The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by McKinlay Thomson

  “Wow, this is amazing. I didn’t think he would be so smooth. It’s like silk. I thought he would feel more rubbery and rough,” Jessica told Carr, as he stood behind her.

  “I thought much the same when I first met him. He was smaller and younger then and a lot smoother.” Carr grabbed her around the waist again and lifted her up and onto Nughogg’s body. She used one of his back ridges to pull herself up and then held onto them, as she slowly made her way to Baen.

  “Don’t worry, Jessica. You can’t hurt him,” Baen said, and then pulled her down to sit on his lap. Carr sat down next to her and they were ready. There was no saddle like Elvinia used, and Jessica wondered why.

  “Why did Elvinia use a saddle, but we aren’t?” Jessica felt really unstable on the dragon despite the fact she was in Baen’s arms. The huge dragon unfolded its massive wings and started to flap them up and down. The noise was a lot louder from here and she was tempted to cover her ears to block it out.

  “Nughogg is much bigger, so it is easier to sit on him and not need one. You won’t fall, Jessica, I won’t let you.” Baen’s hot breath warmed her ear as he spoke softly into it. She shivered in response and leant further back into his arms. The higher the dragon climbed the scarier it became.

  She was torn with emotions as the dragon flew through the sky. She was excited and fascinated about being able to ride such a magnificent creature, yet terrified and scared of falling at the same time. It was like being on a ride at a theme park and she had always hated those.

  Nughogg didn’t just fly in a straight line, he tucked and twirled and zoomed higher and lower. Baen and Carr looked thrilled with the ride. These two were certainly adrenaline junkies. When Jessica had the courage to open her eyes, she was impressed with the view and horrified at the height they were flying at.

  Jessica could feel the wind ripple through her hair and because she had left it down it would be in a tangled mess when they returned. She pulled Baen’s arms further around her middle and peeked out with one eye.

  Nughogg’s wings were open and motionless as they glided low over a lake. She heard the water ripple beneath his feet as he dipped his foot in the water below. His great wings flapped and they were rising again, as Knucker appeared beside them.

  She let out a squeal as Knucker stretched out his long neck and nipped at the big black dragon’s head. Nughogg chuffed and blew out a small fireball sending it Knucker’s way. Knucker chuffed back and raced off, Nughogg hot on his tail.

  Jessica buried her face in Baen’s neck as the pace of the two dragons sped up. She heard Baen say something in her ear, but was too scared to find out what he had said. She felt the dragon slow, but not before he let out another loud chuff.

  She had had enough now and couldn’t wait to get back to solid ground. Jessica had had the experience of a lifetime, but she would be happy with the memory and even happier if she never had to get back on the big dragon again.

  * * * *

  Carr watched Jessica as she sat on Baen’s lap. The poor thing’s face was white as a sheet and she looked like she was going to throw up. He didn’t blame her though. Dragon riding wasn’t for everyone and Nughogg was showing off today. It didn’t help that Knucker had decided to start a game of cat and mouse with him. Those two often mucked around, wrestling and chasing each other.

  Baen had told Nughogg to stop and slow down. They wanted Jessica to enjoy the ride, not be terrified. She would never want to come again if she was scared, and Baen did so love to ride on his dragon. It was a good chance for them to get away from the pressures of royal life and just enjoy each other’s company and their surroundings.

  Carr leant over and brushed the hair back from Jessica’s forehead. She opened her eyes at his touch and smiled over at him. Spirits, she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was wild and windswept around her head. Her little face, though pale, was flawless and her big blue eyes were wide.

  He was losing his heart to the little minx, but he didn’t mind. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted her to stay with them forever. The wedding was fast approaching and he couldn’t wait for the wedding night. They weren’t going to make love to her until after the wedding, but they could do other stuff.

