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B00DPX9ST8 EBOK Page 33

by Parkin, Lance

  The Doctor visited the New York Natural History Museum quite a lot when it first opened, as he hadn’t properly cleaned up after himself, and some of the items recovered from the Gobi were “far too unstable” to be put on display. [1014]

  1869 (24th December) - The Unquiet Dead [1015]

  The ninth Doctor and Rose landed in Cardiff. A dramatic recital by Charles Dickens was interrupted by what seemed to be a ghost. These were gas creatures, the Gelth, who had travelled to Earth by a time rift, a.k.a. the Cardiff Rift. The Gelth posed as refugees, but sought to invade Earth. The Doctor and his allies sent the Gelth back through the Rift and closed it behind them. Dickens hoped to write the adventure as The Mystery of Edwin Drood and the Blue Elementals, with the killer being an extra-terrestrial instead of the boy’s uncle as originally planned, but died the following year before completing it.

  The “healed” Rift left a residual dimensional scar; this was harmless to humans, yet useful as a means of refuelling time vessels. The Rift would continue to attract all manner of alien beings and technology to the Cardiff area. [1016] The existence of the Rift created a “field of despair” over Cardiff that normally just made the people there a bit miserable, but intensified in times of approaching crisis and increased the suicide/homicide rate. [1017]

  Gwen Cooper, a future Torchwood operative, had an old Cardiff family dating back to the 1800s. Gwyneth Cooper, a maid the Doctor and Rose met and who died fighting the Gelth, was linked to her through “spatial genetic multiplicity”. [1018]

  Captain Jack Harkness used his vortex manipulator to travel back from the year 200,100 to find the Doctor. He arrived in 1869, would discover in 1892 that he was now immortal, and live on Earth until the early twenty-first century. [1019]

  The Doctor knew Mary Ann Evans, a.k.a. George Eliot, the author of Middlemarch. [1020] The eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory and Kevin the Tyrannosaur met Sitting Bull. [1021]

  c 1870 - Industrial Evolution [1022]

  The sixth Doctor and Evelyn returned Thomas Brewster to the town of Ackleton in his native era. Rival bits of alien technology - a “catalyser” that dissected machines and improved upon their designs, and a living mechanical “inhibitor” (outlawed under intergalactic law) designed to create malfunctions, ruin research and make a planet’s inhabitants frightened of technological developments - competed with one another. Brewster saved the progress of the Industrial Revolution by destroying the inhibitor, but the Doctor was disgusted because Brewster had slain a living being. The Doctor and Evelyn left without Brewster, who struck up a partnership with “Samuel Belfrage” - a Karlean working the interplanetary black market. Their first haul was half a ton of Earth’s rock salt, which was considered a delicacy on other planets.

  In 1870, the Jameson boys were out cutting peat when they encountered the Zygons on Tullock Moor. The elder brother Robert was driven mad by the experience and never spoke again; his younger brother Donald simply disappeared. [1023] Around that time, Reuben joined the lighthouse service. He spent twenty of the next thirty years in a gas-powered lighthouse. [1024] In 1871, a battlefield from the Franco-Prussian War was lifted by the War Lords [1025] and the Doctor was given a Gladstone bag by Gladstone. [1026]

  1871 - Set Piece [1027]

  The time-lost seventh Doctor, Benny and Ace were reunited in Paris. After they defeated the robotic Ants, Ace chose to leave the TARDIS and joined the ruling Paris Commune. She was the last soldier to leave the barricades when the Commune fell from power. She had possession of a time-hopper built by Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart, a means of travelling through time.

  The Doctor met Tsar Nicholas at the Drei Kaiser Bund of 1871. [1028] During this time, Magnus Greel arrived in the Time Cabinet from the year 5000. The Chinese peasant Li H’sen Chang sheltered Greel, thinking he was the god Weng-Chiang. The Emperor acquired Greel’s cabinet, and gave it as a gift to Litefoot’s mother. [1029]

  Cousin Octavia of Faction Paradox was born in Scotland, 1872. [1030] The Doctor had a permanent suite on Floor Six of the Singapore Hilton from 1872 until at least 2008. [1031] A mine owner, Gideon ap Tarri, established the Tretarri in Cardiff as a housing district for his employees in 1872. [1032] Agnes Havisham found herself shooting at zombies - a clue that perhaps the Cardiff Rift was becoming more active. [1033]

