Book Read Free

Going on Red

Page 27

by Lyn Gardner


  “Why do I think there’s a but coming?”

  Kate shook her head. “There isn’t…not really.”

  “Not really?”

  “Brodie, can I ask you a question?” Kate said quietly.

  “Of course.”

  “How many women have you been with?”

  Brodie flinched back her head ever so slightly. “Why does that matter?”

  “Can you just…just answer the question?”

  Brodie picked up her tea and took a sip. “To tell you the truth,” she said, placing the cup back on the table. “I have no idea.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Kate said, staring down at her hands.

  “Kate, what’s this all about?”

  “Brodie, you’ve been…” Kate stopped, taking a deep breath before trying again. “Brodie, you’ve been with a lot of women, and I haven’t been with any, and that’s a bit unnerving.”

  “How many men have you been with?”

  Kate’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “How many men have you slept with?”


  Brodie held up her hands. “Well, I haven’t slept with any.”

  “That’s not the same thing, and you know it.”

  Cute comes in all forms. Puppies and kitten fill the bill, as do babies and the occasional pout, but for Brodie, cute was Kate off her axis. She was fidgeting, and Brodie had lost count how many times the woman had crossed and re-crossed her legs, and while her cheeks weren’t flaming crimson, they did have an adorable cherry hue about them.

  Brodie pressed her lips together, quieting her grin as it was about to escape. She could have sat there all night, observing Kate in all her floundering glory, or she could save her from herself. It didn’t take long for Brodie to choose.

  Brodie inched her chair a little closer to the table, and it wasn’t until Kate looked her in the eye, that a sliver of Brodie’s grin appeared. “What I know is that I adore you,” she said, her tone soft as a feather. “It doesn’t matter to me who you have or haven’t slept with. It’s not about quantity or experience. It’s about feelings. It’s about my day being made when I hear your voice or closing my eyes as your perfume invades my bloody senses. It’s about looking in a shop window and picking out something for you, and it’s about going slow if that’s what you want, because I’ll do anything for you, Kate. Anything at all.”

  A hint of humor danced in Kate’s eyes. “If we go any slower, we’re going to go backward.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think that’s what either one of us wants.”

  “It isn’t.”

  Brodie drew in a breath and sliding her hand across the linen tablecloth, she held it open for Kate to take. “Then, we won’t. We’ll just take it day by day and see what happens. Okay?”

  Kate slipped her fingers through Brodie’s, and they sat there while their tea grew cold. One minute passed and then another until Kate said, “You want to get out of here? Get some coffee or something?”

  Brodie motioned for the waitress, and when Kate pulled out her wallet, Brodie reached over and shooed it away. “My treat.”

  “But I invited you.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, you’re now officially my girlfriend, and I’m going to pay for dinner. Unless, of course, I’m mistaken. Am I?”

  Kate heard the challenge in Brodie’s voice and smiled. “No…I think you’re spot-on.”


  Like they had after all their Friday night dinners at Calabria, when Brodie and Kate left Chengdu Empress, they decided to walk off a bit of their dinner. They meandered down the street, but before they had gotten very far, Brodie leaned closer to Kate. “So…um…since I don’t know the rules, is it all right if I hold your hand while we walk?”

  Kate cast a quick glance down the sidewalk before lacing her fingers through Brodie’s. “Yes, and what rules?”

  “The slow rules.”

  “I don’t remember mentioning anything about rules,” Kate said, squeezing Brodie’s hand.

  “No?” Brodie said, smiling shamelessly. “Good to know!”

  Kate lightly swatted Brodie on the arm and nearing a shop window, Kate tugged Brodie toward it. “So…you see anything you like?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Kate saw Brodie looking in her direction. “I mean in there, silly,” she said with a laugh.

  “Oh, right,” Brodie said, focusing on the display.

