Cowboy Games
Page 12
“What do you want from me, Rayne?”
“You are going to get shower, shave, and get dressed. We are then going to work out a battle plan to win her back,” Rayne declared as he threw away some of the stale snacks. “I’m going to make you some real food while you get ready. Be out here in ten or else.”
“Fuck you,” Jesse said without any conviction. He knew Rayne was right, so he pushed himself up and headed to the shower.
After a shower and a shave, he felt much better. More human. As he looked in the mirror, he saw that the light was gone from his eyes, but then again, he had lived in darkness for the past month. How was it that a girl that he had known for less time than he had mourned her have this kind of power over him? It was crazy! He shrugged as he knew the answer. It didn’t matter when two souls that belonged to each other found their mate. He knew that if he ever wanted to live again, he had to be with her or be condemned to this living Hell.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
“Oh shit!” Lana cried out as she stared at the pregnancy test. It had been a month of complete and utter Hell, which sometimes made her wish that she was living in Silent Hill instead. She hadn’t been able to eat, sleep, or concentrate, but she had chalked that up to a case of a broken heart. Steph and the rest of her teammates had mentioned more than once that she needed to either get over it or fight for him. How could she fight for him when he had a brother to lose? That wasn’t a fair fight, and Lana never fought dirty.
As one of her trembling hands went to caress her still flat stomach the other went to pick up the pregnancy kit box again to make sure that she hadn’t read it wrong. Yup. Two lines means pregnant and I see two lines. What am I going to do now?
She berated herself for not having a conversation with him about condoms; but she really cursed herself forgetting to take her birth control pills while she was at the ranch. Never in her life had she missed a dose, but Jesse had driven all rational thought from her and she had missed more than one dose. Now, she stood barefoot and pregnant in her bathroom. Fabulous! Simply marvelous!
There was no question in her mind that she would keep the baby. She already loved the child with a protective fierceness that she couldn’t even comprehend. Jesse deserved to know, but she worried that he would try to gain custody of the child. He could use her traveling for work against her. So don’t tell him… a small voice whispered. Lana immediately did away with that idea. He deserved to know. Besides, maybe the two brothers could work things out. Fingers crossed.
If only I hadn’t been such a coward and asked Steph to take over the camp planning! At least then they could have still had some relationship and it wouldn’t have been so odd to call him out of the blue.
She put the box on the counter and looked at herself in the mirror. Gazing back at her was a woman that she hardly recognized. Her boobs had grown a little, but her face looked tired, her multi-colored hair limp and in need of a stylist, and her eyes lacked their usual luster.
Knock! Knock! Knock! The knocking on the door made her break out of her self-pity. Pulling her shirt down protectively over her belly. She went to answer the door.
Checking the peephole, she was surprised to see Cody standing outside. Her stomach dropped.
She threw the door open in an almost panic. “Cody! Is Jesse okay?”
Cody gave her a mischievous smile and walked in. “Hello to you too, Galactic Queen! Jesse has seen better days, but he’s okay.”
They both moved to her purple couch and sat down. Cody pulled out his phone and held it in his lap. “Look Lana, I’m sorry about what happened back at my house. I had no right to say those hurtful things about you.”
Lana reached out and covered his hand with hers, “No, Cody. I owe you an apology. I knew that you had a crush on me. I wanted to tell you about Jesse and me, but I didn’t feel like it was my place.”
“It’s okay, Lana. You can make it right,” Cody laughed as he turned on his phone and moved to the picture gallery. “You have to come back. Jesse can’t live without you.”
“I doubt that…” Lana began even as her spirit lifted a little.
“Look at this,” Cody held up a picture of Jesse passed out on the couch with beer bottles strewn around him. His hair was shaggy, he was now sporting a beard, and his clothes looked sloppy. “This was taken last night. He’s like this all the time now. He’s drunk more than he’s sober and he’s a sad drunk. Even passed out he calls your name.”
“Wow, I…” Lana began to reply when another knock sounded at her door.
