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The Edge: (Ignite, Book 1) (Ignite Series)

Page 3

by Fleur Camcho

  “Girl, I’ve been tryin’ to reach you. Where have you been? Man, I thought that sexy man kidnapped you.”

  He smirked. Laura guessed that he could hear Kayla.

  She playfully hit him but he grabbed her hand and held it to his chest. “He didn’t kidnap you, did he? Call me Karen if you’re being held against your will.”

  “No, Kayla. I’m fine.”

  Laura heard a big sigh on the other line. “Then you are in trouble, missy. I’ve been worried sick. Where are you?”

  “I thought you were getting off your shift.” Laura was trying really hard to ignore the feel of her hand in his.

  “I was. Until I came to check on you and, imagine my surprise, you were both missing. And everyone was talking about a sinkhole. There’re two huge holes right in the middle of the street. Then a chick and some dudes were looking for John Doe, one of them was super-hot, and then boy, was my boss pissed.”

  “Some chick?” Laura said this more to him than to Kayla, but he didn’t react.

  “Yeah, some sexy chick in all black, looked like special ops or something, but serious as hell. Wouldn’t take ‘I can’t give out that information’ for an answer. Boss had to call security and they left after that.”

  “Ask her if she talked to any of the men.” He mouthed the words and Laura repeated them.

  “Hell yeah, I talked to the hot one. He asked real nice where John Doe was. Then he asked me out on a date even after I told him I didn’t know.”

  “Who’s John Doe?” His face was puzzled. Laura pointed to his chest and his finger gently rubbed hers. Laura was going to melt into a puddle onto the floor of the car.

  “I said, where are you?”

  Laura realized she wasn’t listening.

  “I’m…” He was gesturing wildly with his hand. “…Driving.”

  “Laura, what’s going on?”

  “Meet her in an hour.” He pointed to his wrist, which, ironically, didn’t have a watch on it.

  “It’s hard to explain. Are you going to go home?”

  “No way. I’m wide-awake. Next time bring me hot chocolate instead of coffee.”

  “I don’t think it’s the coffee that’s keeping you up.”

  Laura heard a shuffle of Kayla’s phone. “Oh, that’s Urban. He’s calling me already.”

  “Who’s Urban?”

  “That guy I told you about, the one looking for your friend. He said he wants to meet tonight. Can you believe that? He said he couldn’t wait more than a day to see me. I hope he brushes his teeth in between now and then, though, because his breath stank.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him yes. We’re going out before my shift.”

  He was gesturing wildly again and Laura covered the bottom of the phone. “Tell her to meet us before she goes out with him. See if she’ll meet you in an hour.”

  “Laura? I gotta go, he’s calling again. Maybe he wants to cancel.”

  “Wait. Want to meet up in an hour? At Rico’s?”

  “Of course I do. And you’d better tell me everything. I’m already in enough trouble for letting a patient escape.”

  “Ok, I’ll see you there then.”

  Kayla made a kissing noise, then blew on the phone and hung up.

  Laura stared at her phone. “She’s crazy. She doesn’t realize that she’s going out with some guy who’s trying to kill you. We have to keep her from going to meet him.”

  “We will.” He still held her hand on the seat and he was staring out the window at the flakes of snow.

  “Why would she even do that? This isn’t like her. She doesn’t usually go out with guys she doesn’t know.”

  “That’s because she’s entranced.” Laura jerked her head at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “Urban is very… charismatic. He can convince people to do almost anything.”

  Laura stared at him curiously. “And are you… charismatic? Along with your good eyesight and perfect health?”

  He smiled uneasily. “What?”

  Laura let his hand go and scooted over. That would explain why she was behaving so out of character.

  “I was just saying… maybe you’ve ‘entranced’ me too.” She looked out the window. “What am I doing?” she said to herself.

  She started to get out. “Look, I gotta go get ready for work.”

  “Wait, where are you going? Aren’t we going to meet your friend?”

  “I’m going to drop you off at the bus station. Or wherever you want to go. And then I’m going to go meet my friend.”

