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by Parkin, Lance

  (=) Benny and Jason would eventually have two children - Keith Brannigan Summerfield-Kane and his younger sister Rebecca - and raise them alongside Benny’s son Peter. Braxiatel, fearing that Keith and Rebecca would be too much of a drain on Benny’s time, revised her history so they were never born. [893]

  Braxiatel also changed the timelines so that Benny’s friend Keri was a native of the twenty-sixth century, not the fortieth. [894] In this era, nano-suppressants were available that cured colds and flu within minutes. [895] Trans-Universal Export was “all over the galaxy” in Bernice’s era. Messages between its various branches were sent across subspace using the Omninet bandwidth. [896]

  2599 (31st December) to 2600 (1st-6th January) - Benny: The Doomsday Manuscript [897]

  The Fifth Axis, a military dictatorship, expanded its territory by subjugating numerous worlds. The planet Kasagrad resided in Axis space, but was protected by a global force field. Kolonel Daglan Straklant, claiming to head the Axis’ relic restoration team, approached Benny and Braxiatel with an offer to help retrieve The Doomsday Manuscript from Kasagrad. Benny and Braxiatel realised Straklant was using them to deactivate Kasagrad’s defence screen; owing to their actions, Kasagrad forces wiped out an Axis’ Sixth Fleet, and forced a retreat to the old Merinfast Line. The Axis arrested Straklant on charges of treason.

  2600 - Benny: The Secret of Cassandra [898]

  Benny vacationed on the Earth colony Chosan, and was caught in a conflict between the warring continents of Calabraxia and Pevena. Cassandra Colley, a brilliant Pevenan neurotech designer, had transferred her mind into a synthetic form - a living bomb that was powerful enough to destroy the whole of Calabraxia. Colley’s armaments were neutralised, and she was given into the care of her father, Captain Damien Colley.

  The Pevenans and Calabraxians were mutually horrified by the scale of Colley’s plans, and negotiated a peace. [899]

  2600 (February) - Benny: The Squire’s Crystal [900]

  The aged collector Arsine de Vallen believed that the cavern of the legendary Soul-Sucker - a squire named Avil Fenman, who came into possession of a soul-swapping crystal on the planet Hera and was imprisoned by the noble Knights of Rowan - was on planetoid KS-159. One of de Vallen’s agents found Avril’s cavern, where her mind had indeed survived in a crystal. Wanting to question Avril about the crystal’s applications, de Vallen’s agent transferred Avril’s mind into Benny’s body - but Avril/Benny escaped and, after so long an imprisonment, availed herself of fleshly pleasures. She had a fling with the Collection’s construction manager, Adrian Wall - a member of the Killoran race. Wall thought that he and Benny were in a relationship. More bodyswapping ensued, and de Vallen died after a botched bodyswapping attempt. Everyone regained their proper form, and Avril’s mind was finally deposited into the body of a security guard named Bill, whose mind had dissipated. Braxiatel let Avril/Bill continue living in her cavern, and Avril smashed the bodyswapping crystal to better guarantee her freedom.

  2600 (March) - Benny: The Gods of the Underworld [901]

  Venedel voted to withdraw from the Earthlink Federation. Braxiatel suspected that the long-dead Argians had built a war temple on Venedel, and Benny ran the Federation blockade to find the edifice, as it was thought to contain the Argian Oracle - a device that could locate anyone in the universe, the missing Jason Kane included. Benny stopped the hibernating Boor from awakening and furthering a new criminal empire, but the Oracle was destroyed.

  According to the Doctor, the Daleks “started coming up with other schemes” after they lost the Wars. [902]

  ? 2600 - Death to the Daleks [903]

  A plague spread through the atmospheres of many of the Outer Planets. Thousands died, and ten million people were threatened. Earth scientists quickly discovered an antidote to the plague: parrinium, a chemical that acted as both a cure and an immunity. It only existed in minute quantities on Earth, and was so rare that it was one of the most valuable known substances.

  A satellite surveying the planet Exxilon discovered that parrinium was almost as common there as salt was on Earth. A Marine Space Corps ship was sent to Exxilon to collect parrinium, but the Daleks wanted to secure the substance for themselves, then force the Space Powers to accede to their demands.

