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Outbreak The Living (The Outbreak Series)

Page 10

by Kristal, Deausha

  He lets go of me and I start walking towards the bus. Looking behind, I see everyone is out of their trucks. Turning around, I stop when I am at the bus. Looking at the windows I see tiny, bloody little hand prints. Raising my hand, I trace them. Breathing hard, I see how tiny they are, they did not even stand a chance. What it must have been like for them. So afraid and alone. Wiping the tears off my face, I walk to the other side of the bus. Slowly, I make my way to the door. Opening it, I walk up the three steps and onto the bus. Looking at the bus driver, she is bent over the steering wheel with the side of her face chewed off. There is seat after seat of dead little kids.

  Sniffling, I continue down the aisle, stopping at a little girl, or what’s left of her. It looks like she was trying to get out the window. Hearing a noise, I whip my head towards the back of the bus. There is a little girl, not more than five or six in a little pink dress with lace around the bottom. She is staring at me. I do not move and watch her for a few seconds. She is missing her left arm and part of her neck. Her mouth is full of something that she spits. Slowly I reach for my gun, shaking my head I don’t want to do this. God, I really don’t. She screams and charges towards me and I shoot one agonizing shot into her little head. She falls instantly to the ground.

  I can hear the others outside. “Don’t come in here,” I tell them. Slowly, I look around the rest of the bus, putting my gun in my waistband. I bend down and pick the little girl up. Slowly walking back the same way I came in. I do not look left or right, just straight ahead. Once down the steps, I fall onto my knees with the little girl still tightly in my arms. The tears are streaming down my face and I scream and scream.

  Mack walks over to me and kneels down beside me, wrapping his arms around me, he lets me just cry and scream. “Baby, you need to lay her down now,” he says gently in my ear.

  Slowly and being as gentle as I can, I lay her down. Sal walks over and goes to his knees to cover her with a blanket. Looking up at Mack, I sob, “She didn’t have a chance; none of those little kids did, Mack.” Turning in his arms, I bury my face into his chest and cry. He holds me as close as he can.

  “I know, baby, I know,” he says softly. He pushes the hair out of my face and kisses my forehead. We stayed that way for a while. Him just rocking me, while I continue to stare off in the distance.

  “We need to get moving, Mack,” Sal says quietly. Looking over to him, I did not realize that he stayed here with us. Mack nods and Sal gets up and goes to the others.

  “Egypt, baby, we need to get moving so that we can get home to your kids,” he says. He hands me a paper towel and I clean up my face and blow my nose.

  Taking a deep breath, I get up. Mack is right behind me, still supporting me. Turning around in his arms, I look up into his eyes and I see that he is crying too. Tears well up and are about to spill over, but I hold them back.

  “Thank you, for being here with me, Mack.” Looking over at the others I don’t think there is a dry eye to be seen.

  “I’ll always be here for you.” He kisses me and we slowly walk back to the truck. Todd hands me water and I give him a small smile. Mack helps me into the vehicle and shuts the door. I watch him walk around to the other side of the truck and jump in. He puts the truck into gear and we slowly go up on the sidewalk to get around the school bus. Looking over, I see the little girl covered up laying on the ground. Life is just not fair. None of those kids got to actually live their lives.

  Turning my head and looking out the window, I watch the buildings get bigger. Mack makes a left sharp turn. Looking the way we were going the zombies are thick that way. “We’re going to have to go slow, the streets are becoming thick with them,” he says. Looking left and right at the intersection, he decides to go left, then slows by this huge greenish building. Looking over at the sign, it says G&J Pharmaceuticals. Letting out a huge breath, we are finally here. Looking around, I see a horde coming our way. They must be a few blocks from us.

  “OK, guys, we're going to have to make a run for it. Be careful. I have no clue what is going to be on the inside, but we cannot linger around outside,” he says. Looking around the truck, I finally open my door and jump out. Taking the knife out, gripping it tighter in my hand than is necessary, my hands are really starting to sweat. I wipe them off on my jeans as I begin to walk forward. The others are not too far behind me. Mack walks past me to take the front. We all pile into the building and Sal shuts the door behind us.

