The Warrior's Tale (The Far Kingdoms, Book 2)
Page 29
“The gods gave man steel,” Corais said, “so he would not have to suffer unjust kings forever.”
The Sarzana looked at Corais strangely, then said, “Perhaps that is the legend in your land, Legate. But not in mine. In Konya there is a belief that he who kills a king will die a million deaths, and his soul shall never be permitted peace, but be tormented by demons through all the worlds that exist forever. But we have veered from the subject at hand, and what happened to my poor island that began all this.
“One day pirates surrounded ten boats in the middle of a great haul, and took all of our men off, sinking the boats in callous glee as they did. That day marked the end, and the beginning. All of us ship owners assembled, determined we must do something. That was the day the gods touched me, because I knew what we must do. Perhaps this was the first time my Gift really showed what it could become. We must fight back, I said, and fight back hard. We were becoming a joke, not men, not women, but eunuchs, and if we stood for this treatment, we deserved to be wiped out, our island to be a desolation and our women transported to port towns to whore for their bread. We might as well rename our island Jellyfish Isle, instead of calling ourselves after the ruler of the seas. Honey was given to my tongue, because all at once, my fellow villagers were shouting their approval, and hoisting me to their shoulders.”
The Sarzana stopped for a moment, then went on. “That was the first time I heard cheering and my name being cried aloud, and it was very sweet.” I thought he was speaking to himself as much as us.
“We formed a defense league. No longer did each fisherman flee his fellows to work a secret reef or hole. Now we sailed in groups of at least five boats, and would work common waters, always with one man in each boat keeping his eye on the horizon for a hostile sail. Each of our boats now had weaponry under the nets. At first it was little more than sharpened gaffs, tridents and gutting knives, but after the first raider made the mistake of attacking us, we had swords, spears and bows.” He smiled tightly at the memory. “Very quickly, we learned to use them well, against others who were foolish enough to take on the men of our island. The word spread — the waters around the Isle of the Shark were safe for all, except those who sought blood. Those pirates and raiders found the death they thought they were bringing to us.”
The Sarzana’s eyes flashed. “There were other islands who sent representatives to marvel at our accomplishments. To each of them, we made the same offer — join us, and have peace. It took little persuasion once they saw the benefits of cooperation.”
Cholla Yi appeared as excited at the story as The Sarzana was. “And they chose you as their leader?”
“Of course,” The Sarzana said. “Who else was there? Within a year, our entire archipelago was at peace. The islanders found my ideas and ways to be convenient, and so they asked me to rule them in their daily life, not just as a defender. We were able to choose certain men, our most valiant, and pay them to do nothing but stand guard. We regulated the markets so a fisherman could go to sea knowing he wouldn’t return home with his holds full to find the prices so low he wouldn’t even have paid for the twine to repair his nets or the scrap fish to bait his hooks. Disputes between villages could be handled by a traveling court, rather than settled with feuds as before. We made our own flag. In honor of where our movement began, we chose the Shark . . . Once again, we had peace. But not for long.”
“I don’t think your rulers would have thought very much of this new kingdom in their midst,” I said.
“True. But that is not the way it happened, exactly. We found there is a worse despotism than an aging, senile family. It is the people themselves. The old king died. And that gave the opportunity. There can be no regicide, when no one has been crowned. On Konya, and on other islands, the populace rose spontaneously. Mobs formed, and attacked the rulers’ palaces. By the time word reached our islands, what government of old there had been had disappeared in a welter of blood and flame, and noble heads paraded through the streets atop pikes.”
The Sarzana shivered. “Now came true terror. Let me tell you, gentle people, if you have never been misfortunate enough to know tyranny, you should know there is none worse than that wielded by the people. Let the slightest man or woman of ability, thought or genius rise up, and he will be cut down, just as the scythe first slashes the ripest grains of wheat that have grown above the rest. That is when I learned that if the first principle of monarchy is to rule with justice, the second is that those whom the gods meant to be governed must never be allowed to influence the scepter.”
I glanced at Corais, keeping my face blank, and saw her own expression as closed as it was when she heard an order she knew to be wrong. But Cholla Yi was nodding, enthralled. I could tell nothing at all from Gamelan’s expression. The Sarzana continued:
“Once they’d overthrown the government, then they met in solemn enclave, what they called a People’s Parliament.” He snorted disgust. “Imagine all those shopkeeper’s wives, bloody-handed soldiery, dirt-caked peasants and their like, milling about the palaces they’d sacked, each shouting he knew the best way to rule. Eventually, they settled on a form of government, in which each man or woman was to be no better than the worst, and anyone who deemed himself better than the others was evil, a horrible reminder of the days of kings that were gone, never to return and must be destroyed.
“What was worse,” he went on grimly, “was these peasant-rulers had sycophants of the worst sort, yea-sayers who kept those poor fools from realizing their stupidity. Early on, when the people had first begun their revolt, the lowest class of the nobility, the barons, those who’d never done anything to help Konya except sit on their estates and exploit all who came near them, saw the straws in the wind, and cast their lot with the usurpers. These petty lordlings were held up by the rulers of Konya as proof positive they didn’t desire to turn all mankind into a swarm of ants. So, of course, these noblemen and women danced constant attendance to their real rulers.
