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by Parkin, Lance

  (=) 1856 (27th January) - 100: “My Own Private Wolfgang” [953]

  The Mozart who bargained for immortality was all-too horrifyingly aware that he’d become a hack. Along with scores of time-travelling Mozart clones, the sixth Doctor and Evelyn attended a ball to celebrate Mozart’s 100th birthday - and bore witness as a despondent Mozart tried and failed to kill himself on stage. Evelyn was accidentally transported to the future, while the Doctor - learning how Mozart had been manipulated and mistreated - travelled in the TARDIS back to Mozart’s deathbed.

  In Scotland, 1856, a young boy named James Lees encountered a different dimensional portal while swimming in the River Clyde near the Corra Linn falls. Lees remained on the other side of the portal, but the aliens who lived there sent a doppelganger of him back through as an ambassador. The ersatz James could tap people’s memories to “speak with the voices of the dead” and was committed to an asylum. Within a few years, he’d become renowned as a spiritualist. [954]

  1856 (winter) - The Haunting of Thomas Brewster [955]

  Thomas Brewster had spent five years at the workhouse, taking lessons and enduring regular beatings from Mr. Shanks, the master there. Brewster experienced recurring dreams of his dead mother - the result of a psychic “test signal” sent to him from the future. The fifth Doctor and Nyssa arrived and quickly departed, deciding they were still too early in Brewster’s timeline.

  w - Gillian Rose Petra came into information suggesting that Sherlock Holmes had been born in late February, 1857 (and not January 1854, as was more commonly believed) and that his first name was Edmund (not William). [956]

  Charles Dodgson photographed a young Victoria Waterfield in 1857. [957] During the Opium Wars, the Doctor recreated a tapestry from a grubby Han-Sen original as the British fleet shelled a city. The Celestial Toymaker was not present, but would later acquire the copy. [958]

  (=) 1858 - “The Screams of Death” [959]

  Monsieur Valdemar, a criminal from the future, was transported into the past by the time-child Chiyoko. He used a DNA sequencer to transform young women to his agents - and excellent opera singers to boot. The eleventh Doctor and Amy enjoyed the best performance of Eurydice that the Doctor had seen in a century, and stopped Valdemar from eliminating the ancestors of the four men who had betrayed him. Valdemar’s slaves turned on him, and threw him to his death.

  The TARDIS absorbed a young woman, Cosette, into itself, but she was restored to life when Chiyoko cancelled out her own existence. [960]

  c 1859 - A Town Called Fortune [961]

  The sixth Doctor and Evelyn visited the town of Fortune, and helped to bring Mayor Sullivan to justice for crimes. Sheriff Hayes turned himself in for the murder of William Donovan.

  The Doctor talked to Lewis Carroll about the sleeping King Constantine, which influenced Carroll’s writing. [962] Darwin published The Origin of the Species in 1859. [963] The Doctor met Darwin. [964] The Doctor dropped by New York as the Plug Uglies and Dead Rabbit gangs were tearing into each other. He helped to resolve the conflict, either by sorting it out with them over a pack of Jammy Dodgers, or just sending them back to Sligo, Ireland. [965] In 1860, Ian’s great-grandfather, Major William Chesterton, served as a member of a Hussar company at Jaipur, India. [966]

  c 1860 - Benny: The Vampire Curse: “Possum Kingdom” [967]

  Benny and the Yesterways Ltd. tour group visited Transylvania during Victorian times.

  In 1860, Litefoot’s father was a Brigadier-General on the punitive expedition to China. The Litefoot family stayed in the country for the next thirteen years. Around this time, Henry Gordon Jago began working in the entertainment business. [968]

  1861 - The Haunting of Thomas Brewster [969]

  Mr Shanks sold Thomas Brewster to a man named Creek, who offered the lad an apprenticeship in his shop on Jacob’s Island - a notorious rookery on the south bank of the Thames. The boys in Creek’s employ scavenged the river for all manner of valuables, including items thrown overboard to avoid the revenue man. Brewster endured Creek’s regular beatings.

  1861 (June) - The Good, the Bad and the Alien [970]

  A Jerinthioan, a type of psionic vampire, became trapped on Earth. It mentally enticed two space smugglers - members of the Cemar race, who looked like humanoid meerkats - to come to Mason City, Nevada, so it could escape. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory ran afoul of the Jerinthioan, the Cemars and some bank robbers - the Black Hand Gang. The Jerinthioan over-fed on the Doctor’s psionic energy and died, and the Doctor took the Cemars back to their homeworld to face trial for smuggling.