  “Laura, wait—” She shut the door on whatever he was going to say next and walked to the driver’s side.

  “I don’t even know his name, what am I doing?” She convinced herself that he could take care of himself and that what happened to him wasn’t her concern. She’d helped him as much as she could. She shivered as she got back in the car and cranked up the heat. He didn’t say anything and so she pulled out onto the freeway. She got off on the exit for the mall and pulled up to the doors.

  “What’s this?”

  Laura grabbed her purse off the floor and opened it. “The mall. You probably want to wear something besides that hospital gown.” Crap, she just remembered that he didn’t even have shoes; she wasn’t sure if she had enough cash to cover both a shirt and shoes. And, a bus ticket. And, a coat. Maybe she could go to the ATM; she had savings. Where was he going to go? She didn’t know a thing about him.

  She handed him forty dollars, the only money she had on her. He took the cash and stared at it curiously, holding it up to the sunlight and smelling it.

  “It’s real money. Not counterfeit, you know.”

  “No, no. I… I didn’t mean that. What’s this for?”

  “For a new shirt. And some shoes. You’ll probably have to buy some cheap ones, that’s all I’ve got. I’ll stop by the ATM to get more for a coat and a bus ticket.”

  “I’m not taking your money. I don’t need it.” He tried to hand it back to her.

  “You don’t? Cuz all I thought you had on you were those jeans.”

  He hesitated and looked at his hospital gown that was still tucked in his jeans. “Well…”

  “It’s no big deal. I want to do this.”

  “You do?” Again, confusion dominated his expression. He was one strange duck.

  “Of course.” She couldn’t just put him out on the street with nothing.

  “Okay, but just a shirt.” He took one of the twenties and tried to hand her back the other one.

  “You’re crazy, I’m not taking that back. You need shoes and a coat.”

  “I’m used to arctic temperatures, so this doesn’t feel very cold to me.” He still held his hand out, but she refused to take the other twenty. He put it on the seat next to her. She sighed and gave in. “Do you have a place to go? After you get a shirt, I mean? When I take you to the bus station.”

  He looked out the window. “Actually, I can get a ride from here. I know someone I can call.”

  “Are you sure?” Suddenly she wasn’t so sure she was doing the right thing.

  “Yes. I’m sure.” He looked confident and Laura was a little disappointed. She thought he might try and argue to go with her to meet Kayla or something, but he got out of the car and leaned into the driver’s window to stare at her. His eyes were fierce. “Be careful. And take care of your friend. Make sure she doesn’t go out with Urban. Promise me.”

  She felt a knot in her throat and she nodded. “I promise.”

  He stepped back and she pulled away slowly, watching him in her rearview mirror. He was still staring after her.


  Kayla hadn’t arrived at the restaurant yet, so Laura sat at an empty table. Rico put down a basket of chips and salsa and Laura thanked him. As soon as he turned around, Laura grabbed a chip, dipped it in the salsa, and shoved it in her mouth. Then grabbed some more.

  She had three chips stuffed into her mouth when a shadow fel
l over her. She looked up, and up and up; a man towered over her. She coughed and chips spewed all over the table.

  “Umm… Hi. Can I help you?” She tried wiping the chip bits off the table.

  “Hello, Laura.”

  She looked back up at him. “Do I know you?”

  “We’ve never met, but it’s nice to finally meet you.” Finally? He sat down across from her.

  “I’m sorry, what’s your name?” Jeez, the guy needed a bath, he smelled foul.

  He reached his hand out. “I’m Urban.”

  Laura stiffened. “Where’s Kayla?” She didn’t take his hand but grabbed the silverware and put it in her lap.

  “She couldn’t make it.” His hand was still extended and he seemed perfectly okay that she hadn’t shaken his hand. Laura unfolded the napkin, took the fork in one hand, and reluctantly shook his hand with the other. Her heart beat in her ears and she cringed as he took her hand and bent over it, brushing his lips across the top of her hand.

  “Couldn’t make it? Or did you do something to her?”

