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by Parkin, Lance

  1805 (12th September) - World Game [833]

  The second Doctor and Serena narrowly saved Wellington and Nelson when Valmont, one of the immortal Players, attempted to kill them with a bomb.

  The Doctor and Serena travelled to Paris to discover more about the Players’ plans. They saved Napoleon from assassination, and learned that another Player, the Countess, was also in Paris. The Doctor learned that Napoleon had a secret weapon - a submarine - and in part survived a vampire assassin because of all the garlic he’d been eating since arriving in France. The Countess had designed the submarine’s omega drive propulsion system, and had tasked a Raston Warrior Robot to serve as a guard. When this vanished, the Doctor deduced that someone on Gallifrey had sent the Robot and the vampire. The Doctor and Serena sabotaged the submarine, but with no more leads to the Players’ grand plan, they departed for 1815.

  An original painting by Turner would come to adorn Irving Braxiatel’s study. [834]

  (=) 1806 - Seasons of Fear [835]

  The eighth Doctor and Charley confronted the long-lived Grayle once again. This time, Grayle built a transmat and brought his masters, the Nimon, to Earth. The Doctor engineered a time corridor that returned the Nimon to Britain in 305 BC.

  Albert Tiermann was the son of a successful writer, but had no imagination of his own. As part of his plan to trap the Doctor, the Demon working for the Hornets granted Tiermann an imagination in return for implanting a shard of ice in his heart. The Demon also created a hotel in the Murgin Pass. [836]

  Golems were unthinking lifeforms/killing machines crafted from virtually indestructible aluminosilicate; many civilised worlds and Article 12 of the Galactic Code outlawed them. Experiments were undertaken to create intelligent Golems that could integrate themselves into a society. A humanoid-looking boy and girl Golem were birthed, but one of their creators had a crisis of conscience and sent them away in a spaceship.

  In the quiet German town of Orlok, Baron Teufel had systematically dismembered fourteen people as part of experiments on the reanimation of human tissue using electricity - the savage deaths were attributed to the fabled “Beast of Orlok”. The spaceship with the young Golems arrived in the Black Forest near Orlok, just as the Baron attempted to make a local, Frau Tod, his fifteenth victim. She permanently blinded the Baron and claimed the Golems as her own children, naming them Hans and Greta. The Baron left town. [837]

  The Tabbalac were an orange-skinned, aggressive species who could innately sense lies by reading body language, and were skilled at matter transmission. One Tabbalac - a technical genius who feared that his government would use his talents for killing - adopted the name “Brooks” and escaped his homeworld by building a casino boat, The High Straights, that teleported from planet to planet. The casino served an elite clientele, and another of Brooks’ inventions, the reality-warping High Stakes table, enabled patrons to bet such abstract commodities as their youth, skills, emotions and their very history. [838]

  The Cup of Aethelstan was put on display in the International Gallery in London. [839] One of the surviving Gorgons possessed an Abbess. [840] Joseph Sundvig was born on 8th April, 1809. [841] The Doctor met Byron at the Parthenon, and had an episode with him that involved five oranges, a purple handkerchief and a misplaced nostrum. He also met Percy Shelley. [842] A squad of Parisian soldiers were lost in the Catacombs in 1810. They found themselves in 2000. [843]

  In 1811, the poet William Blake vanished from his home and met the Doctor. [844] The Doctor also met William Blake at home once. [845] William Blake was a personal friend of the fourth Doctor. [846] The Doctor said that John Pond, the Astronomer Royal, was a “lovely chap” who once told him a filthy joke. [847] The Doctor was with a British rifle brigade when he met Sir Arthur Wellesley. He was a prisoner of the French at Salamanca in 1812. [848]

  Also in 1812, a battlefield from Napoleon’s Russian campaign was kidnapped by the War Lords. [849] The Doctor met Napoleon and told him that an army marches on its stomach. [850] The Doctor kept a bottle that Napoleon threw at him. He later drank it in 2011 with Amy, Rory and River Song on the shore of Lake Silencio. [851]

  In 1812, the alien criminal “Mary” arrived on Earth. She would later claim to hail from a savage, repressive world that punished dissent with death. The beings there communicated with pendants that granted telepathy. Mary killed the guard escorting her, and hosted herself within a passing young woman. [852]

  1812 - Emotional Chemistry [853]

  The Magellans were essentially living stars. One such creature broke a rule among its kind by giving birth; its child was named Aphrodite. The Doctor acted as defence council when the Magellan was put on trial. The Magellan’s people ruled to spilt the creature in half and place each part in separate time zones on Earth. The emotional side of the Magellan became the female Dusha, and by the early nineteenth century had been adopted by Count Yuri Vishenkov. The Magellan’s intellectual half became Lord General Razum Kinzhal, a strategist around the year 5000. Aphrodite was contained and given the extra-dimensional locale of Paraiso as her home.

