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Page 8

by Alyson Belle

  “Ohhh fuck,” I moaned. Minny’s cock in my ass had begun to feel really, really good, and with William fucking me from the other side I had been stretched out in ways I never would have imagined possible… but the rhythmic fucking they were giving me was also stimulating me in a way I’d never felt before as either a man or a woman. “What… what are you doing to me?” I asked, as my whole body began to feel hot. A pressure began to build inside of me, a whole body pressure that was more than just the building dam of pleasure at my loins I was used to.

  “Yeah, you like that you dirty slut, don’t you?” Minny whispered.

  “Fuck this is hot,” William said.

  “Ohhh, god,” I moaned.

  My body continued to feel hotter and hotter, and both of my partners grew more frenzied and excited in their thrusting. Minny was hitting something inside of me, colliding somehow with William’s cock, that was more than the sum of the parts. It was… it was incredible. My eyes widened and I gasped. Every hair on my body stood on end. My nipples hardened to diamond-edged points.

  I threw my head back and screamed as an unfamiliar sensation exploded across me and I had the most Earth-shattering, mind-blowing, soul-destroying full body orgasm I had ever had in my entire life. I shook with the force of it, unable to do anything but scream and shudder and experience the most intense pleasure of my life, wave after wave of it assaulting my body. In my writhing, restrained state, the convulsions in my loins forced both of my partners to come with similar, delighted cries, although their joy had to be a mere fraction of my own… it went on at full intensity for what seemed like hours—though in reality mere moments likely passed—and I settled into a series of slightly diminished, still ecstatic aftershocks.

  My partners both pulled out of me and collapsed onto the ground at the same time, leaving me to shudder on the sticky restraining vines in a totally useless and utterly satisfied state of pure bliss. My earlier problems had been completely forgotten in the wake of an experience I could only describe as “life-altering.”

  “Holy fucking hell,” I murmured quietly, my voice hoarse. “Promise me… wow. Promise me we can do that again sometime.”

  Minny laughed from where she was sitting on the ground. “You got it, babe. Any time you want. We’ll have lots of time to get to know each other while we’re having our babies together…”

  And just like that I was snapped back into the full reality of everything I was dealing with.

  No amount of mind-blowing orgasms or post-sex oxytocin in the world could change the reality that I was still destined to be breeding stock as long as I was in this body, and Lana-James was the one responsible.

  “Get me down from these vines,” I ordered William, feeling suddenly foolish as I struggled against the sticky restraints. How had I let myself be distracted from my mission so easily? This body with its overcharged sex drive is downright maddening at times.

  “What’s the matter?” Minny asked.

  William leapt up to release me, allowing me to step back down, and I straightened as best as I could, despite how amazing and wobbly my body still felt. I tightened my jaw, steeling my resolve for what was to come next.

  “It’s time to have a reckoning,” I said, feeling my bosom to make sure that the MID was still nestled safely away where I had left it. “Take me to James. Immediately.”

  Chapter 15

  I swept into a sunny, open-air glade in the middle of the garden the aliens had prepared for us, and stood up straight to my full height, shoulders back and ample chest pushed out. At the center of the glade, Captain James T. Mitchell, my co-captain Lana who had arranged to steal my body, and his new companion Lindsay laid amid soft, cushioning firms and fed one another sweet tree fruits. They looked up in surprise at my sudden arrival and stormy expression, and James climbed to his feet as the young Ensign William Stryker and the other USHPS woman who had been awakened, Minny, followed close behind me.

  “Where have you been, Lana?” James asked me. “We looked everywhere for you, but figured you wanted some alone time when we couldn’t find you.”

  I gritted my teeth, still annoyed that he had persuaded the robot servant Jeeves to swap the names in our own heads through memory modification. Now I couldn’t help by think of myself as Lana and him as James, even if intellectually I knew that I was the true James T. Mitchell.

  “Due to some archaic laws about the nature of gender equality, I decided to awaken the young Ensign Stryker here and explain to him what was going on so we could take a proper accounting of your reckless and dangerous actions, James.”