  The store specialized in kitchen gadgets, dinnerware, and the like, and Brodie took her time before answering. “Yes,” Brodie said, tapping on the glass. “The red apron over there.”

  “Really?” Kate squeaked. “I never pictured you as the apron type.”

  “Who said it was for me?”

  Kate’s mouth dropped open. “Wait. You expect me to do the cooking?”

  “No, I just expect you to wear the apron.”


  Brodie bent, so her lips were but a few millimeters from Kate’s ear. “I didn’t say you’d be wearing anything else, now did I?”

  Without saying another word, Brodie sauntered to the next shop while Kate tried to convince her cheeks to return to their natural color. Jogging to catch up a moment later, Kate quickly slipped her hand in Brodie’s. “I’m starting to rethink the rules part. Maybe I should make some.”

  “Oh yeah?” Brodie said. “Let me guess. The first would be something about keeping my hormones in check?”

  “Is that possible?”

  “I don’t know. I never had to before.”

  “Ouch,” Kate said quietly.

  “Kate, I’m just joking, but for both our sakes, I think a few guidelines would be helpful. Don’t you?”

  “I don’t know,” Kate said, stopping for a second. “Like what?”

  Brodie pondered the question as they continued their stroll. “Well…can I kiss you good night?”


  “Can I kiss you good morning?”

  Kate’s blush returned instantly. “Eventually.”

  Brodie stopped, the street lights paling to her glowing face. “Do you have any idea how happy I am right now?”

  “Yeah,” Kate said in a breath. “I think I do.”


  Brodie followed Kate home, and pulling up behind her, Brodie quickly parked her car and then jogged to Kate’s in time to open the door. Kate slipped her fingers through Brodie’s, and hand-in-hand, they walked to the house.

  “I had a great time tonight,” Kate said as they stood on the porch.

  “So did I.”

  “Do you want to come in for a drink?”

  Brodie looked over at the door like Eve staring at the forbidden fruit. “Um…not tonight,” she said, offering Kate a soft smile. “If that’s okay.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Can I call you tomorrow?”

  Kate’s face lit up. “I’d like that.”

  “Then you’d best give me your number,” Brodie said, grinning.

  Resigned to the fact she’d never have to buy makeup to color her cheeks again, Kate waited while Brodie pulled out her phone before quickly rattling off her work, home, and mobile numbers. After Brodie was done and slipped her phone back into her pocket, she looked over at Kate, and Kate’s heart began to race. Their eyes met, and no words were necessary as Brodie leaned down for a good night kiss.

  Kate had forgotten the finer points of being kissed by Brodie, and she marveled in the softness of her lips as they brushed against her own. Mingled with coffee was a flavor intrinsic to Brodie, and the combination took Kate’s breath away. True to her word, Brodie didn’t try to plunder or demand. Instead, she moved casually, tenderly kissing Kate again and again until Kate felt Brodie’s tongue ask for entry. Losing herself in the luxury of being in Brodie’s arms, Kate allowed the kiss to deepen, and as their tongues tasted and danced, hands began to wander, and bodies began to throb.

  Brodie pulled
away, knowing if she didn’t, she’d break a promise only a few hours old. “I should go.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Brodie said, sliding her hands into her trouser pockets.


  “Are you all right?”

  Kate reached up and touching Brodie on the cheek, she said in a breath, “Never been better.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “So how many cold showers does that make so far?”

  Brodie was exiting her bathroom when the unexpected voice interrupted her thoughts. Brodie jumped, and a second later, she was scrambling to hold onto the towel wrapped around her torso. “Christ, you scared the shit out of me.”

  Devon giggled. “Sorry. I guess you didn’t hear me come in,” she said, watching as Brodie went to the dresser and began rummaging for lingerie.

  Brodie pulled out a matching set of black, lace-trimmed undies and set them on the dresser. “Do you mind?” she said, looking over at Devon.

  “What? I’ve seen you naked before,” Devon said with a wave of her hand. “Oh, wait…let me guess. Now that you’re dating my sister, you’ve turned into a prude.”