“I gather,” Gamelan said, “that about this time your Shark Islands must have come into conflict with the Konyans.”
“Just so,” The Sarzana nodded excitedly. “When they realized there was another way to live, a way in which each man freely paid the debt owed to his superior, and his better gave even more of himself . . . why, a great expedition had to be mounted to extirpate this heresy from Konya.”
“Also,” the Sarzana went on, and this comment was the second that seemed inwardly-intended, “I have learned a ruler’s task is easier if the masses always have an external enemy to arouse their anger.
“They sent out a great fleet, with orders to lay waste to our lands. Perhaps the old regime might have mounted an expedition successfully. But not this new rabble. It took them months to raise and half-train an army, find ships and educate their merchant captains to be naval officers, and then longer still to victual and outfit the men. All this took great time — time they no longer had. Because something had happened to me. One day, and if I were telling anything other than the raw truth it would have been a day of thundering and lightning, I . . . I understood. I do not know how else to put it. Gamelan?”
“I do know what you mean,” the Evocator said. “It’s not unknown for a particularly gifted sorcerer to suddenly be enlightened, and see the elements of his craft open before him.”
“Just so,” The Sarzana said excitedly. “This part of my life I do not discuss with others, and it is a relief to find that I am not alone. Because once I held this power, I knew I must not confide in any magician who could become dangerous to me. I could feel my enemies — the enemies of my people — building their strength. But my own strength was growing fast. I felt at times that the very spirit of my islanders, and those who’d chosen me as their ruler, giving me power.”
The Sarzana stopped and poured his glass full. He drained it, set it down, and smiled, his mind in the past.
“When their fleet arrived off the Island of the Shark, it was met with a great storm. A s
torm my powers had helped raise. There were two hundred or more ships that sailed to the islands. But the rocks and the tides and the winds took them and scattered them and sank them! When the winds died, and the sun came out once more, then we put out in our small ships against their great galleys with many-rowed oars. My men swarmed against their ships like barracuda striking a sunfish. And then it was over, and the men of the Island of the Sharks held the day. Now we were the strongest force in all of the Konyan lands. We knew what we had to do. We could not discard the sword and return to our nets and our lands — the mob would try once more, never satisfied until they dragged us down.
“So we assembled our own battle fleet, but it didn’t come just from our archipelago. There were others in Konya who loathed this new order, and saw it could bring nothing but doom to all mankind. There were nearly a thousand ships that assembled off Isolde. We expected a great battle — but there was none to be fought. The rabble had broken. Some fled, some recanted, some chose death by their own hand rather than see order return to the world.
“They carried me from the docks where my flagship had docked straight into the Palace of the Monarchs, where I was crowned by the trembling hand of one of the survivors of the great family that had once ruled. That was nearly thirty years ago.”
The Sarzana sat silent, his eyes hooded, recalling that long ago triumph. None of us broke the silence.
Then, he said: “At first, things went well. No one seemed displeased at seeing mob rule discarded. I punished as little as I could, wanting peace with no one having blood to revenge. I tried to rule mercifully, and that spawned my downfall.”
“How,” Corais wanted to know, “can mercy ever be a base act?”
“Legate, that is hardly a question I’d expect of a warrior. Let me offer an example to clarify things. Would you fell an enemy, then turn your back on him if he still had a dagger at his belt?”
“Ah,” Corais said.
“Exactly. Some of those who’d sent that fleet out, or who conspired to murder the lords and ladies of the old regime I merely exiled to distant lands or even their own estates. Others, more culpable, I imprisoned for a fixed time. There were only a few who had to meet the most severe penalty. And what was the result? The exiles were able to plot beyond my eyes on their lands. Those I’d executed became martyrs. Those in prison wrote passionate documents to stir up another rebellion that were secretly passed from hand to hand.”
“But all this,” Cholla Yi put in cynically, “is no more than any strong man must face who seizes power. Although I quite agree with you when you said you were too merciful. In my own land, when a man takes the throne, his first act is to slay his brothers and uncles, so there can be none of his blood to rise against him.”
All this was too much for me. “Sarzana. With all respect, my own city has gone through great changes in the past few years. But there is no hidden conspiracy against the new Magistrates or those Evocators who now speak for the people — at least not one I’m aware of.”
“I suspect, Captain, you come from a more phlegmatic race,” The Sarzana said. “You remember, I said that we Konyans are hot-blooded, and quick to any extreme? People such as we can be ruled in only one way — and that is firmly. Konyans will not cry out against their rulers unless they see the laws enforced without an even hand. But I had an additional problem, one that became the hub of the conspiracy.
“The nobility you spoke of,” I guessed.
“Just so. At first, the barons could not sing my praises too loudly. But then, I found it necessary to examine their position, and realized they still held all too many of the unjust powers that had been the greatest evil of the old rulers, powers that went back for hundreds of years. Some collected rents on lands they’d never seen, others had entire islands or even the seas around them as their private fiefs. A slave was a slave, until the last generation, with no way to free himself.”
