Frigid Affair

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Frigid Affair Page 4

by Jennifer Foor

  The next hand wasn’t fair. I got dealt crap, while he smiled the moment he collected all his cards. “You’re definitely going to hate me after this one.”

  I put my cards down and folded. “Ugh, I give up. I think I have better chances at beating you if you were blind and couldn’t see your cards.” I stood abruptly and headed toward the woodstove, where I always kept a large pot of hot water on top so the air wouldn’t dry out, but also so I could have hot water when I needed it.

  “Where are you going?” He asked.

  “If you expect me to stay awake I’m going to need another cup of coffee or tea.”

  After a quick glance I noticed he was shaking his head at me. “You’re not at all what I expected.”

  I stopped dead in my tracks. “Come again? What did you expect?”

  “Never mind. It’s not important anymore.”

  I shook it off. Obviously he’d assumed I was a stupid woman who couldn’t make good decisions without the help of a brooding man. What a douche!

  I had to keep reminding myself how he was the first man who’d ever spent this amount of time in my cabin. Douche or not, I liked having the company. As much as I didn’t care to admit it, I appreciated he’d stuck around to make sure I was all right. “So, I’m curious.” I leaned against a large wooden beam in the center of the room. The cabin had two, and they added to the rustic feel being exposed like the framing on the ceiling. “Where do you see tonight going?” I had to ask. What did I have to lose? If this guy turned out to be a creep, I had a rifle within reach.

  He stuttered, shocked I’d been forward with my inquiry. “I didn’t have anything in mind if that’s what you’re implying. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  I shrugged. For some reason I didn’t believe him, or maybe it was my own actions I was questioning. “Really? Am I not your type? I mean, I’d like to think I’ve still got it, but maybe living out here in the middle of nowhere has clouded my judgment. Have I let myself go?”

  Easton clapped his hands together and looked down at them before bringing his eyes up to meet mine. “You’re very forward. I’m not used to women being this way around me. I haven’t …” He didn’t finish.

  “An answer would be nice.” For the record I wasn’t trying to come off as a bitch. This man was sexy as hell, and if I had any chance of impressing him, I wanted to appear as if I was always in control.

  “You still have it.” He stumbled on his words. “You’re very attractive, Amantha. If the circumstances were different I’d definitely be interested in seeing if I could hit it, but that’s just not why I’m here.”

  This made me giggle. I could hardly contain my laughter as I considered what I could say in response. “Hit it? What makes you think you’d have a chance?”

  “I don’t know. You asked me a loaded question.”

  It was obvious I’d put him on the spot and he felt uncomfortable. There was little I could do to reassure him I was only feeling him out, instead of trying to make him seem like a sexual predator. Between the two of us, I was the one who couldn’t get sex off my mind. This man could have been a saint, yet I was pushing my way into his head to see if something may be able to happen between us. Like a wild animal, I needed this type of interaction. I was a freak in heat, giving him enough interest to imply what I was willing to let this man do to me, if he’d only take the bait. “Yet, you struggled to answer.”

  Easton scratched his head, an ornery grimace crossing his face. “Maybe I’m mistaken, but I get the feeling you’re asking because you might be the one who is interested.”

  As soon as he stated his assumption I smiled. I could tell from the way he was shifting his body that I had him where I wanted him. This man wouldn’t turn down a woman in need, especially one that was about to rock his world. Years of pent up desire had made me hungry for something I’d gone without for far too long.

  I sat my cup down on the counter and began walking away.

  He stood when he saw me leaving the room. “Wait. Where are you going?”

  “To take a shower,” I announced. I fetched the pot of heated water off the top of the woodstove, just in case the solar panels didn’t charge all the way with the storm. As soon as I felt the beads of water getting cold, I’d switch it over to manual and be able to stay in longer.

  He got up and followed behind me. “Hang on. You shouldn’t be carrying that around. You could pass out.”

  “I haven’t coughed in over an hour. I’m resilient. I’m sure I’m going to be fine. As soon as I get this smoke smell off me, I’ll be good to go back to bed for a few hours, and then you’ll be able to leave. I’m sure that’s what you want; to be with your friends?” I said it like a question to see if he’d react.

  I continued moving, noticing he was still behind me. “Is this where you tell me to leave then? You think because you can do this on your own you’re not in any danger?”

  When I looked into his sexy eyes I didn’t know how to respond. He was too handsome for his own good, witty, and appeared to be a genuinely nice person, from what I could tell. This might be the closest I came to seeing another man my age in years. For the first time in a while I felt lonely. I opened my mouth to speak, but words wouldn’t come out. This was where I should have sent him on his way where he would become a distant memory of a hero who once saved me. I couldn’t keep him around. He had a life somewhere else.

  But… I wasn’t ready for him to go. I wanted to be selfish. I’d baited him for this. I’d fished around for answers pertaining to what he’d do to me if given the chance.

  I wanted him to stay.

  Maybe I knew from the very beginning that I wanted him to do more than play a game of cards with me. As a woman, I had sexual needs. He was there, beating around the topic of attraction, though I now knew for certain it was evident. “You could stay. You probably should,” I almost said in a whisper.

