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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 4

by Alice Cooper

  “That reminds me… you haven’t apologized yet.” Fran said as she smirked. I had to try and hold the urge to kiss her smirking lips. She stood in the middle of the shop with her hands on her hips looking as if she just won a prize.

  I walked up to her and grabbed her chin and I noticed that her body tensed. I held back a groan because such a simple action could stir me with desire. Only my Habanero can make me feel so weak yet at the same time strong.

  “I’ll make it up to you all night long.” I teased as her face reddened. She shoved me away from her as I expected. “I’m not some cheap whore nor am I that easy. We will be doing nothing all night long.” she raised her voice.

  “Stephen! Angela!” she called out to her friends. Now I remember their name. “You’re supposed to back me up here. He’s the enemy, not me.” she cried out.

  “Hon, the only enemy here is yourself.” Stephen said as Fran looked at her feet like they were the ones talking. Angela swiftly walked over to Fran as she took off Fran’s red apron and pushed her towards me.

  “She can even leave now.” Angela said.

  Those were like music to my ears. Fran’s jaw dropped at her friend’s sudden action. I didn’t hesitate as I grabbed Fran’s soft hand and started dragging her out of the shop. Fran was trying to yank her hand away from mine but my grip on her was as hard as iron. Her friends bid her a farewell and have fun.

  “Hey Ciel! Let me go!” she shouted and I’ll give her credit she’s a lot stronger than she seems but nothing I can’t handle. We started grabbing unwanted attention from other places so I spun Fran around until she was snuggled into my arms. I whispered into her ear “Just tonight you’ll be mine. If you don’t want anything to do with me after…” No, I don’t want to say this but I couldn’t stop. “Then I’ll leave you alone.”

  She sighed as she frustratingly ran a hand through her hair. “Fine… so much for imagining a Mr. Darcy first date.” she mumbled the last part thinking that I wouldn’t hear it. I smirked as I started leading the way to the main street to grab a taxi.

  “Oh, I’ll be way better than that Mr. Darcy of yours, my Habanero.” I said to myself.

  Chapter 7


  Ciel brought me to a small but fancy restaurant. I felt so out of place because people here looked too formal. We were seated way in the back giving us some privacy. I looked around and adored how almost everything was red and gold. Did he come here often?

  I took a peek from my menu to see Ciel also staring at his own menu. He didn’t look like the type to come to places like this nor did he look the type to drink at Fancy Cups. But then again he is a Storm. It just shows you how little I know of Ciel yet I can go on all day about each trait of his that irritates me while I think of that dream and what could’ve been if that dream continued.

  Ciel’s ocean eyes suddenly caught me staring. I quickly averted my eyes and made sure the menu was blocking view of my face. I shook my head trying to get a hold of myself.

  I’m usually calm and collected around him except the times when I’m yelling my head off at him. Now I can’t keep my heart from racing as if it was on a marathon. My cheeks kept burning up more often.

  We managed to make our orders and then the silence consumed every inch of the room. I’ve never felt this awkward before with Ciel. He either made my blood boil or… get my heart racing.

  “After this we can go walk around Battery Park and if you want to buy a few things then we can do that as well. We can also go the Rockefeller, I heard that there was a performance there at this time.” he casually said.

  “You… You don’t have to go through all this trouble. It’s just me.” I told him as I blushed at what he had planned. Just eating at this restaurant was enough for me. When he grinned I instinctively frowned.

  “That’s why I’m doing all this because it’s you.” he said.

  My heart started trying leaping out of my chest at his words. He chuckled at my reaction and commented “You’re adorable.”

  What’s with him?

  What’s with me and this racing heart of mine?

  Stephen’s words suddenly repeated in my head “You know there’s a saying the more you hate the more you love.”

  This isn’t love, right?



  Definitely not!

  Cause of all the arguing inside my head I didn’t notice that I slammed both of my fists on the table which startled Ciel. “Oh, sorry.” I stuttered as I put my clenching fists in my lap.

  “Don’t worry, you can do anything on this date of ours… I wouldn’t even mind if you sat on my lap.” he said as he leaned forward with his arm as a support. I ignored his suggestion. A glass of wine in his other hand as he stared at me like I was the most interesting person in the restaurant.



  I then came to a complete stop with all my messy thoughts. I was on a date. My first and ever date. The infamous date that will shape how you look at dating. The date that everyone will ask about in the future.

  My hands started to tremble, something that hasn’t happened before. I was on my very first date with a person I claimed to be the most irksome person ever yet had dreams of passionate love making.

  “I’m on a date…” I mumbled and I wasn’t lucky that Ciel heard what I said. He grinned as he put down his glass of wine and slowly clapped his hands. “Good observation skills.” he commented.

  What do you exactly do on a first date?

  All that comes to my head are fictional moments from my books. I know for sure that having a first date isn’t something you can find out from your books. I racked my brain for any logical answer.

  I was at a complete lost. That’s until an idea struck my brilliant mind. I simply just need to get to know Ciel more especially since he’s my angel investor.

  “So how exactly did you become my angel investor?” I asked him. He smiled which startled me since it wasn’t his usual grin or smirk but it was a genuine smile. It suited him very well.

