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Running On Empty: Crows MC

Page 32

by Bloom, Cassandra

  I bit my lip at that and said, “What you both can do at this point is stay alive and not give T-Built or the rest of the Crew the satisfaction of either recapturing you or killing you,” I explained. “You two being off their radar will probably be enough to make them sloppy, and that’s going to be beneficial for us in the long run. Either way…” I sighed, pulling into the shop, “We’re here.”

  Both Nancy and Mia stepped out of the car and I led them back to meet with Danny. My chopper was parked by the rear entrance and I smiled, glad to see that Danny had thought ahead to have whoever had brought the Mercedes to my place had done me the favor of using my motorcycle to get back. At least now I wouldn’t be stranded with nothing to drive but some four-wheeled monstrosity. Making it to the back office, I was greeted by Danny sitting at the desk, a few stacks of papers set out in front of him.

  “Glad to see y’all made it here in one piece,” Danny said with a smile, standing and offering a bear paw hand for the two to shake. “I’m Danny, but everyone just calls me ‘Mercury.’”

  “That ‘cause you’re so hot?” Nancy asked, reaching out to take his hand first.

  Danny’s forehead creased with equal parts of concern and humor. “Uh… no. And I’m gay.”

  “Oh,” Nancy said, nodding at that turn of events. “Because of course the next charming looker we come across wouldn’t like pussy.”

  “Oh, I like pussy just fine,” Danny said, grinning, “always thought they were pretty, just like flowers. Georgia O’Keeffe’s shit was on point.”

  “But you don’t eat pussy?” Nancy confirmed.

  Danny shook his head. “No. Don’t eat flowers, either.”

  “Well,” Nancy said with a heavy sigh. “It’s a pleasure, Mercury. I’m gonna go die of embarrassment now.”

  “I might not be too far behind,” Danny said before smiling and nodding, taking Mia’s hand into his own and offering a delicate kiss at the juncture between her pointer finger and thumb. “And ya must be what all the fuss is about?” he offered.

  Mia blushed and shrugged. “I suppose so,” she said meekly. “Sorry…”

  Danny laughed and shook his head. “Don’t be, Miss,” he said between bellows, “it’s ‘cuz of ya that our boy there”—he nodded towards me—“has stopped being such a fuckin’ stick-in-the-butt.” Then, offering one more appreciative nod her way, he leveled his gaze at me and said, “Glad to see ya came out of the night intact.”

  “Was there any concern?” I asked with a raised an eyebrow.

  Danny shrugged, “Going on Carrion turf? Yeah, a little at least.”

  I shrugged this off with a “Well, I’m here, aren’t I?” and moved behind the desk to sit down. “Will you still be able to stop by their place and pick up a few things, Merc?”

  “Already said I would,” he said. “Should I be armed?”

  “You said it yourself:” I shrugged, “‘Carrion turf.’”

  “Good point,” he said, heading for the munitions closet.

  “You know I wouldn’t ask you to do something I wasn’t willing to, right?” I called after him.

  “Like I mind,” he called back. “I’ve been running jobs like this since yer old man was still callin’ the shots. Didn’t mind then; don’t mind now.”

  “Glad to hear it,” I said, starting to set up a few maps we’d set up of the city’s infrastructure and known Carrion Crew activity points. “Any more word on the street about T-Built?”

  “One of our boys called in to say he’d overheard a phone call. Said T-Built was talkin’ ‘bout holin’ up at a lab and to call in with any news about ‘the bitches,” he glanced back to offer an apologetic nod towards Mia and Nancy. “No offense,” he offered.

  “None taken,” Nancy said with a dismissive shrug. “Motherfucker ain’t seen me at my bitchiest, anyway.”

  “I’m sure it’s quite a sight,” Danny offered halfheartedly as he went about arming himself.

  Looking up from the maps, I spotted Mia looking around the room, rubbing her palms against her opposite arms. “You okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, just a little chilly,” she said with a nod.

  I nodded back and stood, going about slipping out of my jacket and putting it over her.

