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A Promise Kept

Page 7

by Anissa Garcia

  He handed her a photo of a woman who looked exactly like Evan as she stood with a blond-haired, blue-eyed boy that hugged her tightly. Grace smiled at the crazy resemblance between them all. Their eyes were all the same shape and color. “He’s adorable.”

  “He’s Katie’s. She’s a drama teacher, married to James. And Hilary is a blogger and perpetual student.”

  “How many degrees does she have?”

  “I think she’s on her third? Maybe fourth? Can’t keep track.”

  Grace was impressed, moving about the kitchen and motioning toward a bottle of red wine. He took the bottle and opener from her, and proceeded as she grabbed the glasses. Checking on Jake, she saw he was in his own world, so she allowed herself the chance to relax with Evan. He poured the wine and handed her a glass. She sipped and felt it trickle down her throat. “Are you the oldest?”

  “Middle. And I took every opportunity I could to tease the both of them when we were growing up. I drove them crazy.” His eyes were reminiscent as he spoke.

  Grace could sense how important his family was to him. Something she wouldn’t have gathered from the playboy. Her heart felt that twinge of longing for love and acceptance from hers. She couldn’t help but yearn for that. “You seem close to them.”

  “I am. I miss them a lot when I’m away. But I have a place in Boston so it gives me an opportunity to be with my family more than not.” He strolled toward her bookshelves and she followed. “And your family, Grace? You don’t talk to your parents at all?”

  She stood beside him and shook her head resolutely. “Not really. When Nathan died, they pulled away. I wasn’t the golden child, that was more his role.”

  “They don’t call you? Visit?” His blue eyes focused on her and she was afraid to see pity from them. Instead she saw an urgency to know more.

  “Sometimes they text, but it’s a quick hello, doing okay, still alive type thing.” Grace focused on her bookshelves instead and tried to remind herself she wasn’t at fault, even though her parents thought so. She took a gulp of wine, hoping it would lessen the tightness in her throat. “They haven’t even come back to visit his grave. They left everything behind. Including me.”

  “How did he die, Grace?”

  His voice was soft, understanding, and it seemed effortless to want to tell him everything. Or perhaps her want of a companion was stronger than she thought. Loneliness was something she had gotten so used to, it could be said it was her best friend. That kept her from confiding completely in this man. Keep it short and to the point, Grace. “He fell and broke his neck.”

  Evan’s eyes widened in shock and she knew her abrupt answer required more of an explanation, but she wasn’t ready to give it yet. “That’s awful. I’m sorry.”

  “Accidents happen,” she added that more for her own comfort at the moment than for his. He wasn’t questioning any further, so she said no more about it. There was always that awkward feeling of what someone was to say after something like that, so she spared him and changed the subject. “So, your mom likes to bake?”

  Sensing the shift, Evan nodded with a smile. “Yeah, she always had homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for us. We’d get home after school and that was our comfort food.”

  Grace liked hearing as he told her stories about how he would tease Hilary and tell her she was the adopted weirdo. “You probably scarred her for life,” she laughed.

  “She came out alright,” he chuckled then perused her shelves. “I like these books, Grace. I see you have a lot of poetry stuff.”

  “Yeah, I like poetry.”

  “Me too. I took an acting class where I had to memorize poems instead of monologues. I got hooked,” Evan shared as his finger grazed along the spines of her books.

  Grace realized there was much more to Evan than she initially thought. “This one’s my favorite.” She tugged out a frayed copy of a book and handed it to him. “Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther. I know it’s a bit dark, but the way he loved her was beautiful.”

  His demeanor had instantly shifted. She watched his eyes gloss, as if his mind were somewhere else as he grasped the book slowly.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  He looked at her with tenderness as he gently lifted his lips to a smile. His voice was soothing. “Not at all, Gracie Lynn. Goethe’s my favorite too.”

  She gave him a doubtful glance before turning away and broaching another topic. Before they realized it, the sun had gone down, and Jake was asleep as Superman had finished saving the world. Evan insisted on picking Jake up himself and carrying him to her room. Grace allowed it, and followed Evan as they both tucked him in.