  “We usually receive lots of business ideas—”

  “I know how it works. It’s just I didn’t apply specifically for your company.” I cut him off. This time he didn’t have a smile nor did he looked at me. His lips were drawn straight across his face as his eyes stared at the glass of wine.

  “I saw your paper from my brother. He initially didn’t like the idea but I just thought that Fancy Cups was unique.” Was his simple answer. I expected him to go into great detail and I was about to ask him in detail until he said something that shut me up. “You sounded passionate.”

  There goes my traitorous heart again. Racing just by the sound of Ciel’s voice saying words that might change me. He suddenly leaned over the table, something that I couldn’t pull off even if I tried. Ciel was the tallest man I know and he effortlessly leaned over to whisper in my ear “I don’t exactly know how dates work but I find this distance between us agonizing.”

  Shivers ran down my spine. I could feel the heat of his body and it was exhilarating. Luckily, I was saved by the waitress delivering our food. We ate in silence as Ciel kept stealing glances at me while I ignored at contact with him.

  Once we were done eating Ciel asked if I wanted any dessert but I declined. We exited the restaurant and even though I told Ciel that I could pay for dinner he insisted that he would pay. I reluctantly agreed, it was his idea after all to come here.

  As we stood on the sidewalk I didn’t know where we were going that’s until he grabbed my hand and started leading the way, more like dragging me along the way. We arrived at Battery Park and started walking around. My eyes sparkled at our surrounding. It wasn’t December yet but Christmas lights decorated the trees and lamp posts.

  “It’s so beautiful.” I commented as I stared at a large tree decorated in golden lights making it seem like the tree was glittering. “I agree, it’s beautiful.” he added when suddenly he grabbed me by the shoulders and made m
e stand in front of the beautiful tree with my back against the tree.

  He took a few steps back and said “Now it’s perfect.” I couldn’t help but blush at his comment. He seriously knows how to pull my heart strings. He whipped his phone out and took a picture of me.

  “Hey! I don’t believe I gave you my consent to take a picture of me. Delete that immediately!” I demanded. He just smirked and said “I’d just had to capture this beautiful moment. But I won’t be deleting it… ever. It would be nice as well if we could take other photos such as you in less clothing.” I burned up as I imagined it but I knew he was just teasing me, right?

  I walked up to him and tried snatching his phone from his hands but he held his phone high up where I couldn’t even reach it. I tried jumping and stretching my hands but Ciel was too tall. He was teasing me by putting the phone up high where I can’t and I bet he was enjoying it.

  I was so focused in trying to grab his phone and deleting the photo that I didn’t notice that I was literally jumping in his arms. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me and said “But you look even more beautiful here in my arms.”

  I tried pushing him away but he wouldn’t let me go. Before I could spout fire he whispered calmly in my ear. “Let’s stay like this for a while… We’ve known each other for almost a year and ever since then we’ve been fighting. For just this once can we not fight? Please.” he softly said the last word.

  I tensed in his arms. This flirtatious bastard can actually be genuine and kind from time to time. A side the peeks my interest.

  A side I want to get to know more.

  “Did you know your boobs were rubbing against me and they were bouncing while you jumped?” he asked. I instantly turned red as I shouted “Pervert.” And pushed him away. I take back my words.

  “It was the best feeling ever.” he commented as he shut his eyes and groaned.

  He definitely is a pervert.

  Chapter 8


  I knew she didn’t like me teasing her that way but I enjoyed seeing her all riled up. I wrapped my arms around her as I whispered “Don’t worry, my perverted thoughts are only for you.”

  I tightened my grip around her as I suddenly started leaning closer to her beautiful freckled face. Our lips were only inches away and my heart was somewhere soaring in the sky and at the time falling.

  Our lips finally meet.

  Her lips were exactly as I remembered. Soft and warm that made my body feel absolutely amazing. Her hands griped the front of my shirt. She felt so small in my arms, it felt like she was the most fragile thing. That she could break any moment if I let go.

  I’ll never let her go.

  She was mine.

  We regretfully pulled away. Our eyes never leaving the other. We didn’t even step out from each other’s hold almost like we were contented. In a blink of an eye realization crossed Fran’s face. Her face turned bright red as she untangled herself from my arms and took a large step back.

  “I… I… I’ll pretend that didn’t happen. You idiot!” she spat out.

  I knocked my head back as a merrily laugh escaped my mouth. Of course she would spat fire just as we shared a moment. The name Habanero truly suited her.

  I took a quick glance at the photo on my phone and admired the perfect image captured of Fran. She had a surprised look as she had her hands entwined together in front of her. The golden light behind her shined brightly giving a beautiful glow around Fran.

  I was definitely not deleting this.

  We were once again silent. Fran’s eyes were still glued to the Christmas lights decorated around us. The lights reflected in her eyes beautifully. I suddenly grabbed her hand which made her body go tense as she stared at me.

  “I know I’m not the ideal guy you’re looking for… But I promised you that you’ll have fun tonight… and I don’t mean it in any dirty way… I just mean I hope you enjoy my company.” I stuttered. This startled me since I never stutter. I was always firm with my words but there was something about Fran that made me go weak.