  She smiled her thanks, pulled the jacket tighter around her, and said, “I just feel a lot better just being away from that entire situation.”

  “Well, you’ll never have to go back to that life,” I assured her, then, realizing that it wasn’t my place to decide such a thing, I added, “Provided you don’t want to, I mean.”

  Mia giggled like it was the most obvious thing in the world—to her credit, it was—and shook her head. “No,” she said sternly, “never again.”

  Nancy sighed at that and leaned back. “I won’t say that working for the Crew was ever a pleasure, but this has been the only life I’ve ever known. I… I don’t know, it feels weird to imagine doing something else. Like, what else could there be for me?”

  “Lots of things, actually,” I offered with an encouraging smile. Then, remembering my father’s vision for the Crows and old dinners at the table with the rest of the family, I said, “Unless you’d be interested in getting back into this career the right way.”

  Nancy cocked a brow at that. “There’s a ‘right way’ to hook now?”

  I shrugged. “Well, the Crew most certainly does it the wrong way, and I’m not talking about that,” I offered. “But, not to get controversial here, it is one of the oldest human professions. Hell, prostitution practically built the Old West from nothing but sand and death. My old man worked with an old underground brothel, and it did quite well. Generated a lot of wealth that was recirculated into the economy, and the Crows ties allowed them to remain independent—pimp-free—and secure. I wouldn’t mind seeing that come back into play; it would present a direct affront to the sex trafficking the Crew has been working to establish, and if we take the money that would be going to them to keep that mess going then they’d have no choice but to shut it down. But…” I leaned forward, “I’d need somebody with the sense and savvy to run the place. Something like this can’t be Crow-run, otherwise we risk just having the same problem start up with us as it did with the Crew. That sound like something you’d be interested in?”

  Nancy smirked. “So I’d be in charge of running my own brothel? Hmm… I do like the sound of that. Almost like a promotion!” she laughed and then added, “And it would mean I’d get to reprise my role as Candy: Whore Wonder.” She paused and locked her eyes on me, suddenly serious. “And the girls? They’d all have protection? Healthcare? Security? Good homes and regular meals?”

  I smirked at her. “You do realize you’re just proving how right for the job you are, right?” I asked.

  Nancy—Candy—grinned at that and nodded. “Alright,” she said, putting her fists on her hips and striking a pose. “Mistress Candy, at your service!”

  As Mia and Candy shared a laugh at that, Danny emerged once more, a holstered forty-five hanging under his left arm.

  “Aw’right,” he said with a grunt. “I’m off like a twink’s undies.”

  I smirked at his choice of words but managed to say, “Be careful out there, Merc.”

  “Bitch, look who ye’re talkin’ to,” he shot with a reassuring grin. Then, moments after heading out, I heard the roar of his Harley as it belched to life and started out.

  Chapter 16


  It had been almost an hour since Danny had left, and I could see the strain growing on Jace’s face. I had to admit that even I was worried. Granted, I hadn’t known Danny as long as Jace had—my mere minutes couldn’t begin to compare to his years—but I’d seen a great sweetness in the man and an immense connection between him and Jace. Knowing what I did about Jace, I wondered if Danny hadn’t stepped in after his father’s death and filled the role in some way. As the minutes turned to hours, I could tell that Jace was beginning to get restless; standing up from the desk and beginning
to pace.

  Candy, picking up on the rising tension, finally said, “You know what would really hit the spot: fucking milkshakes?”

  Jace looked up, humming questioningly at that. “Huh?”

  “Milkshakes,” she repeated. “World’s best medicine.”

  Jace shook his head and sighed. “N-no… I’ve got to stay here; got to—” he looked back at the desk and the maps, seeming to realize that he’d abandoned his task nearly ten minutes earlier. I heard him mutter “fuck” and then sit back down. “And besides,” he went on, “it’s not safe for you two to go wandering around out there. The Crew have eyes everywhere.”