I flinched a little at that, since it was only recently that Orissa had righted that great wrong herself, a doing of my brother, Amalric.
“Even more, some of them held writs that enabled them to circumvent common law, and imprison or otherwise punish anyone who offended them, with no recourse whatsoever. Great areas of land were held by them, and rackrents charged, when most Konyans had but a tiny parcel of land to raise their crops. Perhaps I should have moved more slowly. But raw injustice brings rage to my heart, and a sword to my hand. I announced all of those baronial privileges would be examined, and a fresh wind of change would blow across the land.
“That was the spark. It fell on dry tinder because the gods had turned away from Konya. We had had several seasons of great storms, and then hot dry winds sweeping across our fertile lands. The schools of fish that were once so common seemed to find other seas to live in, and there was starvation for the first time in memory. The spark grew into flame. Some of the outlying islands rose against me, and I found it necessary to send out soldiers to suppress the risings. Unfortunately the captains I chose were brutal men, men who thought the most profound peace was that of the graveyard. My advisors kept the tales of these misdeeds from me, so I thought all was well with my people and my crown.
“Finally, the darkest of sorcery was used. Somehow my enemies tapped into a greater power than mine. I do not know where it came from — whether it was a natural force, some demon-lord or imported full-blown from a dark world, or what. But all that I turned my hand to, trying as best I could, failed. A screen was drawn between me and the future. No longer did I have any sense of what the morrow would bring.
“Then the revolt came. Men and women rose up in blind rage and panic. The mob ruled Konya yet again. But this time, there were cunning hands behind it. The barons guided this senseless rage against the one who loved them best. And they brought me down, me and those around me, those I’d brought up from many parts of Konya, and given power to because of their talents and their love of their fellow Konyans. It was the greatest destruction our poor shattered lands have ever seen.”
Again, there was a long silence.
“They should have killed me,” The Sarzana said finally. “But they were too cruel for that. In secrecy, they sentenced me to death. Even the barons knew most Konyans still held the truth within them, and would quickly remember I was their salvation, not downfall. They sentenced me to die, but in the delight and savoring of their cruelty, they said they would carry out the sentence at a time of their choosing.”
“What of that curse you mentioned?”
“I was secretly told the soldiers assigned to me had been promised a great counterspell would be laid over them, when my death was ordered. Also, if many hands held the sword, there was no way the death-demons could determine who the actual assassin was. Besides, great amounts of gold and rich estates were promised. I have noticed rewards such as those make men forget about the distant gods and their threats,” The Sarzana said cynically.
“What did the people of this island, Tristan, think, when you were exiled here?” I wanted to know. “And . . . what happened to them?”
“At first,” he said, “they didn’t know what to think, since they’d been removed from the blood bath on Konya. They were pleased at all the new building that was required. Oddly enough, this palace was already half-built. It had been ordered by an eccentric lord, who retired from the world with great riches. But the mansion was but half-finished when he fell off a cliff, while shouting poetry to the gods in a drunken ecstasy. Since the barons who now ruled Konya had ordered my exile to be luxurious until the moment of death, there was a great deal of further gold spent here, in addition to completing this estate. That meant much gold was spent on Tristan. Also, those great warships moored in the harbor kept off slavers or pirates.
“The villagers welcomed the soldiers at first. They had money, and new stories and songs, and the island women were tired of their old swains. That brought the first troubles. The garrison’s officers should have stepped in, but they did not, most of them having already
commenced their own tawdry affairs. I didn’t know what do to, but knew I would not pace my cage, no matter how silken they made it, until they sent in the slaughterer with his maul.
“Fortunately, my Talent was returning. I sensed that whatever had blocked my sight was gone, where I knew not, although I was still handicapped by the long months without my powers.” Gamelan winced at this last. “I needed allies. And constant use of my Art would restore it to its former strength.”
“The animals,” I said.
“Yes. Untouched by man’s evil in their souls, but always and forever man’s victim. I cast general spells of benevolence. When the soldiers held one of their hunts, I sent a knowledge-spell with it, so all the creatures of the island knew what evil their enemy, man, was doing to them.”
“And the beast-men?”
“Those are mine own. Are not they fabulous creatures?”
“It takes a mighty spell to create life itself,” Gamelan said. “There are those who call it a Dark work.”
“When one is fighting for one’s life, and for the lives of one’s people, there is no place for moral judgments. Let those who write the history books make them, from the peaceful libraries the bloody-handed ruler has created. I hold no truck with those who constantly second-guess from some lofty position, what the man who is down in the arena must do in the blood and heat of the moment.”
I, too, felt about to argue the point, and then thought better of it. Why, in the name of whatever god ruled the mouth of fools, were we sitting debating morality in the middle of this man’s realm, small though it was? It was hardly politic, nor did what this man had done in the past matter now. Perhaps he had ruled more harshly than I would’ve, if anyone were stupid enough to offer me a crown and I imbecile enough to accept it. But I felt, with every sense, The Sarzana had intended the best for the Konyans, and been betrayed unjustly. As that thought came, along with it came warmth, that I had just gained a great truth — those who wear the crown must not be judged with us commoners.