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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 63

by Alice Cooper

  “Billy, I would tell you to stop, but I’m hoping that you won’t. If I say that I don’t want this, then I really don’t want you to believe it. It’s just my old self trying to raise its ugly head and I don’t want you to pay any attention to it. Do whatever you want to me.” India wasn’t sure what she was saying, but she was going with the flow and allowing this man, a virtual stranger to take control.

  “I’m glad that you said that, India. I was afraid that I was going to have to take this a step further than I would have liked. I sometimes get overanxious and the feeling of what is growing between my legs gets the best of me.” He dipped the bottle and heard her gasp with surprise, as the cold liquid began to move in rivers down from her neck and all the way down to her panties. It soaked everything in between. He continued to pour, even as it was dripping onto the floor and leaving quite a mess.

  After he had emptied the bottle, he endeavored to clean up what was still sticking in droplets to her skin. His tongue danced across her flesh, making her squirm and bite her bottom lip with a need that she didn’t even know how to voice.

  “If somebody had told me that this was going to happen today, I would’ve told them that they were completely out of their mind. I’m not like this and a big part of me wants to go screaming from this room. That small part that continues to grow exponentially is begging me to stay here and enjoy this. Billy really does know how to play a woman’s body like a musical instrument. He said that he was going to take me to new heights and I think that I believe him.”

  “That is one way to quench the thirst, but now I’m famished.” He lifted her easily onto the counter with a medley of pots overhead swinging precariously. She had her hands on the black marble top and she was shaking, but she was still letting him show her what it was like to really throw herself into something. “I think that what you need the most is an orgasm. You need that climactic moment, to seal the deal and make you want to experience everything. Let my tongue do the talking and I’ll show you exactly what your body is capable of. Put yourself in my hands and let all your preconceived notions about love and sex float away on the pleasurable experience.” Billy had found that seducing a woman was half talking a good game, while the other half was showing that you were not all talk and had action to back it up.

  India felt his hands on her knees, spreading them slowly, like he was enjoying the view and didn’t want it to end anytime soon. She felt her fingers digging into the marble top, while he easily spread her open.

  He still had the pair of scissors and he used them to cut both sides of her red panties. They fell away from her body and Billy snatched them in his hands to inhale the aroma and savor what was going to be a mind blowing experience of epic proportions.

  Going to the steel fridge, he came back with an ice cube tray, smacking it against the counter and letting a few cubes begin to melt on contact with the black marble top. Taking one into his mouth, he kept the end of it sticking out obscenely, making her eyes go wide and knowing with no experience necessary what he was going to do.

  “I don’t know about…THISSSSSSSSS.” The jarring impact of that ice cube touching her clit had her literally pointing her toes towards the ceiling and straining every muscle in her body to relax long enough to enjoy this. “Holy fuck… Holy mother of fucking god.” She had never used such profanity in the bedroom and most often than not she would just lie there and let them finish the deed and then turn over and go to sleep. “Yes…stick it inside me.” She felt that cube being inserted and then her legs began to tremble and that was the moment where she felt the rising tide of an orgasm that was going to take her breath away. It crashed over her and reminded her of the daunting sea coming to collect its prize. She screamed and she could hear the echo of it bouncing from one window to the next. She had her legs spread wide and inviting.

  Billy had gotten the first rush of adrenaline by opening her legs, but now it was something more. The feel of her juices coursing across his tongue only made his cock that much harder. He was still completely dressed, his shirt not unbuttoned and his pants were still firmly holding his family jewels and the staff that went along with it.

  He continued to play havoc with her senses, taking the last bit of ice cube and once again circling her clit to enhance the experience. Billy didn’t think that he had seen a more beautiful sight than her writhing and twisting on that countertop with her bare ass now sticking to it and leaving behind a very vivid memory of what they did here together. He would never be able to walk into the kitchen without smiling and reliving that moment over and over again.

  Finally, he pulled back, but it was with reluctance, because he really did want to continue on this same path. Had he been a woman, he most likely would have stayed down between her legs longer, but his cock was sending him signals that it was time to take things to the next level.

  Billy grabbed the butane lighter from the drawer by the stove, went back and pulled India on to her feet. She staggered and was barely able to stay standing, as she was dragged with insistence up the winding staircase.

  India had no idea what he was going to do with that lighter, until he entered into the bedroom and brought to life two candles that were now sitting there by the bed on either side on the night stands. They were red and then this intoxicating aroma of cinnamon wafted into the air.

  She was standing there in what was left of her black widow outfit. The stockings were ripped; the panties were gone and turned into confetti. They were still lying on the floor downstairs in the kitchen. Her corset was open and her breasts had heaved over the top and were now showing just how excited she really was.

  “I’m at a loss for words, Billy. I’ve never met a man that has been able to show me something about myself that I didn’t know.” “I think he knows that this is definitely taking me out of my comfort zone. He likes it and I can tell in his eyes that he’s enjoying showing me things that I’ve only either read about or seen on the Internet. It’s quite apparent that he’s getting something out of this. His cock is not going down and it’s been hard from the moment that he touched me.