  “Sounds like you guys got eyes everywhere, too,” Candy argued. “And, to be blunt, ain’t a Crew member dense or desperate enough to go gunning down a whore buyin’ milkshakes in broad daylight. They might try to tail me, sure, but would that really be so bad? Put a word out on the horn to your guys that a fine piece of ass is steppin’ out for some ice cream goodness. They’ll be so eager to get a look at the goods,” she made a note of slapping her ass for good measure, “that if any Crew-fucks show up they’re bound to see! Who knows, maybe one of ‘em will be Mister Fuck-Face, T-Built, himself!”

  Jace opened his mouth like he wanted to argue against that logic, but no words came. More and more, he seemed unable to find a single thing wrong with her idea. Finally, groaning, he asked, “And you give your word that you’ll be careful?”

  I chewed on my lip, nervous, and said, “Is now really the time for milkshakes, Candy?”

  She gave me a look of utter shock and horror. “Girl, if you think there’s ever not a time for milkshakes then I don’t know what I’ve taught you!” she snapped.

  I found myself caught somewhere between laughing and crying, but offered her a nod. “Okay,” I admitted in a whimper. “Then make mine a double-chocolate malt.”

  “There’s a good bitch!” she said, giving me a tight hug. “And you, handsome?” she called after Jace.

  “Huh?” he looked up and then shook his head. “Oh… no. Nothing for me, thanks.”

  Candy shot him a glare. “Mia, tell your fuck-boy to tell me what kinda shake to get for him or I’m gonna get straight-up whore-rific up in here!”

  “Jace,” I prompted.

  He sighed, but his growing smile betrayed him. “Okay, okay… uh, get me, like, a chocolate-cherry thing if they got it. Anything along those lines.”

  “Aw, shit!” Candy groaned, considering his order. “That sounds good, too. Now I’m conflicted. Ah, well. Got some time to mull it over. Later, gators!”

  A moment later the two of us were alone. Jace stopped looking over his maps long enough to make a call about Candy heading out and warning others on the street to keep an eye on her as she made the trip. Then, finishing the call, he stared back at his maps for all-but thirty seconds before once more standing and beginning to pace.

  “Jace? Should you just call him maybe?” I offered.

  He shook his head, running his hand through his hair. “No, if I do that… well, either it’s on silent and he won’t answer or it’s not and shit could just get worse.”

  “So, what do we—” I began.

  Jace’s phone suddenly began to ring.

  He was on it in an instant, saying “Merc?” and then just listening, growing more and more tense by the second.

  “Fuck… FUCK! I knew I recognized that… Huh? Yeah, yeah. I shouldn’t be long. Just hold on, okay?” A moment later he killed the call and looked up at me. “I have to go,” he said, starting towards the closet that Danny had gone to when arming himself

  “Wh-what? But… Jace? What’s going on?” I demanded.

  “It was meth,” I heard him say, but he seemed to be talking to himself. “Fucking meth! I knew I recognized that smell! They’re running a fucking meth lab in that apartment!”

  My eyes widened at that, remembering all the times I’d come home to that weird smell. “B-but…” I thought, “It doesn’t always smell like that. It’s only ever there, like, maybe once a week or so.”

  Jace looked back, thought on my words, and then punched the wall. “That’s why we could never figure out where he was operating! Fucking T-Built’s been leap-frogging from site-to-site. Never staying in one place long enough to…” He paused and looked back at me. “You never knew he was there?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “He only stopped by a few times to make demands,” I said. “The Carrion Crew owns the building, so the other rooms belong to a few of their other prostitutes.”

  Jace nodded slowly. “I bet there’s other buildings like that; places they own where they shack up other prostitutes and whoever else they might be using. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a room in each one of those places that T-Built’s secured as another one of his labs. That fuck!” he growled, returning to the gun closet and retrieving a weapon.

  I frowned. “I’m coming with you!” I announced.

  “Mia,” Jace stiffened, looked back at me, and shook his head. “No. I can’t risk you. T-Built’s out of his mind right now, and he’s hiding out in a functioning meth lab. Take it from a guy who’s been living on the edge of sanity for a while now: it’s an explosive enough problem without adding thermos-reactive chemicals to the mix. Okay? That place is nothing short of a time-bomb right now, and my friend’s there—trapped—because I sent him there. If T-Built gets it into his head that anybody is in yours and Nancy’s place then he’s likely to go in there shooting.” He took me by the shoulders and shook his head, “That’s no place for anybody to be right now, but I can’t let Danny get killed for this. I have to go, but you’re staying here!”