  "OK, guys, we need to get to the third floor. That’s where they keep the medicines. We’re going to have to fight our way out, but for now it’s quiet,” he says as we start forward. Looking around, it is really dim in here. It must just be the emergency generators going. We go past doors that are closed. There is paper thrown across the floors. We make it to the fire exit doors and stop. Mack slowly opens the doors and waits. Looking behind me, I see the others looking around making sure nothing sneaks up on us. I really don’t think we will not hear them coming and the smell is just horrid. Tara is huddled by her mother and her eyes are as big as half dollars. Shaking my head, I would have never brought a kid in here. Mack signals for us to follow. Once in the stairwell, I take the steps two at a time. Hitting the third floor in no time, the smell is getting putrid

  “Mack, be careful, you smell that? Zombies have to be in there.” Looking behind me, everyone grabs their guns and are ready. Putting my knife away, I do the same. It is going to be loud, but at least they will not get up close and personal. Mack pulls open the door and the hot, humid air hits me in the face along with that nasty smell.

  Three zombies rush us, Mack takes one out with his knife making the next one stumble right into me. Slamming back into the wall, I hold it off and place my gun to his head and fire. He slides down my body and hits the ground. Mack comes running over.

  “Are you OK, Egypt?” he says as he’s checks me over. “Did you get bit?”

  Looking up at him with a grin on my face. “No, I’m fine. Let’s keep moving. “ It is like a huge storage room with rows and rows of drugs.

  “OK, Egypt, you and Sally stay here and keep watch, we know what we’re looking for,” he says. He grabs my hand and squeezes it, then turns and walks away. Sal goes by and puts his hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I nod and he keeps going. The other two follow but at a slower pace. Sally has Tara behind her. She looks over to me and smiles a little bit. She is a cute little girl that looks just like her mother. Looking up at Sally, she is just watching the way Sal went. Rolling my eyes, I keep an eye on the way we came. Walking around a little bit it seems that people left here in a hurry.

  Bending down, I see some blood on the floor, touching it with my hand it is not sticky, but fresh. Standing up I quickly walk back to Sally, something is not right here.

  “Sally, you see anything?” I ask her, looking around where the office doors are, they are all closed.

  “No, I don’t see anything why you asking?" she asks, pulling Tara a little bit closer. The little hairs on the back of my neck are sticking up and I am getting goosebumps. She comes closer to me putting Tara between us. Looking around, I just cannot place what I am feeling. Hearing a noise, I see the guys heading our way, but before they can get to us the door to the left crashes open. The guys move back a little so they are not seen.

  Drawing my gun, I watch as six guys come out of the office. Moving so that I am in front of Tara and Sally, looking back I whisper to her, “Keep your mouth shut about the guys.” Looking back, they all have their guns drawn and pointed right at me. Oh shit, I know these guys.

  “Well, well, what do we have here?” the one in the front says. I hear the ones behind him chuckle.

  “We are just getting a few meds and we’ll be on our way,” I say, never taking my gun off them. Hearing a noise behind us, I move Sally and the kid to the side, but still behind me. She doesn’t even have her gun out.

  Looking at the new arrivals, it is none other than Jake. I see him slowly grin and shake his head. Walking a litt
le closer to me, I raise the gun a bit higher.

  “Egypt, it’s so nice to see you again. You left in a hurry. You know we have unfinished business,” he says laughing. Gripping the gun a little bit tighter, I know I have to keep Tara safe.

  “Jake, unfinished business? You mean rape? You prick!” Looking to the left, I see that the guys left through the back door. I’m glad they did, they are really outnumbered. Come on think, Egypt, think!

  “Jake, you want me, why don’t you let the girl and kid go,” I say through gritted teeth. Looking over at the other guys I see that they are getting antsy. Jake looks behind me like he is noticing them for the first time. Walking closer, I don’t budge, I cannot show him that I am afraid.

  “I didn’t think you was into young girls and kids, Jake?” Reaching back I grab Sally by the arm and squeeze. She has been staying quiet and she needs to stay that way. One of the guys tell Jake that there are zombies coming up the stairwell and they need to get moving.

  “If I let them go, you will come with me? No fighting?” he asks. Damn, I do not want to do this, but I know what will happen to them if I don’t.