  A chorus of confused questions came from the crowd surrounding us, and Minny looped her hand around my arm and said, “What are you talking about, Lana? James is a decorated officer. He wouldn’t do anything to endanger us. Why, you’re carrying his child!”

  Instinctively, I placed my hands protectively over my womb and glared at James. “Yes, and that is precisely the problem. I should never have been the one to become pregnant.”

  Lindsay laughed. “Now you’re really being silly, Lana. Of course you are. We all are. We’re all that’s left of the human race, remember? If we don’t bear children, that’ll be it for humanity. We all need to do our part. What did you volunteer for if not for that?”

  I shook my head. “No, that’s not what I mean. There’s something you two ladies don’t know about me and James. Do you want to tell them, James, or should I?”

  James fixed me with an angry glare and ran a hand through his full head of dark, thick hair.

  “I don’t know why you’re insisting on doing this since we can’t do anything about it now, but yes. If we must discuss it as a group instead of focusing on this lovely world we’ve been provided and the mission we all signed up for… Technically Lana is correct. Our seals failed on the machines holding our bodies, and we were resurrected from our bioscans. When our benefactors did so, they accidentally placed our memories in the wrong bodies. I awoke with Lana’s memories, and she awoke with James’.”

  Though William Stryker had already been informed of all this, both women stared at me in surprise. Then Minny came over and hugged me. She squeezed her body tight against me, pressing her soft, warm curves against my own, and once again I started to become aroused.

  “You poor dear. No wonder you’re upset! It must have been quite traumatic waking up with a completely different set of biology and expectations than you had anticipated.”

  I quickly disentangled myself lest I be pulled into yet another frenzied session of lovemaking with Minny, which had already happened twice that day due to my body’s enhanced hormones and supercharged libido. We were having a serious conversation! I had no desire to be reduced to a rutting nympho in the middle of my confrontation with James.

  “You’re damn right I was upset,” I growled. “When I volunteered for the USHPS and beat out thousands of other men for the honor, I had no intentions of having to carry and birth babies. It simply wasn’t what I signed up for.”

  “Is there no way to swap you back or to recreate you correctly?” Lindsay wondered out loud. “I happen to have some expertise—”

  James shook his head. “We explored this extensively with Jeeves when we first awoke. The aliens have no way to transfer our existing consciousness between us, and there is insufficient suitable biomatter to recreate us from scratch. We are fortunate they were able to do it at all.”

  Now William piped up. “Ahem. Excuse me for the interruption, officers, but it’s not strictly true that there is no way to reverse the process.”

  “What are you talking about?” James demanded.

  “The USHPS was doing research on exactly this problem when I was cryo-frozen,” William continued. “I looked up the records, and it appeared they were successful in creating a prototype to exchange the memories of two individuals.”

  “Yes,” Lindsay said. “As I was saying, I have some expertise in this area. I was one of the individuals working on that project, as I was fr
ozen about two decades after you, Ensign. It’s true we managed to create the appearance of memory exchange, but…” She hesitated, as though not eager to share.

  “Go on,” I urged her.

  “The brain scans of swapped individuals were incredibly strange. We did numerous tests, and despite having every outward appearance of having been swapped, we couldn’t explain why the underlying readings looked so bizarre. We discontinued the tech after we came to the conclusion that we might be having unintended side effects on the test subjects.”

  I rolled my shoulders and frowned, thinking over this new information. I’m not sure I care, though. You’re messing with people’s brains. Of course the scans are going to look weird. If it would get me out of this pregnant body and back to my rightful place as James T. Mitchell, it was worth the risk.

  But James had been nodding along with Lindsay. “Jeeves flat-out told us that this was impossible. If a much more advanced race can’t achieve this, we shouldn’t attempt to mess around with old technology.”