  Billy put his hand on her chest and pushed her back on the soft mattress. The black Duvet that was on the top surrounded her like a cloud, while he stood there and looked at her almost naked body on display for his amusement and pleasure. “India, I hope you know that you always hurt the one you love.” With that, he reached underneath the bed, until his fingers came in contact with the black bag. He dragged it out and dumped the contents on the bed. He wanted to see her reaction and he got the impression that this was something that she had only thought about, but had never done.

  Chapter 4

  She scrambled back and looked at this array of interesting instruments. There was a medley of vibrators ranging from the soft core of 6 inches to a more menacing one in silver that looked like it would be daunting to a pornographic star.

  “I did say that I wanted to show you something. I did say that I had a bag of goodies with your name on it. If you want to leave, then I won’t stop you. However, if you did take a step out of this room, then all of this would go away. You’d never know how delicious being restrained or having your body used without your consent really would be like.” Instead of waiting for her reply, he started to undress, watching her eyes as she surveyed the toys and then looking at him with a bemused smile on her face.

  “I don’t know what I’m supposed to tell him. I want to say no, but my mind is telling me to be more adventurous. I only get this one life to live and it would seem like a damned useless life if I didn’t at least experience all that I could at least once. I’m watching him getting undressed and I know that he’s just waiting for my nod of approval. He won’t take it any further than taking off his shirt. His hand is on the belt, but he stares at me and I know that he wants me to reach out and do it myself.”

  “I know that you’re nervous and you have every reason to be. I can be a little imposing with my demands.” Billy saw her hands shaking, but they
were getting ever closer to the belt of his black tuxedo. He stared down at her fingers, as they delicately pulled the snap and then moved the zipper down, until gravity did the rest. His briefs were quite packed and there was that telltale spot of wetness where the head was now trying desperately to free itself from its prison.

  “You have this way about you, Billy. I’m not sure if I should be scared of you. I’m like what some kind a groupie would with a musician. I feel like you probably have had several young fans waiting with bated breath for your attention.” She touched the wetness and pulled back her finger, until she was moving it sensuously across her lips like her own personal lipstick.

  She pulled at the waistband, watching as the balloon shaped head came out to play. Her breath got caught in your throat, as she peeled that very frail piece of fabric down over his impressive manhood.

  As he stood there with his hands at his sides, she took in the large presence between his legs. It was better than she had envisioned it. Bigger than she thought it was going to be and made her crave just one taste. She proved that by moving forward and snapping out her tongue like a viper after a meal. She came in contact with that sticky substance on the tip and was going to pull back, but he had other ideas.

  Placing his hands on the back of her head, he plowed forward; gagging her and making her look on with apprehension in your eyes. He did not stop, not even when he touched the back of her mouth. He continued to apply pressure, seeing her struggle and knowing just how sinfully delightful it was going to be to make her deepthroat his impressive appendage.

  “That’s it, India. I knew that you had it in you and you just needed a firm hand to show you the way. Your throat is amazing. You have no idea what it looks like for me. I stand here and see your lips stretched over my cock and I know that there’s just a couple more inches, before you finally have the whole thing. Trust me, if you think that I’m going to back away and let you find that breather, then you have another thing coming.” He took a step forward and could hear the way that she was breathing erratically through her nose. “If you don’t panic, this will go a whole lot easier. Relax, or this is going to be very unpleasant.”

  “I don’t know what he expects from me. I’ve never had anything this big in my throat before. I’m drooling all over him and my eyes are wide and I have no idea when this is going to end. Granted, I don’t want it to end. I want this to continue and I think for the first time that I’m actually finding out what my body is willing and able to do.” Her mouth was full and that knob was now tickling her tonsils.

  Billy pulled out, feeling this sense of elation come over him from making her do something that she wouldn’t normally do. Her eyes were closed. He saw all the candles and got this bright idea that would definitely make him want her even more. He continued to fuck her face, thankful that she wasn’t using her teeth or showing her displeasure by trying to hurt him in any way. He gripped her hair and twisted it around, until he had a firm hold.

  She was looking at him, while he used her mouth for his own personal pleasure. She could taste that wet and sticky mixture on the tip. It was drizzling along her tongue and leaving her a reminder of what his taste that was like. It was very pleasant and if she could have it all the time, she would’ve made this part of her daily diet. Her appetite was begging to have more and the way that the vein was throbbing in the back was a sure sign that she was going to get it.

  “India, that tongue of yours is taking no prisoners. Your mouth is fucking hot and those pretty pink lips look, so damned good with my cock between them.” He felt it coming and he had this momentary weakness, where he was thinking about warning her, but didn’t.

  His hot seed exited at the top of his cock with a force that felt like a hose that was going off out of control. It reminded him of how a fireman would grab their hoses and hold them steady, because of the pressure that was involved in releasing such a volume. He looked on admiringly, seeing her cheeks fill out like a chipmunk that was storing something for winter. He thought for sure that he was too much for her to handle, but was pleasantly surprised to see that she was able to take everything that he had given her.