  His broad shoulders hunched as if he’d suddenly relaxed. “I’d like to, but only if it’s what you need. I’m not in the habit of rescuing woman and taking advantage of them, although, I’m enjoying myself for the first time in forever. Let’s face it. Being here with you is better than hanging out with a bunch of men who haven’t showered in two days.”

  I bit down on my lip and imagined it playing out. Did I want to take this risk?

  You’re damn right I did.

  “Maybe I need to be taken advantage of, at least for a little while. It’s slim pickings around these parts. Aside from a few sasquatch sightings, you’re the first male to come my way in months. Besides, I could use a good fuck, if you catch my drift. Let’s face the facts. There isn’t anyone else to get the job done. I’m not like the girls you meet back in the city. What you see is what you get. Take it or leave it, no strings attached. I’m not looking for anything more than what tonight might bring. We’re just two strangers in the night. You’re my hero. You saved my life. Let me thank you properly.”

  He scratched his head. “For a second I assumed you were going to compliment me. Now I feel like the only guy left for the job. You really know how to make a man feel wanted.”

  I let a cackle slip out. “I’m sorry. I suppose I tell it like it is.” I took my finger and looped it into the hem of his pants. He stepped closer, breaking the distance between us. There wasn’t time to look in the mirror and tell myself how inappropriate my mother would say I was acting. This was my life, and parts of me were tired of being neglected. I needed to feel something other than alone, even if only for a little while. “How about we take off these clothes before the warm water runs out?”

  His hand latched onto my chin, bringing it up until I could feel his lips grazing over mine. “If you want someone to give it to you good, I can be your guy. I just need you to make me a promise.”

  I whispered. “Sure.”

  “You can’t hold back. I know we’re battling sleep deprivation, and at some point we’re going to crash, albeit I don’t have anywhere else to be, at least for the
next ten or so hours. Let’s forget who we are and what happened in the past. Tonight, it’s just us. If you can do that, I’ll be whatever you need me to be. I want this to happen. I didn’t think I would, but I can’t resist giving you what you want, not when I need it too.” With regard to what he said, I tried to read his expression. He seemed like he was battling demons, and I wasn’t in the mood to stop and ask if he wanted to talk about it. We weren’t friends. I couldn’t help him. I’d run away from everything, proving to be a poor example of a person who could deal with struggles.

  I nodded in response. “That won’t be a problem.” It was true. I hadn’t had sex in so long that I knew I wouldn’t be able to think about anything else. My heart was racing and I felt like I was going to pass out, not at all from the smoke inhalation either. I was elated with excitement for what was about to occur between us, almost to the extent of losing consciousness.

  “Would it be terrible if I asked you to kiss me now?”

  He grinned. “Would it be bad if I wanted you to?”

  I shook my head, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat. I was so nervous, like it was my first time being this close to a man. “This is probably a terrible idea.”

  “Are you reconsidering?” He inquired, even though I could tell he didn’t want me to.

  “No. It’s not that.”

  “Amantha, I’m not here to judge you or make you remember what happened. We all have our demons. Let’s make that deal to forget it all, just for tonight.”

  “Now that I can handle,” I managed to say.

  When his lips hit mine, I couldn’t react fast enough. Our mouths crashed together, his tongue dragging over mine until I reciprocated. His hands traveled from my waist to my back, lifting the fabric as he went. He wanted me naked. I began yanking his pants down, desperate to have him in equal form. When we backed into the shower, I hardly noticed the luke warm temperature. Easton’s kisses were seductive, fully loaded with motivation to carry on. He lifted me up, pressing my bare ass against the tile wall. The cold ceramic sent chills over my body, and as I leaned back I could sense my nipples hardening as he took me in. To secure the way he was holding me, I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, rocking my hips hard as he teased my entrance. His hard shaft was unknown to me, but not for long. I let my legs relax, slipping out of his grip. With little regard for how he would respond, I sunk down to my knees to get a better look. I wanted to know what was about to overwhelm me. His thick erection was impressive. I gripped his shaft and started jerking it, using the water as an easy way to slide my palms around. “Just to warn you, I like it rough. I hope you can appreciate what I’m about to give you, because I promise it will be the best you’ve ever had.” My confidence left him curious, but only until I made my next move.

  I didn’t always boast about my abilities to please men, but in this circumstance I had nothing to lose. He wouldn’t complain. There was no backing out, not when we’d gotten to this point. I wanted him to remember this night, to appreciate how hard I worked to give him the utmost satisfaction.

  This time he was the one backing up against the wall, throwing his head back and savoring the way it felt when my wet lips sucked him into my awaiting mouth. His girth was thick, and I could tell each time my lips withdrew he was getting extreme pleasure. I licked his tip, tasting the water as it sprayed over my face.

  He took a wad of my hair in his fist, drawing my head back as he spoke. “You act as if you like sucking dick?”

  I licked my lips and nodded. “I do. Is that going to be a problem for you?” I asked in a seductive tone.

  “Hell no. Drag your teeth over my cock. Jerk me harder.”