  Grabbing his box from the kitchen, he handed her another brownie. “For tomorrow.”

  “Thanks,” she giggled and took it from him.

  “Thanks for the pizza.” She walked him toward the door and he turned, his midnight blue eyes focused on her. He tugged on a curl and ran his finger over her cheek. “I’ll see you Saturday night.”

  The moment would’ve been perfect for Grace to tell Evan that she didn’t want to date him. The problem was, she wasn’t so sure of that fact anymore. Evan Matthews was a force to be reckoned with, and for the first time in her life, she was questioning that promise she had made long ago and whether she’d be able to keep it much longer.

  Grace ran her hands over the top of her high ponytail and tugged it tighter at the base. The dark, shiny locks fell down and she knew she’d be in for a scalp ache at the end of the night. Nervously, she yanked on the short black skirt and turned back to see if she was close to showing her ass. The tall, black, platform boots were going to give her a hell of a time walking down the uneven sidewalks of 6th Street.

  “Don’t second guess yourself, Grace. You’re hot.” Marla walked into Grace’s bedroom and stood in front of the antique full-length oval mirror, pushing her aside to get the entire view to herself. “You wearing panties under that thing?”

  “Of course. Difference is mine aren’t showing and yours definitely are,” Grace teased with a laugh.

  “They aren’t panties.”

  “More like hot pants?” Grace snapped the waistband of Marla’s blue polyester shorts with white stars.

  “Jaime didn’t tie the corset tight enough. Can you fix it?” Marla placed her hands on the wall in front of her as Grace tugged and pulled tight at the strings.

  “Will you be able to breathe?”

  “I’m Wonder Woman. I can do it all.” She then let out an exhale and pressed a hand to her stomach. “Okay, are you trying to kill me? Let the ties out a little bit.”

  Grace rolled her eyes and adjusted the red and gold corset for her. “Where’s your headband?”

  Marla stopped in her tracks and stared at Grace with her jaw to the floor. “Excuse me, it is not a headband. It’s a tiara that doubles as a boomerang.”

  Grace shrugged. “Sorry, geez.”

  “What makes Wonder Woman so wonderful is that her accessories are not only fabulous, but they also serve a purpose.”

  Grace laughed at Marla’s dry delivery. “You’re cracking me up.”

  “Fine. I’m glad I made you laugh, but I’m serious.” She paused a moment, then cracked a smile. “And I saw Jaime trying it on Dean’s big noggin.”

  “It looks good over his Batman mask.” Jaime sauntered in wearing a black leather Cat Woman outfit. On top of her head was the Wonder Woman tiara/boomerang. “Looking sexy, Grace!”

  Grace fidgeted with the skirt and put her black leather jacket on over her olive-colored shirt. A smirk crept up on her lips as she thought about what Evan’s reaction would be to her character choice tonight. “Let’s see if I survive the night wearing these ridiculous boots.”

  Marla countered, “Let’s see if you survive the rage of Captain Abrams once he sees your costume.”

  “You think he’d care?”

  “Oh, he’ll definitely care.”

  Grace suddenly felt worried. “I don’t even kno
w why we’re going to this stupid party.”

  Marla and Jaime gasped. Jaime approached Grace and shook her as Marla exited the room. “Don’t be an idiot, Grace. A party with the stars of the Ending Series. Evan Matthews? Benjamin Taylor? Kara Jones? I want to meet all these people.”

  “You’re just nervous. Here, have some of this.” Marla passed around shot glasses filled with liquid amber.

  Grace grabbed one and sniffed at the contents. “Did you just bust open my bottle of Glenlivet?”

  “Like you were going to drink it anytime soon.” Marla held her glass up and the three girls clinked them together. “To a night out. Finally!”

  The three girls gulped down the whiskey, and Grace winced at the burn her throat felt. So much for the celebratory “you-finished-your-memoir” bottle she bought herself. Marla poured them all another round. Grace had to be careful. She had been too caught up to get a chance to run to the grocery store earlier, so dinner had been set aside. Perhaps there would be food at the party.

