The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9

by McKinlay Thomson

  She would find out tonight, that was certain, and she couldn’t wait. Making love with them both was going to blow her mind. Jessica was even turned on by the idea of them making love to each other. She wanted to watch and maybe participate in some way.

  God, what the hell was she thinking? Her mind was going from one thing to another and she was about to explode. She was going, she was staying, she shouldn’t marry, she should marry. She wanted sex and, well, she just wanted sex. At least she was sure about that.

  There was a knock at the door and Fenella entered the chamber. She looked stunning in her dark blue gown with silver trimming. Her black hair was pulled away from her face and she was wearing a small crown that had three large sapphires on the front. Jessica stood and fidgeted her hands together as she waited for the queen mother to approach.

  “You look beautiful, my dear. My son and his consort are lucky men.” Fenella took her hand as she spoke and gave it a gentle squeeze. Jessica tilted her head in confusion.

  “You know that Baen and Carr are lovers?” she asked. She didn’t realize how open the men’s relationship was.

  “Of course. My son has always been open about his love for the commander of his armies,” the queen mother replied. Jessica was amazed.

  “And no one cares that the king has a same-sex lover?”

  “No, why should they? Marak has always been very open and accepting about relations between same-gender couples. Our society is built on this acceptance. My husband, rest his soul, fought his entire reign to give his people a safe haven where they can live openly and honestly.”

  “That is amazing. In my Earth, while being gay is mostly accepted, it is still a long way from being truly the norm. Lots of countries don’t allow same-sex marriages and there are a lot of people who openly shun the gay community.”

  “Love is love, my dear. My son isn’t a lesser king because he loves another man. He is stronger for it. Only narrow-minded people would think differently.” The queen mother was a knowledgeable woman. If only the leaders of her Earth were so free thinking.

  They walked from the chamber and made their way toward the great hall where the ceremony was to take place. Jessica was quiet for most of the walk, but Fenella chattered away about one thing or another. By the time they had reached the great hall, Jessica was a bundle of nerves. Her stomach was doing somersaults and there was a very good chance she was going to throw up.

  “It’s all right, dear. I was nervous on my wedding day too. Come see me after and we will discuss the wedding night.” Fenella patted her hand and smiled down at her. Jessica stared. She didn’t know what to say. Her soon-to-be mother-in-law wanted to have the “birds and the bees” talk. She nodded her head and tried to smile in return. It wasn’t the queen mother’s business that she wasn’t a virgin. Nor was it the right time to tell her.

  The doors to the great hall opened and Jessica and the queen mother made their way down the long aisle. Jessica looked around to avoid looking at the faces of the crowd that filled the room. There were flowers hanging in large arches from the ceiling and white material with gold trim hung in panels on the walls. Large candelabras were scattered around the room and lit fires warmed the chilly air. A long bottle-green rug ran the length of the great hall and led her to her men.

  Jessica reached Baen and Carr quickly. Fenella passed her over to them and then took her place in the front row next to Elvinia. A man in long robes stood before them. He said a few words she didn’t understand, which could have been Latin, before switching to English.

  Jessica studied the man as he spoke of love and friendship. He looked like a priest, but Jessica saw no crosses and he spoke no words about God or Jesus. His long bottle-green robes went all the way to his feet and he wore a floppy cap on his head. He had long gray hair and was a man well into his later years.

  He went on to talk about commitment and honoring your loved ones, but it wasn’t until he spoke of marriage between all three of them that Jessica started to pay attention.

  “We are brought here today to witness the commitment of Baen to Jessica, Jessica to Carr, and Baen and Carr to each other.” Eh? If that wasn’t confusing she didn’t know what was. “Love is a most sacred thing. When we find that love, we must fight to hold it. We must nurture it and keep it safe and let no one steal it away.”