  Edward Waterfield, Victoria’s father, was officially reported as missing in 1872. It was thought that he’d gone off to Africa. Victoria sold his estate, but let the Doctor use the house on Dean Street as a base in London. Edward’s sister, Margaret, looked after the place. Victoria visited her a few times - sometimes with the Doctor, and once when she was studying graphology. [1034]

  1872 (August to December) - Eye of Heaven [1035]

  Horace Stockwood organized a second expedition to Easter Island, and the fourth Doctor and Leela joined his group aboard the sailing ship Tweed. On the island, Stockwood’s party discovered a giant stone head containing a teleport device. This transported some of the group to the homeworld of the aliens who built Easter Island’s moai. They searched an alien library, but their presence triggered a booby trap that turned the alien sun black. The party returned to Earth, hoping the sun would return to normal in their absence. From Leela’s blood, the Doctor created an antidote to the sickness that had killed the Polynesian/alien hybrids thirty years ago. Stockwood remained on the island to help protect the Polynesians until the alien DNA the moai carried could re-infect them.

  1872 (25th November) - The Chase [1036]

  The first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki arrived on the Mary Celeste, and left moments before the Daleks pursuing them. The crew were so terrified by the Daleks, they abandoned ship.

  c 1872 - 100: “The 100 Days of the Doctor” [1037]

  The sixth Doctor learned that an assassin working for the Tharsis Acumen - a technocracy of scientists who were enraged because he freed their political prisoners - had tainted him with an intelligent virus that would eventually kill him. The Doctor and Evelyn backtracked his various destinations to find the point of infection, and in so doing observed two versions of the eighth Doctor - respectively accompanied by Lucie; Charley and C’rizz - playing cards in a Western saloon in the 1870s.

  Joseph Sundvig died on 3rd February, 1872. [1038] Ace witnessed some of the rebuilding of Paris in 1873, then used her time-hopper to meet up with the Doctor and his friends in 2001. [1039] The Nine Travellers were surveyed in 1874. [1040] Old Priory, a Victorian folly, was built for the Scarman family. After this time, Marcus and Laurence Scarman played in the priest-hole there as children. [1041] The Doctor swam with Captain Webb in the Channel. [1042]

  1873 (11th September) - The Silver Turk [1043]

  Mondas was now within two hundred light years of Earth. A scoutship with two Cybermen, Graham and Brem, reconnoitred the space around Mondas and crashed on Earth. Dr Johan Drossel and Alfred Stahlbaum acquired Brem, who was badly damaged, and turned him into a touring curiosity that could play checkers and the piano. The eighth Doctor and Mary Shelley stopped Graham - who cannibalised Brem for needed parts - from contacting Cyber-Control on Mondas. Graham’s systems failed, and the Doctor and Mary burned a number of advanced marionettes that he had constructed. Stahlbaum toured with one such marionette - a wooden Doctor-duplicate, “the Silver Doctor”, which challenged people to play games.

  1873 - Strange England [1044]

  The TARDIS landed on an asteroid shaped by Gallifreyan Protyon units to resemble an idyllic Victorian country house based on Wychborn House. It was sculpted by a friend of the Doctor, the Time Lady Galah, who had reached the end of her regenerative cycle. With the seventh Doctor’s help, Galah lived on as one of her human creations, Charlotte. She returned to Earth and married Richard Aickland, who became a renowned Gothic novelist (of such books as Cold Eyes and The Wine Press) in the early twentieth century.

  1875 - “Bad Blood” [1045]

  The eighth Doctor landed in the Dakota Hills, and found that Chief Sitting Bull had been told he would arrive in
a vision. Miners had awoken an ancient evil, and Indians and General Custer’s forces were both attacked by wolf-like creatures: the Windigo. The Doctor was reunited with Destrii when she arrived with her uncle, Count Jodafra, but the two aliens started to arm Custer’s men with laser weapons.

  It turned out that Jodafra had made a deal with the Windigo, as it could navigate the timestream. Destrii sided with the Doctor, and helped destroy the Windigo. Jodafra savagely attacked Destrii, leaving her for dead, but the Doctor brought her back aboard the TARDIS.

