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The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by McKinlay Thomson

  The kiss had Carr’s heart racing in his chest again and the teasing fingers at his opening were driving him wild. Carr raised his legs in invitation and groaned when Baen took the hint and pushed two long fingers into his waiting hole.

  Carr withered and shook as Baen scissored his fingers in and out, stretching Carr and preparing him for his cock. Carr’s cock was hard and throbbing and demanding attention where it lay against his belly between them. He knew that if Baen didn’t take him soon, he would be disgracing himself all over his stomach.

  It was always like this between them. One touch and he was wild for Baen, desperate for his lover’s touch and kiss. Despite the length of time they had been together, the passion they had for each other never waned, only grew stronger in its intensity.

  Carr knew Baen was just as needy as him when he lined his cock up with Carr’s opening. He slowly moved forward until his big head popped through the tight ring of muscle. Baen then pushed his hips forward until he was all the way inside.

  Carr groaned when Baen stilled his movements once more. He wanted to be fucked and fucked hard, but Baen was still teasing him and it was making him crazy.

  “Baen, please. You need to move, now,” Carr pleaded.

  “Soon, my lover. When I’m ready. When I make sure you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready. I’m ready, please. Fuck me.”

  Baen chuckled down at him, but complied and started to snap his hips back and forth, driving his cock into Carr before retreating again. Yes, he thought, this was what he wanted. Carr groaned and grabbed onto Baen’s ass checks as he slammed into him. He threw his head back and felt Baen suck on the exposed flesh of his neck. He was going to have a mark.

  “You feel so good, Carr. Come with me.” Baen’s voice was gruff with passion. A passion that Carr was feeling every bit as much as Baen.

  “Oh yes, Baen. I’m almost there,” Carr cried. Baen’s hips continued to piston into him, driving him closer and closer to orgasm.

  Carr reached between their bodies to take his cock in his palm. Baen lifted slightly to give him room, as he started to move his fist up and down.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Baen told him. “I’m coming, my love.”

  Carr felt Baen’s cock swell to an even greater size before erupting into his passage. Baen roared out his completion and his whole body shook from the force. The sight was all it took to set Carr off, and with a roar of his own his seed shot from his cock onto his stomach and chest.

  Chapter Five

  Carr lay curled in his lover’s arms. After their bout of rough lovemaking they had collapsed onto the fur rug and Baen had fallen asleep. He looked at his lover’s face relaxed in sleep. His long lashes lay fanned on his checks and the hard lines around his eyes had softened. He knew Baen carried a heavy burden as king and didn’t envy him his position. All he could do was offer his support and advice whenever Baen needed it.

  He would offer his ass whenever Baen needed it, too. He was a demanding lover, but Carr didn’t mind. He loved the passion that Baen displayed when they were intimate. He would do anything for this incredible man.

  Baen liked to be the one on top, the one in control when they made love, and Carr was more than happy to let him lead. Oh, he liked to be in control every now and then, but Baen wasn’t that into it, so Carr only asked on special occasions. That made it all the more special. When he did finally get his cock into his lovers waiting hole, he savored the experience, knowing it might be awhile before Baen let him do it again.

  Carr smiled and brushed the hair back from Baen’s forehead. He was starting to get cold despite the heat coming off his lover and the roaring fire at his back. This room was always cold. The whole castle was. It never got hot in Marak. The weather was always chilly and it snowed in the winter months.

  He wondered if the woman was all right. She might be cold too, and after the ordeal she had been through she needed to be pampered. She had saved the princess’s life. That meant that they were indebted to her. Carr would make sure she got everything her little heart desired. It was the least they could do, as far as he was concerned.

  She was such a small thing. A strong wind would knock her over. She wouldn’t survive the harsh winters if they didn’t get some meat on her bones. He would make it his responsibility to make sure she was looked after and that no harm came to her. If that meant that she needed to be coddled and pampered, then that’s what he would do.

  It didn’t help that he was attracted to the woman. She was gorgeous with all that wild curly hair and those big blue eyes. He knew that Baen had felt an attraction too. His lover had looked stunned when he had first looked at her. He had acted very possessive when they were bringing her back to the castle. Maybe they had found their third after all.

  No, Carr was getting ahead of himself. She had come to them in strange circumstances and they didn’t even know who she was or where she was from. She could already belong to someone. That would devastate him and he hadn’t even spoken a word to her yet.

  Baen opened his eyes and smiled up at Carr. Baen had the most stunning gray eyes. Carr could stare into them all day. Carr leant down and placed a small kiss on his lips.

  “What has you so deep in thought, my lover?” Baen asked. He didn’t wait for his reply, standing up and pulling on his clothes. Carr stood too and also proceeded to get dressed.

  “I was thinking of our little visitor and what the future may hold.” Carr pulled on his boots and looked over at Baen. He was fully dressed and leaning against the mantel.

  “She has done us a great service in rescuing my sister.” Baen looked thoughtful. “We need to question her, before we do anything else. Find out where she came from and how she was able to do what she did.”

