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The Thief and the Rogue

Page 28

by Rachel Donnelly

  When he lifted his head, she went hot all over.

  There was no mistaking the heat in his golden gaze before he rose from the bed. When he spoke his voice sounded strained. “I’ll meet you downstairs.” A moment later she heard the door close.

  She leapt from the bed and ran to her wardrobe.

  The surprise he wanted to show her, turned out to be the ballroom. The painters had finished their work while she’d been gone. The chandeliers had been hung that very morning. When he led her into the room the workmen were in the process of setting up the chairs along the walls.

  “It’s perfect,” Kay breathed, staring in awe as she glided to the center of the room. Sunshine streamed from the three sets of French doors leading out to the garden, igniting the pale gold walls and the polished wood floor. The three chandeliers hanging from the ceiling were larger and grander than she’d imagined. She felt a pain of guilt at what they must have cost.

  Large paintings of Mediterranean landscapes hung between the half columns inset regularly about the walls. Above each pair of columns swooped lavishly molded arches with a decorative border below. Two sets of darkly paneled doors connected the ballroom to the rest of the house on the opposite wall from the garden.

  A painting over the fireplace drew her to the end of the room. It was a mythical work of sea nymphs playing in the ocean. The colors were so vivid and the shoreline so familiar, it held her entranced. “It’s beautiful. Where did you find it?”

  “Alex said you’d like it.” Hunter shrugged. “It was his idea of a wedding gift. He insisted I hang it there, but if you don’t think it suits, I’ll move it.”

  “No, I love it. It should stay right where it is. The whole room is beautiful.” She did a twirl on her heels to view it as a dancer would. “When I was a child I dreamt of a room like this, where I could dance all night.”

  He lifted a brow. “And what would happen when you married and moved away.”

  “There was never a husband in those dreams.” She continued in a teasing tone, “I suppose even as a child I knew what trouble they’d be.”

  “Saucy tart!” He gave her a playfully swat on the backside.

  She danced away from him with a tinkle of laughter. “Have a care, Your Grace, this room is for dancing.” As she got closer to the door, she said in a voice loud enough to be heard in the foyer. “You’ll have to save your beatings for behind closed doors.”

  He caught up with her just as she reached the entrance, drawing her tight against him with one arm. “If you continue to blacken my character, I’ll have no choice but to live up to your expectations.”

  “Very well but let me remind you, they are very lofty indeed and I am not easily satisfied.”

  “Behind closed doors it is.” He swept her up in his arms and headed for the stairs.

  Kay barely heard the female voice that stopped him over her own squeals of protest. “Do they always carry on like this, Thornhill, or has this been rehearsed with the express purpose of shocking me into an early grave?”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “You might have warned me you were coming,” Hunter said smoothly, lounging back on the sofa in the drawing room, attempting to keep the exasperation from his tone. Of all times, why did Bella have to show up now? As if he didn’t have enough on his plate. “I didn’t expect you home for another month.”

  Bella gave him a long look under the arch of her silver brows. “How long did you think I’d postpone meeting my new granddaughter-in-law? Curiosity was positively killing me. I needed to see for myself what paragon of womankind has finally dragged you to the altar.” Bella reached for the silver pot to pour another cup of tea. “She’s rather more delicate than I imagined.”

  “Looks can be deceiving.”

  “And twice as beautiful I might add.”

  “Did you imagine I’d have an ugly wife?”

  She lifted one brow over the rim of her paper-thin cup. “I didn’t imagine you’d have a wife at all, at least not this soon.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Don’t beat around the bush with me, you young scoundrel.” Bella chuckled knowingly. “You know very what I mean. You’ve been swearing up and down for the past four years you’d never marry. I turn my back and the first chance you get, you’re at the altar.”

  “Are you angry I married without your blessing or that all of society wasn’t there to witness the event?”