  “So, Grace, tell us about Ben Taylor. You haven’t spilled since he’s moved in,” Marla probed when she finally took the tiara off of Jaime and adjusted her auburn hair over it.

  “He’s nice.” Grace finished the last touches of her makeup by adding extra mascara and setting everything with powder. “He sort of reminds me of Nathan a little bit.”

  “Oh, then not interested in dating him, huh?”

  “Ew. That’d be weird.” Jaime made a face as she adjusted her costume.

  “He’s super beautiful though. Can’t you overlook it?”

  “Um. No, I can’t.” Grace laughed at the notion. Benjamin Taylor was courteous and dashing, but she instantly took to him in a platonic way that she wished she felt whenever she thought about Evan.

  “Speaking of beautiful, how about Mr. Matthews? Jake can’t shut up about him. You know, the teacher called to tell me that he was lying to his friends saying that Captain Drew Abrams was his new buddy. I think she was in shock to find out it was true. The woman won’t stop sucking up to me now. She even booked a haircut with me. Have you guys gone on one of your dates yet?”

  “He’s fine, and no. But what I want to know about is if Marla’s still talking to that Cameron guy from work.”

  Marla grumbled. “The idiot won’t leave me alone.”

  “Hah, so you have been talking to him,” Jaime teased Marla and luckily forgot about Evan.

  “I keep telling him it was a one-time thing. The guy keeps trying to convince me otherwise.”

  “I think that’s sweet,” Jaime laughed. “He’s got a crush.”

  “I think it’s bordering on harassment, actually,” Grace chimed in, swigging the rest of her drink. She’d better pace herself. Last thing she wanted was to lose control around Mr. Hollywood. It was difficult enough when she was sober.

  “You girls ready yet? The shuttle’s here,” Dean announced after waiting patiently in the living room for the girls as they got ready.

  Grace couldn’t help but chuckle at the black smudges around his eyes. “Did that Batman mask get a little hot, Dean?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure that place is gonna be packed too. I’m almost wishing I was a woman so I could wear a skirt.”

  “You could’ve played a highlander and worn a kilt, babe.” Jaime smiled and gave Dean a kiss. Grace watched with a twinge of sadness tugging on her heart. Their relationship was something that Grace longed for, but she had started to believe that it didn’t exist for her. Cynicism was starting to take over, the dream being lost long ago.

  “You two are repulsively cute. Let’s get going,” Marla sneered as she grabbed her cash and pushed it inside her bra. “Bring the whiskey so we can drink on the shuttle, Grace.”

  “You owe me a new bottle.”

  “You said you just sent your manuscript to your editor. The Glenlivet is for celebration.”

  “It was for the memoir celebration. Not the historical romance one.”

  Marla shrugged. “Whatever. It’s still an accomplishment, Grace. Now, pass the bottle around. We’re drinking and partying.”

  “I need to eat something,” Grace mumbled, reminding herself to stay in control.

  The driver smiled as they filed into the swank privately-owned shuttle. Grace sat down, settling her purse on the edge of the seat. Screw control. When was the last time she had fun? She would let herself unwind and enjoy her evening. She got to put on a sexy outfit, go out with her girlfriends, and see a hot man who just so happened to play a space superhero. She was ready to have fun and mingle.

  Over my dead body. That was the first response that shot into Evan’s mind earlier in the day when Ben talked animatedly about his gorgeous property manager to the other guys at work. Evan might’ve let his elbow get a little too close during stunt training and accidentally clipped Ben a few times in the face. That’s right, asshole, stay away.

  Damn, how was he letting a woman affect him in this way? There was no doubt that Grace was a sexy woman, and she did everything to stir up feelings of lust, but he wasn’t the type to get caught up in thinking long term. Long distance relationships never worked. He had to think of ways to keep this light, have a fun few months with her, and part as good friends. It always worked well with others, but she was so different and he was having trouble figuring out how he would ever let her go if he even had the opportunity to catch her.