  The Vantarialis crashed on Zanak, where its injured captain was remade as a cyborg. With the assistance of old Queen Xanxia, the Captain converted the entire planet into a hollow world capable of teleporting between star systems and sucking the life out of planets by materialising around them. After this time, and with increasing frequency, Zanak attacked and destroyed Bandraginus V, Aterica, Temesis, Tridentio III, Lowiteliom, Bibicorpus and Granados. [1046]

  Gideon ap Tarri bore witness in 1876 as an earthquake wracked Cardiff. This was a consequence of Abaddon fighting Pwccm for control of the Rift. The combatants each had a second: the twins, Bilis and Cafard Manger. The contest left Abaddon trapped under Cardiff, and Pwccm stuck the Rift. Cafard physically merged with Bilis. On Bilis’ advice, ap Tarri relocated his workers to newer accommodations in the Windsor and Bute Esplanades. The Tertarri would remain uninhabited for a century, and become a place of hauntings. [1047]

  The Doctor met Alexander Graham Bell. [1048] Bell initiated the first phone message while asking for his assistant Watson. The message would later dominate phone lines during a time paradox in 1987. [1049] The Doctor warned General Custer against taking his Seventh Calvary over the ridge, but Custer ignored him. [1050] The Doctor met Gilbert and Sullivan. [1051] The Doctor claimed to have inspired the Mikado, a comic operetta. [1052] In 1878, the Vondrax collected an Orb from Canada. [1053] The Doctor knew Billy the Kid, who wasn’t like Emilo Estevez’s portrayal in Young Guns II. [1054]

  1878 (September) - Imperial Moon [1055]

  Using Bryce-Dennison’s impeller drive, the British government had crafted three spaceships: the Cygnus, Draco and Lynx. The fifth Doctor and Turlough arrived as the ships explored Earth’s moon, and mistook the deadly Vrall for the exiled Phiadorans. While returning to Earth, the Vrall were exposed aboard the Draco and a deadly struggle took place. The crewless Draco sped into space.

  The Cygnus and Lynx arrived on Earth, where Queen Victoria greeted the “Phiadorans” as emissaries from another world. The Vrall self-replicated and instigated a slaughter. The Doctor and Turlough used advanced weapons from the lunar safari park to wipe out the Vrall on Earth. At the Doctor’s command, Kamelion disguised himself as the late Prince Albert and appeared to the Queen “in a vision”. Kamelion convinced the Queen to dismantle the remaining spaceships and never mention the incident.

  The moon safari park self-destructed, leaving only a large crater.

  Torchwood Victoriana

  1879 - Tooth and Claw (TV) [1056]

  The tenth Doctor and Rose met Queen Victoria in Scotland. She was en route to the royal jewellers, but was diverted by the brethren who served a werewolf-like alien to Torchwood Estate. The alien intended to bite Victoria and through her foster the Empire of the Wolf, but the Doctor deduced Prince Albert’s plan to defeat the creature and killed it.

  Queen Victoria knighted the Doctor for saving her life, and named Rose as “Dame Rose of the Powell Estate”. However, the Queen was not amused - she was fearful that the Doctor and Rose had strayed from all that was good, and therefore posed a danger. She banished them from her empire, and secretly ordered the formation of the Torchwood Institute to protect the realm from such alien threats.

  It was possible that the werewolf scratched the Queen before it died. The Doctor theorised that the Queen might similarly nip her children, and that the “royal disease” (unknown in Victoria’s bloodline before her, and thought to be haemophilia) might actually be the alien werewolf taint.

  Torchwood was established by royal decree, and was funded directly by the Crown. Victoria stated:

  “Torchwood is also to administer to the Government thereof in our name, and generally to act in our name and on our behalf, subject to such orders and regulations as Torchwood shall, from time to time, receive from us through one of our Principal Secretaries of state.” [1057]

  The Doctor was named as an enemy of the Crown in the Torchwood Foundation Charter, which was established on 31st December, 1879. [1058] Torchwood Cardiff - per Victoria’s decree and on the advisement of Agnes Havisham, a Torchwood associate - was established as a means of monitoring Rift activity. [1059] Torchwood India was founded to recover alien artifacts in the Raj. [1060] Torchwood took to studying a stone circle near Cardiff, which was a focus for Rift energy. [1061]

  In 1879, an Arkansas Bible salesman named Abraham White touched a shooting star and was exposed to images from a thousand worlds, including visions of Time Lords. The “star” was actually the consciousness of Pariah - a predecessor to Shayde, and now an enemy of Gallifrey. White hosted her essence within him. Armed with Pariah’s knowledge, White sought to boost humanity’s technology development. He nudged a generation of geniuses and inventors - including Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, Rudolf Diesel, Henry Ford and Albert Einstein - along.