“Expecting company?”
“No, this is unusual.” Opening the door without looking through the peephole, her breath was taken away when she saw Jesse.
He looked delicious standing there in faded jeans, a short sleeve black shirt, cowboy boots, and hat. His face though, showed signs of the rough month he had endured.
She was embarrassed that she felt that she looked like shit, but couldn’t bring herself to say anything, let alone move. So, they stood there, soaking in the presence of the other.
“My god! You two are pathetic!” Cody burst out laughing.
It was then that Jesse noticed Cody on the couch. “What are you doing here? You should be at school!”
Cody stood up and gave his brother a warm smile, “Brother, I was tired of seeing you mopin’. I’m sorry for what happened, but I see now that you two were meant for each other. I was coming here to ask her to save your sorry ass. Don’t ruin the work I’ve done for you.” With that he turned, “I’m headed to the bathroom. I’ll be out when I hear talking that doesn’t relate to sex.”
“Cody!” Jesse bit out and then laughed. “Thank you.”
Lana took a step toward Jesse and felt immediate relief when he pulled her in his arms. She melted when he kissed her forehead. Tilting her head back, she kissed his chin and then looked into his eyes. “Jesse, I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too, darlin’. God, I love you!” With that he brought his mouth down on hers and ravished her as if he wanted to meld her body to his.
Just when they were beginning to really get into it, Cody burst out into the room, “Lana! Wow! Oh wow!”
Lana then remembered what was on the bathroom counter. Frack!
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Jesse had been so relieved that Lana had taken him back that he wasn’t the least bit angry over Cody sneaking out from school and flying half-way across the country without his knowledge. For the sake of love, he was going to let it slide. But when the boy then interrupted his feasting of Lana, he got a little bugged.
As he brought his head up, he noticed that the air around Cody seemed to be charged with excitement. He looked down at Lana to see and feel her shrinking away; her cheeks red.
“What’s up, Cody?”
“You… ahhh… you need to talk to Lana about what’s on the counter. I’m going to… go for a… walk,” with that Cody raced past them and closed the door behind him.
Lana untangled herself from his arms and instantly he felt her absence. Moving to the couch, he pulled her against him as she fiddled with the hem of her t-shirt.
“What’s up, darlin’? You know you can tell me anything,” he softly implored.
Lana seemed to be debating with herself and then a stillness came over her body. She turned and looked him in the eye, “Jesse, I’m pregnant.”
“Pregn…?” Jesse began. His tongue felt thick in his mouth. His brain seemed to stop working as it tried to process her words. Finally he computed and his arms came crushing around her. He felt more joy in that one moment than he had ever felt in his life. He had been given two great gifts and he would be damned if he lost them this time. “Darlin’, I’m ecstatic! How are you feeling? Can I feel it kicking? How?”
Lana laughed at all his questions and placed his hand on her belly. “First, it’s too small to feel anything yet. I felt like crap, but I’m not sure if it was a case of brok
en heart or pregnancy. All I know now, is I feel much better since you walked through the door. And as for the how, I’m an idiot. I missed some of my birth control pills while at the ranch.”
“You’re not an idiot, you’re a goddess,” Jesse breathed in wonder. “Where’s your bedroom? I don’t want Cody walking in on us.”
Lana gave a little giggle that warmed Jesse’s heart. “Second door on the left,” she snuggled in close to him as he lifted her up and carried her down the hall.
Jesse didn’t even look at her room as he entered it and banged the door closed. He was too enthralled with the sight of the woman carrying his baby. She was his everything. It should have scared him, but instead he felt honored and amazed. He laid her reverently on the middle of the bed and slowly began stripping off her clothes. As he pulled off her Star Wars T-shirt he kissed her still flat belly.
Placing his hands on either side of her small waist, he marveled that a little baby could be in there. “Hi baby. I love you.” He kissed her belly and slowly pulled off her shorts and panties. Her pleasure was first and foremost in his mind as he licked his way down from her navel to her sweet folds, already glistening with her desire. He reveled in the feeling of her nails biting into his scalp, holding his head to where he wanted to worship.