  “I’m not angry at all.” A note of disappointment crept into her tone. “Of course, I’d have been pleased had you sought my blessing, but I’m hardly crushed that you didn’t. I couldn’t have found you a more suitable match if I’d tried. I’m only questioning the haste of your decision. You aren’t the sort to rush into anything.”

  He shrugged, keeping his tone bland. “It was unexpected, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Ahh….” A knowing smile spread over her lips.

  Hunter held up his hand at her raised imagination. “Don’t get all gooey-eyed on me. It’s not what you think. Kay and I have an understanding, that’s all.”

  “An understanding?” Bella sent forth a depreciative puff. “All marriages suit that category, arranged or not. Either you married her for love or you didn’t. You can’t tell me you married her just for her impeccable pedigree because I’ve already had a good look at the gal.”

  “As a matter of fact, I’d been weighing my options in the marriage mart for sometime. Her beauty had nothing to do with it.” Guilt sparked in his chest, but already mired down in so many lies, he blundered on. “I considered her lineage as well as her temperament, not only the way she looked on my arm.”

  Belle’s blue eyes grew wide. “You speak of marriage as though you were buying a horse.”

  The rustle of silk turned his gaze toward the door.

  Kay stood in the drawing room doorway, wearing a tight smile. The scarlet silk gown hugging her trim figure, turned her lips to cherries, making her eyes sparkle like turquoise gems. “My husband knows fine horseflesh when he sees it. I suppose I should be flattered that he holds me in such high esteem.” Her wry tone belayed this claim. “Horses are intelligent creatures. I myself prefer them to the company of men.” As he came forward to offer his arm, her glittering gaze pinned him with hostility. “Did he tell you? He’s recently acquired a magnificent stallion and has generously offered to breed him with one of my mares, if she’ll accept him. He’s a handsome brute, but she doesn’t quite trust him.”

  Bella made no attempt to disguise her amusement. “I didn’t know you were interested in horse breeding, Hunter.”

  “It’s one of Kay’s interests.” Hunter offered a smile of apology for his wife’s outrageous conversation. “A good husband wishes to accommodate his wife—keep her satisfied.”

  Kay’s slippered foot came down hard on his toe.

  He stifled a groan, tightening his hold on her arm.

  “Perhaps you’re not as good a judge of temperament as you thought, Your Grace,” she whispered fiercely against his ear.

  He sent her a warning look. “Come, Bella, we’ll tell you all about it over dinner.”

  Kay walked stiffly beside him, not sparing him a glance as he led them to the dining room. Once seated, she stared daggers at him across the table. It was hardly the picture of domesticity he’d hoped to present.

  Bella appeared oblivious to the tension, as she related the details of her trip and the status of her family in Italy.

  Kay sat twirling the emerald ring round her finger as though she longed to pull it off and fling it in his face.

  Bella, who sat next to her, apparently noticed it as well. She reached over to capture Kay’s fingers in her age-spotted hand. “I’m so pleased someone is getting some use out of that ring. It was my mother’s, you know, but a tad too small for me.”

  “It slides on easily enough,” Kay said ruefully. “Getting it off is the hard part.” She slashed another daggered look in his direction. “Your mother must have had ver
y small hands.”

  “She was very finely boned, like you, but not as delicate as she looked. She bore five hearty sons besides me.” Bella patted her hand, a motherly gesture that brought a smile to Kay’s lips. “I’m glad you’re the one wearing her ring, my dear. It suits you very well.”

  Kay pleaded tired soon after, excusing herself from the table. It seemed she couldn’t get away from him soon enough.

  After Bella retired for the night, Hunter sought his wife out in her bedchamber. He needed to set things straight, before they got out of hand. It wouldn’t do for Bella to become suspicious. If she knew the truth, they’d be no living with her.

  When he opened the adjoining door, he found Kay standing by one of the opened windows.

  She turned round, shooting him a mortally wounding glare. “I’ll thank you to knock in the future?”

  He grinned. “A husband isn’t required to knock.”

  “A real husband may not need to, but a pretend one certainly does,” she said testily.