  As the celebrant went on and on about love and its spiritual connection, Jessica looked over at her men. They looked hot in their matching wedding attire. Their white sleeveless shirts had the same gold trim and laced cords as her dress. Their black breeches were molded to their strong, muscled thighs. Knee-high boots polished to a shine finished off their outfits. The only difference between them was Baen wore a floor-length white cape and a large jeweled crown. Jessica assumed this was because he was the king.

  They were so good-looking. It was overwhelming standing in their presence. They made a striking couple and Jessica couldn’t wait until she got them alone. Thoughts she really shouldn’t be having in the middle of her wedding ceremony. She could feel herself blush and looked down toward her hands.

  The celebrant brought her attention back to the ceremony, asking them to exchange their vows. Baen went first, promising to love and protect her and Carr, and always put their needs before others. Carr went next, and though he offered up the same, he added that he would always do right by Baen and the monarchy. Then it was Jessica’s turn.

  She stood up straight and looked up at her men. The men who would be her husbands and her entire world if she let them. Maybe she should have written her vows before it was time to say them. Crap. She felt her palms getting sweaty, as Baen and Carr stood there patiently and waited for her to speak.

  “Baen and Carr, I want to be with you just as you are. I choose you above all others, to share my life. I love you for your strengths and your weakness and will stand by you, as you become all you can be. I promise to be true and faithful to you and the people of Marak. I promise to honor this pledge as long as I live.” Jessica let out a breath in a rush. She hoped that was good enough.

  When they reached the part where people normally exchanged rings, the celebrant stopped. He picked up a white cape, which was the same as the one that Baen wore, and placed it on Carr’s shoulders, and then he did the same to her. The cape felt heavy on her shoulders and she wondered about its significance. It had to have something to do with Baen being the king.

  The celebrant then asked them to kneel. Baen knelt in the middle with Carr on his left and Jessica on his right. The queen mother approached with a pair of servants holding two crowns on dark green cushions. She approached Carr first and held the crown high above his head.

  “Carr, you have given your vow on this day and pledged yourself to the king and his people. From this day forth, let no man come between you. As the king’s consort, you will lead in his absence. May the spirits be with you and guide you on your journey.” Fenella put the crown on his head and walked over to her. She lifted a thin version of the crown Baen and Carr wore and held it above her head.

  “Jessica, you have given your vow on this day and pledged yourself to the king, consort, and their people. From this day forth, let no man come between you. As Queen, you will love, cherish and guide the kingdom toward a better future. May the spirits make you fertile and guide you on your journey.” Jessica felt the weight of the crown settle on her head. It was a huge responsibility. She was the queen to a kingdom of people she knew nothing about.

  Jessica rose as Baen pulled her to her feet. The celebrant turned them toward the crowd and presented them as husband, husband, and wife. Baen swept her up in his arms and kissed her. He stole her breath and left her standing there panting as he turned and did the same to Carr. It was then Carr’s turn to kiss her. He spun her around and lifted her off her feet. She felt his tongue probe the cavern of her mouth before she was gently placed down back onto her feet.

  Baen strode down the aisle dragging her and Carr behind him. The crowd roared and cheered a
s they strode from the room.

  “Slow down, Baen. My legs aren’t as long as yours.” Jessica was almost running to keep up with him. Baen didn’t slow down. He simply swept her up into his powerful arms and kept on going. Jessica didn’t know what the rush was. Nor did she know where they were headed. Wherever it was, Baen wanted to get there in all possible haste.

  Jessica put her arms around her new husband’s neck and held on. She was so far off the ground. The man was really tall. She clung on to his neck and looked at him as he walked. She was married to this fine man. It was mind-boggling. He looked every bit the powerful king, as he strode through the castle in his cape and crown. She had walked through the veil simply to see what was on the other side and now she was married and the queen.

  She looked away from Baen and over his shoulder to Carr. He strode behind Baen with determination. His strong body moved with grace. He was a warrior through and through. From his strong, chiseled body to his hard, scarred face. He was magnificent and he was hers. She smiled at the thought. They both were hers and she couldn’t wait to get them naked.