  “I was thinking the same thing myself. I was also thinking what a beautiful woman she is.” Carr watched Baen carefully to see the reaction to his words. When Baen smiled in response, Carr knew he was onto something.

  “She could have someone waiting for her. She might not even be attracted to us. I don’t want you to get disappointed,” Baen told him.

  “I saw how she looked at us. She was attracted. She undressed you with her eyes, despite the fact that she was exhausted and had just gone through an ordeal.” Carr moved to stand in front of his lover and took his hands in his. “What are we going to do about her then?”

  “Marry her, I suppose.”

  “That might be complicated,” Carr said at Baen’s flippant reply.

  “Yes, but I’ve never let that stand in my way before,” Baen said smugly. Carr pulled Baen into his embrace and hugged him tight.

  “I love your optimism. But let’s wait until we at least talk to her before we announce our engagement.” Baen let out a mighty laugh.

  “I love you, Carr. You mean the world to me.” Baen placed another long kiss to Carr’s lips. He pulled back and released him from his embrace. If they didn’t stop they would both be naked again.

  “I love you, too.” Carr took Baen’s hand as they walked toward the door. Exiting the great hall, they made their way toward the guest chamber and hopefully their future.

  “Let the wooing begin.”

  * * * *

  Jessica woke as she heard the door to her chamber quietly open. The young woman she had rescued stuck her head in through the doorway.

  “Oh good, you’re awake!” she said, and then walked further into the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Jessica tried to sit up, but was still too drained to make more than a feeble effort. She gave up and lay there looking up at the woman. She had walked over and taken a seat next to the large bed.

  She was a lovely woman. Her long black hair flowed freely down her back and she had striking violet eyes. She was wearing another long medieval-style dress. This one was a deep red and had emerald-green panels running down the length of the dress on both sides. It was held together at the front by ties that ran from her waist to chest. This time, instead of a rope belt at her wai
st, she wore a gold-link chain, which had a large ruby where the belt joined together.

  Jessica could see the resemblance between this young woman and the giant man from before. They both had the same coloring and facial features, but this woman was pale and smooth, where as the man was tanned and hard.

  “I know my brother said to leave you alone, but I just had to meet you. I am desperate to know how you were able to draw the poison from my body to yours. Are you a witch?” The woman had a soft and lyrical voice. She spoke quickly, her words almost tripping over each other, and she bounced in her seat as she talked.

  “No, I’m not a witch. I don’t know how I can do it, it is just something I have always been able to do,” she replied. “I have questions of my own.”

  “Ask me anything you like.”

  “Your name is Elvinia, yes? And we are in a realm called Marak?” Elvinia was nodding her head yes as she spoke, but pulled a face when she said the word “realm.”

  “Marak is our kingdom, it’s not a realm. My brother Baen is the king. How is it that you have never heard of it? Are you from a land on the other side of the Great Sea?”

  “No, I’m from a place called England. It is hard to explain. I come from a realm called Earth…”

  “But this is Earth. I’ve never heard of England. It must be over the great sea.”

  “It’s not over the great sea. You see, I came through a gateway, a veil in between my Earth and yours. Now I’m stuck and can’t get back through.”

  “A gateway? I’ve never heard of such a thing. You must possess great magic to be able to do that. I bet the mage will know. He knows everything.”

  “That’s just it. I’m not that magical. I mean, I can feel when magic is near and I have the ability to pull sickness from people’s bodies into mine and then expel it back out, but that’s it. I knew nothing of other realms until I stepped into yours.”

  “Does it make you sick? Because I thought you were going to die for sure.”

  “I get sick, yes, and it takes an awful lot of energy to use my ability. But no, I don’t think it will kill me. It hasn’t yet.”

  Elvinia looked thoughtful as she sat there and looked back at Jessica. She was just as confused as she was and knew she wasn’t going to get the answers she sought. She would have to go and see this mage. Maybe he could tell her more.

  “Why did someone try and kill you?”

  “My brother Baen is King. He has many enemies and they are trying to get his throne. I don’t know who would want me dead. It wouldn’t gain them anything. It would just hurt my family, if I died.”

  “Do you have any enemies?” Jessica didn’t know why anyone would want to kill this sweet young woman. She seemed harmless and what would be the point? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to take her hostage if they wanted to get to the brother?

  “No, I haven’t done anything to gain enemies. I suppose my brother’s enemies are mine as well, but I still don’t know who would want to kill me. To tell you the truth, I’m scared. No one has tried to harm me before, and the thought that someone wants me dead gives me the chills.” Jessica thought that Elvinia looked like she was about to cry and who could blame her? If she hadn’t been there, she could very well be dead. She decided to change the subject.

  “Tell me about Marak,” she said. She couldn’t do anything until she gained back her strength and so she decided that she would learn as much as she could about this new place.

  “Well, there isn’t much to say. We are a small kingdom that sits between Barak and Zarak. They are both our enemies. And the great sea is on the south border. To the north there is a great cliff that is the border to Tarak. They aren’t our enemies. They are rarely seen because the cliff is so hard to pass.”

  It sounded bad to Jessica to have so many enemies. If Zarak and Barak ever joined forces, Marak would be stuck in the middle.