  He strode slowly toward her. “You see, that’s the problem. Bella doesn’t know about our little arrangement, and I’d prefer she doesn’t find out.”

  “Ohhh, so that’s why you’re here,” she flashed a humorless smile, “To threaten me to silence.”

  “No, more of a firm request.”

  She placed both hands on her hips, stubbornness settled in her chin. “I’d have thought my lineage and temperament would be enough.”

  “What was I suppose to tell her, that we’re madly in love?” He ran one hand through his hair. “She’d never swallow that.”

  “Oh yes, I forgot, hedonistic rakes must be captured live and dragged to the altar by evil fortune hunting women. They’d never blackmail a woman into marrying them to suit their own ends.”

  He chuckled. “Except my grandmother doesn’t know I’m a hedonistic rake, nor would she believe it if you told her.”

  “Perhaps she needs educating then.” Kay strode to the dressing table, then sat down to pluck the pins from her hair.

  Hunter stood watching her, fascinated by her glorious hair. He had the urge to wrap himself in those luxurious tresses and run his fingers through every silken wave.

  When he’d suggested they become friends, he’d hoped she’d eventually come round. But she hadn’t. He wasn’t willing to wait any longer. She’d kept him at arms length for far too long. Now might be the time to push his advantage. Bella was the perfect excuse he’d been looking for.

  He drew closer.

  Kay snatched up the hairbrush as though to ward him off.

  He plucked it blithely from her hand before she could make a weapon of it. “You weren’t thinking of hitting me with that, were you?”

  “No,” she said, narrowing her gaze on him, “Only defending myself.”

  He laughed. “Have I ever laid a hand on you? Sit still.” He began brushing her hair with long smoothing strokes. “No I have not. Not that I haven’t been sorely tempted on several occasions.”

  She sat motionless under his ministrations. By the time he’d finished, her head was leaned back and her eyes half-closed. She looked like a cat needing to be stroked. He wondered how she’d react if he carried her to the bed, and petted more than her glorious mane of hair.

  But he quickly abandoned the idea. It wouldn’t be wise to risk her hard won trust. Instead, he said gently, “While Bella is here I’d appreciate it if we could behave like any other newly married couple.”

  She twisted round in the chair, eyes narrowed in two aqua slits. “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged. “The usual kind… I cherish you, you obey me. Small demonstrations of affection wouldn’t go amiss either. Oh, yes and from tonight onward you must sleep in my bed.”


  “Bella hasn’t a sly bone in her body, but she’s as curious as a fox, and knowing her, she’ll want proof of a happy union. And since it isn’t a question she can ask the servants, she’s bound to take matters into her own hands.”

  “By bursting into our bedchamber in the middle of the night?”

  “First thing in the morning would be my guess.”

  “How preposterous!” Kay wore a hunted look. “You expect me to believe your grandmother will be lurking about spying on us, trying to discover if we’re….”

  He grinned wickedly. “Making love? You can say it out loud Kay, married people do it every day.”

  She lifted her chin in that endearing stubborn gesture he’d learned to love so well. “But we aren’t a normal married couple.”

  “You needn’t worry, we won’t have to perform the act in front of her.” He chuckled at the scandalized look on her face. “Think of it as a favor between friends.”

  Her cheeks flushed as scarlet as her dress. “And you expect me to trust you?”

  “Isn’t that what friends do?” He held his breath, waiting for her to answer.

  She sent him a speculative look from under her golden lashes. “We’d just be sleeping beside each other—nothing more?”

  “I assure you my intentions are completely honorable. But if you decide at any point you’d like to change the rules… that option is open.”

  “Very well,” she said, after a long moment of consideration, though the look she slashed him held little trust. “But only while she’s here.”

  “Of course.” Ha! He felt like whistling as he strode for the adjoining door. It had been almost too easy.

  He was still smiling as he slid beneath the covers of his bed. Propped up with two pillows, he folded his hands behind his head to contemplate his strategy.