  Upon arriving within range of the planet, the Earth ship suffered total power failure. The crew explored and discovered a fantastic city - the source of the power-drain - that was thousands of years old. The natives guarded this City fanatically, and the priests ensured that anyone caught there faced certain death. The third Doctor and Sarah Jane arrived shortly before the Daleks. Venturing into the City, the Doctor stopped the power drain. One of the Earthmen, Galloway, sacrificed himself to blow up the Daleks and their ship.

  2600 - Benny: The Stone’s Lament [904]

  The billionaire Bratheen Traloor contracted the Braxiatel Collection to build an extension onto his reclusive mansion on the planet Rhinvil. Traloor was obsessed with Benny, and had programmed his mansion’s computer, House, to emulate her personality. Traloor and House physically merged into a cyborg that also became endowed with some of the planet’s lifeforce. The gestalt tried to murder Benny, but Adrian Wall used explosives to kill it.

  2600 - Benny: The Extinction Event

  An auction house on Pelastrodon hosted The Extinction Event: an offering of items from destroyed civilisations. Braxiatel summoned Benny from a dig on the mud planet Lubellin to have her verify the authenticity of a harp from the obliterated planet Halstad. Hulver, the last survivor of Halstad, murdered the Gulfrarg ambassador for his role in the obliteration of his people. Hulver was taken away to the Gulfrarg homeworld for execution, but Braxiatel acquired the harp for the Collection.

  2600 - Benny: The Infernal Nexus [905]

  Benny attempted to retrieve the damaged research vessel Tinker’s Cuss, but her ship was pulled through space by an Enormous Space Octopus, part of an intergalactic towing service. She was deposited at Station Control - a nexus point between four hundred and seventeen multiverses, and run by clans from different realities - and reunited there with Jason Kane. He was contractually obliged - via his former employer, the benevolent demon Agraxar Flatchlock - to work for Volan Sleed, the head of the Iron Sun Clan. Jason and Benny exposed Sleed’s plan to incite warfare between his clan-rivals. He was decapitated, and his body generated the head of Flatchlock - who explained that his race had primary, secondary and tertiary heads and personas. He made peace with the offended clans.

  Benny learned that she was pregnant following Avril’s encounter with Adrian Wall. Jason formed Dead Dog in the Water Preproductions to represent his xenoporn work, and wrote an outline for The Kiss of the Dragon Woman based upon his dalliance with Lady Mae An T’zhu, the head of the Dragon Clan. The Braxiatel Collection had a recently opened Starbucks.

  2600 - Benny: The Skymines of Karthos [906]

  Benny travelled to the thullium mining settlement on the planet Karthos when her longtime friend Caitlin Peters went missing there. Winged humanoids made from carbon and thulium deposits - disposable troopers generated by a machine built by a long-dead race - attacked the miners. Caitlin was saved, and the machine was buried.

  2600 (October) - Benny: The Glass Prison [907]

  Benny left to quietly give birth away from the Collection, but ended up crashing on Deirbhile, a Fifth Axis world. She was incarcerated within the Axis’ Glass Prison, a jail made from transparent walls to better monitor the inmates. Benny gave birth to a son, but the imprisoned Kolonel Straklant sought revenge by trying to kill her child. In repelling Straklant, Benny unleashed sonic waves that weakened the prison. Benny fled with her son and left Straklant to die as the entire edifice was destroyed. A Grel inmate, Sophia, scuttled the Axis’ invasion plans by killing the Fifth Axis Imperator.

  Afterward, Benny presented her child to the universe as Peter Guy Summerfield in a christening ceremony attended by, amongst others, her father and an older-looking Chris Cwej.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was now in Season 792.

  2601 - Benny: The Greatest Shop in the Galaxy [908]

  Benny signed up for a dig on the planet Baladroon - an excuse to explore the Gigamarket, the galaxy’s largest shopping centre. The Gigamarket’s time fields were disrupted as part of a hostile takeover, enabling the carnivorous Borvali to attack the human patrons. Benny’s intervention prevented massive casualties, and the Gigamarket’s stock plummeted.

  2601 - Benny: The Green-Eyed Monster

  The Goronos system consisted of five inhabited planets, each of them desiring supremacy over the entire region. Lady Ashantra du Lac of Goron IV asked Benny to verify the authenticity of various artifacts - part of a scheme to install Ashantra’s charges, Boris and Ronald, as the system’s rulers, with Ashantra serving as regent. Ashantra’s plot was exposed, and she was arrested.