  “Yeah, I’ll come with you willingly, Jake,” I say lowering my eyes to the ground. I can’t believe this.

  “Fine, she and the kid can go,” he says. Turning to them, I look to the back door, I see Mack watching through the crack in the door and he looks pissed.

  “Go out the back door over there, don’t stop for anything. You hear me?” I say, looking at her she nods her head and runs with Tara to the back of the room and slips through the door. Hearing the door click closed, I turn around Jake is right behind me and grabs me hard by the hair. My eyes water in pain as he pulls my hair, I am sure that some are getting pulled out.

  “We’re just going over to the other building across the street before we head out of here. You and I have something to take care of, Egypt. I’m not waiting any longer,” he sneers. He pushes me forward as we make our way down the stairs to the second floor. Looking around, I notice this is not the way we came in. Looking at the signs I see there is a skyway that connects the two buildings together. We make our way to the entrance of it and stop. Turning my head a little, I see two guys putting a chain through it locking it from our side. I hear Jake laugh. Gritting my teeth, I do not say anything.

  Jake yanks my hair and tells me to start moving. Stumbling forward we make it across in record time. Walking down the hallway, Jake stops and tell the other guys to go wait outside. He watches them leave and throws open a door that we have been standing by and shoves me inside. Tumbling to the ground I smack my head on a desk that was right in front of us. Holding my head, I feel sticky wetness on my hand. That fucker is going to pay for that. Tara is gone, so I don’t have to be nice anymore. Crawling on my hands and knees, I look behind me up at Jake.

  “Get up, Egypt,” Jake says walking over to me. He grabs me by my arm and yanks me up. With my free hand, I hit him on the side of his face. He grins and wipes the blood off. He backhands me and I stumble onto the desk. He is on me before I can get up. Pushing his body hard against mine. Struggling, I try and get him off me. It is no use. He is too big. Grabbing me by my throat, he flips me over on the desk. Leaning against me he whispers in my ear. “Egypt, I could have been easy with you.” He reaches around and undoes my buttons on my jeans. “But no, you have to fight me.”

  He starts yanking my pants down my hips onto my thighs. Bucking, I try anything to get him off me. Which makes him more excited. He grabs me by my hair and pulls my head back further. I scream from the pain, my eyes watering from it, or I am crying. I do not know which. Leaning around, he kisses me roughly on the mouth. Biting my lower lip making it bleed. He runs his hand down my back and rests it on my ass.

  “Now you’re going to be mine. I’m going to fuck you real good and hard,” he says as his hand slides down my ass to his jeans I can feel him moving behind me ready to enter me.

  “Get the hell off me, Jake! You asshole, don’t do this,” I say as a last attempt to get him to stop. This is it, I am going to be raped and there is nothing I can do about it.

  Tears start to run down my face and I scream for Mack as loud as I can. I know he cannot hear me. He was in the other building, but it is what comes out of my mouth. Bracing myself for what’s going to happen. I feel him enter me roughly till he fills me. I try to go to a different place while he grunts and slams into me from behind. I want to be anywhere but here.

  “God, Egypt, you feel so good,” he grunts in my ear. His hand wraps around my breast and squeezes roughly. The pain is almost unbearable when I hear a click of a gun. Turning my head, I try to see what is going on. And then I hear it.

  “Get the fuck off her, you bastard,” Mack growls.

  Jake doesn’t move fast enough, I hear a crack. Suddenly all Jake's weight falls onto me from behind. Struggling, I try to move him off me. Suddenly I feel the weight being lifted off me, and then a thump as he is thrown on the ground. I hear fighting going on and turn enough to see Mack pounding on him, Jake finally goes down. Pushing up from the desk, Mack grabs me and wraps me up in his arms. The tears are running down my face and I cannot talk for the lump in my throat. He helps me with my jeans and then walks me over to sit down, he hands me a bottled water and just watches me. Looking over at Jake you cannot tell that it is him, his face is really messed up. Mack walks over and puts a bullet in his head.

