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Shadows of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Teresa Greene

  “All the better to get our client a lesser sentence. Talk to Powers. See if he’ll give up the name of the man that hired him. Maybe the FBI will even give Powers immunity and put him in protective custody. See if you can get him a deal.” He eased back, crossed his arms over his chest. “The trial has been postponed for two weeks. That gives us time to put an emphasis on finding the man who ordered the hit on Miss Lassiter, whether it is Collins or the other man she saw. Use your connections with the FBI.”

  Of course he meant Josh when he spoke of her connections to the FBI. Fear and nausea swirled inside her. The last thing she wanted was for Powers to go free. The man needed to be punished for his crimes. David and Kathy would never have peace if they knew the man that tried to kill her would get to live his life as if he did nothing wrong.

  He took her hands, pulled her to her feet, and propelled her toward the door. “You’re doing a great job, Beth. Keep it up and you’ll make junior partner in no time. You have surely passed all of our expectations. I’ve told the partners you’re a force to be reckoned with in court. You have a natural talent especially in closing arguments.” He gave her a reassuring pat on the back before she stepped over the threshold and he shut the door.

  Beth stood staring at the closed door. What just happened? Nothing she had hoped to accomplish had happened. Now she was going to have to go back to the jail and talk with Powers. The thought caused the muscles around her heart to clench.

  By the time she returned to her office, she was spitting mad. She plopped into the chair at her office and rested her chin on her arms. A million reasons she shouldn’t be on the Powers’ case whirled through her mind.

  Tim sailed into the room and placed a file on her desk. “Since the Powers’ case has been postponed, you’re needed in court today. I have all the information you need.”

  Great she thought. When was she going to find time to speak to Powers? He handed her a bottle of water. She unscrewed the cap and took a swallow. The well tailored suit fit his thin form like a glove. “Tell me something, Tim.”

  He propped his butt cheek on the edge of her desk. “What would you like to know, sweetie.”

  “You are smart, dedicated, handsome, and know your way around a law office. Why aren’t you a lawyer?”

  His rich laughter floated over her. “How many hours do you work a day?”

  “I work from morning until night. I have no time for family or friends.”

  “How about weekends?”

  “You know the answer, working, nothing but working.”

  “I’m going to dinner and a concert this weekend with friends. While you are drudging over court cases, I’ll be listening to Taylor Swift singing about her newest love interest.” He placed a finger on her arm. “Yes, you make the big bucks, but what’s the use if you never get to enjoy your life.” He trailed the finger down her arm. “Speaking of family and friends, do you have time for a boyfriend?”

  She slanted a look at his gorgeous profile. “No.”

  “Not even for the hot, Agent Josh Wilson? I felt the sexual tension. Sweetie, he has it bad for you.”

  She frowned and shrugged her shoulders. “I told you, I don’t have the stamina for a love life. Men take up too much time and energy.”

  He waved a hand through the air. “If you don’t want him, I’ll take him off your hands. I love dark angels.”

  “There’s nothing angelic about him. I’d describe Josh as leaning more toward the evil side. Anyway, you’re not his type.”

  She detected a flicker of curiosity in his face. “How do you know if you haven’t had a sample?”

  Beth giggled. “I don’t have to sample to know he likes women. Maybe just a little too much. He’s not the type of man to settle down with one woman. I’m looking for something permanent. I’m ready to start a life with meaning and devotion.” She rolled her eyes. “That is when I find the time.”

  “Sweetie, that sounds boring. I bet you prefer vanilla ice cream.” His gaze roamed over her face. “You look so tired, Beth. You’ve got shadows under your eyes. Can I get you anything?”

  “No, I’m fine.” She forced a grin, sat up, and rolled her shoulders to loosen them. No reason to take her bad mood out on Tim. He had been wonderful to her. Without his help she’d never get anything done. Every case she had assisted on, he had already done the ground work.

  “Have you eaten?”

  At the mention of food, her stomach growled. “No, I’ve been too busy.”

  “I’ll get you a salad.”

  “You’re too good to me.”

