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Forbidden Mate: Shifter World: Royal-Kagan series book 8

Page 23

by Nancy Corrigan

  She approached the first door. The scent of the guard with the mismatched eyes seeped around the edges of the door. It had to be his room. She didn’t sense any life from behind the door, however. Nobody was inside the next room or the others in this section of the corridor, but the scent of death grew unbearable.

  With the collar of her shirt pulled over her mouth, Nyx rounded the corner. A door stood open. The smell came from inside. Nyx peeked into the bedroom. A large bed occupied one wall. An empty crib stood next to it.

  “Oh goddess.” Boris stepped into the room.

  Nyx rushed forward. There was no sign of a baby. Or the mother. The scent of death emanated from the bed, however. The wilted flowers scattered throughout the room did little to counter the smell. Or hide the identity of who’d stayed in this room. Bianca had been living here. Nyx recognized her scent from the room she’d slept in at Anton’s house. Beeswax candles and a cool breeze wouldn’t eliminate Bianca’s scent as easily here as it had there. Death twined into her smell in this dungeon. Bianca had died.

  Nyx’s gaze drifted to the crib. Blue sheets covered the mattress. Two small stuffed wolves sat propped in the corner of the crib. Nyx choked back a sob. Not one baby but two.

  “You shouldn’t have come down here.”

  Nyx spun, and Boris cursed. The guard with the mismatched eyes held Molly against his chest with his hand wrapped around her throat. She didn’t struggle. She stared at Nyx wide-eyed, as if she didn’t know what to do. Nyx did, however.

  “Put her down.” Nyx stepped forward. “Or you’ll regret it.”

  A grimy-looking Tsar stepped in front of Molly and the guard. “Will we?”

  “Yes. As a matter of fact, you will.” Boris walked closer to Tsar. “That child is a guest on these grounds, and you’re treating her as if she was a criminal.”

  “This child is a pride leader.” Tsar smoothed a hand over her hair. “And if a pride leader can’t defend herself, she’ll suffer.”

  “Lay a finger on Molly and—”

  “Zaheer already is,” Tsar taunted Boris. “And she’s not even trying to get away from him. The poor little thing is scared out of her mind.”

  Molly glared at Tsar’s back, but Zaheer whispered something in her ear. Nyx couldn’t hear what, but Molly stilled and closed her eyes.

  Nyx had no hope of winning a fight with either man. They outweighed her by at least a hundred pounds. They were also old. No doubt they knew hundreds of ways to take down their enemies. Still, she didn’t fear them. She had someone stronger on her side.

  “Surely, you’ve heard the rumors about Anton?” Nyx waited until Tsar turned his attention to her. “How he killed for me. Well, he’ll do so again if he even so much as suspects someone means me or Molly harm.”

  “Yeah?” Tsar grinned. “Is that a promise?”

  “A guarantee.” Nyx moved closer to the head librarian. “Now tell your guard to put Molly down. She hasn’t done anything wrong. We’ve only gotten ourselves lost.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that. You see, you’ve discovered a secret”—Tsar tipped his head toward the room behind her—“that our pride has sworn to protect.”

  “You’ve been hiding Bianca.” Boris’s voice boomed in the small room.

  “Yes.” Tsar dipped his chin. “We have.”

  “Why?” Nyx asked.

  “As a favor to her mate. He didn’t want anyone to know about her or her pregnancy.” Tsar skimmed his hand over the back of a chair near the door. “And we don’t want to move our treasures. Brock promised me once Bianca delivered, he’d cancel the plan to move the Council to that horrid and cold section of Alaska, and he’d make sure our treasures never had to be analyzed by outsiders.”

  “I knew about their bond too.” Boris got up in Tsar’s face. “Brock told me she died.”

  “Brock lied. So did I. I also encouraged the rumor that Anton had killed her.” Tsar smiled, but it didn’t warm his eyes. Ice slithered into his expression. “But I can truthfully say that she is now gone. She dropped dead suddenly last full moon.”

  “Why did you lie about it?” Nyx couldn’t come up with any reason why Tsar would take such a risk.