  Pariah grew herself a new body within White’s form, and learned to replicate her basic sphere influence. White infused select agents with the spheres and turned into living gateways. In this fashion, he founded the Threshold: an organisation that traded its services (moving clients through spatial doorways) in exchange for alien technology. The Threshold mastered space as the Time Lords had mastered time, and avoided Gallifrey’s detection by refraining from time travel technology.

  Threshold began developing an energy wave, but this would take over three thousand years to perfect. The group came into conflict with the seventh and eighth Doctors; events between them climaxed on the moon in the fifty-third century. [1062]

  The Doctor met Afrikaaners during the Boer War and was at the battle of Roarke’s Drift. [1063]

  1880 - Evolution [1064]

  Percival Ross witnessed a Rutan scoutship crashing in Limehouse, and recovered a flask of Rutan healing salve from the wreckage. The alien gel had a miraculous healing effect on humans, but it also could merge human and animal genetic material, as Ross discovered when a boy he was treating became a ferocious dog-like creature. Ross interested the industrialist Breckingridge, the owner of a vast cable factory in the town of Bodhan, in the creation of a race of hybrid dolphin-men. Ross kidnapped fifteen children, and conducted experiments that turned them into mer-children.

  Breckingridge died when one of his mutated guard dogs turned on him; Ross drowned. The fourth Doctor relocated the mer-children to a water planet in the Andromeda galaxy. A young Arthur Conan Doyle witnessed the happenings on Dartmoor, and his chance encounter with the Doctor inspired two of his most famous characters: Sherlock Holmes and Professor Challenger. An even younger Rudyard Kipling, future author of The Jungle Book, also witnessed the events surrounding the closure of Breckingridge’s factory.

  The Doctor “borrowed” Conan Doyle’s stethoscope and kept meaning to return it. [1065] The Doctor claimed to have studied medicine under Bell in Edinburgh. [1066] The Doctor met Geronimo. [1067]

  c 1880 - “The Greatest Gamble” [1068]

  Gaylord Lefevre, a gambler on a Mississippi riverboat, played the Celestial Toymaker and lost, like so many before him.

  On the instructions of Bilis Manger, Gideon ap Tarri recorded the Abaddon/Pwccm battle that he’d witnessed into his diary on 12th June, 1880. On 18th September, 1881, an operative from Torchwood London approached ap Tarri about the document. Ap Tarri fled to prevent it falling into Torchwood’s hands, but he died in the same year, and Torchwood exhumed his grave to obtain the item. [1069] Torchwood Cardiff was equipped with cryogenics in the Victorian era. [1070]

  1881 (25th-26th Octob
er) - The Gunfighters [1071]

  The first Doctor, Steven and Dodo landed at Tombstone shortly before the Gunfight at the OK Corral. As the Doctor searched for a dentist, the gunman Johnny Ringo found one - Doc Holliday - who he’d been tracking for two years. Marshall Wyatt Earp and his allies killed Ringo and some members of the renegade Clanton family.

  w - 1882 (autumn) to 1883 (26th August) - FP: Erasing Sherlock [1072]

  The time traveller Gillian Petra became a maid in Sherlock Holmes’ household to observe him for her doctoral thesis. She was unaware that her benefactor, Jimmy Moriarty, and his associate Thomas Peerson Corkle were conducting an experiment to see if the history of a “dynamic individual” such as Holmes could be derailed, and his notoriety erased, early on in his career. Petra and Holmes became lovers. Corkle murdered Holmes’ father and sent a serial killer, Francis Black, to debase and kill his sister Genevieve. An anguished Holmes shot Corkle dead, and set about rescuing his sister. The energy released by the eruption of Krakatoa powered Petra’s return to the future.

  The Doctor witnessed the eruption of Krakatoa. [1073] The Krakatoa eruption released a Xylok crystal from under the Earth. It would eventually form the heart of Sarah Jane Smith’s computer Mr Smith. [1074] Van Gogh painted the Doctor. [1075] The Monk owned two paintings by van Gogh. [1076] The Rani kidnapped microbiologist Louis Pasteur. [1077]

  Penelope Gate built herself a time machine using a miniature Analytical Engine. She left her husband in 1883 for a life of time travel. She first headed to the year 2000, actually landing in 1996. The seventh Doctor returned Penelope to her native time after meeting her in feudal Japan. [1078] In 1883, the Time Lord Ulysses exiled his fellow Time Lord Marnal to the home of Penelope Gate’s parents on Earth. Marnal’s memories were locked off, and he wouldn’t recover them until his regeneration in the twenty-first century. [1079]


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