  “Jace, if you even think of going on your own, I will find a way to find you and make your life a living hell for it!” I glared, desperate to not have him go on his own.

  Something screamed inside of me that if I let him leave, I’d never seen him again. I couldn’t risk him leaving on his own! I couldn’t lose him this soon. I was in love with him. The realization struck me and I looked up, feeling even more desperate to not let him leave me.

  “Mia,” he said softly, stepping over to me. “I love you.”

  I glanced up, looking into his eyes and froze. His words felt more like “goodbye.” I wouldn’t let it. He leaned down, capturing my lips in his and I tried desperately to not just submit to his kiss. Something was wrong. I kissed him back, not even realizing that I had begun to cry. After a moment, Jace pulled back and turned, heading out the door. I watched, moving to follow, but was too slow. He slipped through, gripping the knob and yanking the door closed before I had a chance to make it through. Then, hearing a click resonate through the thick, heavy wood, I realized what happened and my blood turned to ice.

  He’d locked me inside.

  “JACE!” I screamed, banging on the door. “Dammit, Jace! Let me out! Mack! Don’t…” I paused, blinking, reminded myself that I was in a Crow office and not in the Creely’s cellar. There was no death in here with me, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that, if I didn’t get out, there’d be death out there. But the door did not open. Whimpering, I gave the door one last futile slap before falling to the floor, sobbing. “Please!”

  It’d been ten long minutes of me running out of options. I’d tried in so many different ways to get the door open, even going so far as to try to find a screwdriver to take the hinges off. Unfortunately, the only tools present in the office were in the gun locker and—lucky me—there was nothing left in there but bullets. Between Danny and Jace, all the guns were gone. Leaving me with nothing but the maps and various oddities to glare over.

  This was, of course, the part in the movies where somebody would blow out the door with powder from the bullets or fashion and instantly functional key out of a paperclip, but I had no idea of how to even begin to do those things or, worse yet, if any of that was even really possible.

  God damn Hollywood! Poisoning us with bullshit hope and phony heroics! I thought.

y, Mia,” I said out loud to myself, taking a deep breath. “We’re gonna think. That’s what we’re gonna do. Candy went out—what?—ten… no, more like twenty-or-so minutes ago, right? She’s bound to be back soon.” Then I stopped to consider past times Candy had gone out on some sort of “quick errand” and I groaned. She was never quick; “quick” to Candy was anything that took less than two hours! And she’d gone out for milkshakes! She’d likely be convincing herself that Jace and I were making love on his desk and that she’d be doing us a favor by staying at the ice cream shop and treating herself to a few extra shakes.

  And by the time she got back Jace could be…

  I wailed and nearly threw myself back at the door. I didn’t, though. Catching myself, I let the cry work itself out of my system, took a few more deep breaths, and told myself to think. Think!

  Eyes closed, breath held, I willed a brilliant, MacGyver-like idea to come to me. Then a motor whirred somewhere, kicking up a gust in the vent system and blasting a wave of chilled air from the AC into the room. The cold hit me square in the face, freezing any possible ideas I might have been close to having, and another fit of rage overtook me, this time all my anger aimed squarely at…

  The vent!

  Keep it together, Mia. You have to for Jace. I reminded myself, steering my stolen-but-not-really-stolen car through foreign streets, trying to see any road or landmark that would help me get my bearings.

  After getting out of the office, it had been a simple enough process of finding a car. The back lot of the shop was filled with them. The only hard part was finding the keys, which, it turned out, were actually back in the office I’d just escaped from. It was another fifteen wasted minutes, but as I unlocked the door that had been the bane of my existence only a short time before from the other side I was rewarded with the sight of a drawer in a filing cabinet beside the desk simply marked “KEYS.”


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