  “Because Anton wants to kick us out of our home. He wants to copy our books with modern equipment. Analyze them with tools that’ll date them. Reveal how old they are. As if I’m trying to hide something.” Tsar lifted his lips in a snarl. His enraged gaze focused on Boris. “Our forefathers’ books relay the law as it should be. It’s been like this for thousands of years. Why question things? Our society is just fine. People understand their places.”

  “You’re talking like a man with secrets. Like a man who’s committed a sin.” Claws slid from Boris’s fingers. “What have you done? Tell me, because I will back Anton’s plan if you don’t. We’ll analyze every damn artifact in this dungeon. And I swear, if any have been manipulated, you’ll regret betraying our species.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t allow that, Councilman Mercer.” Tsar yanked Boris close.

  Her uncle grunted. His back hunched. The smell of blood permeated the room. Something sour and rancid mixed with the scent of Boris’s lifeblood.

  Nyx covered her mouth as Tsar dropped Boris’s body on the ground with his insides spilling out. His face hit the hard floor. He didn’t move. Her mind couldn’t process what had happened. Boris and Tsar had been arguing. That was all. Men argued all the time.

  Nyx stared at her uncle’s back. He wasn’t breathing. He was dead. Tsar had killed him. They hadn’t even fought. Tsar had gutted her uncle with one swipe of his claws.

  “Come, Ms. Mercer.” Tsar wiped his bloody hands over his chest. He stepped into the hallway and motioned Nyx forward. “I’ve put in a lot of effort into ensuring Bianca Kane gets the sendoff she deserves. The least you can do is attend. Zaheer will take you to say goodbye to Bianca while I attend to other pressing matters.”

  “And then?” Nyx forced the words out when all she wanted to do was curl in a ball and sob. “You’ll let us go. Right?”

  Tsar nodded to the guard holding Molly. Zaheer dropped his hand. A smaller version of the death collar Nyx’s promised mate had planned to use on her was clasped around Molly’s neck. “Molly is a very valuable young woman. I’d be a fool to keep her.”

  Zaheer turned and walked away with Molly. Another Yuran male met him at the end of the hallway while Tsar went in the opposite direction. Nobody waited for Nyx or forced her to go along. They didn’t have to.

  Nyx had no choice but to follow Zaheer. He had Molly. As long as he did, Nyx had to play along. The moment Molly was free, however, all bets were off. She just didn’t know how she’d distract these men long enough until Anton could save them. Because he would. She didn’t question what he’d do once he found them missing. Anton would tear the Council grounds apart. It was the “until then” part that left her limbs trembling and stomach knotted.

  A deep inhale and exhale did nothing to ease the tremors. She conjured Anton’s face. Strength filled her. Nyx would figure something out, though. She always did.

  Chapter 27

  The scent of death reached Anton the farther they descended into the dungeon. He’d never been down this corridor. It led to the Yuran brothers’ private chambers. They’d modified a network of natural caves, adding some modern conveniences like electricity and carving out manmade tunnels and rooms.

  While Anton wouldn’t have chosen to place their most precious belongings in the dungeon, these were Tsar’s preferred conditions. He’d argued that they’d been chosen by the goddesses to protect their species’ greatest artifacts. If their goddesses trusted them, the Council should too. That reasoning had never felt right. Anton should’ve listened to his instincts.

  Tsar had betrayed them all. Anton couldn’t help but wonder how many of their other books had been altered in translation.

  Two Yuran males stepped out of a room near the end of the hallway. Wearing kilts with their long hair braided and leath
er guards on their forearms, they appeared to be warriors of a time long gone. Their strung bows held casually in their hands and the quiver full of arrows at their hips added to the impression.

  Only the eldest of shifters carried weapons. Then again, every Yuran brother living on campus was old. Without mates, there couldn’t be any younger males on Council grounds.

  “Where is Tsar?” Kade demanded.

  “Outsiders aren’t allowed back here.” The darker-haired brother stepped forward. “You need to leave.”

  “Where is Tsar?” Kade repeated.

  “Dealing with an unexpected death.” The other guard with blond hair motioned behind him. “Surely you can smell it.”

  There was no missing it. Even with the underlying incense in the air, the putrid stench was unmistakable. Not only had someone died, the body had begun to decompose. “Who died?”