  “I am not a prude. I just don’t want Kate to get the wrong idea.”

  “And what idea would that be?” Gina said as she sailed into the bedroom and plopped next to Devon on the bed.

  “Bloody hell, what are you doing here?” Brodie said, holding onto the loosening towel.

  “Devon had some proposals she wanted to drop off, and since I didn’t have to work today, and it’s bucketing down outside, I volunteered to be her taxi,” Gina said, giving the room a quick once over. “Nice place, by the way.”

  “Thanks, now if you two don’t mind, I’d really like to get dressed.”

  “We don’t mind at all,” Devon said, resting back on her elbows. “So, where are you going tonight?”

  Brodie picked up her watch from the dresser and glancing at the time, she muttered, “Fuck it.”

  In unison, Gina and Devon whistled their appreciation as Brodie dropped the towel to the floor, and after stepping into her knickers, she fastened her bra and turned back around.

  “I’m going to Kate’s. She’s cooking dinner,” Brodie said, opening the door to her wardrobe.

  “So, are you going to stay the night?” Devon said.

  “You know I’m not.”

  Devon sat back up. “It’s been what…two weeks since you started dating?”

  “Yes,” Brodie said, stepping into a pair of jeans. “Exactly two weeks tonight. Why?”

  “You must be going crazy.”

  Brodie frowned. Crazy wasn’t the word. She could manage to keep her libido in check through dinner, coffee, and their nightly walk, but the good night kiss got her every time. Chaste was next to impossible when it came to kissing Kate, and one always seemed to turn into two and then rapidly into three and four…and more.

  The promise of taking it slow was proving to be more difficult every day. Even though they had seen each other a dozen times in the past two weeks, Brodie had made it a point to arrange for their dates to be in public places. They had visited restaurants for lunch and dinner, had taken walks down busy streets or through crowded parks, and had even met at an art gallery opening, but a private dinner—alone—could prove disastrous.

  Brodie knew her limits. She knew she loved Kate, and she also knew in the privacy of Kate’s flat, it would be far too easy to forget her promise. The night before had been a repeat of many others, except when Brodie tried to leave, Kate refused to stop kissing her unless Brodie agreed to come to dinner. Kate pulled out all the stops, over and over ravaging Brodie’s mouth with her tongue until, with passion soaking her knickers and her heart pounding in her ears, Brodie knew she’d either have to agree or risk climaxing on the porch.

  Brodie tugged a vest out of a drawer, and pulling it on, she zipped her jeans and grabbed a pair of trainers from the wardrobe. She glanced over at the two women sitting on her bed. “So, do I look all right?”

  Gina and Devon exchanged looks. “That depends,” Gina said. “Are you going on a run or on a date?”

  “It’s just a casual dinner at Kate’s,” Brodie said, looking down at her clothes. “And this is casual.”

  “You don’t do casual,” Devon said. “Hell, you don’t even go to the market dressed like that.”

  Brodie squinted at Devon. “Behave.”

  “Well, it’s true!”

  “What’s true is that you’re a pain in the arse,” Brodie said, the tone of her voice directly opposing her stern expression.

  “Yes, but you love me,” Devon said, climbing off the bed. Offering Gina her hand, she pulled her up and then walked over to Brodie and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “We’re going to leave now so you can change your clothes in private. I hope you have a great night. Catch you later, Brodie.”


  Brodie placed the last dish in the cabinet, and rolling down her sleeves, she fastened the buttons at the cuffs. Picking up the tray filled with coffee and biscuits, Brodie headed for the lounge where she found Kate reclining on the sofa. “I made us some coffee. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “How come I invited you over for dinner, and you’re doing all the work?”

  “All I did was wash a few dishes and make some coffee. You prepared the feast,” Brodie said, setting the tray on the coffee table.

