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Page 19

by Parkin, Lance

  The Slitheen were scheming to accuse one of their clients, a fish-tailed humanoid named Cecrops, of corporate espionage, but Actaeus sacrificed himself to destroy the Slitheen’s temporal drives. The resultant explosion destroyed the island of Thera, the modern island of Santorini. The Doctor taught the Greeks some farming techniques, and then took everyone home - except Cecrops, who was thought dead in his native era, but instead became the legendary founder of Athens. Three of the Slitheen were made dormant inside some stalagmites, and wouldn’t revive until the twenty-first century.

  The Fall of Atlantis

  c 1500 BC - The Time Monster [63]

  The Master arrived in Atlantis, claiming to be the emissary of the gods. King Dalios didn’t believe the stranger, who seduced his wife, Queen Galleia. The Master and the Queen plotted to steal the Crystal of Kronos. King Dalios died of a broken heart, and the Master seized power, proclaiming himself King. Queen Galleia, filled with remorse, ordered his arrest. The third Doctor and Jo were present as the Master released Kronos the Chronovore, and Atlantis was destroyed.

  Some Atlanteans survived beneath the ocean, off the Azores. [64] The Daemons would later claim to have destroyed Atlantis. [65]

  (=) ? 1500 BC (fourth month) - Benny: Year Zero / Benny: Dead Man’s Switch [66]

  The Epoch were beings who created alternate timelines to observe and alter the progression of life itself, largely to eliminate potential threats to themselves. Earth’s solar system, and particularly Bernice Summerfield’s ability to “see the truth” of reality, posed a danger to the Epoch. They decided to evaluate her - then either eliminate her from all potential timelines, or at least choose which version of Bernice would confront them. [67]

  Following her defeat of the Deindum in 2610, Benny found herself on Raster - one of twenty inhabited worlds in a timeline restarted by the Epoch. It was currently the fourth month (springtime) of Year 54. All knowledge of anything before Year 1 had been eradicated. The Great Leader, a computer, further obscured the past by regularly assigning new names to the people and places of the twenty worlds. Studying history or archaeology warranted a death sentence. Bernice thought that only about three dozen stars existed in this reality.

  Benny sought answers at the capital of the twenty worlds: the planet Zordin. She arrived there after spending three years in stasis aboard a spaceship...

  (=) & 1503 BC - Benny: Epoch (The Kraken’s Lament / The Temple of Questions/ Private Enemy No. 1 / Judgement Day)

  Benny awoke in Year 57 to find that Zordin looked like Earth... and that just three months beforehand, the Great Leader had just renamed the planet “Atlantis”. The world was an amalgamation of elements from Greek mythology - Minotaurs were “commonplace”, and winged horses, Pegasii, could fly to great heights. Benny spent a few weeks assisting Acanthus the Tale-Smith.

  Two secret historians - Leonidas and Ruth, a priestess of Poseidon - recruited Benny to conduct an examination of the Underground, potentially the remains of a previous civilisation. They confronted and destroyed the Great Leader, hoping to end its clandestine manipulation of the twenty worlds.

  More alterations occurred to Atlantis per the Epoch’s design. Many citizens were revised into law-enforcers named Hierophants, and the temple of Ando offered a two-for-one sale on blessings. Leonidas and Benny became lovers; the next day, Leonidas and his fellow Historians were changed en masse into Hierophants. An erasure wave wiped out Atlantis...

  ... but Benny and Ruth awoke in a pocket reality from which the Epoch observed the timelines they’d created. The Epoch gave Bernice a final test: she was shown a Jurassic era-timeline and a Victorian era-timeline, with a Benny and Ruth in each of them. The Epoch-Prime reality Benny was to deduce which timeline was genuine, and delete the other two. Benny deleted the Jurassic timeline, and threw the Epoch off balance by deleting the Epoch-Prime reality. Before its eradication, Ruth forced Benny into a stasis capsule. Ruth perished as Benny, held in a timeless state, returned to her native era, the year 2616.