  2601 - Benny: The Plague Herds of Excelis

  Civilisation on Artaris had recovered enough that Excelis City had a feudal society. Benny visited Artaris and met Iris Wildthyme, who asked for help in recovering the Relic. An insectoid named Snyper used the Relic to create a horde of zombie animals, which attacked the Excelis populace. Snyper intended to kill the Excelans wholesale - an act that would detonate the Relic, destroy Artaris and obliterate the passing battlefleet of the war queen who had eradicated Snyper’s people. Snyper was killed, and the Relic became an ordinary gold lame handbag.

  2601 - Benny: The Dance of the Dead

  Galactic dignitaries concluded peace negotiations with the war queen who had slaughtered Snyper’s race, and Benny - hung-over from an outing with Iris - sought passage aboard the space liner Empress, which was en route to Ronnos Minor. Explosions breached the ship’s hull - the Colgarian ambassador and his wife were killed, causing Benny and Grand Marshall Sstac, an Ice Lord, to inhale fumes from crystals that the Colgarians used to pass on memories to their offspring. Benny and Sstac experienced the Colgarians’ memories until a team of Ice Warriors rescued them. The culprits behind the explosions were exposed, and further warfare was averted.

  2601 - Benny: The Mirror Effect

  A rare mirror found on an ice planet acted as a gateway to multiple timelines and locations. The entity trapped within the mirror sought to free itself by reflecting people’s dark passions and absorbing their personalities. Benny, Jason and Adrian - but not Braxiatel - were made to confront dark reflections of themselves until Jason destroyed the mirror and the mirror-entity. Braxiatel mentally conditioned Jason to not question his authority and decisions.

  IMC owned the planet Maximederias, a world that was only 3% land. The natives there were micro-organisms, who tricked an IMC survey team into thinking that the planet had no viable supply of minerals. The planet gained protected status when IMC signed it over to an affiliate. [909]

  2602 - Benny: The Bellotron Incident

  The Sontaran-Rutan war was now encroaching upon Terran trade routes. The planet Bellotron had an irregular orbit, and was passing from Rutan space into a Sontaran-controlled region. Before Bellotron slipped out of Earth jurisdiction, Benny attempted to examine a hieroglyph-covered slab on the planet. A peace-loving Rutan faction intercepted Benny, and kept her safe while their agents stopped the Rutan military from detonating a bomb on Bellotron to damage Sontaran assets - an act that would have destroyed Bellotron’s hunter-gatherer population.

  Benny encountered Bev Tarrant as part of this, and returned with her to the Collection.

  2602 - Benny: The Draconian Rage

  Vilus Krull’s skull surfaced on Tranagus, a former Earth colony that was now part of the Draconian Empire. The skull renewed the Cult of the Dark Flame within the Empire; twenty million Draconians on Tranagus committed ritual suicide in support of it. On behalf of Emperor Shen and the Draconian court, Benny investigated the matter in Dralos, one of the oldest cities on Draconia. Dark Flame members within the court were exposed, and Benny helped to secure Krull’s skull.

  2602 - Benny: The Poison Seas

  A Sea Devil colony on Chosan came under threat from both Calabraxian terrorists and a lethal protein in the planet’s waters. The Earth Reptile Council asked Braxiatel for help, and he referred the matter to Benny. The terrorists were thwarted, and the Sea Devils abandoned their colony upon discovering that the protein - common to all sea life on Chosan - was sentient and adapting itself to possess them.

  The Daleks provided the Fifth Axis with advanced weaponry that enabled them to capture new territories. The expansion of the Axis’ dominions was a massive distraction, part of a Dalek plot to capture Braxiatel’s TARDIS and enhance their time-travel capabilities. [910]

  2602 - Benny: Life During Wartime / Benny: Death and the Daleks [911]

  Benny returned from Chosan to find that the Fifth Axis had overrun the Braxiatel Collection’s sector of space, and occupied the Collection itself. Braxiatel was under house arrest, Adrian and other Killorans were forced onto a work gang, Jason pretended to collaborate to better work against the Axis, and Peter went into hiding. Bev Tarrant secretly led a resistance movement.

  Benny made bolder moves against the Axis, and killed the sadistic Commander Spang. She later infiltrated the Axis’ communications centre, and discovered that the new leader of the Axis was her father, Isaac Summerfield...