  Living as a Russian noblewoman, Dusha Vishenkov had the ability to alter probability and affected her “sister” Natasha Vishenkov. Natasha’s descendants would look virtually identical for millennia to come, and be predisposed to good luck. Dusha’s influence also turned the Vishenkov family’s possessions into empathic capacitors that amplified the emotions of those nearby. One such item, a painting, would be on display in the Kremlin Museum in 2024 and start a fire there.

  The eighth Doctor helped Dusha reunite with her lover, Kinzhal, in the year 5000.

  (=) 1812 - “The Time of My Life” [854]

  The tenth Doctor and Donna found that time had been interfered with, and that Napoleon’s troops were attacking Cossacks with impulse weapons.

  Illeana (later Illeana de Santos) fled with her wealthy merchant father from Smolensk, but bandits killed her father. The werewolf Stubbe turned her into a werewolf and bound her to him for a century or two. [855]

  1812 (summer to 18th October) - Mother Russia [856]

  The first Doctor, Steven and Dodo spent some time at the home of Count Gregori Nikitin, where the Doctor tutored Nikitin’s son. A spaceship carrying an infiltration unit - one designed to adopt the form of an enemy’s leaders to assassinate them - crashed to Earth and impersonated the Doctor just prior to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. The disguised unit served as an advisor to Napoleon once he’d captured Moscow. The public set fire to the city rather than surrender it - Napoleon withdrew, and a Russian mob killed the infiltration unit.

  While on the Russian front, Napoleon had coffee with Iris Wildthyme. [857] The Celestial Toymaker beat Napoleon at Risk. [858]

  c 1813 - The Mark of the Rani [859]

  The Rani was present during the Industrial Revolution, extracting a chemical from human brains. Her project was interrupted by the arrival, and rivalry, of the Master and the sixth Doctor. The Master attempted to disrupt human history as the greatest scientific minds of the era converged on Killingworth. The Doctor trapped the two renegades in the Rani’s TARDIS and banished them from Earth.

  1814 (February) - Frostfire [860]

  The first Doctor, Steven and Vicki arrived at the last-ever frost fair - literally a fair situated upon ice - on the River Thames. Captain McClavity owned a Collection of Curiosities there, as well as a phoenix egg that he had acquired from the Medina in Tunis. The travellers encountered Jane Austen, much to the Doctor’s delight, as he had read all of her novels and thought them very witty. Soon afterwards, McClavity was murdered and the phoenix egg stolen.

  The phoenix inside the egg had been responsible for the destruction of a thousand worlds, and now sought to be reborn on Earth. Its essence possessed Georgina Mallard, whose husband - Sir Joseph Mallard - worked for the Royal Mint. The phoenix hoped to use the Mint’s metal-melting furnace as a hatchery for itself, but Austen assisted the Doctor’s group in turning down the heat. The newly hatched phoenix chick
died, but a cinder from the fire - endowed with a small piece of the phoenix’s being - remained in Vicki. She only learned of its presence after she left the Doctor’s company and became Lady Cressida.

  Iris and Jane Austen visited the Moulin Rouge - not the one in Paris, but a space station near Betelgeuse. [861]

  The Doctor helped River Song celebrate her birthday on a frozen Thames in 1814, at the last of the great frost fairs. Entertainment was provided by Stevie Wonder, who didn’t realise the Doctor had brought him back in time. [862]

  1815 (June) - World Game [863]

  Using psychic paper, the second Doctor gatecrashed a ball being held by Wellington, and warned him of the Players’ plans. Serena died saving Wellington from an assassination attempt.

  The Doctor impersonated Napoleon in order to infiltrate the French lines at Waterloo and divert reinforcements arranged by the Players. History was returned to its normal course and the Players - worried about further intervention from the Time Lords - suspended their games.