  Earth was now classified as a Level Three [971] planet.

  1861 - Serpent Crest: The Broken Crown / Aladdin Time [972]

  The cyborg Alex was now a teenager, and had become attuned to the Skishtari egg in his possession. It created within itself fictional worlds based upon the books he read. The fourth Doctor and Mrs Wibbsey arrived down a wormhole from the far future as the egg made Alex increasingly capricious. The Doctor and Wibbsey were briefly trapped inside the egg’s dimensions, and experienced a realm based upon Arabian Nights. The Doctor’s scarf manifested as a genie and granted Alex some wishes - which he used to close down the egg’s fictional constructs. The Doctor buried the egg and gave instructions that Nest Cottage, which he would come to own, be built over it. Alex used his last wish to transport himself, Boolin, the Doctor and Wibbsey to Nest Cottage in 2010.

  The Doctor met Victor Hugo in Guernsey. [973] The Doctor showed Victor Hugo the catacombs of Paris. Hugo was so spooked by this that he changed the plot of Les Miserables, which he had planned to make a comedy. [974] The Doctor encountered the Silurian warrior Madame Vastra, who was trying to avenge the deaths of her sisters on innocent workers in the London Underground. The two of them formed an enduring friendship. [975]

  A child born ten miles from the Torchwood Estate was stolen from a cultivation, and became the newest host to the essence of an alien werewolf. [976] In 1863, the stone-imprinted minds of Qin Shi Huang and his two generals were transferred into Abbot Wu and two warrior monks. [977] A time warp in the USA sent a Cheyenne War Party to the twentieth century, where they attacked a trucker. [978]

  A time traveller of unknown origin arrived in the nineteenth century, and - as far as could be determined - conducted experiments to improve the cognitive and intellectual abilities of pigs. Two “children” were born in the laboratory: the human-looking Charlie and his brother Toby, a walking, talking pig who passed in polite society as a swine of culture. Charlie and Toby were both endowed with false memories of their childhood.

  The traveller died, taking his secrets to the grave. Charlie adopted the name “Alphonse Chardalot”. In the years to follow, he sought to continue the work of his “father”, often mistakenly believing himself to be the deceased time traveller. Meanwhile, Toby became a stage performer who shared his “life story” (such as he knew it) with audiences, and would perhaps sing an aria or two. [979]

  The Doctor took tightrope-walking lessons from Blondin, and accompanied him on one of his tightrope walks across Niagara Falls. [980] Thomas Brewster and his mates visited the new Metropolitan line, and had a contest to see who could ride it the furthest without paying. [981]

  1863 (14th-21st February) - Empire of Death [982]

  The duplicate James Lees was now performing séances for the heads of Europe, and Queen Victoria commissioned him to hold one for her late husband, Prince Albert. Earth’s physical laws were affecting the other side, and the beings who lived there became increasingly desperate to seal off the dimensional rift. The fifth Doctor and Nyssa used the TARDIS to close the rift, and the Queen vowed to never speak of the matter again. The false James expired, and the real one was returned, having barely aged since he entered the rift in 1856.

  The Doctor lost track of whether he had met Queen Victoria before now.

  Around this time, the Doctor befriended biologist Thomas Huxley. [983] Victoria Waterfield’s mother, Edith Rose, died on
23rd November, 1863. [984]

  The American Civil War

  A battlefield from the American Civil War was lifted by the War Lords. [985] The Gettysburg address was made on 19th November, 1863. [986] Iris had breakfast with Abraham Lincoln on the White House lawn after seeing off Martian invaders for the third time. [987] The Doctor was present at the opening of the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. [988]

  1864 - The Runaway Train [989]

  The Cei were on the losing side of an inter-planetary war, and their last warship attempted to use a terraformer to transform Earth into a Cei-compatible planet. The eleventh Doctor and Amy destroyed the terraformer, and the Doctor assisted the warship in returning to its homeworld.

  1864 (30th July) - Renaissance of the Daleks [990]

  Nyssa and the knight Mulberry arrived in Petersburg, Virginia, via a wormhole from 1320. The Siege of Petersburg was underway, and Union troops set explosives in a mine tunnel running under Confederate lines. The bombs detonated early in the morning on 30th July, killing about three hundred Confederate soldiers.