  He sauntered to the door but turned around before he crossed the threshold. “Don’t take it too serious, Beth. Life should be fun.”

  Beth sighed. Fun was something in her past. Her stomach was in knots because she hated her new position. She took a deep swallow of water. She might as well get accustomed to the work. She feared her soul would wither and die before she would be able to start her own practice.


  Beth sat at the metal table brooding while she waited for Powers. She checked her watch again. She had already been waiting ten minutes. What was keeping him? Finally the door opened and a guard ushered him inside. The shackles around his ankles jingled as he struggled to walk. In a cheerful voice, he replied, “Miss. Reynolds, how nice to see you again.”

  She ignored his greeting and rearranged her notepad and pen on the table to keep from snapping at him. She could barely tolerate his superior attitude. When he sat in the chair, the guard secured his shackles to the metal chair. He placed his handcuffed hands on the top of the table and rested his eyes on her.

  “Will you please give us some privacy?” The guard gave her a slight nod before disappearing from the tiny room.

  “How have you been?”

  If she was going to get any information from him, she knew she would have to be cordial. She forced a smile to her lips. “I’m fine thank you.”

  She pushed the picture of Randal Collins across the table and watched his reaction. He didn’t even blink. “Do you know this man?”

  He leaned in and studied the picture before pushing it back across the table. “No, should I?”

  “The man’s name is Randal Collins. He is wanted for murder and drug dealing.”

  He furrowed his brow. “Yes, I read something about him in the papers, but that was six months ago. Didn’t he kill an FBI agent?”

  “Yes, and seven others that we know about. He fled to Mexico but we have evidence that he is back in the states.”

  “Some people just don’t have a conscience.” He placed his elbows on the metal table and leaned forward. “People have no honor or loyalty. It makes you wonder what the world is coming to.” His smile caused her to bite her tongue in anger.

  Powers was calm and collected no matter what questions she threw at him. She fought to keep the anxiety out of her voice. “Kathy Lassiter observed him and another man at The Red Diamond Bar two nights before you attempted to kill her.”

  A muscle in his jaw tightened and relaxed. “How many times must I remind you I never attempted to kill Miss Lassiter? I have never been in her condo or anywhere near her condo in my life.” His eyes narrowed. “Must I remind you that you are my attorney?”

  Impatience barely in check, she continued, “I know I’m your attorney. In fact I’m here to offer you a deal. They are trying to tie you to one of these men. They suspect one of them paid you to kill Miss Lassiter. If you give up the name of the man that hired you to murder Miss. Lassiter, I’ll see if the FBI will offer immunity and put you in witness protection. It’s only a matter of time before they apprehend these men. Then they’ll be no deal. The FBI will have no need of your testimony. They want the big fish.”

  A small smile played at the corners of his mouth. He leaned back in his chair and scrutinized her. “They can apprehend anyone they like. It doesn’t make any difference. I have had no transactions with murderers and drug dealers. I am a law abiding citizen. I am devote
d to my family, my church, and my business.”

  Again Beth bit her tongue to keep from calling him a liar. He was the biggest phony she had ever met. Part of what he said was true, but she felt it was all a charade. While he did contribute thousands of dollars to his church every year, she felt it was to gain people’s trust. It was a ruse to make him look like a pillar of the community.

  “The FBI believes you are an assassin.”

  “Let them prove it.”

  It was useless. Beth was only beating her head against the wall. He wasn’t going to cave. She gathered her notepad and the picture of Randal Collins and stuffed them into her briefcase. Blood roared in her head as she slammed it shut. “As your attorney, I recommend you reconsider.” She bolted to her feet. “If you have a change of heart, please give me a call. The FBI is close to solving this case. I’d hate for you to pass up a chance at freedom.”

  His voice strong, and sure, he answered, “I will be free, Miss Reynolds. As soon I go before a jury of my peers, they will see that I am innocent. I have all the confidence in the world that you will convince them of my innocence. That’s what I’m paying you for.”