  “A visitor to the dungeon. It’s been quite unnerving having the body here for the past couple of weeks too, but preparations had to be made to dispose of it. According to Tsar.” The blond guard’s anger twisted his words.

  Kade took a step forward. “Why haven’t you reported it?”

  “Tsar forbid us to do so. And he’s eldest. We obey him, as is expected.” The dark-haired male rested his hand on the quiver. “You need to leave now. I won’t ask again.”

  “Council members can access the dungeon.” Anton stepped in front of Kade, shielding him with his body, an automatic reaction Anton couldn’t help. “Now tell me where to find Tsar, or I’ll tear this place apart looking for him.”

  “Why do you need to see him?” the blond brother asked.

  “We found an error in translation.” Kade moved around Anton. “I’m sure Tsar would like to know he made a mistake in one of our forefathers’ books.”

  Tsar turned the corner. Instead of his usual khakis and polo shirt, he wore jeans, no shirt or shoes. Streaks of blood covered his chest. Dirt covered his hands. And sweat slickened his hair. “Have I now?”

  “Yes.” Kade flexed his hands. Sharpened nails tipped his fingers. “You have.”

  “I find that hard to believe after all these years.” Claws emerged from Tsar’s hands. “Which book did you supposedly find a mistake in?”

  “The first Alexander’s book.” Blond hair pushed through Kade’s knuckles. Although not fully lost to his half-man, half-beast form, Kade’s control was slipping. “Show me the original so I can prove it.”

  “I don’t think that’ll be possible. We’ve had a break-in this afternoon. It appears the book has been lost. Fortunately, I was able to copy it first.” Tsar smiled, revealing feline fangs. “But don’t worry. The intruders were found and are being dealt with.”

  “Dealt with how?” Anton focused on the blood on Tsar’s chest.

  “Councilman Mercer was killed on sight.” Tsar took a step back while the kilted guards moved forward. “And Ms. Mercer and her young companion will meet their fate shortly.”

  Rage pulsed within Anton. The colors of the world faded, replaced by the shades of gray his felines viewed their surroundings in. His cats’ instincts and senses became his. He didn’t slip into his werecat form. He didn’t have to. He was the ultimate warrior, one with his primal side. Nyx had given him this gift by coming into his life. He’d use it for her. For Molly.

  “You don’t get to make that decision, Tsar.” Anton’s voice sounded more animal than man. “Only active Council members can decide who dies and who doesn’t.”

  “Oh, didn’t you hear?” Tsar tilted his head to the side while the kilt-wearing shifters on either side of him nocked arrows in their bows. “I’ve decided to relinquish my position as eldest guardian of our treasures to Zaheer. I’ll instead be assuming the role of eldest on the Council.”

  Tsar nodded to the blond guard. He drew the bow and released the arrow. Flames burst from the tip of the arrow as it cut through the air. Anton ducked, avoiding the flaming arrow. Three more flew at him in rapid succession.

  Relying on his instincts, Anton dodged each arrow.

  The two guards ran forward while Tsar turned tail and fled the way he came.

  The blond male swung the warrior’s bow at Anton’s head. Anton whacked the curved limb. It snapped back, hitting the other male in the face. A deep gouge cut the shifter’s cheek. He snarled, then spit blood in Anton’s eyes, temporarily blinding him.

  Instead of giving in to the urge to wipe away the blood, Anton rammed his head into the blond male’s chest. The guard tipped back. Anton grasped the center of the bow as the guard fell. With a lurching motion, Anton broke the bow, then grasped one piece. He turned it and impaled the other shifter with the shattered edge.

  The Yuran male hit the ground with the bow sticking out of his chest, right over his heart. His mouth opened on a silent groan. But he still breathed. As long as he did, he’d heal. Once he did, this male would go after Nyx. He’d hunt Molly.

  He needed to die. For a Royal, that meant one of two things—he lost his head or his heart.

  Anton yanked the wood from the shifter’s chest. Blood pumped in rhythmic bursts from the hole left behind. With his partially shifted clawed hand, Anton rammed his fist into the blond male’s chest, cracking ribs and crushing his heart. Anton curled his fingers around the beating organ and tore it from the Royal shifter’s chest.