  Many women would be turned off from his orders, but I got worked up over it. I wanted to be a bad girl, because it only made it hotter. While taking him back into my mouth, roughly yanking on his erection simultaneously, I reached my free hand down and circled my clit with one finger. Just one flick and I was weak. It had been too long since I experienced physical contact.

  Easton began to thrust along with my movements. He kept ahold of my hair, controlling the speed I worked. Every time he moaned I applied pressure to my clit, taking myself to the brink of orgasm without allowing it to happen. When I could feel him backing up, removing himself from my mouth, I awaited his new order.

  He lifted me by my hair until I was facing him, my lips still tingling from the action they’d been involved in. “Is this what you like?”

  As a matter of fact, I did. I knew what had come over me. I’d been starved because I’d denied myself real pleasure. This was an awakening I needed to happen. After all, this guy, well he was the sexiest man I’d seen in years. His build, his personality, it screamed ‘desire me’. This was my moment; probably my one chance at being with a man again. It was time to take control and make sure I made the best of the situation. “You haven’t begun to touch the surface of how I like it.” I pushed him hard into the tile wall. “Get on your knees. Wash me. Clean my pussy.” I felt empowered as I spoke, almost as if I was having an out of body experience. Much to my surprise, Easton did as I ordered, smiling the entire way to the floor. Having him touch me, especially for the first time tickled. I giggled and focused on something mundane to keep from shaking around. The second time his hand traced my pussy I was more than ready for what was to come. I liked watching him, seeing his eyes so focused on the prize. “You like what you see, don’t you?”

  “You’re damn right I do. How about I show you how I like my dessert?”

  I let my fingers lace through his hair while I responded. “Oh, yeah. Show me how it’s done.”

  He lapped up my pussy, using his tongue to bring me pleasure. Easton flicked my clit, while driving a couple fingers into my wet cunt. This was the kind of action I’d imagined while pleasing myself alone in bed at night. I wanted it rough, and dangerous. At any moment he could hurt me. We didn’t know each other, not the way a man and woman should when they’re going to be intimate. When he spun me around, spreading the cheeks of my ass apart, I almost felt violated. It was obvious he was amusing himself, toying around with my little hole – an area that had always been sensitive and private. Then I felt something warm, hotter than the comfortable stream of water. It was his tongue again, this time licking me in the most erotic of areas. I gasped as he pulled away, and then went back again, beginning to fuck my ass with his mouth. He sucked on my cheek, so hard I knew it would leave a mark. When he withdrew he slapped them both at the same time, and jiggled them before letting go. “Your ass is exceptional. I can’t find one like this back home.”

  Seeing as how much he admired the rear of a woman, I decided to give him what I knew he was yearning for. “You want it, don’t you? You want to slide that cock of yours inside of my little hole? You want it dirty?”

  He brought his shaft up and teased the area. My pussy began to throb with anticipation. I spread one of my ass cheeks to help him along, awaiting the pain followed by euphoria it would give me. At first it always hurt, but after time it was unimaginably fantastic.

  He took his time, gradually sliding all the way inside of my awaiting asshole. I leaned over further, gripping both nipples with my now free hands. The friction of the water made it difficult, taking away from my natural lubrication. My pussy was soaked. I could feel it, almost like my heart was beating from within. It was craving his length, only to be rejected for another area.

  While Easton got into a steady groove, he let his fingers wander back over my pussy. The second he touched my clit was like an electric shock. My knees were weak and began to buckle as he brought me to ecstasy.

  Panting, and attempting to balance my wobbly legs, Easton pulled out of me, twisting me around and kissing me hard on the lips. He backed away and rinsed me, before turning off the trickling water. The crisp air from the bathroom door being shut hit my face. I needed to wrap myself in a towel and stand by the woodstove. While walking out of the room, I turned to see him following behind. “Don�
�t worry, we’re just getting started.”

  He already knew I wanted more. Having a man come into my life was a rarity. I had to make sure he satisfied my every desire before cutting out. “I’m not worried.” I let the towel fall and took him by the hand, leading him up to my loft bedroom, where the heat from the stove rose and remained cozy. Easton was too tall to stand upright with the pitch of the A-framed roof. He hunched down until we were both next to each other in my bed. His fingers trailed over my navel and then finally between my breasts. He leaned forward and sucked on my nipple, so hard it felt like he was giving me a hickey. Once done, it made a loud suction sound when he released it. I moved toward him, motioning for him to repeat the process. “Don’t neglect the other one.”

  He sucked my second nipple in between his teeth and bit down. I pulled back, taking in the burn of it. I wanted it to sting; to remind me of it happening later.

  For a few minutes he played with my breasts, savoring each tit like he’d never seen any before. With my knee raised, I brushed over his erection, reminding him I was ready for another round.

  He yanked my body closer to his, raising one of my legs until my knees touched my chest. I could feel him there at the base of my pussy, ready to enter. Nothing could describe what it felt like to have a man inside me again. The tingling came back immediately. With both hands, I gripped his fine ass, pulling him into a better groove.


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