  Kissing wasn’t enough anymore. He wanted more and he didn’t want to wait. He could tell she didn’t either. The way she rubbed up against them when they kissed her was proof enough. He didn’t see the point in waiting for the wedding night, but Baen had insisted. He was an old-fashioned man, and despite the fact that they knew she had been with men before Baen still wanted to wait.

  So until then, he would settle himself with just tasting her delights. He wanted between those thighs, to the center of her womanhood. Then he would taste her flavor and lick her sweet cream until she screamed his name. Yes, there certainly were other things they could do to get to know each other better.

  Carr didn’t just want his mouth on her. He wanted her mouth on him too. To feel her soft lips around his cock, to slowly pump his length back and forth. How much of him would she be able to take?

  Carr sighed and pulled himself back to the moment. His little baby wasn’t enjoying her ride and so Carr gestured to Baen to get Nughogg to head home. With a couple of swift commands, they were making their way back toward the castle. They would have to find another way to woo their bride, because this wasn’t working.

  Maybe he would take her down to meet the kittens in the back of the stable. She mentioned something about a cat. Or maybe she would like to go on a picnic. Crap. What did he know of wooing women? He was a warrior, a fighter. All he knew was blood and death. Carr was a hard man and Baen was the only thing that had tamed him. Jessica was such a fragile little thing. Delicate and sweet. He needed to talk to Baen and see what ideas he had. Left to him, she would never want to stay.

  It wasn’t long before they were back at the field and Nughogg was folding his wings against his big body. He waited patiently as Baen and Carr helped Jessica to the ground, before he flew off. As he held Jessica, she was shaking in his arms and unstable on her feet.

  Carr looked over at the horses to see Elvinia with two guards waiting for them. He walked Jessica over and mounted his horse before lifting her into his arms. She settled onto his lap and her color slowly returned.

  “How was the ride? Wasn’t it the most fun a person can have?” Elvinia asked. She had always loved riding the dragons and never had a problem with the height or speed. Poor Jessica. Elvinia would never understand her fears. She had been in the air on her dragon since Knucker was old enough to carry her.

  “It was the most amazing experience of my life,” Jessica replied. Carr was confused. He knew she hated it, it was written all over her face.

  “Oh, I knew you would,” Elvinia said, her excitement evident in the high pitch of her voice. “I can’t wait to take—”

  “I’m never going on the thing again and no one can make me. I shall enjoy its majestic presence from solid ground,” Jessica cut in. Carr heard Baen’s snort and Elvinia’s indrawn breath.

  “But you just said it was the most amazing experience of your life.” Elvinia was confused and Carr couldn’t blame her. Jessica was contradicting herself.

  “It was amazing and terrifying and thrilling and scary and life-changing and horrible. I was so excited to go, but I never thought that once I was up there, I would spend the entire time waiting to plummet toward the ground. Nughogg was fast and all the twirling and twisting made me travel sick.”

  “Oh well, I guess.” Elvinia’s disappointment was evident in her tone.

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you all. I really did try and enjoy it. I just couldn’t.”

  “You could never disappoint us, little one. There are plenty more things that we can enjoy together and riding the dragon can be Carr’s and my special thing,” Baen told her. Carr couldn’t have put it better himself. Besides, he still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

  They all rode back toward the castle, Jessica snug in Carr�
��s arms. She snuggled into him and he tightened his arms around her, placing a kiss to her forehead.

  * * * *

  Jessica walked back to her room in a daze. She was still stunned from her ride on a real-life dragon. It had been exhilarating and terrifying at the same time and she never wanted to repeat the experience.

  She opened the heavy door to her chambers and quietly shut it behind her. With three quick strides she was at the bed. She flopped down face-first and lay there contemplating her next move.

  The more time she spent with her men the more she cared for them and slowly, little by little, her resistance was wavering. They were funny, charming, strong, and dominant. Everything she had ever looked for in man, or men in this case. She was doomed.

  Jessica knew that she had to find a way out of this realm and back to her own. Falling for the men was just going to leave her heart broken and alone. Why had she ever agreed to their crazy idea of marriage?