  Beth had just finished her shower when her doorbell rang. She cursed under her breath and grabbed a towel to wrap around her wet hair. Quickly, she dried off and slipped into her robe hanging on the back of the door. She gritted her teeth in anger as she loped up the hall toward the front door. Only Josh would show up this late. As if annoyed with how long it was taking her, he held the buzzer down.

  After a quick glance through the door scope, she saw her instincts were correct. Josh stood outside her door still ringing the doorbell. She jerked the door open and snapped, “Would you please stop that!”

  She saw the flash of anger in those dark chocolate eyes before they cooled. “I didn’t think you were going to open the door.”

  “I was in the shower.”

  His eyes roamed over her. “Yes, I can see that.”

  From across the hall her neighbor, Mrs. Little opened her door and asked, “Is everything okay, Beth?” She had to be eighty years old. Her stooped shoulders were wrapped in a brightly colored afghan. Her gray hair stood up as if she had been roused from bed.

  “Everything’s fine, Mrs. Little. He’s a colleague from work.”

  Suspicious eyes glared back at her. After several seconds she closed the door. “Look at what you’ve done. Mrs. Little probably thinks I’m a harlot keeping company this late at night.”

  Josh whispered as he crossed the threshold. “She probably entertained male visitors in her younger days. She has shifty eyes so I’m sure she’s no innocent.”

  “Are you off your meds?”

  His mouth flew open as if offended. “I’m not on medication.”

  The look she gave him was lethal. “Well, maybe you should be.” He sat on the couch without being invited. Beth shut the door and announced rudely, “Please, make yourself at home.”

  His voice was full of bitter annoyance. “I called several times today and you never returned any of my calls. I thought maybe you were avoiding me.”

  She pressed her lips together. “Why would I be avoiding you? I have been busy. Just like you, I have a job.”

  “Bring me up to date on your meeting with Power’s today. Did you get any information?”

  She should have taken time to call him. Of course he had been curious to know if she made any progress. “Just like I suspected, he denied knowing Randal. He said he wasn’t guilty.”

  “Damn!” He raked his fingers through his thick, black hair. “I’d hoped he would give us a name.”

  “The man’s cool as spring water. He didn’t even bat an eye when he looked at Randal’s picture. Either Powers doesn’t know him, or he’s not the one that hired him.”

  “My money is on the other man Kathy saw with Randal. He has to be the man that hired Powers.” He placed his hands on his thighs and pushed off the couch. “You got anything to drink?” He crossed to the refrigerator and peered in. “You should get some more beer the next time you go to the grocery store.”

  “Beer is fattening, so I rarely indulge.” She crossed her arms and tapped her foot beginning to lose her patience.

  He grabbed the last beer and removed the top. He took a huge swallow before returning to the couch. “Since the man was with Randal, it is possible he is the man responsible for the meth labs. He could be the mysterious partner.” Excitement radiated from him. “Wouldn’t that be perfect? We could solve several crimes at one time.”

  Beth placed her hands on her hips. “Should you be drinking when you have a long drive ahead of you?”

  Her knees turned to water when he turned that devastatingly charming smile on her. “Can’t I stay here tonight? I worked late and I’m beat.” He placed the beer on the side table and slowly stood. His fingers skimmed over her elbows. His thumbs trailed lazy, erotic circles on her sensitive skin. She watched his eyes go hot as flames. The hands that reached up to his chest trembled.

  “I’m scheduled to be in court first thing in the morning. I need to look over the file on the case I’m defending.” She looked around him at the clock over the TV. “It’s after ten o’clock, Josh.”

  He pulled her toward him and pressed his lips to hers. He sucked at her lips and slid his tongue into her mouth. She melted against him, unable to withstand the sensations. He pressed his forehead against hers and whispered, “I’ll be quick. I’m too tired to last more than ten minutes.”

  She giggled. “Maybe I would like a little foreplay.”

  The corner of his mouth twitched. “Honey, it didn’t take but a minute to satisfy you the last time. I think you’re part rabbit.”

  Beth felt her cheeks heat up. “I told you it has been a while since I have indulged in sex.” She dipped her restless hands into the pockets of her robe. She should tell him to leave.