  The night was growing a bit chilly but I noticed that Fran was shivering. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought her near me.

  “Want to come over to my place?” I asked her. Her eyes slightly widened as she slowly started backing away from me. “I told you that I wasn’t going to do any of that stuff.” she raised her voice.

  I held both of my hands up in surrender and said “No, I don’t mean it that way. I just want to show you something.” I could tell the look in her eyes that she didn’t trust me but she was internally battling with her thoughts. She sighed as she spoke “I’ll go with you but just so you know, if you try anything I will kill you in your sleep.” She truly looked like she meant it.

  And I wouldn’t doubt her either.

  We hailed a taxi together and headed towards my apartment. It was my first time ever bringing a girl to my apartment for the second time. Usually, a girl’s first time in my apartment would be her last time.

  We went up to my apartment floor and I told her to make herself at home. There were three doors in the open area. One led to my bedroom, another led to the bathroom, and the last one was to my office. My mind started imagining things that Fran and I could do but I shrugged the thought away. It didn’t help that my body was itching to be near her.

  I made sure that my office was presentable and my Playboy magazines were well hidden. On one wall of the office was a large shelf filled with books. Some were classic books first editions. I never was a bookworm but growing up in a rich and well known family forced me to do things I didn’t want.

  Like read books, play the violin, go to calligraphy class, or even learn how to do the waltz. I walked back towards the living room to see Fran sitting down as she looked intensely at her lap. I smirked at how adorable she looked.

  I grabbed her hand which pulled her out of her own bubble. “Where are we going?” she stuttered as her eyes gazed at my bedroom door. Is that all she thinks about me? I don’t blame her.

  I rolled my eyes and said “Sorry to disappoint Habanero, but we’re not going in my bedroom today.” Her cheeks started growing red. “I knew that.” She muttered which made me chuckle.

  I brought her to my office and pointed towards the bookshelves. As her eyes landed on the shelves her eyes widened like she just fell in love. If only she looked at me that way. Her hands traced each spine of each book then her eyes landed on a specific book.

  At this point I’m not even surprised.

  She took out Pride and Prejudice: First Edition.

  “You’ve read this?” she asked in surprise that I even own that book. I scratched the back of my neck and said “Yeah, most of those books are from my parent’s home. I just brought a few. I don’t really read them like you do but I was forced to read every single book on that shelf.”

  Her smile was absolutely breathtaking.

  “Come to think of it, I think I’m like Mr. Darcy.” I said which made her burst out laughing in a very unlady like way. “Yeah right! And I’m Mary Poppins.” She said through tears and giggles.

  “I’m actually serious. I might not dress or talk like he does but there are a few characteristics that are similar between him and I.” I told her.

  “You’re nothing like Mr. Darcy.” she deadpanned.

  “That’s what Elizabeth said about Mr. Darcy at first. I think I’m like Mr. Darcy and you’re like Elizabeth. Darcy and Elizabeth argued a lot in the beginning and claimed that they hated one another but in the end that wasn’t the case, was it?” I explained.

  Her cheeks reddened once more as she avoided eye contact with me.

  “You can have it.” I said casually as I headed towards my office chair behind the wooden desk. Her eyes widened in surprise as she quickly asked “Are you sure? This is very expensive.” But seeing you smile is worth it.

  “Don’t worry about it. Even if I didn’t give it to you, all it ever would do is sit here.” I told her as I sat down i
n my chair. She smiled as she hugged the book like it was the most precious thing to her. I was instantly shocked when I felt her slender arms wrapped around me from my side. Her face was dangerously close to mine since I was sitting down and she was standing up.

  “Thank you. This is the best gift I’ve ever received… Of course, besides Fancy Cups.” she said as she pulled away. My whole body tensed as I saw the way she looked at me. Her eyes sparkled with something that I couldn’t explain. I gave her a soft smile and said “We might be at each other’s throats at times and sometimes you can’t get enough of me.” I teased her.

  She scoffed and said “As if.”

  My smile was still plastered on my face. “But you might not know this but you mean a whole lot to me. As your angel investor I’m happy to see your business every day and I always thought how proud I am of myself that I chose Fancy Cups. At the same time I enjoy how passionate you are towards almost everything you do. That’s why I caused the scene about a week ago.”

  “Zen is a friend of mine. He’s not a bad person but he just doesn’t know how to show how he cares without offending anyone. Which is why I wanted you away from him. I don’t exactly work for Storm Enterprise but there are times when they need my help. Putting that aside, Fancy Cups means a lot to me too you know. I didn’t know you when I fell in love with the idea of your coffee shop. But what keeps me coming back to Fancy Cups isn’t your coffee… it’s you.” I never thought I would say such words to her.

  I stood up from my chair and walked over to the large window of my office. It was silent and I would understand if she’s creeped out by my little confession but at least she knows now.

  “Ciel.” her angelic voice called out.

  I turned around but wasn’t ready for what happened. She grabbed me by my shirt and brought my lips upon hers. At first my eyes widened as we shared a kiss once more, not that I’m complaining.


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