Slowly, he licked her treasure from slit to clit, stopping at her clit to tease it with his tongue. One of his hands left her waist, to dip two fingers into her heat. He growled with pleasure to find her wet and ready. She moaned and thrashed as he bent the fingers inside her forward a bit to hit the bundle of nerves that were the most sensitive as he continued to flick her clit with his tongue.
“Now, Jesse! NOW!” She ground out.
He looked up to see her eyes closed, her hair strewn on her pillow, and her chest heaving. She was more than ready and he was not about to keep a lady waiting.
He threw off his clothes and stroked his ready cock once before lining it up with her passage. Holding one leg up to his shoulder and the other around his waist, he slowly penetrated her. She raised her hips, begging him to go deeper, faster, harder, but he wouldn’t relent. This was no simple session of sex. This was the melding of two souls for all time.
Once he planted himself in her all the way, he let out a deep breath. Looking down it was so erotic to see himself embedded within her folds, and feel her ass against his balls. Huffing, he began to do shallow thrusts, not willing to allow too much of himself to part from her.
“You’re mine and I’m yours, Lana. Forever,” He heard himself huff out.
“Yes! I love you!” she cried.
“I don’t want anyone but you. Body, soul, every bit of you and every bit of me belong together. Take every drop of me, my love.”
His words and throbbing shaft pushed her to her limits and she began to climax, pulsing around his cock. Jesse gave a few more thrusts as he felt the climax build in his own body. Looking at her spread on the bed with his child in her was enough to send him over the edge. He came with a loud shout, relieved to once again touch Heaven.
Tired, spent, and happy, he dropped on top of her and then rolled them to their sides. Rubbing her back in circles, he felt her body relax and go limp. He knew that she was catching up on some much needed sleep. Satisfied in a way that he never had before, he allowed himself to drift off.
Chapter Forty
Lana lay in bed with her eyes closed, afraid to open them and see that it was all a dream; that felt like a warm body next to hers was simply a pillow, and the arms wrapped around her was only her blanket.
Smelling Pad Thai coming from her kitchen, she opened her eyes and saw Jesse sleeping peacefully next to her. She took a moment to admire his relaxed body. He needed his rest. When she had opened the door earlier and saw him standing there, she was thrilled to see him, but couldn’t help but notice the bags under his eyes.
His body was as hard and muscular as she remembered. The soft light of twilight basked the room in an ethereal glow, making his skin shine golden brown and his tattoos pop. Lana admired his strong arms and chest. She had never really had the opportunity to really explore them and she couldn’t pass up the opportunity. She traced the broken arrow with a finger and then moved to explore the new tattoo that rested over his heart. It was drawn to look like an old cattle brand. Inside in clear, bold letters were JL + LS.
Lana’s breath caught as she slowly reached out to trace it to make sure that her eyes weren’t deceiving her. Marking your body with someone else’s name was serious. She knew that it meant that he did, indeed belong to her, as she did him. The pieces of her heart melded wholly back together and started to beat again, but this time the ol’ ticker chanted Jesse.
She traced the tattoo over and over, hardly believing that she had managed to steal the heart of this sexy, drool worthy cowboy. But, here, etched into his skin over his heart was the evidence.
“Believe it,” she heard Jesse whisper as he covered her hand with his.
Looking up into his eyes, her breath caught. He knew what she had been thinking without saying it. Not wanting to be too predictable, she gave him a sassy smile. “You say the sweetest things.”
Jesse brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. He then put it back over his heart. “Yeah, and if you ever tell anyone else that I sound like a damn Hallmark card around you I’ll…”
“You’ll what, big man?” She teased as she rolled to the other side of the bed.
Jesse lunged for her and she jumped away laughing. He then charged her and caught her, careful of her belly. Laying her over his lap, he rubbed a palm on her soft behind and then leaned down to kiss it. “I have my punishments.”