  * * * *

  Baen kicked the door to his chambers open and strode into the room. Jessica felt so small and fragile in his arms, but felt so right. He was reluctant to put her down. He wanted to hold her all night. He gently placed her on the bed and stood back to look at her. God, she was beautiful. Her big blue eyes looked up at him and he could see her confusion.

  “Why are we here?” she asked. Jessica tried to get off the bed, but he was having none of it. He gently pushed her back down, before taking one of her feet in his hand.

  “If you have to ask that, I should have let my mother give you the talk.” Baen heard Carr laugh at his joke, but his little queen just looked more confused. He removed one of her slippers and then swapped feet to remove the other.

  “What about the reception? Your mother has been talking about it for weeks.” She slapped his hands away as he tried to remove her gold belt.

  “They will have the reception without us, baby,” Carr said behind him. “We have more important matters to see to. Like begetting an heir for the kingdom.”

  “I was thinking more along the lines of making love to my new wife and husband,” Baen rebuked. “We can beget heirs tomorrow.” This was their wedding night. He didn’t want either of them to worry about their royal duty. This night was about them and cementing their bond of matrimony.

  “Stop slapping my hands away, little one. I’m trying to remove your garments,” he told her.

  “I know, that’s why I’m doing it. I can get undressed myself.”

  “Yes, but it’s much more fun if I do it.” Baen untied her laces at the front of her gown and loosened them. Then he lifted the heavy gown over her head and threw it behind him. Carr moved to lie on the bed next to Jessica. He had removed his boots and cape and lay there in his breeches and tunic.

  He looked back at Jessica in only her chemise. It was so thin her dark pink nipples could be seen through the material. They pebbled under his inspection, and he reached out and pinched one gently between his finger and thumb. She sucked in a breath, but didn’t say anything.

  He watched as Carr leant over and took her mouth in a passion-filled kiss. He had loved Carr for so long his heart was full to bursting. He didn’t think he could ever love another the way he did Carr. But a little slip of a woman with bouncy blonde hair and big blue eyes was pushing her way into his heart and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Not that he wanted to. He had more than enough love to give and now was the time to prove it.

  He removed his boots and cape, and then placed his crown on the table before returning to his lovers. He stripped naked and stood at the end of the bed in all his glory. His cock was hard and pointing straight at his lovers. He reached down and stroked it as he waited for his wife and husband to notice him.

  It wasn’t long before Carr broke their kiss and looked over at him.

  “It’s about time you two came up for air. The king needs loving too,” he told them. He saw Jessica’s eyes flare when she took in the size of his throbbing cock. He wasn’t a little man in any department. Carr often praised him on the size of his manhood.

  “Get our baby naked, Carr. I want to see her.”

  “You don’t mean to come anywhere near me with that thing, do you?” Jessica asked. Her voice was high pitched and shaky. He smiled at her and stroked it once more.

  “Don’t worry, little one. It will fit. You were made for Carr and me. We will make sure you are ready.” Jessica was pushing Carr away as he tried to strip her of her chemise. This wasn’t how he saw this night progressing, but he could turn it around. He gently shoved Carr out of the way and grabbed the bottom of her chemise and pulled it over her head. She covered her breasts with her hands and crossed her legs to hide her feminine parts.

  “Don’t hide from us, little one. You are very beautiful and we want to see all of you. Carr, get naked, it might make her more comfortable.”

  “If he’s hung like you, I doubt it.” Sassy little thing, she was. Baen didn’t care. He thought she was funny. He moved onto the bed next to her and peeled her hands away from her breasts. They were high and firm and had large, dark-pink nipples. His mouth watered at the sight and Baen could do none other than take one into his mouth and gently bite down.

  Once Carr was naked, he moved up the bed and grabbed her legs. He had to use a bit of pressure to get her to open her thighs, but after some persuasion, she parted her legs. Carr nudged her thigh wider with his shoulders as he settled on his belly in between.

  “God, baby. You have a gorgeous pussy. So pink and wet. I have to taste it.” Carr ducked his head and Baen heard Jessica gasp. She liked what Carr was doing to her. Her chest started to rise and fall rapidly.