  The wedding was fast approaching. She knew once she let them have her body, they would have her heart as well. She wasn’t someone that rushed into sex lightly and these men were sex on a stick.

  If she did find a way home, that meant she would be able to find a way back again. Maybe she just needed to go home and tie up a few loose ends. Then she would be free to come back and pick up where she left off.

  Oh, who was she kidding. They were just marrying her for protection. Yes, they had been sweet and kind and attentive, but that was just because they wanted her to feel welcome, not because they wanted her forever.

  No, she had to harden her heart and remember that, she was a strong independent woman. One who had a fulfilling and rich life back in her own realm. A realm that had no magic and no dragons and no big dominant men, who drove her crazy and made her want to throw herself at them at the same time.

  Jessica rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, sighing loudly. She would just try to avoid them as much as possible until she found a way home. No more romantic rides and no more canoodling in the hallways.

  Then again, she loved the canoodling. Jessica closed her eyes, her thoughts drifting and a smile on her face.

  Chapter Eight

  Jessica sat in her chamber and pored over the notes that she got from Diarmad. It was her wedding day, but she wasn’t giving up. Diarmad’s notes were extensive, but he was right, there was no discernable pattern. It was completely random and the gateways led to a number of realms other than hers. The thought was staggering. Most people thought that only one Earth existed, not multiple realms. They were all Earth, but different. They all had similarities, but none were the same.

  She had noticed that here in Marak. It was very similar to medieval England, as far as she could see. She really could only compare it to the history books she read. Jessica wondered what had created the different realms and why they were all moving at a different pace. Were some more advanced than her Earth? She had to assume that was the case.

  She looked up from the notes when the door opened and Elvinia walked into the room. She was carrying a white dress, which she gently placed on the bed next to her. Crap, was that her wedding dress? It was absolutely gorgeous. The floor-length gown was the same style as the ones she had been wearing, but this was so much more elegant and refined. Solid white, it had gold trimming that bordered the sleeves and the panel at the front. It tied up with a gold cord and had a gold chain-link belt.

  “Time to get ready, Jessica. To think that in just over an hour, we will be sisters.” Elvinia smiled and flapped her hand excitedly as she spoke. Jessica was glad that she was so welcome into the family. She had met Baen’s mother, a few days past, and she had been lovely. She remembered the meeting well.

  Fenella was a regal woman. She was tall, thin, and had Baen’s black hair and Elvinia’s violet eyes. Softly spoken, she commanded the room with grace and charm. Meeting the soon-to-be mother-in-law was a frightening experience in any case, but meeting the queen mother was especially scary. Luckily for Jessica, she warmly welcomed her into the family and made her feel right at ease in her presence.

  “Well, hello there, my dear,” the queen mother said. “I have been eagerly waiting to meet you. Baen has told me such wonderful things.”

  Fenella took Jessica’s hand in her own and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “Hello, it’s such a pleasure to meet you too,” Jessica replied. She wished that Baen and Carr were here with her, but they were off doing royal duties and she had been left to meet the queen mother with Elvinia for support.

  “Come, sit. We shall have some tea and you can tell me a little about yourself.” Jessica walked over and watched Fenella and Elvinia delicately perch on the ends of their seats. They made Jessica feel like a bull in a china shop and, with a sigh that could be heard clear across the room, she plopped down in her seat and tried not to embarrass herself to much.

  “Mother,” Elvinia said. “I thought Jessica was going to pass out, when she got of the Nughogg, the other week. You should have seen her face. She was practically green.”

  Jessica’s eyes snapped over to the queen mother. Fenella was chuckling behind her hand, tears pouring from her eyes. Jessica stared at her in shock. Her mouth flapped open and shut, but no words came out, as Fenella continued to laugh.

  “I’m sorry, my dear. I really am. It was rude of me to laugh at you.”

