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Motorbunny Club

Page 2

by Selena Kitt

  Kim let out a sigh of relief. She knew Nicki must have told this woman everything. “I just need time, you know? Like... some build up...”

  Tasha nodded sympathetically. “Or... you need a ride on the Motorbunny.” She started the video, and Kim sat, transfixed. They had tried all sorts of things, including watching porn together, to get her interested in sex again, and this was rather tame in comparison. But there was something about it... the look of sheer ecstasy on the woman’s face! It made her feel weak and a little dizzy just watching.

  “Does it feel as good as it looks?” Kim asked, feeling a tingle between her legs.

  Tasha smiled. “Better. Ready to try it?”

  Kim was already toeing off her shoes and pulling her sweats and panties down over her hips, unmindful of stretch marks or her cesarean scar. Tasha didn’t even raise an eyebrow when she stripped off her hoodie, too, unhooking her bra and letting her breasts, full and slightly pendulous from still nursing her six month old, swing free. She climbed up onto the machine completely nude, except for a pair of purple socks.

  “Can I have that one?” Kim asked, pointing to the life-like penis. Her eyes were bright, and whatever nervousness she’d been experiencing had been replaced by anticipation.

  Tasha fitted the insert onto the machine and squirted a little clear lubricant down the shaft. “These are the controls, like you saw in the video. This one is vibration, this one is rotation.”

  Kim looked down at the box in her hand, suddenly doubtful that it could do any more than the hundred other sex toys they had tried over the years. Still, the look on the woman’s face in the video kept coming back to her. What the hell? It’s worth a shot. She positioned herself over the plastic cock, using the black box in front of the Motorbunny to steady herself as she slid down onto the slick length of it.

  “Once you get the hang of the controls, I can go, if you want me to,” Tasha said.

  Kim flicked the switch marked “vibration,” smiling at the sensation between her thighs. “Mmm... nice.”

  Tasha sat down in the chair, smiling. “The good thing about the Motorbunny is that you don’t really even need a lot of foreplay... it takes you right there.”

  The woman riding the machine closed her eyes, rocking her hips against the flesh-colored ridge pressing up between her pussy lips. The hair there was light brown and trimmed neatly. Tasha watched Kim’s face, fascinated by what she saw there. It happened to all of them—that look of surprise that changed to awe and wonder, and eventually, carried them away.

  “Oh that’s so good,” Kim murmured, rocking and rolling with it.

  “Don’t forget the rotation,” Tasha reminded her. Kim opened her eyes, surprised out of her blissful state, and looked down at the box. “Trust me, you’ll love it.”

  Doubtful, Kim flicked the switch. She had never had any luck finding that mysterious “G-Spot,” and had serious doubts about the veracity of women’s claims about having one. She was pretty sure it was all something women made up to get men off and make them feel like having a penis rubbing up inside the vagina actually felt good. For Kim, back when they were having sex and she was into it, even a little, it had always been about the clit.

  Frowning, Kim wiggled on the machine. There was pressure deep inside her as the plastic penis began to slowly rotate. The vibration was sending lovely waves of pleasure through her, and she turned that knob, making it hum faster.

  “It takes a few minutes for the rotation to start to feel good,” Tasha explained. “But once it kicks in...”

  Kim nodded, not really hearing her. The sensation was increasing, and her pussy responded to the buzz of the machine, clamping down on the cock between her legs. She couldn’t believe it, but she was going to come—so fast! No vibrator ever had made her come so fast! Moaning, she gripped tightly to the machine, her thighs quivering as her orgasm began, her clit making circles over that slick, vibrating ridge.

  Tasha watched, crossing her legs and feeling that dull ache between them. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and she had just climbed off the machine not an hour before Kim had arrived. Her pussy was spasming, though, like the ghost of a memory, longing to feel it again.

  “That’s good,” Tasha whispered, wiggling in her seat, as she watched the woman come. The dark points of her nipples were hard, and she noticed that tiny beads of milk were forming there as Kim moaned and rocked her climax to the brink and beyond.