  (=) The fifth Doctor arrived too late to rescue them, and Nyssa and Mulberry were present at 3:15 am when the bombs exploded.

  The Doctor overrode the TARDIS’ time-track crossing protocol, and rescued Nyssa and Mulberry at 3:14 am.

  The brilliant Victorian scientist Harriet Dodd created a feasibility generator, and used it to make Wonderland - a subterranean locale designed to contain creatures that broke through from other dimensions. Dodd allied herself with the earliest form of the Ministry for Incursions and other Alien Ontological Wonders (MIAOW), but the group deemed her work as too subversive and weird, and sealed up Wonderland with Dodd inside. She and the whole of Wonderland slept for more than a century. [991]

  1865 (February to April) - Blood and Hope [992]

  The fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem attempted to visit the Wild West but arrived in the waning days of America’s Civil War instead. The Doctor assisted the Union army as the medic “Doctor John Smith”, and was present on 26th March, 1865, when Billingsville Prison was captured. On 5th April, the Doctor saved President Lincoln from an assassination attempt in Richmond, Virginia. On the same day, Peri shot dead the Confederacy’s Colonel Jubal Eustace when he attempted to murder her friends as Union collaborators. Lincoln was killed days later.

  The Doctor warned Lincoln not to go to the theatre. [993] Lord Kelvin laid transatlantic telegraph cables in 1865. [994]

  1865 (14th April) - Assassin in the Limelight [995]

  Dr Robert Knox had exchanged his Type 70 TARDIS for a newer model, and he imprisoned the Indo accompanying him within the Ship. The Indo summoned one of its own kind, who hoped to alter the events surrounding Lincoln’s assassination so that the American Civil War would resume, enabling both Indo to feast upon the resulting emotional trauma.

  Knox died from his disease. The Doctor trapped the second Indo inside Knox’s TARDIS, then deactivated the Ship’s temporal shields and sent it hurtling through the Vortex - aging both creatures to death. Knox had absorbed some of the Indo’s power, and used it to put his consciousness in the dead body of Pops, a stagehand at Ford’s Theatre. In such a form, Knox adopted the identity of Arthur Conan Doyle and booked passage to England.

  An earlier version of Knox was in the audience when Booth, as history dictated, killed Lincoln.

  1865 - The Haunting of Thomas Brewster [996]

  Creek tried to interrogate Thomas Brewster after the fifth Doctor and Nyssa inquired about him, but lost his footing and drowned in the Thames. Brewster escaped with a fellow scavenger named Pickens.

  The Doctor and Nyssa returned with Brewster’s older self, having identified this as the point when the “test signal” from the future formed a psychic link with Brewster’s mind. The older Brewster persuaded his younger self that the dreams he’d experienced of his mother were an illusion, and the younger Brewster’s conviction about this caused the alternate 2008 timeline to cease to exist.

  Creek’s scavengers recovered the TARDIS from the Thames, where it had been buried since 1831. It would remain in Creek’s abandoned shop for two more years.

  1865 - The Eleventh Tiger [997]

  Earth prepared to enter a unique stellar conjunction for the first time in two thousand years. Qin Shi Huang, controlled by the intelligence that revived him, assembled an army and started securing “sacred sites” that would serve as conduits to the intelligence’s power, enabling it to seize control of China. The first Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Vicki and their allies flooded a tomb seeped with the intelligence’s power. Qin took control of his host long enough to step into the water, shorting out the intelligence’s energy. Qin’s mind dissipated, and the possessed Abbot Wu recovered.

  Major William Chesterton served in China at this time, and suffered a concussion while fighting bandits in Qiang-Ling. The Doctor and his friends encountered the Ten Tigers of Canton, the top ten kung fu masters in Guangdong.

  (=) 1865 - World Game [998]

  The Countess created an alternate time line in which Napoleon won the Battle of Waterloo. As she had foreseen, he died of pneumonia during his victory parade in Moscow, whereupon his empire collapsed. The Players took advantage of the empire’s disintegration and created numerous small territories, which they pitted against each other in endless “games” of war. The Countess described this as her “Grand Design”, but the second Doctor restored the correct timeline by travelling back and preventing Napoleon’s victory.