  But when she entered the room, she was all business. Her pale blue satin dressing gown done up to the throat, hair braided in two long plaits ready for sleep.


  “Do you snore?” she demanded in serious tones. “If you do, I can’t possibly sleep here. I can’t sleep with any noise at all.”

  He grinned. “I’ve not had any complaints, but if I do, I give you permission to put a pillow over my head.”

  She unbuttoned her dressing gown, then laid it carefully at the end of the bed.

  “I see you’re still wearing your grandmother’s night gown.” He smiled wryly. “I would have thought your near strangulation on the floor in that sack would have made you retire it for good.”

  “This night gown is very warm, I’ll have you know.” She slid gingerly under the covers, flashing him a scornful glance.

  He stretched his arms over his head and yawned. “I prefer to sleep naked myself.”

  She turned her head to consider him narrowly. Then her mouth gaped opened, as though just noticing his bare chest. “Naked? That wasn’t part of the deal. I demand you wear some form of covering.”

  “We all have our sleeping rituals. I’ve agreed you can smother me with a pillow if I snore, the least you can do is accommodate one of my idiosyncrasies.”

  The beginnings of a smile touched the corners of her lips. “You are outrageous, sir! Oh, very well, as long as you stay on your side of the bed, I suppose I can tolerate it.” She slunk down under the covers, turning her back to him. “How long will your grandmother be staying?”

  “No more than a week.” It was likely Bella would stay for at least two, but he daren’t tell her that. She might leap from the bed and bolt. And he wasn’t about to give up his quest so easily.


  Kay awoke with her hands splayed across Hunter’s sleek chest, head nestled in the crook of his meaty arm. Her body lay molded against his so intimately she could feel every hard and soft part of him. Heat radiated through her linen night gown like a warning fire.

  She stiffened.

  Her lids fluttered upward.

  He regarded her with undisguised amusement. “Good morning, Gorgeous. I thought of waking you, but you looked so peaceful.”

  The sound of his voice brought her fully awake. Her heart began to pound. Why must he always look so virile—so completely disarming, even rumpled by sle
ep? “You promised to stay on your own side of the bed.”

  “If you’ll take notice, I’m not the guilty party. You happen to be on my side of the bed.” He grinned. “Not that I mind sharing.”

  She lifted her head to survey the situation. “Oh.”

  He pushed her gently back against the pillow. “Admit it. You couldn’t stay away from me. Even in your dreams you yearn for me.”

  She could barely breathe with his handsome face loaming above her and his smiling lips so near. “What nonsense! Let me up!” But her plea sounded weak even to her own ears.

  On the one hand they were married and it was perfectly legal. On the other, they’d soon go their separate ways and she’d be left with the guilt. If she gave herself too freely, she’d be no better than a whore—no better than Phelia. If he loved her, it would be different. But he didn’t—a humbling fact that weighed forever on her mind, pricking her pride, keeping her passions in check.

  When he dipped his head to brush his lips to hers, she turned her head away.

  “Why are you so cold to me, Kay?” Hunter put one finger under her chin, forcing her to face him. “Can’t you see how much I want you?”

  She stared back at him, afraid to answer, afraid that if she spoke her resolve might crumble.

  “You want me too. I know you do. Be careful, if you wait too long, I might tire of the chase.” He moved away.

  She trembled, wishing she had the courage to take what he offered without wanting more.

  But she did want more.


  Kay listened to Bella’s praise of the newly constructed ballroom with half an ear, longing to ask Bella how long she’d be staying—how long she would be forced to keep a tight rein on her treacherous desires. But Hunter’s presence at the breakfast table prevented it.

  “Since you cheated me out of the enjoyment of a proper wedding, I’ll allow you to make up it up to me by christening your nuptials while I’m here. It needn’t be extravagant. The local society will do.” Bella clapped her hands together in pleasure. “What fun! I haven’t planned a country ball in years.”


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