  Benny and Jason tracked Isaac Summerfield to the planet Heaven, where he was slaved to a Dalek battle computer and made to coordinate the Axis’ battlefleets. Bev and Adrian combined their forces with mercenaries allied with Jason to launch a major attack against the troops occupying the Collection. The Daleks were wiped out, whereupon Braxiatel hard-wired his time machine to theirs and created a facsimile of the Dalek battle computer. Isaac used this lash-up to pilot the Axis’ fleets into black holes, cause their forces to attack their own homeworlds, lead their own troops into ambushes, and more until the Axis was finished as a military power.

  Benny resumed her relationship with Jason. Braxiatel forged deals with neighbouring empires to protect the Collection, and took Isaac home to his native era.

  (=) Jason Kane’s psychic associate, Mira, was killed during the occupation. Braxiatel altered history to reverse Mira’s death, and conditioned her to serve as his agent. [912]

  2602 - Benny: The Big Hunt [913]

  A powerful businessman, Orlean Wolvencroft, owned the Eagle Museum on Earth’s moon. A Van Neumann probe had landed on a planet in System 81, and spurred the creation of hyper-evolving robotic animals; robotic sabretooths were developed from robotic wolves, etc. Benny prevented Wolvencroft from possessing the robot-animal technology, as it could have destroyed entire ecosystems. Wolvencroft was stranded in System 81, and a hyperdrive explosion created gravity shockwaves that would prevent any ships from approaching the robots’ adopted world for a decade.

  Braxiatel fashioned a “daughter” - a living temporal physics experiment that he poured into a genetics engineering template that was available over-the-counter in Tokyo. He added a bit of his genetic material to stabilise the resultant creation: Margarita (“Maggi”) Braxiatel Matsumoto, who could use temporal-rollback to restore people and edifices of the past. He tasked her with “cleaning up” various temporal messes. [914]

  2603 - Benny: The Grel Escape [915]

  A party of time-travelling Grel from circa 2648 deemed Peter Summerfield - the child of a Killoran and a body-jumping sorceress of legend - as worthy of further study, and attempted to capture him. Peter proved capable of activating Benny and Jason’s time rings, and the Grel pursued them to various points in space-time. The time rings temporarily matured Peter’s body, and he killed the Grel following them.

  2603 - Benny: The Bone of Contention

  Legends claimed that the inhabitants of the Mancor Sector fashioned skeletons around which cosmic storms would combine to form the Shadow Swans, creatures that terraformed worlds for their creators to inhabit. The Wishing Bone of Perlor was said to be a bone from one such Swan, and to bring good fortune upon whomever possessed it. The govern
ment on Perlor traded the Bone to the Galyari aboard the Clutch in exchange for weaponry, but fell to a rebellion anyway. The new Perlor government asked Benny to negotiate the return of the Bone. She found that a Galyari youth, Griko, had been grown around the Bone in the hope of creating a Galyari warrior who could overcome his race’s deep-rooted fear of the enigmatic Sandman. Griko broke his conditioning, and was killed to prevent his destroying the entire Clutch. The Galyari compensated the Perloran for the loss of their artifact.

  Braxiatel wanted an army of Cybermen that could protect the Collection, and usurped the Cyber-tombs on Cantus. The blissful summer that Braxiatel had promised Ronan McGinley came to an end, and McGinley was forcibly installed as the Cantus Cybermen’s Cyber-controller. [916]

  c 2604 - 100: “The 100 Days of the Doctor” [917]

  The sixth Doctor and Evelyn aided an expedition funded by Irving Braxiatel, and led by Bernice Summerfield. Evelyn had many good talks with Benny, but judged that she drank too much and had a lot of relationship issues.

  2604 - Benny: The Relics of Jegg-Sau

  Benny went to the abandoned planet Jegg-Sau to search for the lost treasures of Robert Eliot Whitman. The Kettlewell-style Robots inhabiting the planet - including one designated K-103 - had gone mad for their isolation, and sought to form a new colony with robotic replicas of human beings. Any human that acted irrationally would be replaced, as the Robots did when Ethan Kalwell - a descendant of Professor Kettlewell - came in search of his ancestor’s inventions. The interstellar Red Cross dispatched rescue ships to retrieve Benny, but the Robots attacked them after absorbing enough energy to enlarge in size. The Red Cross jets brushed aside Benny’s pleas for clemency, and wiped out the Robots.


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