  Following the Players’ defeat, they abandoned the Grand Design. All Games were suspended indefinitely due to the amount of disruption the Countess had caused, which drew the attention of the Time Lords.

  1866 (2nd-3rd June) - The Evil of the Daleks [999]

  The second Doctor and Jamie were brought to the Waterfield household from 1966 by the Daleks, who ran tests on them in the hopes of discovering the Human Factor. That done, the Doctor, Jamie, Victoria Waterfield and her father Edward were taken to Skaro.

  A massive time breach in the TARDIS caused the fifth Doctor to become separated from Nyssa, and he performed an emergency materialisation that caused him to arrive in London, on or about November 1866. While awaiting Nyssa’s arrival, he resided at 107 Baker Street as an English gentleman. As “Doctor Walters”, he became a Royal Society member so he could collect the materials he needed to repair the damaged TARDIS. For appearance’s sake, he took on Robert McIntosh - a medical student at Edinburgh - as his assistant-cum-protégé. [1000]

  K9 was programmed with all grandmaster chess games from 1866 onwards. [1001] The Doctor implied that he was present when Brighton’s West Pier opened in 1866. [1002] Sherlock Holmes’ younger sister, Genevieve, was left mentally handicapped owing to the birth trauma that killed her mother. [1003] The War Lords lifted a battlefield from the Mexican Uprising of 1867. [1004]

  1867 (14th November) - The Haunting of Thomas Brewster [1005]

  Nyssa, who had been expelled by the TARDIS, arrived in Seven Dials on the day the Doctor was addressing the Royal Society. He unreservedly lauded a paper by the physicist Leon Foucault, which calculated the speed of light as 298 km per second. The Doctor was now friends with physicist James Maxwell.

  Under the direction of his mother’s shade, Thomas Brewster had spent the last two years stealing various bits of scientific paraphernalia - and thereby lashed together a machine capable of creating a time breach. Smoke-beings from an alternate 2008 travelled down this corridor to help guarantee that their timeline became the dominant one; they murdered Brewster’s friend Pickens and the Doctor’s protégé, Robert McIntosh. Their deaths, and others caused by the smoke beings, were attributed to yet-another lethal London smog.

  The Doctor severed the time corridor, but the smoke-beings tricked Brewster into stealing the Doctor’s TARDIS and travelling to their native time. The Doctor and Nyssa retrieved an older version of the TARDIS that had been sitting in Creek’s shop since 1965, and followed Brewster into the future.

e travellers defeated the smoke beings, then returned to the Doctor’s house. Brewster, fearing a return to a life of scavenging and near-starvation, hijacked the TARDIS a second time. [1006]

  In 1868, the Doctor opened a bank account at Coutts Bank in London under the name R.J. Smith Esq.; Susan Foreman, Victoria Waterfield, Sarah Jane Smith, Melanie Bush and Bernice Summerfield were named as signatories on the account. [1007] In the same year, Wychborn House burnt down. [1008] In 1868, the Phiadoran spores enabled Professor Bryce-Dennison to create a solar-powered impeller drive. [1009] Shotgun manufacturer Purdeys received the Royal Warrant in 1868. [1010]

  c 1868 - The Boy that Time Forgot [1011]

  The fifth Doctor gathered twelve of the finest minds in the Empire - including Professor Quandry, the novelist Beatrice Mapp and the fraudulent explorer Rupert Von Thal - in Mapp’s sitting room in Bloomsbury to conduct an experiment. Those present read off ones and zeroes; by this use of Block Transfer Computation (BTC), the Doctor and Nyssa could locate the hijacked TARDIS. The Doctor’s subconscious guilt over Adric’s death usurped the BTC, creating a prehistoric timeline where Adric had survived. The Doctor, Nyssa, Beatrice and Rupert were transported there.

  The Doctor, Nyssa and Beatrice - along with an aged Adric - returned six weeks after they’d left. Adric’s health was failing, and he died while using the last of his strength to recall the TARDIS. Adric was buried in the same cemetery as Thomas Brewster’s mother.

  The Doctor said that other Time Lords, “Iris especially”, had travelled in this period.

  The Doctor told Jules Verne to leave the Silurians out of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. [1012] Bilis Manger served as the manager of the Amser Hotel in Roath, which never recovered from being gutted by “eerie pink flames” in 1869. The incident linked Bilis to a Rift entity - he simultaneously had to do its bidding and set about engineering its destruction. [1013]


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