  The Ikkaban Period of Yemayan history was in progress around 1500 BC. [68] The Great Sphinx was now buried up to its neck by sand. It mentally influenced the young Thutmose, who was on a hunting trip, to dig it out. [69]

  Two Time Lord students visited Earth as part of Academy History Module 101, hoping to study Osirian cosmic influence. A freak surge in the Vortex damaged their TARDIS, preventing them from returning home. They were worshipped as the gods Amun and Thoth, but “Amun” died in an uprising. Thoth escaped, but their TARDIS was disguised as a shabti figure - a representation of servants who wait upon royals in the afterlife - and was stolen by Userhat, one of Amun’s servants. Thoth spent several lifetimes searching for his tomb. [70]


  Erimemushimteperem, “Daughter of Light”, was born to the Pharaoh, Amenhotep II, and one of his sixty concubines, Rubak. [71] She had three half brothers: the eldest, Thutmose; Teti; and the youngest, Mentu. [72] When Erimem was a child, her father trapped the Great Old Ones in a pyramid in the Himalayas. [73]

  Erimem’s father, Amenhotep II, defeated a rival king and came to possess the alien crystal that the Doctor had deposited on Earth many millennia previous. Amenhotep II also claimed one thousand slaves and the rival king’s sister as a wife, but he prized the crystal most of all. It was regarded as a diamond and had many names, but became known as the Veiled Leopard because it almost seemed to glow, and possessed odd spots that looked like leopard markings. [74]

  c 1401 BC - Erimem: The Coming of the Queen [75]

  Amenhotep II had recently won a war against King Gadamere of Mitanni, and even after the final battle ordered the small fingers cut from the hands of five hundred Mitanni captives, and another five hundred of them taken as slaves. Pharaoh desired an alliance with his former rival, and arranged that his son Mentu should marry Gadamere’s daughter Miral. The Mitanni sought revenge, and although a plot to install a puppet ruler as Pharaoh failed, Miral killed Erimem’s brothers. For this treachery, Pharaoh killed Gadamere, and Erimem slit Miral’s throat and stabbed her through the heart. Some months later, Hyksos mercenaries attacked the Pharaoh’s chariot escort, and Amenhotep - standing his ground to prove his divinity - was killed. Erimem became ruler of Egypt.

  When her father died, Erimem ordered priests to place the Veiled Leopard inside Amenhotep’s bandages as he was prepared for burial. The diamond was later separated from his body, possibly owing to graverobbing, and would become one of the world’s most famous jewels. [76]

  c 1400 BC - The Eye of the Scorpion [77]

  A starship containing prisoners crashed near Thebes, and a stasis box holding a dangerous gestalt energy being broke open. It began possessing local mercenaries. The fifth Doctor and Peri joined forces with Erimem to defeat it. Following this, Erimem joined the Doctor on his travels; Fayum, a junior council member, became Pharaoh in her absence. The face of the Sphinx was damaged, and Peri whimsically issued orders that it be reconstructed with Elvis’ features, confident that Napoleon’s troops would damage it in the late eighteenth century.

  1366 BC - Set Piece [78]

  Ace arrived via a space-time rift in Egypt during the rule of Pharaoh Akhenaten. She served as a bodyguard to Lord Sedjet, and eluded the robotic Ants pursuing her. After burying the TARDIS for Benny to find some centuries on, she escaped through a rift to nineteenth century France.

  The shapeshifting Vondrax subsisted on the tachyon energy generated when probabilities compressed into parallel timelines. They fashioned and dispersed spheres, the Vondraxian Orbs, to harvest such energy. The Vondrax spent centuries collecting their energy-laden Orbs, and almost inevitably caused a slaughter at each retrieval zone. One such massacre occurred in Egypt, 1352 BC. [79]

  The Monk helped build Stonehenge using anti-gravity lifts. [80] The Ragman had been born at the other end of the universe as a psionic force. It had travelled on Earth in a stone, drawn to the power inherent in Earth’s ley lines. The rock containing the Ragman was incorporated into
the stone circle at Cirbury, and the creature was dormant. [81]

  Classical History

  The Doctor claimed to have met Theseus. [82] The eleventh Doctor took Amy to the Trojan Gardens. [83] The Rani was present at the Trojan War, extracting a chemical from human brains. [84]

  c 1184 BC - The Myth Makers [85]

  Captured by the Greeks outside Troy, the first Doctor was given two days to come up with a scheme to end the ten-year siege. He rejected the idea of using catapults to propel the Greeks over the walls of Troy - if only after Agamemnon insisted that the Doctor would be the first to try such a contrivance - and came up with the idea of using a wooden horse containing Greek troops. Vicki left the Doctor and Steven’s company to marry young Troilus; she re-named herself “Cressida”. Katarina, one of Cassandra’s handmaidens, joined the Doctor on his travels.