  Major General Fergus Lethbridge-Stewart fought in the Battle of Waterloo. [864] Oliver Blazington, later a big game hunter, was a rifleman who fought alongside the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo. [865] The Doctor met Wellington after the conflict. [866]

  (=) 1815 (18th November) - World Game [867]

  The second Doctor and Serena arrived in a Paris that was celebrating a great victory over the British and Wellington’s mysterious death. The Doctor and Serena first travelled fifty years into the future - to see the end result of the Countess’ Grand Design - then went into the past to prevent it happening.

  In 1816, the Doctor visited the Duke of Wellington, and made a lot of money at a gambling den. He set up an account at Chumley’s Bank that he occasionally dipped into while on Earth. [868] The Doctor was present when Peter the Great sent an expedition to Alaska. [869]

  1816 (June) - The Company of Friends: “Mary’s Story” [870]

  A temporal storm infected the TARDIS and the eighth Doctor with corrosive “vitreous time”. He arrived, charred and misshapen, at the Villa Diodati at Lake Geneva, 1816, just as Lord Byron challenged his friends - Mary and Percy Shelley, Mary’s step-sister Claire and John William Polidori - to each write a ghost story. The Doctor muttered, “Dr Frankenstein”, lay injured for a week and appeared to have died. Percy suggested they test whether an electro-static spark could make his body twitch, as had been reported with frog’s legs. The experiment revived the Doctor, and he wandered off.

  Mary found the Doctor in his ransacked TARDIS. An earlier version of the eighth Doctor answered his later self’s distress call after dropping Samson and Gemma off in Vienna. The younger Doctor activated the TARDIS’ self-repair systems, which healed his older self via their symbiotic link. The older Doctor left, and Mary accepted the younger one’s offer to become his travelling companion.

  The Doctor tried to relocate the TARDIS in space, not time, to reunite with Samson and Gemma in Vienna... but he and Mary instead found themselves in that city in 1873. [871] The Doctor and Mary travelled together for years, encountering foes such as Cybermen and Axons. [872] Mary eventually ended her travels with the Doctor, and returned home to be with her soul mate, Percy Shelley. [873]

  1818 - The Ghosts of N-Space [874]

  Travelling back in time, the third Doctor and Sarah witnessed the early life of the wizard Maximillian.

  In the early nineteenth century, the Doctor met Beau Brummel, who told him he looked better in a cloak. [875]

  A Dalek scoutship crashed on the planet Vulcan. By this time, the Daleks had already encountered the second Doctor. [876] The Dalek ship was from the far future. [877]

  The Beast of Fang Rock was seen. [878] The Reverend Thomas Bright surveyed the Nine Travellers. At some point between now and the late twentieth century, Cessair posed as Mrs Trefusis for sixty years, then Senora Camara. [879]

  On 3rd July, 1820, Florence Sundvig was born. [880] Napoleon died in 1821, still traumatised by what he had witnessed in the Great Pyramid in 1798. [881]

  In 1826, the Camara was lost in the Irish Sea after snaring a stone “demon” in its nets. [882] James Fenimore Cooper struck a deal to include Chingachgook, an actual Mohican, as a fictional character in his writings. [883] Mary Shelley’s The Last Man was published in 1826. [884]

  1827 - The Beast of Orlok [885]

  General Zoff, the commander-in-chief of the Radzera Planetary League, now possessed Golems that were halfway between mindless brutes and the “civilised” versions represented by Hans Tod and his “sister” Greta. Hoping to create an army of the enhanced versions, Zoff tracked Hans and Greta across sixty thousand light years to Earth.

  Baron Teufel returned to Orlok, and a Golem under Zoff’s command killed him, which enabled Zoff to adopted Teufel’s form using a “metamorphiser”. The eighth Doctor and Lucie visited Orlok by mistake after the TARDIS entirely failed to materialise in Alton Towers. The Doctor destroyed Zoff’s Golem and Orlok Castle in the process. Zoff’s people made him suffer a humiliating loss of rank, and Hans and Greta remained on Earth.

  1827 - The Eye of the Jungle [886]

  The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory found themselves in the Amazon rain forest, and confronted the Nadurni: aliens who were harvesting animals to transform into biological weapons for a war effort. The big game hunter Oliver Blazington, who was aiding an expedition to collect animals for the opening of the London zoo, was hideously transformed by the Nadurni’s experiments. He attacked his tormentors, and died as their space station was destroyed.