  Minny patted my arm. “It’s too bad this happened the way it did, but we’ll help you adjust sweetie. You’ll love being a woman. I promise that after a few years, you won’t even remember what it was like to be a man. It’s downright fun to be pregnant, and you know how fun other aspects of being a lady are…” She purred and dragged her fingernails lightly across the nape of my neck, causing a shiver to run through me, and I took another step back.

  “I don’t want to learn to be a woman,” I insisted. “I want my old body back.”

  “We’ve already explained why you can’t have that,” James replied. “Really, Lana, you’re acting like a foolish little girl. I think the pregnancy hormones might be driving you a little crazy.”

  My hands balled tightly into fists at my sides, and I was so frustrated that I was shaking. I was horrified when I felt tears well up inside of me and begin to spill down my face.

  “Ohh, she’s just not used to feminine emotions yet,” Minny murmured. “There, there, dear. You’ll be a wonderful mommy, eventually. Don’t fret. You’ll learn to accept this in time. You can still complete your mission, and it’s an honor to even be here!”

  I felt humiliated as they all stood around staring at me. Even William was silent. The tide had turned against me, and I glared at James through my tears. “You didn’t tell them the worst part: that you caused our containment units to fail. You engineered this whole thing.”

  Lindsay and Minny both frowned at James, but then Lindsay sighed. “Even if it’s true, it doesn’t change anything, honey. You can’t switch back, and we still need to complete the mission. And you’re already pregnant. Minny is right. You’ll get used to it.”

  I looked to William, but he shrugged helplessly. I don’t know what I expected him to do. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I didn’t see the smug glint of victory in James’ eyes.

  “This has everyone all worked up,” James said suddenly. “Why don’t we take a rest? I’m sure we’ll all feel better about this after we sleep on it for a bit, and we have this lovely paradise to play in.”

  William stepped close to me and put his arm around me. “It will be okay, ma’am. We have all the time you want to think. He’s right. Let’s just sleep on it.”

  I nodded, sniffling, trying to suppress the tears that kept falling silently down my cheeks. I looked from face to face, my anger and frustration building.

  Then, I realized what I’d have to do. I studied Minny. She was so sweet, so perfect. Not a scientist, astronaut, or soldier like the rest of us. Just a perfectly accommodating woman who was completely fulfilled in her duty as a mother and fucktoy in James’ space harem. Exactly the kind of woman that Lana was supposed to be. I knew that James would never be satisfied with his lot as a woman either, even if I did switch us back, and he’d try to work against me to regain control.

  I had to take him out for the good of the program. He was asserting control that didn’t belong to him, and it was as good as a coup against the USHPS. I’d need to take the risk with the mind-swapping technology, and once I’d swapped myself back into his body, I’d have to make sure Lana would never come back to bother us ever again.

  Chapter 16

  We all settled down to cool our heels around the glade, and the other two women and William drifted off into naps. James crossed his arms and sat facing out into the garden, deep in thought, and I had to fight down my urge to go over there and throttle him, no matter how impractical that idea might be.

  I knew that Jeeves would never allow me to harm one of the few precious humans that were left, and the truth was that I didn’t want to harm Lana, the real Lana, either. She was power-hungry, but not evil, although I didn’t understand why she would have volunteered for a mission with the USHPS if she didn’t want to be pregnant for the good of humanity.

  Then I took another look around the paradise I found myself in. The garden, the easy life full of delicious food and perfect temperatures and easy, plentiful sex. It was as close to an actual heaven as anyone could ever hope for, and it was also the likely scenario for us to be in if we were ever actually going to be resurrected. Lana had anticipated that something like this would happen, and as a woman, her only way in had been to register as such… but she obviously wanted to be in charge and enjoy all the benefits of paradise with none of the annoyances of being pregnant. I could almost understand it—but that didn’t give her the right to take it from me.

  I rested my hands on my belly and was surprised to find that there was already a baby bump there. That was a really quick development! Jeeves and his masters must have also sped up the gestational period for humans when they recreated this body, I realized. Then I groaned. That meant I would have to give birth even more times and be pregnant more often than the other women. What a disaster.