  He laughed. “No, my dear. She’s safe at home where she’s decided that she’s exhausted after all. I left her there, safe and sound.” He still hadn’t released her hand but was lightly stroking it with his thumb. “I thought it would be rude if she didn’t meet you, so I decided to come in her place.” He leaned forward, his dark eyes taking in her face, hair, neck and her small breasts. Then he met her eyes. “I wish I would’ve met you first. You’re as beautiful as the morning sunrise, back where I’m from. You’re like a breath of fresh air.”

  Laura took a breath in, surprised with his forwardness. Kayla was right; he was gorgeous. His skin was lightly tanned and his hair was a shock of blond. His dark eyes bore into her. Laura wasn’t sure if she should feel flattered for herself or offended for her friend.

  Rico walked up to the table. “Can I get you guys some Pepsi? Or something to drink? Maybe some tequila?” He laughed.

  “Rico, don’t worry about us, I can get our stuff.” Laura was happy for the interruption.

  “No ma’am.” He looked at his watch. “You not on clock yet.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “No problem.” He winked and nodded at her, noting that she was holding hands with Urban. “I get your food. I fix something real good.”

  “Thanks, Rico. I’ll take a Pepsi then.”

  Urban ordered water and Laura took advantage of the distraction to remember what they were talking about.

  “I don’t believe you. Kayla is beautiful.” She pulled her hand out of his and relaxed her hold on the fork just a little bit.

  He tsked. “But not as beautiful as you.” He wagged his finger at her to emphasize his meaning, and his eyes seemed to caress her face; she found herself leaning towards him.

  Is this what that guy was talking about? Being entranced? She pulled back.

  “Well, thank you for telling me that Kayla couldn’t make it. I appreciate you letting me know.” She certainly didn’t want to piss Kayla off. “I have to work soon, so I’ll just grab something to eat and then start my shift.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind waiting with you until you start your shift. I’m hungry anyway.” He grabbed a chip and bit into it. After chewing for a moment, he grabbed the salt and emptied the whole container over the chips. Laura’s mouth dropped open, horrified.

  “So, tell me.” He was sucking on a chip now.


  “Tell me about your friend.”

  Laura raised her eyebrows. “Hmm?” She eyed the chips. Where was Rico? Maybe she could excuse herself to get another basket in the back.

  “The guy from the hospital.”

  “Oh.” She’d thought he was talking about Kayla. “What about him?”

  “What did Kayla tell you about him?” He picked up another chip, setting the soggy one aside, and began sucking on the new one.

  “Nothing actually. Why? Why are you looking for him?” Were they really trying to kill John Doe?

  He shrugged. “I’m just curious if you know where he is.”

  He had the same habit of not answering questions.

  “He asked me to drop him off by the exit to the freeway, so I did. I don’t know anything else about him.” Even though she’d probably never see him again, she still felt the need to protect him. “I don’t even know his name, in fact. What is his name?”

  Urban studied her, licking a chip. “He didn’t tell you?”

  She shook her head and Rico reappeared with their drinks. Laura ordered a super burrito. After Urban declined to order, Laura grabbed Rico’s arm. “Can we have another basket of chips?” Rico glanced at Urban, whose tongue was tracing the edges of his current chip.

  “Of course, Laura.” Rico always said her name with an accent.

  Urban watched Rico until the kitchen door swung closed. “I can’t tell you.”

  “Hmm?” Laura’s mind was too fixated on his tongue licking the chip.

  “If he didn’t tell you his name, then I can’t tell you.”


  He shrugged but didn’t answer. These people were so strange.

  “Where are you from, anyway?”

  “Up North.”

  “And is that where he’s from also?”

  Urban nodded. “Yes, we are from the same place.” He leaned toward her again and stared into her eyes. Laura’s heart picked up. “Laura, please tell me where he is.”

  “I already told you. I don’t know.” Her voice was breathy and she could feel his gaze study her face.