  “Mack, you came,” I say. Looking at the bottle, it’s shaking just as much as my voice is. Mack dabs at my head. Wincing, I grab his hand. Looking up at him “Can we just get out of here?" I ask him. He hands me the cloth and stands up, reaching down for me to grab his hand. Grabbing it, I stand up. I am sore all over but mostly between my legs.

  “Egypt, we need to talk about this, please don’t shut me out, but for now we need to leave and get as far from this place as we can,” Mack says. He grabs the bag by the door and opens it up. Todd is standing outside and looks me over. Mack shakes his head at him, and we keep moving. He has a hold of my hand like he is never going to let go. And to be honest, I do not want him to. We make our way down the dark hall to a set of steps. They are not the fire exit ones, but like main steps. Mack doesn’t stop and heads down them as fast as I can keep up. Hitting the glass doors at the bottom, Todd goes out first and looks around. He gives the all clear and we head out.

  Looking around there are a few zombies to our left and more than that on the right. Letting go of Mack’s hand, I grab my gun that he gave me. “Where are we heading, Mack?” I continue to look around until I finally see the truck.

  “Head to the truck, Egypt,” he says as he fires a few shots at the zombies that are getting to close. Running across the street, I make it to the truck. Opening the door, I let Todd get in the back, I jump up front and slam the door closed, locking it. Looking around I see more zombies coming out of an alley, shit, we really need to get out of here.

  It doesn’t take Mack but a few seconds to get in and take off. We slam into a few lingering zombies, I grab the ‘oh shit bar’ as we go over them. Looking over to Mack, “Did you guys get the medicine that we needed?” I ask.

  “Yep, we sure did, and then some,” Mack says.

  Smiling I hope it can mean only one thing. “Are we heading home then?”

  Mack slows down to take a curve that’s a bit sharp. “Yep, we might make a stop at the CDC if we can get to it.” Grabbing my hand he squeezes it. “We’re headed home, baby,” he says with an enormous grin on his face.

  Looking out the window, I sit back and relax. Home. I knew I would see it again, but it does feel like a dream. How long was I gone? About 2 weeks by the time I get home. I think the CDC is a good idea. Maybe someone is left alive and can tell us what happened. Maybe there is a vaccine for this that can protect my family. I wonder how they are doing. What is going on there?

  Chapter 15

  “Hey Mack, is Sally and Tara OK?” I did not mean to forget about them. There is just a lot going on,
a lot I have to think on. He turns my way, I can tell he is not happy but, what was I to do? I had to think fast.

  “Yeah, they're fine. Shaken up but good,” he says and by the sound of his voice there’s something else going on. Looking over at him, I want to ask but he shakes his head.

  “OK, guys, look sharp, were going to be coming up on the CDC,” Mack says. He grips the wheel a little bit tighter and is on alert. Sitting up straighter, I watch out the window. The roads are becoming thick with the undead. Looking down the side streets as we pass them, I see it’s just as bad that way as well. Pulling up my hair to get it out of my eyes for when we get out. It’s windy out and I need to be able to see.

  Making sure my boots are tied, I sit up. “Mack, what’s the plan since I’ve been out of the loop?”

  “It’s going to be tough, we are going to have to make a run for it," he says, speeding up. The zombies are rubbing up against the truck making it hard to see. There’s a shiny glass building in front of us now. The bottom half is all brick, there’s metal pulled down where the windows should be. They were ready for something to happen, assholes.

  Mack slows the truck down and I put my hand on the handle. We are going to have to fight our way in—if there is a way in. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea.

  “OK, guys, be ready do what you have to. Try and stay together and head to the front door. I’m sure it’s going to be locked, but there’s a camera just make sure you’re seen,” he says. Looking behind me, Todd is getting geared up and gives me a smile. Nodding back, I make sure I have what I need. I add four more clips to my belt. And grab my gun, clicking the safety off. I am ready to go.

  Mack stops the truck where there is not so many zombies. Pulling the handle, I hop out and open the door so Todd can do the same. Looking over, Mack is already coming to my side. Looking left and right, they are starting to surround us. Shit! Pulling out my knife, I walk forward grabbing the first zombie putting the knife right through his eye socket. He drops to the ground, turning to my left, I take out two more the same way. Blood is splattering all over the front of me. The street is getting slick with the shit.


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