  But then he skimmed his lips up her throat then to her mouth. His mouth was luscious, full, provocative. No other man had ever made her feel the way he did. “You smell so sweet and clean.” His tongue dipped into her ear causing her to moan. “Let’s go to your bedroom.” He twined his fingers with hers and tugged her down the hall. He pulled her toward the bed and pushed her to a sitting position. He whipped the towel off her head and began towel drying her hair. She closed her eyes and basked in the sensation of his hands gently kneading her scalp. She had no idea he could be romantic. Sensations shivered through her, making her breath catch.

  “I love your hair. It gives you a wild wanton appearance. Women with red hair have fire in their blood.” For a quick moment she wondered just how many women with red hair he had slept with. Maybe he had a preference for redheads.

  He tossed the damp towel through the open door of the bathroom and it landed on the tiled floor. When he reached for the snap of his jeans, her breath came a little faster. In three long strides he walked to the switch and flicked off the lights. He switched on the small table lamp which gave off a small amount of light.

  Kicking off his shoes, he dropped his pants and underwear at the same time letting his erection spring forth. Eyes locked on his penis, she reached out to stroke him. She stroked his erection slowly and rhythmically. He pulled his tee-shirt over his head. “That feels wonderful.” The soft glow of light from the lamp highlighted the rippling muscles of his neck, shoulders, and abs. The bruises on his chest were still visible but had faded.

  Josh took her hands and pulled her to a standing position. Her robe pooled at her feet when he pushed it off her shoulders. “You are beautiful, Beth. A body like yours is meant to give pleasure.” His hands roamed over her breasts, then her flat stomach causing her to become weak with need. She was lost in the sensations he was provoking. His lips dipped to hers. At first his kiss was gentle but then it became voracious. They fell together to the bed a tangle of arms and legs. She could feel his hardness against her stomach. Her head tipped back as he wrapped his lips around her nipple. He started moa
ning, the sound muffled in her bosom as he sucked harder on her swollen nipple. He licked a ring around each nipple before he squeezed them in his big hands. For years she had waited for a man like him, a man that could bring her to mind blowing ecstasy. His body was strong and hard causing her heart to pound in anticipation.

  Slow, warm hands slid up the matted dark hair on his chest. His scent was strong and definitely male. Tingles spread down her arms from his mouth moving to her neck, then her lips. He took her lips with a devastating blend of hunger and gentleness. She felt the velvety roughness of his tongue as it melded with hers. The kiss changed as he took possession of her mouth in a fierce, penetrating kiss that made her cling to him. Her hands ran over the thick muscles of his arms, across his bare shoulders. He eased his fingers into her damp hair. Warmth and weakness swam up from her knees. She shifted her hips sensuously against his.

  He whispered, “I could get used to this, Beth. I could do this with you every night.” Everything went limp, her mind, her body. Her eyes fluttered closed as his eager mouth took possession of her lips again. He turned her senses to mush and stole her breath. “I’ve imagined getting my hands on you for days.”

  An irresistible craving started in the pit of her stomach and went lower. She shivered as his fingers brushed against her skin. She clung to him as his mouth left her lips and seared her neck down to her breast. When his tongue swirled around her nipple, she shivered deliciously. His mouth settled over one of her breasts and she gasped as heat consumed her. He rose up to his elbow to gaze down at her. She could feel him thick and hard pressing against her heat. Then he was inside her, deeply buried. The slow movement of his hips had her whimpering. He cupped her bottom bringing her up to take all of him. She hadn’t known she was capable of such passion. She was in the throes of the most powerful sex she had ever experienced in her life. Pleasure built stroke by slow, deep stroke. He turned her body into a quaking mass that craved more. She tingled everywhere as he increased the tempo and began to pound into her. Something extraordinary was building. She matched his fervor rocking back and forth to meet his powerful thrusts. With a cry of surprise and delight she wrapped her legs around him and held him tightly. Her gasps of ecstasy echoed in the room. Eyes squeezed shut, she squirmed until her entire body was shaking.


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