The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by McKinlay Thomson

  “I’m not sure I can give you what you need. I’m not as wonderful as you make me out to be.” Jessica felt her heart break with every word she spoke. She didn’t want to reject these men, the first men to take notice of her attributes and not think she was strange. “But I need to figure a way to get home.”

  “Don’t say no, little one. Give us a chance whilst we try and find you a way home, and if when the time comes and you still want to go home, we will let you.” Baen said.

  “We will still have to marry to keep you safe, that hasn’t changed. But let us woo you and then decide.” Jessica nodded at the men. She would let them have their way for now but she would harden her heart to their attentions and not fall in love with them, not if she could help it.

  Carr kissed her lips and then stood. Baen followed him toward the door. When they reached it, Baen turned back to face her.

  “Try and rest, little one. We will handle the rest. Later we will take you to see Diarmad.” With that they were gone. Jessica couldn’t help but feel that she had disappointed them somehow. She had been honest from the start that she had to go home. It was their crazy idea that she give up everything that she had ever known and stay with them. Despite her determination to get back to her shop and her realm, Jessica couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like if she stayed.

  The men were both so strong and dominant. Her life wouldn’t be her own. She would be constantly guarded, and, because she would be queen, constantly in danger. The kingdom had enemies and was still at war. What happened if the men were killed in battle? She would be left in realm she knew nothing about, alone. No, she may think these men were hot as all get out and she may even be falling for them, but staying here wasn’t an option. It was just too different. She had to find a way home, no matter how badly she wanted to stay.

  * * * *

  Carr walked into the mage’s chambers and called out to Diarmad. Baen and Jessica followed closely behind him. Carr was still reeling over the kiss they had shared. He had never been that affected by a kiss before. When he was with Baen, there was passion and he was turned on, but nothing as mind-blowing as what he had experienced with Jessica. He had told Baen about it and he had said he had the same explosive feelings. They decided it was nothing to do with what they felt for each other and that it was because it was new.

  Carr hoped that they were right. He would hate if his longing for the little curly-haired woman caused trouble for him and Baen. It was unlikely. Their love was strong and they were open with all their feelings.

  Diarmad answered Carr the second time he called out, and emerged from the small sleeping area. His chambers were divided up into two separate sections. The smaller one he used as sleeping quarters. It was only big enough to hold a small cot and thin wardrobe. The larger space was used to hold all Diarmad’s potions and the ingredients that he needed. There was a large fireplace on the wall opposite the door. The rest of the room was lined with shelves and an old rickety table sat in the middle.

  Baen had offered to move Diarmad to a larger room on numerous occasions, but he had wanted to stay where he was. He said that it would upset his magic and it had taken him years to get the vibe just right.

  “What can I do you for, my friends?” Diarmad asked, then crossed over to sit by the fire. Age was catching up to the old man. He was thin and frail, and used a long stick to walk around. His hair had long gone gray and his face was droopy and weathered.

  “We want you to meet someone, old man.” Carr dragged Jessica forward to stand next to him. “This is Jessica, Baen’s and my intended.”

  Diarmad stared up at her and didn’t say anything. His eyes glazed over and he appeared in a trance. Carr had never seen anything like it. It was spooky and unnerving to watch. Carr was starting to get worried when he finally spoke.

  “The magic is strong in you, young lady. You will be a great asset to our realm. You will do many great things. Your kin will be powerful and rule the kingdom for years to come.” Diarmad’s eyes returned to normal as he shook off the trance. He looked up at them and smiled. “Cup of tea? You will, you will.”

  He turned toward the fire and placed an old black kettle on the flames.

  “Now, what can I do for you, young folk?” Diarmad didn’t appear to remember anything he had just said.

  “What did you mean, just now? About my kin being powerful? It was the trippiest thing I have ever seen.” Jessica stood by his side, so he grabbed her hand in his own, entwining their fingers. He was thrilled when she didn’t pull away. She was right though, even if she had a funny way of putting it. What Diarmad had just done was weird.

  “What? I didn’t say anything. Just asked if you wanted tea. You’re a strange girl,” he said, then turned to Baen. “Where did you find this one, Baen? She is positively disturbed.” Carr held back a smile. Diarmad was always one to speak his mind.

  “It wasn’t just her, my old friend. We heard it too. You just went into a trance and spoke of the future. Told Jessica her powers were strong.”

  “Come here, girl. Let me see you. I’ll be the judge of whether or not your magic is strong.” Carr was starting to think this was the strangest audience he had ever had with the mage. He let go of her hand and gently shoved her toward Diarmad. She walked slowly toward him, her steps hesitant. When she finally made it over to the old man, he took her hand in his and she squatted down in front of him.

  “Yes, yes, yes. I see…” He scrunched his face up in concentration. “The water’s ready.” He let go of her hand and removed the kettle from the heat. Jessica stood up and moved back to their side.

  “What do you see, old man? Spit it out, already,” Baen said. Carr could tell that Baen was getting frustrated. He never snapped at the mage. He was his father’s oldest friend and deserved respect. But he certainly was acting odd today.