  “Do you like that, little girl? Do you like Carr licking your sweet pussy?” Baen spoke the words softly in her ear and watched her head nod the affirmative.

  “You have to try her, Baen. She tastes so fucking good. Like a spring morning, fresh and floral.”

  “I’ll get my turn. I’m playing with these fine twin mounds.” Baen took her breast in his mouth again and suckled at the nipple. He pinched and rolled the other nipple between his fingers. Soon Jessica was moaning and thrashing beneath them. He raised his head from her breast and took her mouth in a kiss. Her lips were soft and yielding under his masterful touch. Their tongues danced together, thrusting and parrying.

  Baen’s heart beat rapidly in his chest and his cock throbbed and leaked clear fluid onto his thigh. He couldn’t wait to get inside her warm heat and hoped he didn’t disgrace himself by coming the moment he entered her.

  Jessica shuddered beneath him and he caught her scream in his mouth. Carr had done a good job of bringing their little wife to orgasm, but it wasn’t finished yet.

  “My turn, lover. Can’t let you have all the fun.” Baen shoved Carr out of the way and took up position between Jessica’s parted thighs. “You weren’t wrong, lover. She does have a beautiful pussy.” He ran his thumb up and over her little bud and watched her moan and thrust her hips. Her pussy juices coated his thumb. She was so wet from her previous orgasm. He leaned his head closer and ran his tongue from the bottom of her pussy to her clit, licking up her juices. She tasted fine. Spicy and sweet and all Jessica. He would never get tired of her flavor.

  “Open up, baby. Take me in your mouth.” Carr knelt on the bed, holding out his long cock to Jessica. Baen watched over the top of her body as she opened her mouth and took the mushroom-shaped head between her lips. Carr threw his head back and moaned as she licked his slit and swirled her tongue.

  Baen thought it was the hottest thing he ever saw. His little wife sucking his husband’s cock and tonguing the little eye. Fuck, if he watched anymore he was doomed. He got back to licking her dripping pussy and slipped a finger inside her tight hole. She was small. It was going to take some doing to get his large cock inside.

  He added another finger and
scissored them in and out as he ran his tongue back and forth over her throbbing clit. Her juices ran over his fingers and eased his way. It wasn’t long before she was thrusting her hips up at him. Baen added another finger and rammed them into her waiting hole. He could just make out her moans of desire as she sucked his lover’s long length.

  When she exploded under his tongue, he felt her pussy muscles contract around his probing fingers. He slowly brought her back down and then lifted his head. She was still attached to Carr, her head bobbing as she worked his cock between her lips.

  Baen moved up her delectable body and placed the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. He slowly started to push forward, her warm heat engulfing him in a tight fist.

  “Fuck, little one. You are so fucking tight. You are going to squeeze my cock to death.” He panted and moaned as he entered her little by little. If this wasn’t pure torture, he didn’t know what was. She was so hot he was going to lose his load before he worked his whole length inside her.

  Baen dropped his head to his chest and pushed forward. Not much more and he would be fully seated inside her. She shifted her hips under him, lifting them closer and forcing more of his cock into her channel.

  “Baen, please. It feels so good. Your cock is so big, I don’t think I can take much more.” She lifted her head only long enough to speak and then took Carr back between her lips.

  “Not much more, baby girl. I’m almost there.” Baen froze when he had worked his large cock all the way inside her.

  “Oh, baby. Your mouth is so hot. It feels so good. You have to stop, I’m going to come.” Carr was thrusting his hips back and forth and groaning. Baen watched as Carr gritted his teeth and tried not to come. “Baby, I mean it. If you don’t stop now, I’m going to come. So unless you want me to finish in your mouth, I’d let go.”

  Jessica wasn’t having any of it. She took his cock in her hand and kept on sucking. When Carr threw his head back and roared, Baen almost came along with him. He had to squeeze the end of his dick to stop himself from filling her tight pussy with his seed.


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