  “Oh my God,” Kim gasped, brushing the stray hair out of her eyes that had fallen from her ponytail. She looked at Tasha through half-closed eyes. “That’s incredible!”

  Tasha nodded, smiling. “Keep going, sweetie... turn it up.”

  Kim shivered, turning the knob on the rotation a little higher. She didn’t think her clit could stand any more vibrating. The cock inside her turned faster, forcing her flesh to move and give with each pass. It made her feel a little like she had to pee, and she glanced down guiltily at the wetness between her legs, wondering if she had.

  “Keep riding the wave,” Tasha urged, seeing the woman’s eyes close again as the machine worked its magic.

  Kim’s pussy had never felt so good. Her whole body felt as if it were on fire, and the pressure building between her legs was intense. She leaned into it, letting the cock inside her do the work, the rising shake and hum of the machine working once again on her clit. Her breath came faster and faster, and her moans filled the room.

  “Ohhhh please!” Kim was begging, now, although there was no one to plead with. The machine was relentless. “Oh fuck, oh yes, oh what... what... is... that?”

  Tasha smiled at the confused look on the woman’s face, realizing what was coming—her first g-spot orgasm. Kim’s body stiffened, her eyes flying open, and then they closed, her face twisting, almost as if she were in pain.

  “Oh FUCK!” she cried, bucking her hips on the machine, her back arching, her ponytail completely gone now, her hair falling down her back. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  Kim’s nipples weren’t just beading milk, now, they were streaming thick white rivulets down her belly as she came, running down to join the pool of sticky wetness between her thighs. Nothing had ever felt as good as this, and although she never wanted it to end, the sensation was so intense that she almost couldn’t stand it.

  “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” she whispered over and over, quickly turning the machine off and climbing down, as if she couldn’t get away fast enough. “What is this thing?”

  “Heaven,” Tasha sighed, smiling at the woman as she leaned against the table, wiping hair off her sweaty brow. “Don’t you think?”

  Kim stared at the dark-haired woman, still too shocked to speak. She hadn’t had an orgasm since before the baby was born, and she didn’t ever remember coming so hard, or like that, before. She wasn’t sure, but she thought that the machine had actually found that fabled g-spot.

  Tasha was beginning to clean up the room, and she offered Kim a warm washcloth.

  “I want to do that again,” Kim confessed, using the cloth to wipe the milk from her belly and breasts.

  Smiling, Tasha handed her a card. “Well... you’re in luck. We’re starting a club.”

  Chapter Three

  Tasha was nervous. She paced the tiles of the bathroom floor, her four inch heels echoing in the small space, not even bothering to stop and check her hair and makeup in the mirror. On the other side of that door was a scenario that could either make or break their new business venture, and she wasn’t sure she was up to the task.

  “Someone’s in here!” she snapped at the door, and the knocker retreated.

  “I can do this,” she whispered, pressing her forehead against the door, laying her palms flat there to cool them. “I can do this, I can do this.”

  So far, it had only been Tasha and a friend, or a friend of a friend, alone in their remodeled basement “Motorbunny Room.” Now, it was an entire house full of clients and potential clients, drinking champagne or beer and nibbling on cheese and
canapés and waiting for Tasha to start the show.

  She took a deep breath, smoothing her skirt over her hips, and opened the door. The sound of women laughing and talking filled the living room and family room. Tasha grabbed a glass of champagne off the buffet and gulped it, taking a deep breath before she cleared her throat.

  No one heard her, of course. “Hello!” she called over the noise of the crowd. Still, nothing. She raised her voice as loud as she could. “Who wants to have the most total body, toe-curling orgasm of their life?”

  The room went quickly silent, twenty pairs of blinking eyes on her, now. The women from the family room were crowding into the living room to listen.

  Tasha grinned. “My name is Natasha Rivera and I’ll be your host tonight. You can call me Tasha. Some of you already know me, and have even ridden the Motorbunny before...” she smiled over at Nicki, who gave her a wink. “Some of you are meeting me for the first time, and have never heard of a Motorbunny.”

