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t remember your name,” he whispered.

  He pulled her close and kissed her passionately, then he lifted her up, so she wrapped her legs around his hips. He carried her strongly over to the wall, where he propped her ass against it, making her giggle with delight.

  Pressing himself against her, he ground his rock-hard erection against her panties, showing her how much he wanted her. She could feel his strong hands gripping her ass – running his fingers over the tops of her stockings – making her feel sexy and aroused.

  “Am I heavy?” she asked, sinking into him.

  “You’re so light. And so hot.”

  He leaned into her – pinning her fast – as she gripped her legs around him, then he bent to lick more cake from her breasts – swirling his tongue over her sensitive nipples, and delivering so much pleasure into her body she felt she might climax from this alone.

  “I’m gonna fuck you like an animal…”

  “Oh god, Ivan...”

  He really was like an untamed animal – so strong and wild, and growling with raw masculinity. She threw her arms around his shoulders as he bent at the knees and directed his straining cock toward her panties, rubbing the silky material with the tip of his eager erection.


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