  Urban bent in closer and Laura leaned towards him in response. He was very close to her face now and he reached forward. She closed her eyes as he caressed her jaw with his fingertip. “Please tell me. He’s very dangerous; I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Her breathing increased and Laura tilted her head up, letting him run his fingers down her neck towards the crook of her shirt. “What’s he done?” She tried to focus on what they were talking about instead of thinking about the fact that his finger was very close to her breast now.

  Urban sat back, studying her, and Laura fell back into the booth. He smiled. “You are a curious one.”

  His smile was beautiful and yet, a wave of disgust hit her. “Why?”

  “Laura, if you don’t tell me what you’ve done with him, you won’t be safe.”

  “What are you saying?”

  His eyes bore into hers. “That if you don’t bring me to him, I’ll have to use other means to find him. Means that you might not like.” Her hand was on the table and he began tracing softly over her fingers. “Things that might make you a bit queasy.” He flipped her hand over and trailed softly up the inside of her arm. “Things that bring out childhood nightmares.”

  She shivered but remained quiet, watching his finger.

  He leaned over the table so far that he was inches from her face. He squeezed her wrist tightly. “I’m going to give you until I count to ten to tell me where he is or someone might have to suffer the consequences. One…” His voice was a whisper that washed over her face; his breath smelled of rotten oranges.

  Her stomach dropped. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? A foreboding flooded through her chest and her grip under the table was so tight that the fork was digging into her hand.

  Her mind raced. What harm could it be to just tell him? He’d likely be gone from the mall by now anyway.

  He grinned and she thought it was because her hand was trembling under his.

  “I said—” Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat. “I said I don’t know.”

  “For some reason I don’t believe you. I think you know exactly where he is.” He looked at her expectantly but he continued when she didn’t answer. “Two…”

  Her hand on the table jerked but he held it tight.


  She stabbed his arm with the fork. Blood spurt onto his shirt and his mouth dropped open.

  She heard a voice of
warning. Run. As fast as you can. She jerked her hand out of his, pushed the table forward and rushed to the door, knocking drinks and chips out of Jose’s hands.

  Urban jerked the fork out of his arm. “Laura, you’re overreacting.”

  She didn’t stop to answer him, or to apologize to Jose who was wet and flustered; she ran through the front door and fled into the parking lot.

  Urban burst out the door, racing after her. “Wait! Laura, wait. I was just kidding.”

  Laura rushed towards the trees and only looked back once she’d made it to the tree line. He wasn’t even running. She ran deeper into the cove of trees and she called out in breathless bursts as she zigzagged around them. “Leave… just leave…” She wasn’t sure if he could hear her but she kept running anyway, following the creek. “…Us alone.” She slipped on the snow but pulled on a flimsy tree to keep her balance.

  He called out to her. “I just want to know where he is. That’s all. Just tell me that and I’ll leave you alone.” Urban was unfamiliar with the area and was falling behind. “Or I can just ask Kayla instead.”

  Why would Kayla know where he is? Laura stopped. “Kayla…” Laura paused, thinking, then called back to him. “She doesn’t even know where he is.”

  Urban laughed.

  Laura fought her instincts to keep running in favor of keeping her friend safe.

  She pulled her phone out and began dialing. He was closer now so she kept walking to keep her distance.

  “Come on, come on Kayla. Answer your phone.” Her heart leapt when she heard Kayla answer. “Hay-lo. You’ve got me. Just text me, no one uses voicemail anymore.”

  “Kayla, you’d better listen to this. Do not talk to Urban. Please trust me like you’ve never trusted me before. Do not talk to Urban. Call me.” Laura rubbed her goosebumps while considering what to do next.

  Making a decision, she sprinted as fast as possible. She found the trail and followed it out to the highway. She could hear Urban behind her; he was jogging now and beginning to gain ground. She reached the road just as a dark grey Buick ambled down the highway. She sprinted to the middle of the road and waved it down. It slowed to a stop and Laura yanked open the passenger door.

  “Oh dear, you scared me.” An elderly lady, known in town as Aunt Minnie, still with curlers in her hair, stared at Laura.


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