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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 45

by Alice Cooper

  A little embarrassed, the officer left her, but he met up with his replacement downstairs in the lobby. They exchanged glances and then the nurse and the officer decided that it was time to take this back to her place. She wasn’t even concerned about his marital status and the way that he looked in the uniform had turned any indecision into that of a full blown passion. It was the reason why she didn’t want him to undress and looking back and watching him fuck her was better than any fantasy.

  A couple of minutes later and Samantha was lying there enjoying the afterglow, when she heard the door opening. She looked up to see a man with a mask over his face wearing surgical garb. He lifted her chart and she could hear the paper flapping with each movement of his hand. He hadn’t said anything and then he produced a needle. She had her eyes cracked open; just enough, so that she could see and not be seen. The only light in the room was from the hallway.

  The needle plunged into the IV tube. She knew that the eyes were the windows to the soul. She panicked, as she realized that this was the attacker and he had come back to claim his victim once and for all.



  BOOK – 3

  Chapter 1

  Samantha sat there and looked at this individual plunging the needle into her IV tube. At first, she thought that it was a Dr. Administering those certain medications during the night, but that didn’t seem likely. It wasn’t until she saw his shoes that she began to put two and two together again, not to mention the cold calculating eyes looking at her over the mask that protected his features from being revealed.

  “I don’t like doing this, but it’s necessary for the greater good.” The man stood back waiting for the inevitable, but the woman was not going to lie there and take it like a good little soldier. She tried to reach for the IV and pull it loose, before the effects of whatever he had given her were going to slip into her bloodstream. He was right there to hold her down, looking her in the eye and basically giving her no way to fight back.

  “HELP ME…” She used the only thing that she could and that was her very distinguished and raised voice. She turned towards Judson and he was stirring awake, but he wasn’t quite all the way there. She was worried that he might think that this was some sort of dream or wouldn’t be alert enough to act before it was too late. “Judson… do something already.” “If somebody doesn’t do something soon, my life is not going to be worth anything. This guy is determined to see me dead, but for some reason, I don’t think that he’s the same one that attacked me outside the weight room. He looks bigger more buff, where the other guy was shorter and wiry. I don’t know what to make of that, but I don’t think that I’m dealing with only one assailant.”

  “Get off of her.” Judson was now aware of what was going on and had decided to say something. He also thought at first that the Dr. had come in to help the nurses with medicating that patient’s for the night. The needle was hanging there in the IV, but had not been fully plunged. “I said get off of her.” He got up and with the speed of a football player; he grabbed the man by the collar and wrenched him free of Samantha’s wrists. At the same time, he turned to see that Samantha was acting on her own best interest. She couldn’t possibly reach the needle, so she did next best thing by ripping the IV out of her arm. It was painful and she had to clamp her hand over the top of where the IV had punctured her skin.

  Judson tackled the man and propelled him off his feet and onto the floor. They wrestled, but Judson was a man that knew his athletic prowess and was going to use it to the best of his ability. “You don’t know what you’re doing…you’re ruining everything.” The man slammed his fist into Judson’s face, snapping his jaw sideways. Judson’s adrenaline was running too damn fast to be denied.

  They somehow made it back onto their feet to square off like a couple of adversaries in the steel cage. Their eyes showed that neither one of them were going to back down and that meant that one of them were going to lose and one of them was going to win it all. There was no way to know which one, until Judson kicked the assailant in the stomach and knocked him backwards into the police officer who had just come in for his new shift. They tangled with their arms and legs twisting outside the door. The man pushed up against the wall across the hall. It made for a very dangerous game to see who was going to come out on top.

  Officer Joseph Mills had no idea what was going on, but his training had informed him that something was wrong. He didn’t know who the Dr. was or why this young man had attacked him, but there had to be a reason. He decided that the best way to deal with it was to make sure that both of the suspects were detained for questioning. He wrapped his hands around the arms of the Dr. that was struggling against him.

  Judson took full advantage of seeing that the man was immobilized and began to pummel him repeatedly with large hammer like fists. Judson could feel the muscular skeleton underneath the doctor scrubs. It was like he was punching a brick wall. That was something to say for a guy that bench pressed over 300 pounds daily. “I don’t know who the fuck you are, but you’re not going to kill the woman I love.” He didn’t even realize that he had said the infamous L word. It was done in the spur of the moment. “You’re going to pay dearly for coming after me through her.” Judson could see that the police officer was pinned behind the hulk of the man.

  “You don’t understand… I have to do this and nobody’s going to stop me.” The man was desperate, breaking free of the officers grasp and reeling back with an elbow that blew the wind right out of him. He wrapped his leg around the officers and propelled him to the ground face first. The only way the officer managed to save his face from being rearranged was that he was able to put out his hands to prevent any further injury. Free of the officer, the man grabbed onto the fist of Judson and began to squeeze with a force that was almost supernatural in nature. “I have a job to do and nothing is going to stop me from doing it. Not the police, not some snot nosed football star or woman that has stuck her nose into business that really doesn’t concern her.”