  Vicki and Troilus married, but the Trojans came to believe that she was cursed or possessed. While Prince Aeneas and the main party travelled onward, Vicki and Troilus settled in Carthage. They had two children - “two young heroes”, as Vicki called them. [86]

  1164 BC - Frostfire [87]

  Vicki wept alone one day, and discovered the Cinder - all that remained of the phoenix she had encountered in 1814 AD - amongst her tears. She contained it in an oil lamp, and kept it beneath the Temple of Astarte. It amused her to call the Cinder “Frosty”, and to visit it and share memories of the Doctor.

  Knowing that the phoenix would devour Earth if it hatched again, Vicki cared for the Cinder - and thereby set up a loop that would end its cycle of rebirth. The Cinder would remain in Carthage until the nearby city of Tunis arose. It then became part of Captain McClavity’s Collection of Curiosities in the nineteenth century - and then travelled back with Vicki again to ancient Troy.

  Troilus was supervising the building of a new quinquereme. [88]

  A Vondraxian Orb wound up buried in the Arctic on Earth. [89] The Sorshans let the hostile Lom past their planetary defence shield, then reactivated it and released a biological toxin - deliberately killing themselves and their planet to prevent the Lom from spreading. [90] The Doctor was given a copy of the I Ching by Wen Wang. [91]

  Thousands of years ago, the Exxilons were “the supreme beings of the universe... Exxilon had grown old before life began on other planets”. Bernice Summerfield once wrote, “There are half a dozen worlds where the native languages develop up to a point, and then are suddenly replaced by one of the Exxilon ones.”

  Worlds visited by the Exxilons include Yemaya and Earth, where they helped to build temples in Peru. The Doctor visited one of these temples, and examined the carvings there. On their home planet, the Exxilons created one of the Seven Hundred Wonders of the Universe: their City, a vast complex designed to last for all eternity. It was given a brain to protect, repair and maintain itself, and thus it no longer needed the Exxilons, who were driven from the City and degenerated into primitives.

  The City needed power, and began to absorb electrical energy directly from the planet’s atmosphere. The City also set an intelligence test that granted access to those who might have some knowledge to offer it. Over the centuries, a few Exxilons attempted the test, but none returned. [92]

  Mawdryn and seven of his companions stole a metamorphic symbiosis generator from the Time Lords, hoping to become immortal. Instead they became horrific undying mutations, and the elders of their planet exiled them. Their ship entered a warp ellipse. It reached an inhabited planet every seventy years, allowing one of the crew to transmat down to seek help. [93]

  c 1000 BC - Primeval [94]

  Kwundaar launched a bid to reconquer Traken. He engineered an illness for Nyssa, knowing the fifth Doctor would seek out Shayla, the greatest physician in Trakenite history. Kwundaar then implanted a psychic command in the Doctor’s mind, getting the Doctor to deactivate Traken’s defences. Kwundaar’s forces consequently invaded the planet, but the Doctor tricked Kwundaar and harnessed the Source’s power for himself. The Doctor thus became the first Keeper of Traken. He reactivated the defences, which destroyed Kwundaar, then abdicated. Shayla became the second Keeper.

  The Baroks were humanoids with heads like those of goats. They were an advanced species who, each hunting season, would turn into wild, ferocious cannibals. They finally developed a ritual to siphon away their bloodlust - each tribe of Baroks would nominate a “scapegoat” into whom they could project their violent tendencies. The scapegoat would be driven into the wilderness, enabling the tribe to refrain from tearing itself apart. When a “cosmic” catastrophe befell the Barok homeworld, the surviving tribes dispersed throughout the galaxy. [95]

  A spaceship containing some Hervoken crashed to Earth in what would become New England in America. In the millennia to come, the ship psychically influenced people to build the town of Blackwood Falls over it. [96]

  The Shaydargen were a race of space pioneers. One of their spaceships crashed in Snowdonia, Wales, where the ten surviving crewmembers lived out their natural lives. Their craft remained buried in a mountain as the crew died off, and an empathic artificial entity created to meet their needs went dormant. [97]