  “Oh, well. This young lady has magic in her veins, that’s for sure. How do you take your tea?” They were getting nowhere. Maybe they should come back another day.

  “Diarmad, have you ever heard of gateways to other realms? Have you ever heard of England?” Jessica asked. She was polite and thanked the mage when he handed her a cup of tea.

  “Why, yes of course. There are many gateways to other realms. The problem is finding the right one. We have had many visitors over the years that have come through the gateways. Some have been from this England.”

  “Do you know where they are and which one leads to England?” Carr was crushed at the hopeful look on her beautiful face. He wanted her to stay with them. To make a life here in Marak.

  “No, no, no. There is no way to know when or where these gateways will appear. They are completely random. I’m sorry, girl. I wish I had more for you.”

  “What about the man that came from America and disappeared just before he was executed?” Carr asked. He remembered the story well, and though it was breaking his heart he wanted Jessica happy.

  “That was true magic. The man opened a gateway right there in front of everyone. I have never seen anything like it. I spent years trying to figure out how it was done, but have been unsuccessful. These gateways are still a great puzzle and I’m afraid I might die and never know the answer.”

  “Can I look at your notes about the gateways? Maybe there is a pattern that you have missed.” Jessica was tenacious. He’d give her that. She wasn’t going to quit. Carr could picture the future. Married with three little babies at her feet and she still would be trying to find a gateway home. He smiled at the image. He really wanted to have babies with this woman. Would they have her blond hair and blue eyes or Baen’s black hair and gray eyes?

  He would have babies with her too, but he had to wait until Baen begot an heir. He could wait. He would still make love to her, but couldn’t deposit his seed. That was all right. He knew the king’s duty and respected that. As long as he was involved. His mind was getting away from him again. In his fantasy Carr had her wedded and bedded and she was still looking to leave them.
r />   “All my notes are on that shelf there. You are welcome to them, but I have looked over and added to them for years and haven’t discovered anything of use. You may very well be stuck here. You aren’t the first and you won’t be the last.” Diarmad stood and shook an old pointy finger at Jessica. “My advice, young lady, is to make a life for yourself here. It will drive you mad otherwise. You have two great men offering you a life that others could only dream about. I would take it.”

  “Thank you, Diarmad. I will think about what you have said.” Jessica shook the mage’s hand and then went and grabbed the notes. Carr and Baen followed her out of the door and down the corridor. He grabbed her arm and swung her around to face him.

  “I hope you weren’t too disappointed with what the old man had to say,” Carr said.

  “Surprisingly, I’m not. I haven’t given up, not yet, but I am getting used to the idea that my life may now be here.” She smiled at him and his heart did a flip. She was so sweet and he wanted to feast on her. Baen moved in beside him and they backed her up against the castle wall.

  He took her lips in a shattering kiss and pressed his body against her. Carr was tall, so he had to arch his back slightly to reach her. He needed to get her a pedestal that she could stand on when he kissed her. Otherwise he was going to get back problems.

  He deepened the kiss and she moaned into his mouth. She tasted like tea and he tangled his tongue with hers, savoring the flavor. His cock was so hard in his pants, he wanted to lift her skirts and drive into her ready heat right there in the hallway.

  Baen nudged his shoulder and he lifted his head. Passing her over to his lover, he cupped his erection and ran his hand up and down the length, then squeezed it to stop the impending orgasm. He didn’t want to come in his pants like an untried boy, but watching his lover devour Jessica’s lips was turning him on.

  Baen lifted his head and let their woman go. She swayed on her feet and Carr reached out to steady her. She was just as affected by their kisses as they were. It gave him hope and he fully intended to use her passion against her. Baen and Carr couldn’t make love to her until after the wedding, it was tradition, but they could do other things and he fully intended to take advantage of her weakness toward them.

  Soon she would be putty in their hands and by the time the wedding day came around she would be begging for them to take her.

  Chapter Seven

  Jessica changed her gown and rushed out to meet Baen and Carr. They were taking her riding on Baen’s dragon and she couldn’t wait. Just being close to the dragon was enough to get her blood pumping with excitement, but to be able to ride on one was something she could have only dreamt about before coming to Marak.

  The men had definitely brought out the big guns in their endeavor to woo her with this one. She had practically jumped on Baen when he had mentioned it. Then she had remembered herself and had politely accepted their offer. She wondered if she would ever stop embarrassing herself in front of them. She doubted it. She could get carried away sometimes.

  She approached the stables at a jog after getting lost twice and having to ask for directions. The damned castle was so big she easily took a wrong turn and had to backtrack. She needed a map.

  Baen and Carr were already there and had the horses ready. They had to ride out to meet the dragon Nughogg because he didn’t like coming to close to the castle. She was going to ride on a gentle mare that was as old as the hills, but she didn’t mind. Jessica wasn’t very experienced with horses, so the gentler the better.

  Carr helped lift her onto the horse and she adjusted her skirts. At least she didn’t have to ride sidesaddle. The men would never have gotten her on the horse that way. The men mounted their stallions and they were off. She followed slowly behind, the mare plodding along at a steady pace.