  She had their attention now. “As you know from your invitation, you are going to be given a free opportunity to ride the Motorbunny. If you like your experience, you’ll have the option of taking a full ride for a small fee at the end of the night. You can also join our Motorbunny Club, and I will give you more information about that, later.”

  Tasha covered the distance between the buffet and the television, picking up the remote. “The Motorbunny is the Rolls Royce of pleasure machines—it’s the ultimate in female stimulation. And it’s something so hard to describe that you really have to experience it firsthand to understand what I mean when I say it’s the most pleasurable thing a woman will probably ever feel.”

  A few of the women were nodding, that knowing look on their faces. Tasha looked around the room. Several of the women were fidgeting, looking embarrassed. Others appeared interested, their eyes a little too bright.

  “I’m going to show you a short introductory video, and then I’ll answer any questions you have.”

  Tasha turned on the television and pushed “play” on the remote. The room grew even more quiet as the video began, the woman on the screen talking about the Motorbunny, its attachments, and how it all worked. When she climbed onto the machine and began to ride, there was a little collective gasp, followed by a rapt kind of group attention that Tasha had rarely ever experienced. Every person there couldn’t take her eyes off the screen. The sounds of the women’s pleasure filled the room.

  When the video was over, Tasha turned off the television and asked, “Any questions?”

  A young girl in the corner raised her hand. Tasha judged she couldn’t be a day over eighteen—although she knew that she had to be, at least, eighteen. No invitations had been issued to minors. Tasha had double checked that fact when people called to confirm their reservations.

  “How long do we get to ride?” the young blonde asked.

  Tasha smiled. “Five minutes. I know it doesn’t sound long, but trust me... it’s long enough. And with as many people as we have here, we’d be here all night if we offered longer rides. But the good news is, if you decide to join the Motorbunny Club, you can ride for twenty minutes at a time whenever you want for a small fee. That’s usually more than sufficient for most women.”

  The girl nodded, leaning over to whisper something to the older woman sitting next to her, who nodded, too.

  “Any other questions?” Tasha asked.

  A busty redhead sitting beside Nicki raised her hand. “Can we pick our own attachments?”

  “Oh, right, attachments.” Tasha nodded. “Because of the need for sterilization after use, you’ll be riding tonight without attachments, at least for your free trial.”

  There was a collective sigh, the sound of disapproval, in the room.

  “But trust me, you’ll still have a great ride.” The room didn’t look convinced. Tasha swallowed hard. “Plus, we are going to have a door prize! To enter, you just have to sign up for the Club and, at the end of the night, I’ll draw the winner—who gets a full twenty minute ride, with the attachments of her choice!”

  This time, the collective sound was one of approval and excitement. Tasha smiled. Who didn’t love to win a prize?

  “Any other questions?

  “What about privacy?” It was the buxom redhead again.

  Tasha gave her a smile. “You’ll be in a private room. I will be there to show you how to work the machine, but that’s all. And as it said on the invitation, we encouraged you to wear a long, flowing dress or an extra long t-shirt. If you didn’t wear one, and you’re worried about your modesty, I have a few extra long t-shirts.”

  The redhead nodded, looking satisfied.

  The blonde raised her hand again, and said, “My boyfriend really, really wanted to come and watch...”

  The roomful of women tittered and grinned.

  “Is that allowed?” the girl finished, giving the room a sheepish smile.

  “Ahhh I know the menfolk would love to watch.” Tasha winked. “But honestly, the poor guys get so excited that it just ends up being such a mess...”

  The women laughed knowingly, giving each other sidelong glances.

  “However, if you join the Motorbunny Club, we do offer videotaping services,” Tasha went on. The blonde brightened, but a few of the women looked like deer in the headlights. “Of course, if you’re too shy for that, audio taping is available, instead. That alone is guaranteed to get his heart racing.”

  The room murmured agreement, and Tasha felt a tingle of excitement in her belly. She had them all interested, their eyes already starry with the prospect of sharing their experience with their lover or their husband. And they hadn’t even mounted up yet. Just wait until they take a ride, she thought.