  I was going to need to carry out my plan to overwrite Lana with Minny, and soon. I covertly retrieved the MID device from my bosom and pointed it at the sleeping Minny while the others were distracted, flipping the switch on the laser gun-like device to “READ”. I pulled the trigger, and a thin, red beam shot out and briefly surrounded her before returning to my gun. Now, the first slot for memories had lit up with a green color. I examined the MID more closely, surprised that it had been so easy. But why not? Tech had improved by leaps and bounds every year I had been alive. It stood to reason it would have gotten more and more advanced after my preservation.

  Having safely created a stored version of Minny’s memories, I now flipped the slot to “2” and closed my eyes, putting the barrel of the device to my head.

  “Here goes nothing,” I muttered, and pulled the trigger.

  I didn’t feel anything strange except for a weird, buzzy sensation all over my body, and my head felt a little woozy. Then it was over, and I opened my eyes to see that the second slot had also turned green with a full version of my memories. I twirled the device around my hand, remembering what Lindsay had said about weird brain readings. But surely it couldn’t be worse than being stuck in this stupid, female, pregnant body, could it? I didn’t think so. The first step was that I’d need to switch places with James and get my memories into him. Then we could work together to fix this body so that a copy of Minny was inside it, and Lana’s memories could return to the eternal void of nothingness that she’d engineered for herself.

  As I crept across the garden toward James, my MID at the ready, suddenly Jeeves floated down from the sky and awakened the group with a series of loud chimes.

  I cursed and tossed the MID under a nearby bush before anyone could see it, as everyone sat up and focused on the floating robot in the middle of the glade.

  “Your benefactors have detected a very unusual degree of tension among the members of your group,” Jeeves said politely, once he had the group’s attention.

  “A small disagreement,” James offered quickly, and I glared at him.

  “We’re working to resolve it,” Lindsay said.

  “Like hell we are,” I

  “Indeed,” Jeeves said. “And yet your cortisol levels all remain very, very high. We have decided to help you resolve the dispute by heightening your pair-bonding hormones to help you build a better sense of community.”

  “How will you do that exactly?” Lindsay asked, furrowing her brow.

  “Like this,” Jeeves replied.

  Something in the air changed, and then an overpowering sense of sexual desire and need hit me like a brick wall. I groaned and fell to my knees, blown away by the yawning, gaping need between my legs. My breasts tingled and my whole body thrummed with the desire to touch and fuck and suck. It was like being on ecstasy with my sex drive kicked to 1000x normal, not that I had ever done drugs. But I had read up on them extensively, and there was no other sensation to which I could compare it.

  Around the glade, I saw that the others were similarly affected. The men were already stroking their cocks, and Minny was humping William’s shoulder as Lindsay furiously fingered herself. I bit my lip and quivered with a quiet whine as my own hand quested down the length of my dress toward my sex, which was now gushing wet, and the only thing that held me back was that I’d had such an intense orgasm with Minny and William a short time before.

  “Once you have all mated with one another, stronger group bonds will begin to form,” Jeeves assured us in a soothing monotone. “Please go ahead and do what comes naturally to your bodies.”

  There was no stopping the men. They were ravenous with need. Both William and James leapt up and unapologetically grabbed the nearest woman. William seized Minny and James lurched over toward me, and as mad as I was at him I couldn’t help but fall into position as he urged me to bend over toward the ground so that he could thrust his throbbing, powerful cock between my legs and into my hot, waiting sex.

  Lindsay grabbed a similar strap-on toy to the one Minny had used earlier and staggered over to William with a moan, affixing it to her crotch and turning it on in a fluid movement, and he didn’t even cry out as she slicked it up and slid it into his waiting ass. He was too busy fucking Minny, who was moaning and squealing with the noises of utmost pleasure while he fucked her hard in the dirt of the garden. The three of them were like a glorious fuck-train, Lindsay giving it to William who was giving it to Minny, all propelled by the animalistic needs of their hypercharged hormones that Jeeves had somehow thrown out of whack.


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