  They passed under the battlement and over the drawbridge. Jessica kept close to the men as they navigated their way around the market and out to the grassy field that separated the woods from the castle. Baen and Carr then kicked their horses into a gallop and raced across the open space.

  Jessica’s horse sped up to stay close to the men. She held onto the saddle tight as she bumped up and down and tried not to fall off. Once she got the hang of the horse’s gait, she could relax and try to enjoy the ride.

  When they reached the end of the field and were at the edge of the woods, the men pulled their horses to a stop and Jessica finally caught up and moved to follow. She was puffing slightly and her ass was already sore from banging against the hard leather of the saddle.

  “Turn around and look, baby,” Carr told her. “Isn’t it a magnificent sight?”

  Jessica swung her horse around to face back toward the castle. She sucked in a breath at the sight that greeted her. Carr was right, it was a magnificent view. The gray stone castle towered above a crystal blue lake, with a great wall wrapped around it for protection. The drawbridge was down and the marketplace was bustling with life.

  Jessica wished she could take a photo. Something she could take back with her so she would never forget the sight, but she would have to be satisfied with the mental image instead. The castle looked so peaceful in its surroundings and she knew that was because Baen and Carr had fought year after year to keep it that way. The fighting and the constant battles all seemed worth it, in that moment. She could appreciate all that Baen and Carr had done and would have to do to preserve their way of life and keep the castle and its people safe.

  It was then that she heard the strange sound that the dragon Knuckers had made when its wings flew through the sky. She watched in awe, as a huge black dragon flew over the top of the castle. It hovered in the sky, before starting its descent.

  “It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It makes me want to cry,” she said, as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. It was hard to explain and she would never be able to put it into words, but the view of the pristine castle, with a dragon flying above it, had made her emotional. She wasn’t sad. Far from it. The regal sight was just so overwhelming.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, little one.” Baen moved his horse in close and pulled her to him. She let out a yelp as she was lifted from one horse to another. He placed his mouth over hers and kissed her as if his life depended on it. As his lips moved over hers, she tried to convey the passion she felt in that moment.

  Jessica moaned and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, before letting go and tangling her tongue with his. They wrestled for control of the kiss, but Baen came out on top. He had moves that overpowered her and left her in a sensual fog. Her pussy dampened and she rubbed her legs together to soothe the ache.

  It was getting serious, the need she had for these men. They had told her that they wouldn’t take her until their wedding night, but in the meantime she was going insane. They kissed her, making love to her mouth, leaving her wanting and horny. Jessica was ready to jump Baen’s bones right here on the horse.

  “Come, you two. Nughogg is waiting.” Carr’s voice broke through her sensual fog. Baen lifted his head and smiled down at her.

  “Are you ready for your ride, little one?” Baen asked her. She was, in more ways than one.

  They slowly rode through the woods toward the dragon. Baen kept her on his lap and Carr pulled her mount along behind him. She had never ridden on someone’s lap before, and it felt nice to be held.

  They quickly made it through the woods and out the other side. Nughogg was waiting for them, his big wings folded against his massive body and his head down.

  When Baen pulled to a stop, Jessica waited for Carr to come and help her down. He pulled her into his arms and gently lowered her to the ground. When her feet hit the ground, Nughogg let out a chuff and Jessica covered her ears with her hands.

  “I think he likes you, baby,” Carr said, chuckling. His smile was infectious and she found herself smiling back.

  “What makes you say that?” Jessica couldn’t see how that loud noise could mean that he
liked her.

  “Because you aren’t roasted,” Baen said from behind her. The men both laughed, but Jessica didn’t get it.

  “He’s a fire dragon, baby. Nughogg can breathe fire from his mouth. When he feels threatened, smoke comes from his nostrils in warning.” Carr’s words didn’t reassure her, but she did understand their joke. It was funny, if she thought about it, but their sense of humor was still lost on her.

  “Come on, little one. Let’s go meet Nughogg and go for that ride.” Baen took her arm and they approached the dragon. He was amazing and a lot bigger than Knucker. Baen and Carr had explained to her that fire dragons grew a lot bigger than water dragons, which Knucker was.

  Knucker lived in a lake and could breathe under water. He was like the Loch Ness monster and Jessica wondered if that was what it was, a dragon stuck in her realm and hiding in the Loch Ness.

  The closer she got to him, the more differences she could see between the two dragons. Nughogg’s black body shimmered in the light, like Knucker’s, but he had bigger scales. His horns were in different places too. Knucker’s were on his head and tail, but Nughogg just had ridges that ran the length of his spine and nothing on his head and tail.

  Baen told her to wait at the dragon’s side, as he scaled the big body to sit at the base of Nughogg’s neck. He used the dragon’s back feet and legs, which were resting next to his body, to climb up as if they were rocks. Then he walked along the body to his neck.

  When he was settled, he gestured to Carr, who lifted her to stand on what would be the dragon’s knee, before climbing up behind her. Jessica let out a squeak when the dragon shifted and she rocked forward with the movement. She quickly supported herself by placing her hand on the dragon’s body. He was smooth under her hands. He felt a lot like a snake and Jessica ran her hands back and forth feeling his scales.


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