  Judson stared at the way that the man was crashing his fist. He tried to pull free, but it was an effort in futility. “I only…need one hand…to deal with the likes of you.” Judson brought his right fist around in a wide arc making contact with the man’s eye. The blow caused the man to lose his grip for a second, but instead of panicking, Judson felt the meaty paw slap the side of his face and knock him onto the officer that was trying to get back up on his feet. He went towards the door where the woman was located, but found that she was no longer in the bed. His eyes darted around the room looking for any sign of her, but there didn’t seem to be any at all.

  Panicking, the man rushed down the hall towards the elevator, cautiously looking over his shoulder to see that Judson was scrambling to his feet to continue the pursuit.

  Samantha had watched through the open door how everything was playing out. She saw that Judson was on the losing end and had a feeling that the man would come back in to take out his frustrations on her. She managed to hide behind the door, just as the man slammed his shoulder into the entrance. He stood there with his hand on the door, having no idea that she was there not more than a few inches away from her. He was a man that wanted to do her harm. “I can’t breathe and I can’t move. If he even thinks that I’m here, then I won’t be able to fight him off. I know my limitations and this guy has a deadly demeanor that scares me. It’s in the way that he handled Judson. He’s somebody that is very well aware of his skills. If I didn’t know any better, I would swear that he was some professional that had been hired. The way that he’s talking, it makes me think that he’s looking for that major payday and I’m the one that’s standing in his way of getting it. I can see the blood dripping through my fingers and I can only hope that he’ll leave and let me get the medical help that I require to suture up this incision.”

  Samantha grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her arm, before exiting the room to see that Judson was hot on the heels of the man that h
ad tried to kill her. Actually, she had no idea if he was trying to kill her or not, but the evidence fully backed her assumption of things. They were going to have to analyze the substance that was placed into her IV. If it was, as deadly as she believed, then they were going to have to make sure that none of it got into her system.

  “Come back here, I’m not done with you yet.” Judson moved like he was on the field, sidestepping a nurse that came out of a room with her eyes bewildered at the young man that was bearing down on her. He moved with the grace of a panther, continuing to move, until he was an arm’s length away from the man. He didn’t look like he was at all concerned about getting caught. “I will teach you a lesson that you will never forget.” Judson knew that the man was big and that he was probably risking life and limb going after him without any sort of backup.

  “LET HIM GO…IT’S NOT WORTH IT.” Samantha was screaming her lungs out. She was hoping that Judson would see that going after the man was probably a foolish thing to do. “He can’t possibly get away. The cameras will catch him and they’ll be able to track him down and make him pay for all of this.” I have no idea if he’s even listening to me or if his blood lust for revenge is running too high. His adrenaline must be pumping like never before. He probably feels that the goal is to tackle his opponent and bring him down to the ground. I don’t want him to get hurt and this guy does not look like any stalker that I know. He reminds me of someone that has done this before and I don’t think that Judson comprehends the danger that he’s in.”

  Judson didn’t like that this man decided to come here of all places. He had a one track mind and that was taking this a man out with extreme prejudice.

  The man not even thinking anything of it decided that maybe it was time to take matters into his own hands. Samantha looked on horrified, as the man pulled a gun with a silencer affixed to the end of it. He pointed it at Judson with no regard for any innocent bystanders that might be in the line of fire.

  Chapter 2

  Judson saw the gun, but he couldn’t fully register that this was really happening. These things only occurred in movies and on television shows. It really didn’t happen in real life. Fights were one thing, but guys with silencers were what made those Block Buster movies in the summer. Actors and stuntmen put on a show that gave the audience what they wanted for an hour and a half of escapism.

  For the first time in his life, Judson was completely shocked and was barely able to move a single solitary muscle. He was amped up with the adrenaline rush of the moment, but that didn’t negate the fact that he was staring down the barrel of the gun. Instead of fighting, he backed away with his hands up in a kind of surrender. His life flashed before his eyes and this was one of those very telling moments in his life. He began to see how he was treating others and how his mother would feel about his behavior. He was appalled that people actually took his kind of abuse. He was even upset by his behavior towards women and how he treated them like they were only there for a one night escapade with both parties quite satisfied at the end of it.

  “Don’t move and I may not kill you for being such a pain in the ass.” The man wavered, but then he saw that the police officer was reaching for his own gun in self defense. There was blood dripping from his eye. It was from the cut that had formed from the man’s head making contact with officer’s face. “I don’t have time for this. You’ve done the only thing that has never happened to me and for that you will have to pay.” Amazingly, the elevator had arrived at precisely that moment. Thankfully, there was nobody inside and this behemoth of a man backed away from Judson with his eyes narrowed and keeping a careful watch on what Judson was thinking inside of that head of his.