  (=) c 1827-1828 - Medicinal Purposes [887]

  A human researcher from the future acquired a Type 70 TARDIS from a Nekkistani dealer of Gryben, and a dying alien race employed him to research a virus that was killing them. The aliens’ immune systems resembled those of humans, so the researcher set up shop in Edinburgh, 1827. He took the guise of “Dr. Robert Knox”, the anatomist who employed the graverobbers William Burke and William Hare to provide cadavers for study. Not content with unearthing corpses, Burke and Hare started murdering people to fulfill Knox’s demands.

  Knox infected some Edinburgh residents with the alien virus, but anyone who consumed alcohol proved immune. Failing to make progress, Knox used his illicit technology to roll back time in Edinburgh and start with “new” bodies. He grew ambivalent toward his employers’ survival, and turned the enterprise into an elite tourist attraction, with patrons paying to witness the “Hale and Burke Experience”. The memories of the locals grew cloudy as time repeatedly looped. The sixth Doctor and Evelyn arrived inside of Knox’s time loop, and discovered his operations.

  The Doctor was at the opening of the London Zoo. [888]

  On 28th January, 1829, the Doctor and Evelyn observed Burke’s public hanging. The Doctor tricked Knox into leaving his time loop and infected him with the alien virus. Knox fled in his TARDIS, and history was restored to its proper path. The Doctor and Evelyn took the mentally disabled “Daft Jamie”, who was fated to become one of Burke and Hare’s victims, back to meet his appointed demise.

  Knox was dying from a flu virus that he’d contracted in Edinburgh. He found an emotion-eating Indo in a crater of congealed iron magma on Mercury - in exchange for the Indo extending Knox’s lifespan, Knox agreed to facilitate the creature feasting upon the emotions of John Wilkes Booth, one of history’s most famous assassins, in 1865. [889]

  Francesca Farrow ran away with the Circus of Delights in 1829 and became its bearded lady. [890] Octopoid psychovores, the Saiph, inhabited a planet of the same name in the constellation of Orion. In 1829, some of their number relocated to Earth after a cosmic storm struck their satellite. The Saiph reverted to protoplasm, and were nourished by the minerals in a cave near Antibes, France. [891]

  In early May 1830, the time traveller Chloe and her dog Jamais happened upon Sabbath in St. Raphael, France. She sensed part of his history but fell unconscious. When she awoke, Sabbath had left her a diamond and a book purporting to speak of the futur
e. Her belief in the book allowed Sabbath to manipulate her activities. [892]

  (=) In 1831, energy beings from the Eternium, a doomed pocket universe, manipulated the aspiring poet Jared Malahyde to work on the Utopian Engine: a device intended to temporally age Earth to extinction. The Eternines wanted to harvest the life force energy released by Earth’s demise. Malahyde partnered with architect Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and they pioneered the Malahyde Process, a means of developing superior steel. Malahyde spent the next twelve years working on the Utopian Engine. [893]

  The TARDIS arrived in 1831 on the fifth Doctor’s preset instructions, having travelled from an alternate version of 2008. The Ship buried itself in the muck of the Thames, and remained inert for thirty-four years. [894]

  1832 (June) - Hornets’ Nest: The Circus of Doom [895]

  The fourth Doctor arrived in Blandford and learned from a shop assistant, Sally, that the strange Circus of Delights had come to town. Almost the whole population watched the show until two in the morning, amazed by the lion act and the Clown Funeral. An Italian dwarf, Antonio, served as ringmaster. The Doctor met Dr Adam Farrow, who was looking for his sister Francesca.

  On the second night, all the villagers returned to watch the show again, and the Doctor discovered that the Hornets had both possessed Antonio and infiltrated the entire circus. Various villagers were compelled to join the circus and perform incredible acts.

  The Doctor realised that the withered feet he’d seen in the ballet shoes in the future belonged to Francesca. He hypnotised Antonio to learn of the dwarf’s history - and was shocked to find that the Hornets had somehow used the TARDIS to take control of him, an event that had not happened yet in the Doctor’s timeline. The Hornets swarmed out of Antonio. Francesca was killed, but the Doctor left with Antonio’s body, now in stasis.


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