  "Why are Barak and Zarak you’re enemies?”

  “Not sure, really,” Elvinia replied. “They have been our enemies long before I was born. Something to do with my grandfather. His wife was from Zarak and that meant an alliance. But it all feel apart when the queen accused my grandfather of having a dalliance with a princess from Barak.”

  “Sounds very ‘Days of Our Lives’.”

  “What? I don’t understand.”

  “Never mind. What about the dragons? Does everybody have dragons?” She was fascinated about the dragons. There must have been a time when the realms were more accessible. The myth about dragons had to come from somewhere. Maybe they came from here and went through the veil and back. Or maybe when they were dying off they fled here. Who knew?

  “Dragons are all over Marak. It’s just that not all are tame. My brother and I both have pet dragons because we were raised with them. Otherwise they are hard to tame and can be aggressive.”

  Wow, real-life dragons.

  “You will have to take me to meet your dragon again. He was magnificent.”

  “Yes and doesn’t Knuckers know it.”

  Just as Jessica opened her mouth to ask another question, the door to the chamber opened once more and the two men from before walked in. Jessica was once again struck at how big the men were. They were good looking men and made her heart race and her pussy dampen, just looking at them.

  “What do you do here, sister? You were told to leave her to rest,” Baen’s voice boomed as he scolded his sister.

  “I might ask the same of you, brother,” Elvinia responded. She stood up from the chair and approached her brother, with her hands on her hips. “You can’t seem to keep your distance either.”

  “Leave us, please. I’ll deal with your conduct later.” Baen towered over the smaller Elvinia, but she wasn’t intimated.

  “I’ll leave, but only because I don’t want to be in the same room as you any longer than necessary.” With that she flounced from the room. The man called Carr was trying to hold back a grin. Baen just looked exasperated.

  Jessica pulled the covers up to her chin when both of the large men turned to look at her. She was so overwhelmed by their sheer immensity. She knew they wouldn’t hurt her, but they were just so goddamn big.

  “How are you feeling, little one?” Baen asked as he approached the bed. He sat down in the seat that his sister had just vacated and Carr moved to stand behind him.

  “Drained of energy, but the nausea is gone.” She really didn’t know what to say to them. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself by saying something stupid.

  “I’m glad you are feeling much better. I wanted to thank you for saving my sister’s life. It was a brave thing you did, even if I’m not sure exactly what you did.”

  “I kind of come from a different realm.” Jessica explained her ability to them and then went on to tell them where she came from. She was surprised when they didn’t look at her like she had lost her marbles. I come from a different realm is not something that people usually start a conversation with.

  “Diarmad, the mage, has told tales of people that have fallen through gateways from other realms, but I always thought it a myth,” Carr offered. “Remember the one about the man who fell through the realm and was taken by the king, your grandfather, who was going to have him executed as a spy? Only he vanished, before they could cut his head off. Disappeared right from the gallows.”

  “Yes, I do remember. He said he was from a place called America or some such nonsense. But Grandfather’s spies said he had arrived by boat from across the great seas.”

  Great, she had landed in a realm that still executed people. She shouldn’t be surprised, since they were so archaic. They had no technology, dressed like they came straight from a renaissance fair, and still carried swords.

  “Do you still execute people?”

  “No, my father had that abolished when he was king,” Baen replied.

  Good, she hated the thought that these two men had lynched or beheaded people in such a barbaric way.

  “America is a country from my Earth. T
hey were probably telling the truth.” Jessica was starting to get tired again. Expelling the poison from her body had taken its toll. It must have been a strong poison. Whoever had given it to the princess must have wanted her dead, not just sick.

  “I need to get home. People will be worried about me.” Jessica knew that when she was discovered missing from the bus tour a search would be called. She would be declared a missing person and her friend Elise would be frantic. Who would look after her cat?

  “Are you spoken for? Is there a man waiting for you?” Carr asked her. He was wearing a dark scowl and didn’t look pleased with the prospect. Baen didn’t either for that matter.

  “No, there is no man waiting for me. No family either. Just my friend Elise, who works at my store.” Jessica had always led a rather lonely life. She had her store and her cat and that was it. She didn’t mind. She liked it that way. It was less complicated. Both her parents had passed away, her father in a workplace accident when she was a young girl and her mother from a broken heart, when she was just out of school. The doctors had said it was heart failure, but since the death of her dad, her mum’s health had deteriorated. No matter how much she had tried to help her, it was no use.

  “Once you are feeling up to it, we will take you to see Diarmad. He will be able to tell you more. He is a very powerful mage and knows a lot about magic. He will be interested to meet you and discuss your abilities,” Baen told her. She was interested in meeting the mage as well. She had many questions to ask him, about magic and her ability and if he had ever met anyone like her.

  Jessica had asked around the magical community in her realm and had scoured the Internet for information, but if there were people with abilities similar to hers, they weren’t talking about it. From what she had discovered, most people back home had no real magical abilities at all and just dallied with spells and such. She would be naive to believe that to be true though. She didn’t broadcast her ability and she had seen too much that people couldn’t explain to think that she was the only person with any real magical capability.


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