  “Mother,” Elvinia said. “I can’t see why you’re in such hysterics. You hate flying on the dragons just as much.”

  This made Fenella laugh all the more and just like that the tension drained from Jessica’s body. She didn’t understand what was so funny and she didn’t really care. It had made Fenella more human and less of the queen mother.

  The three women spent the rest of the afternoon drinking tea and talking. Fenella told Jessica tales from when Baen and Carr were boys and even managed to embarrass Elvinia a time or two.

  When Jessica finally left the queen mother’s chambers, she had felt a sense of belonging and friendship. She had missed that growing up and it had made her doubt her determination to find a way home.

  “Is it that time already?” Jessica was shocked. Where had the day gone? It wasn’t the first time she had lost herself in Diarmad’s notes. She had missed a few meals because she was distracted. It annoyed Baen and Carr to no end.

  “There you are,” Carr said. “We have been waiting for you in the hall. I thought you had gotten lost again.”

  Jessica looked up from her notes and smiled at the disgruntled look on Carr’s face. Oops, she had done it again. She was supposed to meet with Baen and Carr in the hall for the noon meal.

  “I’m sorry,” she replied. “I lost track of time and there was this really good note about a man who came through the veil and—.”

  “No more, Jessica.” Carr was getting angry. The more she spoke about Diarmad’s notes, the angrier the men got. She didn’t want to upset them, but it was fascinating to read and she got swept up in the excitement of it all. Diarmad was a great storyteller and his details were so descriptive.

  “I’m sorry, Carr. I won’t let it happen again.”

  “Don’t, or Baen won’t be the only one threatening to put you over his knee and spank you,” Carr told her.

  Baen had threatened her with a spanking last time she had stood them up. The idea had intrigued her and frightened her at the same time. Jessica sighed and followed Carr to the hall. She was getting hungry now that she wasn’t distracted by the notes. Carr’s threat had made her hungry for more than just food and she wondered if she could tempt them into fooling around with her a little.

  A cough brought her back to the present. Jessica put the notes aside and stood. She removed her gown, but left on her chemise. Elvinia helped her put the elegant gown over her head and slip her arms through the long sleeves. Then she tied the cord between her breasts and adjusted the gold chain belt, so it angled just so on her hips.

  She wished that she could see herself in the mirror, but hadn’t seen
one around. There didn’t appear to be a mirror in the whole damned castle. She hoped she looked all right. Why was she stressing? It was just her wedding day to two of the most stunning specimens of men to ever walk the Earth. In her realm and this one.

  Elvinia gestured for her to sit on a chair. She started to brush out Jessica’s wild locks. She had washed it that morning so it was in tight ringlets that fell uncontrollably around her head. She had never been able to tame her hair and so she had given up trying and just let it run wild. The look suited her and so she just left it.

  “You look beautiful. Baen and Carr are going to swoon when they see you,” Elvinia said as she placed a small gold tiara in her hair and pinned it into place.

  “Thank you. I appreciate the help. Could you please give me a few moments alone?” She wanted to catch her breath and maybe freak out a little about the enormity of what she was about to do.

  “Sure. Mother will come and get you when it is time. She wants to escort you to my brother. She said that because you had no family present, she would take that role.”

  “That’s fine. Thank you.” Jessica watched as Elvinia left the room and then let out a huge breath. She was getting married. It was crazy and scary and so exciting she thought she was going to throw up.

  Jessica still thought that marrying Baen and Carr for protection was a silly idea, and even though she had come to care for them deeply she was still trying to find a way home. It wasn’t their fault, not at all. They had done everything possible to make her feel cared for and wanted. It was just that she felt that if she didn’t try and get home, she would always wonder.

  Yet again, here she was standing in her wedding dress and about to walk down the aisle. She understood that she might never find a way to get back to her realm. She was slowly starting to accept that. Baen and Carr were making it easy for her. Every time she was with them, her heart raced and all she could think about was how sexy they were and how good they would be in the bedroom.


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