  “Damn he just shot that into my mouth. I’m just glad that I braced myself for the onslaught. There was no way that I was going to take something like that without having some forewarned knowledge. He may not think so, but that vein along the back and the swelling of the knob was a dead giveaway that I was going to have more than I bargained for. I did enjoy it, but that was just a tease and there was more to come that involved my legs wrapped around his waist.”

  “India, you showed me something here today. Women that have been in your position before usually find a reason to vacate the premises at this point. You may be thinking about it, but you haven’t done anything about it. I’m glad, because I have only begun.” He climbed over her body with his naked and glistening skin hovering over top of her. He was a little out of commission, but he knew from personal experience that this was only a temporary reaction.

  “I really didn’t think that I was going to be able to take that. You really don’t know how to take no for an answer. I know that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, at least in any way that was going to leave any permanent marks.” She saw him reaching for the two candles and now he was moving the flame over her chest. “You can’t be… AHHHHHHH.” The wax dripped onto her skin and the sizzling touch made her cry out, but not in a bad way. This was something new and was not something that she was going to let stand, as a one time thing.

  Billy painted an erotic portrait with that wax. He saw each drop streak across her skin, leaving behind a paintbrush of her desires. Seeing her turn and moan, only made his cock become renewed with a vigor that was almost ready for the helping hand of her pussy to lead him to his own pleasure. The balance of power between them was usurped. He was enjoying seeing her body react to the hot wax. He didn’t let her know that it was coming. His cock was growing with the moans escaping her lips.

  “I love that you’re able to take this kind of punishment, India. Others are a pale comparison to somebody that is open to this type of sexual behavior. I don’t know how many times I can count that I’ve been brought before my parents with accusations that I’ve taken advantage of some young thing. I think that might be the reason why they wanted me to enlist. What they didn’t realize was that sending me out into the world with those kind of predilections had made it easier to prey on those that found me to be a magnetic sexual force.” India knew that she was only doing this, because she felt almost compelled by his eyes to comply with all of his wishes.

  “There’s no way that I could do this with any other boy. I would see their intentions and I would shy away from an experienced hand. I see Billy differently and maybe it has something to do with my need to get one up on my best friend. She would be perfectly aghast to learn that I had conquered this particular conquest. Maybe, I would be given a little bit more respect, or it’s even possible that I would ruin a friendship. I’m not even sure if it was much of a friendship to begin with. To me, I don’t think it would be much of a loss, but maybe I’m just saying that. I had no idea that droplets of wax could make me twist and turn in his grasp like I’m doing.”

  Billy had his cock in his hand, stroking it and looking at India and knowing that this was like no other woman that he had ever been with.

  “I want you to fuck me. I don’t want just what you give every woman. I want you to give me everything you have, don’t hold back the show me what it’s like to be taken like a real woman. This can be something that we can repeat, or this can be a one time encounter. It’s entirely up to you.” India didn’t want to give him that kind of power and most men were only after one thing and then they would send the woman on their way.

  “You are a breath of fresh air, India. I have this desire, something that will probably make you cock an eyebrow. I want to fuck your tits and spray all over them and then rub that stuff into your skin.” Billy grabbed onto her ankles, sp
eared her with his cock and saw her eyes become the measuring stick of every woman from this moment on. He would want to find those that were exactly like India, but he wasn’t quite sure that there was even a possibility that somebody was out there like her. She was unique, one of a kind and not something that you could find on the local street corner.

  Her naiveté and the way that she looked at the world was like seeing it for the first time. He enjoyed taking his pleasure and giving it back 10 fold. If girls in her position would trust him, he would’ve been able to show them that there was no time like the present to find out what their bodies were capable of.

  “I love the way that your pussy surrounds me like a tight glove, India. You make me feel like I shouldn’t even think about other women. God damn it, India… You really do like it rough.” He pushed up into her, going in all the way to the balls and then pulling back out and letting her almost beg with her eyes for him to continue. “You really don’t have to say a thing and I know exactly what you want.” He lifted her to him, looking down at her beautiful Angelic face. He slapped her ass hard, making sure that there was the imprint of his fingers stinging her skin and leaving a mark that would probably fade in time.

  Chapter 5

  Billy stayed completely still, enjoying the way that she was clawing at his chest with these tears of joy that were welling up in her eyes. He was wondering if maybe she was in pain, but she wasn’t trying to force him to stop. In fact, he got the impression that she wanted him to continue.

  “Please… I need it. You know that I do, or you wouldn’t have taken me up here in the first place.” She arched her back and pulled away from him, essentially fucking his column of flesh with her own body. “If you don’t do it, then I will.” This was evident by the way that she was now moving those lips up and down his cock. She stopped at the head and made sure to leave it inside, giving him more than ample pleasure to continue this pursuit of her body.


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