  Three parasitic Gorgons arrived on Earth through a portal, and inspired the legends of Medusa and her sisters in Greek mythology. They took human hosts - one of them was killed, and a sisterhood devoted to Demeter protected the remaining two. The Gorgons lost the talisman that would re-open the portal. [98]

  On the planet Avalon, a technologically advanced race created a system that focused solar energy to deflect the large number of asteroids in their system away from their world. They also built thought-operated nanobots that allowed them to affect matter and energy. This discovery prolonged the race’s existence but made their lives futile. They drained the machines of energy, but it was too late. Their civilisation fell, and the natives regressed to being reptilian cephlies, lacking all ingenuity. [99]

  The Doctor met the Queen of Sheba. [100] The cybernetic organism Horath ruled the Dark Empire, a period of tyrannical galactic rule. Horath crushed many civilisations, but was finally banished to another dimension. A portal leading to Horath was sealed below the standing stones in the village of Whitebarrow. [101]

  Evidence found by Professor Horner in the twentieth century suggested that pagan rituals took place at Devil’s Hump at around 800 BC. [102] The Doctor met the Jonah of legend - a confirmed vegan with white and wrinkled skin. [103] The Bodach attempted to send humanity permanently to sleep and feast on its dreams, but the plan failed. The crystals the Bodach needed - the Eyes of Oblivion - were set on an obelisk that ended up buried outside London. [104]

  Around 600 BC, a Nimon scout arrived on Earth and was killed by his own sword by Mithras, who was later worshipped throughout the known world as a result of his deed. [105]

  570 BC - Benny: Walking to Babylon [106]

  Benny pursued two Worldsphere rogues (!Ci!ci-tel and WiRgo!xu) and their drone (I!qu-!qu-tala) down a time corridor to ancient Babylon, and met a linguist, John Lafayette, who had fallen down the corridor from 1901. I!qu-!qu-tala curtailed the rogues’ goal of triggering war between the People and the Time Lords, and terminated the corridor after sending Benny home. !Ci!ci-tel was killed, but WiRgo!xu and I!qu-!qu-tala travelled across the world with the Babylonian priestess Ninan. The Time Lords returned John to his native time.

  The Doctor was present when Pythagoras discovered the connection between mathematics and the physical world. [107] Around 500 BC, the Doctor met Sun Tzu at least twice and discussed the Art of War. [108] The Doctor replaced Sun Tzu as the Chinese emperor’s military advisor but wasn’t terribly effective, as he kept holding conflict resolution seminars rather than fighting. [109] The Way of Drell, a religion devoted to universal harmony, was founded in the Mother Temple on Karnor. [110]

  After Irving Braxiatel left the Braxiatel Collection in 2606, he wanted some “me” time and facilitated his transformation into a rock: the Stone of Barter. It became a legendary item that was passed be
tween nomadic tribes, and enabled a literal exchange of qualities such as intelligence, knowledge and paranormal abilities. [111]

  Ancient Greece

  The Daemons and Scaroth both influenced ancient Greek civilisation. [112] The Athenian philosopher Bigon lived in Greece around two thousand five hundred years ago. In Bigon’s fifty-sixth year, the Urbankans kidnapped him. For the first time in their visits to Earth, the Urbankans encountered resistance. [113]

  The eleventh Doctor thought that Amy and Rory might like to visit the first Olympic Games as a wedding present. [114] The Doctor visited Athens and saw the Parthenon being built. [115] The Eternals kidnapped a trireme of Athenian sailors from the time of Pericles. [116] The Doctor met Alexander the Great [117] and Pyrrho [118], possibly on the same visit.

  The tenth Doctor planned to take June to Greece in 480 BC, but they ended up in 1500 BC instead. [119] The Doctor met Praxiteles, who sculpted the Venus de Milo. [120] The Doctor visited one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: the Pharos lighthouse. [121]

  The first lighthouse was built at Alexandria; Astrolabus provided the fire of its lamp. Within a year, starships began to land. “The city had become a crossroads in time. Past and future had conjoined - sorcery and science now walked hand in hand.” The aliens stole Astrolabus’ charts. Alexandria fell, destroyed by a sea monster.

  “It was then that Voyager came... from the realms of old time, from the dawn of myth... the very spirit of legend.”

  Astrolabus attempted to navigate the timelines, but the disturbances were too great. [122]


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