  Samantha stood near one of the doors watching all of this and then she reached out her hand and touched Judson’s shoulder in a comforting motion. “Let him go…for god sakes let him go and let the professionals handle this. I don’t want anything to happen to you and you’ve become very important to me in a very short amount of time.” “I want to go after him myself, but I don’t think that that’s the right thing to do. I’ve never been one to play it safe, except for when it comes to relationships. I shy away from that kind of commitment, because I don’t think that a man is capable of giving his heart freely and openly. I might be wrong and I sense that Judson has changed for the better.”

  “She’s right, young man. You really shouldn’t mess with a man like that. I’ve been in the military and I know how these men think. Let’s say that we have been built from the same cloth and leave it that. I don’t know who he is, but his eyes told me that he was willing to kill anybody to get at his target. I’ve already called downstairs and the guard that is there has informed me that he will be more than happy to take care of the situation. They may be rent a cops, but I know that most of the security guards have training that goes beyond just the normal prerequisite few hours on the job. Stay here and don’t move, until I come back and find out what the hell all of this is about.” Officer Mills went down the stairs, having no idea that Judson and Samantha were sharing a very knowing look.

  “I know how you’re feeling; Judson and I don’t see any reason why we can’t be a fly on the wall. You’re probably thinking the same thing that I am. It’s not like anything is really stopping us.” They both took off down the stairs, but Judson was a little distracted by the open flap in Samantha’s gown. Her bare backside and the taper of her lower back was making it a little difficult to move in the condition that he found himself in. It didn’t stop him from leaping into action, but he had to find some way to cool his jets, or walking out onto the floor in the lobby would’ve been like putting a neon sign pointing towards his crotch.

  Samantha stopped on the second floor to catch her breath, but unfortunately she had come to that stand still a little bit too quickly. Judson slammed into her from behind pressing her body against the door with his magnificence steed nestled in between her ass cheeks. “I really don’t think that we have time for this. I know that I’m irresistible, but this is taking things a little bit too far.” She was only teasing, but his obvious arousal was not exactly hidden anymore. “There’s a huge part of me that wants to let him unzip and take me right here in the stairwell. I’ve never felt like this before with any other man and I have to admit that it scares me in a way excites me. He’s handsome, but his attitude is one that needs major adjusting. It’s possible that he’s seeing me more than a conquest and maybe something that he could rely on in the future.”

  “I didn’t mean anything by it and let’s just say that you running down the stairs didn’t exactly help matters any.” They were still standing there pressed up against each other, when the man in the surgical scrubs walked by. He didn’t even notice that they were staring at him through the window. The police had been on the lookout for him in the lobby, but he had fooled them by getting off on the second floor.

  “Don’t even think about doing what I think that you’re thinking about doing. It’s too dangerous and you’ve already seen that he doesn’t take kindly to interference. I wish there was a way that we could inform the police that he’s up here and not down in the lobby where they expect him to emerge.” Amazingly, Samantha noticed that the man in question was not running in a hell bent way to get away. He was calm and collected and moved like someone from the staff. He didn’t attract attention and he was busily blending in to an environment that was more apt to show restraint in the face of danger.

  “I can’t help myself. They won’t get here in time. He most likely had a plan for getting out of here.” Pulling away from Samantha was the hardest thing that he had ever had to do. He was worried that he would never see her again and that almost made him take a step back from doing something foolish. Unfortunately, he was wired a different way and his training in football had given him the courage to take things to the enemy that they wouldn’t expect. “I don’t want to worry about you, so I implore you to go down to the lobby and tell the police what is going on.” He didn’t giv
e Samantha the chance to say anything, before going out that door and following from a discreet distance. He didn’t want to risk having that gun pulled on him again, so waiting until that opportune time was the best course of action.

  Samantha wasn’t about to be denied. “I know that I should stay, but there’s absolutely no way that I can. I would feel terrible if something happened to him and that I could’ve done something to prevent it. This way, we can both put our heads in the Lions’ den and hope to god that this guy doesn’t swipe it off and take it home for a trophy. I’m sure that the police will realize that he didn’t make it to the lobby and begin a floor to floor search.” She knew that she was taking a huge risk and it was possible that she was going to make things worse.

  Samantha saw down the hall that Judson had hugged his body inside a room, as the man seemed to get a sense that he was being watched. He stayed there for some time, but then he finally opened the stairwell and disappeared within.

  Judson stepped lively, not making too much noise by running on the balls of its feet. He came to a stop at the door and opened it slowly. He stood there, not even aware that Samantha was staring at him through the window and waiting to see what he was going to do. He heard something, but it wasn’t coming from below. It appeared that this man was making his escape by going to the roof. He must have known something that they didn’t, but that wasn’t going to stop Judson from coming out, as the hero. He probably should have thought better of it, but his main concern was to make sure that nobody was able to do this again to Samantha.


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