  He checked his watch again, his leg bouncing on the barstool in anticipation over Grace’s arrival. She had texted him letting him know they were running late, so he had sent the shuttle back to get them despite her protests. He wasn’t going to let her get away that easily.

  Josh sat beside Evan and scratched under the stethoscope that hugged his neck. “I fucking hate Halloween,” Josh groaned as he drank from a bottle of water.

  Evan smirked as he kept his eyes roaming the crowded bar. “Well, at least you made a little effort, Doctor McKenzie.”

  “I’m not one for flash.”

  “No shit, really?” Evan snickered. He tugged on the gear of his SWAT uniform he had borrowed from their props department. The camouflage pants and military green shirt were fine except for the heavy ballistics vest he wore. There was still no sign of her. He leaned over and nudged at Josh’s arm. “Listen, if you see Grace around other guys, keep an eye on her.”

  “Other guys?”

  “You know, just take care of her for me.”

  Josh smiled slyly at Evan. “Shit. Zach was right, then.”

  “What? I was actually right about something?” Zach approached with a drink in hand and gave it over to Evan.

  “I’m not sure. What exactly is he right about, Josh?” He sipped on his Old Fashioned slowly.

  Josh shook his head and pointed to Evan with his thumb. “This guy just asked me to keep an eye on Grace.”

  “Boom! You owe me a crispy, new one hundred dollar bill, you fucker!” Zach punched Josh’s shoulder.

  Evan stared in confusion. “You going to tell me what this is all about?”

  “Zach said you had it bad for the little romance author next door. I just assumed you wanted to sample and get her out of your system. Didn’t think you were actually serious about her.”

  “I’m not serious, guys,” Evan contended, trying to contain his embarrassment.

  Zach grinned. “You’d never care if it was just someone you wanted to get out of your system. Right?”

  Evan sighed. “Guys, it’s not like that. Grace is a nice girl. I don’t want dickheads like Ben and Ryan bothering her all night.”


  “You’re one to talk, Josh. You still obsessing over Red?”

  “Don’t call her that,” Josh grumbled, pointing to Zach with an intimidating look.

  “You let Evan call her that.”

  Josh puffed out his chest, crossing his arms. “Because I know he’s not lusting after her the way you are.”

  “Dude, I haven’t even met her, you prick.”

  “What woma
n doesn’t Zach lust over, Josh?” Evan chuckled as he put down his empty glass on the bar and stood up. “Anyway, just look after her, guys. I might be pulled away and I don’t want idiots bothering her.”

  “Like they’re bothering her now?” Zach tipped his chin to the other side of the bar. “Grace’s been here at least twenty minutes. I thought you knew that though.”

  Evan looked up to see Grace talking with the two guys he knew would be swarming around her like bees to honey. Benjamin Taylor and Ryan Dane were chomping at the bit to get to her. She was too gorgeous not to have men want her. That skirt was the shortest thing he’d seen, and her legs were creamy and shapely. Those platform boots were something else, and he wanted nothing more than to have them wrapped around his body.

  He’d be damned if he was going to let Ben or Ryan get their hands on her. Sure, she was stunning, but his interest in her was more than that. He appreciated Grace in a way those twats never would. She twisted his insides, tested him not only physically but intellectually. She seemed attentive to who he actually was, what he had to say, and how he said it. Which was more than any other woman wanted from him.

  “She doesn’t look all that bothered, Evan,” Josh muttered.

  “What’s she doing talking to those assholes?” Evan grumbled as he watched Ryan give her a drink. He cursed under his breath as Ben touched her forearm. Evan’s hands had already curled into fists, his nails digging in almost to the point of drawing blood. She turned, her ponytail brushing over her shoulder. Ryan clasped a lock of her hair and felt it between his fingers.

  Evan then saw Grace push his hand away as she knocked back the alcohol in a flash. He felt his heart pounding in his ears, and swore his blood pressure was climbing. Brazenly, he skyrocketed toward her and put his arm around her shoulder. “There you are, sweetie pie.”


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