  Death slipped into the blond guard’s eyes, ending his ancient life.

  The sounds of fighting behind him registered. Kade’s curse rang out. The dark-haired guard screamed. Then silence reigned for the briefest of moments.

  Anton glanced over his shoulder. Blood covered his pride leader, but he was alive. Not a mark showed on his body. He stood in his human form over the fallen, headless male.

  Anton met Kade’s eyes. There was no need to speak. They both knew what they had to do.


  Anton took his jaguar’s form, Kade his lion’s. Then they ran, faster than they could in their human or werecat’s body. Rage built as Anton moved through the tunnels leading deeper underground. Any male who threatened Nyx or Molly would die. If saving them meant they lost the book again, so be it. The laws it outlined wouldn’t mean anything without their most precious females here on this earth to protect.

  Chapter 28

  The large domed chamber the guards led Nyx and Molly into should’ve transfixed Nyx with its beauty. The natural formations in this room gave it a cathedral-like appearance. Instead, the space reminded Nyx of a tomb. Of course, the dead body lying on a raised platform in the center conjured images of a horror movie. This scene didn’t belong in one, though.

  Bianca’s body was prepped for a death rite.

  Strips of cloth soaked in some fragrant oil had been draped over her tartan-covered body, and a large bundle that likely contained her most precious belongings rested on top of her chest. Underneath the wooden slab she’d been laid on, bricks of blackened peat formed a pyre. Longer, log-shaped pieces of wood had been propped against her body to form a tepee. When ignited, the pyre would be engulfed in flames.

  Few modern shifters carried out the ancient ritual. Constructing a funeral pyre was frowned upon by humans. Today’s shifters embraced cremation as an alternative or a simple burial. After death, nobody would be able to tell they’d been a shifter anyway. The body left behind was simply a body with all the same parts as a human.

  Apparently, the Yuran brothers didn’t care what was socially acceptable or not. They also didn’t seem to care that setting a body on fire in an underground cave was dangerous. Why would they? Royals were immortal. A little lack of oxygen wouldn’t kill them. Nyx, on the other hand, could die. And Molly? Even if she didn’t die, she’d suffer. That was more than Nyx could allow.

  Nyx looked from Bianca’s body to Zaheer. “You don’t actually plan on lighting this funeral pyre in here, do you?”

  Zaheer crouched and set Molly on her feet, angling her away from the other guard, then moved his hand to the death collar. He gingerly squeezed the me
tal linked around her neck. Molly closed her eyes but didn’t react otherwise. “Bianca was mated to the grandson of a goddess. Tsar says she deserves this sendoff. So we’re giving it to her.”

  Nyx glanced from Zaheer’s fingers hooked around the death collar to his eyes. The expression in them warned her not to say anything. He’d given her a warning look last night when she’d dropped off the first Alexander’s book. She should’ve paid attention to him then.

  The other guard walked to a flattened rock a few feet away. “And burning Bianca’s body will have the added benefit of eliminating the problem she caused by betraying our species.”

  “What problem was that?” Nyx asked.

  The other guard didn’t answer. He approached the pyre and opened a chest sitting on the floor. He pulled out a modern lighter and what looked to be blocks of fire starters.

  The sound of roars and grunts carried through the chamber. Nyx didn’t see who was fighting, but they were close. The guard at the pyre didn’t react. He lit the fire starters and the wooden logs around the pyre, then walked away once the flames crawled up the wood.

  “The first Alexander’s book is on her chest.”

  Nyx gasped at Zaheer’s words. She yanked her attention from the burning body to him. He wasn’t holding Molly. She stood next to him. The death collar lay in a twisted mess at her feet. He’d freed her.

  Zaheer grabbed Nyx’s chin, forcing her to focus on him. “My brother’s coming. You need to save the book while I get Molly out of here.”

  Nyx whipped her head. The shifter who’d lit the fire snarled, his gaze locked on them.

  “Betrayer.” Zaheer’s brother spat the word. He shifted into a huge tiger and charged them.

  Zaheer knocked Molly behind him, and Nyx did the only thing she could. She ran. If she didn’t save that book, Molly wouldn’t have the right to live her dream.


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