Lana heard herself moan and felt her essence start flowing again between her legs. She started to wiggle on him when he gave a gentle slap to her rear. “Up, you sexy thing. My brother’s out there with dinner. I am starving.”
“Yes sir!” Lana teased as she jumped and gave him a salute.
Lana couldn’t help but glance at him as they dressed. He was gorgeous. He didn’t seem to fit in her tiny Berkeley apartment. He was a man who needed the great outdoors to house him.
“Come on, babe.” He gave her a wink as he grabbed her and dragged her down the hall.
As they walked down the hall to the kitchen, Lana’s stomach growled and Cody and Jesse laughed. She smiled. It was nice to hear the brother’s laughing together.
‘What did you get?” Jesse asked as he pulled out a seat for Lana.
“Pad Thai, Chicken Tikka Masala, and nachos,” Cody said around a full mouth.
“None of those go together,” Lana laughed.
Cody blushed, “Yeah, well I remember you saying how you craved them at our house. I figured with you being pregnant, you probably have all sorts of cravings. I knew you liked them so I got them. But… the nachos were for me.”
Lana felt herself tear up. “Cody, you are the sweetest.”
Cody blushed and shrugged, “Gotta take care of my new niece or nephew.”
Jesse patted him on the back approvingly and started serving her and himself.
“So, have you decided where you’re going to live?” Cody asked as he bit into a chip.
“No, I assumed…” Lana began.
“I’m selling the ranch and we’ll live here,” Jesse interrupted.
“WHAT? That doesn’t make any sense!” Lana protested. “The ranch is a part of you, Jesse! It’s like taking a fish out of water!”
“So, are you saying you don’t think I could cut it in the big city?”
“No, well I…” she stammered.
Jesse silenced her with a quick kiss. “It makes the most sense. Your work is here, Lana. And let’s face it, Cody, you’ll be moving out here one day. The ranch may be your home, but you were never at home there, if you know what I mean. Two versus one. It was an easy choice. I want to be around the people I love and make them happy. If that means moving to the city, then I will.”
Lana’s mouth dropp
ed open. Jesse reached over and gently placed a finger under her chin and closed it. She felt like she was having an out of body experience. She was in shock, alternating between hot and cold. She couldn’t let Jesse give up the ranch for her. The tradition that he held so close to his heart was there. His history, his current hard work, their future.
“No Jesse, I won’t let you,” she protested.
“You’re letting me love you, Lana. End of story,” he said around a mouthful of Pad Thai.
“Damn! You are a goner!” Cody chuckled as he looked at his brother.
Jesse pointed a finger at him, “Wait until your turn.”
“Ha!” Cody replied as he chomped on another chip.
“No, Jesse. I don’t want to be a pro gamer anymore. When I was at your ranch I realized that I wanted roots. A place my children could feel connected to. I want that for them and us. Outlaw Ranch is that place.” Lana hated that her voice trembled, but she wanted him to know she was serious. She was ready to move on and focus on other goals. Gaming had been good to her, but love was better.
Jesse drew in a breath. The look in his eyes seared her soul. At first she was a little afraid that maybe she had insulted him and the sacrifice that he was willing to make. “God you’re perfect,” his voice was deep with emotion as he pulled her to him for a kiss. Not breaking from her lips, he pulled her onto his lap.
“Ahhum…” Cody interjected.
Lana buried her face in Jesse’s neck and breathed in his fresh masculine scent. She would never get enough of him.
His chest rumbled as he spoke to Cody, “Sorry about that. And thank you, Cody for your part in all this.”
Cody smiled as he began eating with gusto again. “My pleasure. Although, I have not given up hope that maybe I’ll live out here and be on one of the teams one day.”
Lana smiled at him. She felt like maybe she was wrong to try to talk him out of his dreams earlier. “I’ll put in a good word for you with the Nebula One Training Team.”