  “I’d hardly call a chicken and rice casserole a feast.”

  “Well, it was delicious.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Brodie said, looking at the woman stretched across the sofa. “So, are you going to slide a cheek, or shall I sit on the floor?

  Kate grinned as she pulled up her knees, and once Brodie sat down, Kate placed her socked feet on Brodie’s lap.

  “What’s this?”

  “You offered me a foot rub once,” Kate said, wiggling her toes. “And this is me taking you up on your offer.”

  “Oh, I see,” Brodie said as she began the massage. “I’ve never actually done this before, so if I’m too rough, just let me know.”

  “You’ll be the first,” Kate said as she closed her eyes.

  It hadn’t been her idea to take it slow, but when Brodie had suggested it, Kate didn’t think twice. She thought it was what she wanted. She thought it was what she needed. Kate thought wrong. She had no idea how chivalrous Brodie could be, and it was beginning to get on her nerves.

  In her own small way, Kate had tried to take things further. Although on their first official date, she had asked Brodie in for a drink because it was the polite thing to do, Kate’s manners rapidly gave way to feelings she couldn’t deny. After Brodie refused the next two invitations to come in for a nightcap, Kate changed it to invitations for dinner, and when Brodie shot them down, Kate suggested takeaway and a movie, and again, Brodie politely declined. And every single time their kisses became so passionate their hands crept under each other’s blouses, Brodie had backed away.

  Kate opened her eyes just a little, gazing at the woman rubbing her feet. Brodie was stunning. She was smart, and she was charming. She was funny, and she was kind. A bewitching, stylish beauty whose eyes sparkled when she laughed, who cared not a bit about the gray at her temples, and Kate couldn’t have asked for more. No one could have asked for more, yet like a pendulum, Kate’s confidence swung the other way, and she closed her eyes.

  Gina, Devon, and Brodie were living the life. They were walking the walk and talking the talk of out and proud lesbians, and Kate took a ragged breath. Would they make jokes about her naiveté? Would they make fun of her because she was the new kid on the block? Would their conversation be laced with innuendo, the occasional double entendre tossed in just so they could watch it soar over her head? Kate set her jaw. Maybe tonight wouldn’t be the night.

  “I was nervous about coming over this evening.”

  Kate opened her eyes. “I…uh…I didn’t think you did nervous.”

  “Neither did I,” Brodie said with a snort.

  “Can I ask why?”

  “Being here with you…alone.”

  “I just thought it’d be nice to spend some time together without waiters and crowds.”

  “It is,” Brodie said, breathing deeply as she glanced around the room. “I just don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable.”

  Kate could feel her nerves beginning to settle. It didn’t have to be tonight. “You haven’t, and you won’t,” she said softly. “You’ve been great, Brodie. Really great.”

  “The trick is lots of cold showers,” Brodie said with a wink. “They work wonders.”

  “You’re taking cold showers?”

  “Yep,” Brodie said with a quick bob of her head. “At least one a day and on date nights, usually one before and one after. I actually think I might be getting used to them.”

  Kate’s face fell. “I’m sorry.”

  Brodie squeezed Kate’s feet. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not your…” Brodie stopped and let out a laugh. “I was about to say it wasn’t your fault, but actually, it is.”

  In a nanosecond, Kate’s mood went from being somewhat relaxed to totally enraged. Snatching her feet away, she shot off the sofa and stomped into the kitchen, yelling over her shoulder as she went. “Well, I’m sorry to be cramping your style. Why don’t you give Talia a call? I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to fuck your brains out!”

  “Shit,” Brodie said, and dropping her chin to her chest, she pinched the bridge of her nose. A few seconds passed before she pushed herself to the sofa, and going to the kitchen, she stopped in the doorway. “I’m sorry.”

  Standing at the sink, Kate whipped around. “About what? About the fact you can’t keep your bloody hormones in check or the fact you’ve probably fucked every lesbian in London?”


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