  “All right, if that’s all for the questions, let’s get started!”

  There were no more hands, just a low murmur and a shifting in their seats.

  “It’s totally random,” Tasha went on, picking up the little fish bowl off the buffet. “I’ll draw one card at a time out of the ones you filled out earlier. When I call your name, come with me.”

  The room hummed with anticipation as Tasha dug through the white folded cards. “Daisy Nash.”

  “Me, that’s me!” the redhead squealed and popped up. The whole room seemed to sigh. Tasha wasn’t sure if it was disappointment or anticipation. The low murmur of voices started again as the redhead, Daisy, followed Tasha down the stairs.

  “I’m nervous,” Daisy admitted, flipping her long red hair over her shoulder. “My friend Karen said I had to try it, but I was a little... you know...”

  “You won’t regret it,” Tasha assured her with a smile. “You should take off your bottoms, obviously, but you can leave your dress on.”

  Daisy nodded, putting her purse down on the chair and reaching under the hem of her long sundress to slip her panties off.

  “I’ll help you up,” Tasha said, offering her a hand. The redhead swung her long leg over the back of the machine. “Just kind of... settle yourself... right over that flesh-colored ridge.”

  Daisy adjusted her skirt around her, wiggling on top of the machine, her pale thighs spread wide. “Oh wow. Mm.”

  “Nice already, isn’t it?” Tasha asked, holding up the controls. “This one is vibration, this is rotation. We’re only concerned with vibration for this ride.”

  Daisy nodded, eager. “Can I do it?”

  “Sure.” Tasha gave her the controls, setting the alarm on her watch and having a seat. The redhead flipped the switch and turned the knob like a pro.

  “Oooohhhhh,” Daisy moaned, her hips already rocking back and forth over the vibrating ridge.

  “Good, isn’t it?” Tasha murmured, feeling a familiar tingle between her legs as she watched. It was going to be a long night, she thought, crossing one knee over the other.

  “Oh God yes,” Daisy whispered, her hands reaching to steady herself on the front of the machine. The hum of the Motorbunny filled the room, but the redhead was soon drowning o
ut the sound with her moans. Tasha glanced at her watch, counting down the time. It had been two minutes. Should she give her a warning, she wondered? Maybe when there was a minute left?

  “Oh! Oh! Oh!” the redhead rocked and rolled her hips over and over the vibrating machine. “Oh that’s sooooo good, oh my God!”

  Daisy was cupping and rubbing her breasts through her yellow sundress, pinching her nipples through the material. Tasha could see them standing up even through the woman’s bra. Her pale thighs were trembling as she moved back and forth, fucking the machine.

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God!” she moaned, her fingers digging into her bra for flesh, and Tasha glimpsed the pink shadow of her areola as she tugged at her nipples. “Oh my God, my fucking pussy!”

  Her words made Tasha swallow hard, her own pussy gently throbbing in response. How many more women was she going to watch do this tonight? Twenty, twenty-five? The thought made her feel dizzy. She glanced at her watch. It had been four minutes.

  Tasha gave her a warning. “One minute left.”

  The redhead didn’t seem to hear her. She was bucking on top of the machine like a wild woman, her moans nearly drowning out the buzz of the Motorbunny.

  “Oh yessssssssssss!” she hissed, her large breasts bouncing completely free of her sundress and bra now as she shuddered on top of the machine. “Oh my pussy, my pussy, I’m gonna come so fucking hard!”

  And she did. Tasha watched, licking her lips, as the woman’s whole body stiffened with her orgasm, and then began to shake, almost seizure-like, her hair flying around her freckled shoulders. She was screaming, baying at the ceiling, and Tasha knew they must be able to hear her upstairs.

  Couldn’t pay for advertising like this, Tasha thought with a grin, as she took the box and turned the switch off.

  “Oh... my... God.” The redhead shuddered again, looking at Tasha through half-closed eyes. “I don’t care what it costs,” she gasped. “Where do I sign?”


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