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Breaking All My Rules

Page 17

by Trice Hickman

  Cindy was heading to the back of the store when Erica spotted her. “Cindy, do you have a minute?” she called out in a voice so cheery she was sure it made Cindy nauseous. She knew that cheeriness aggravated Cindy to no end, and glee often made her downright annoyed. But Erica was over-the-top happy, and she wanted to spread the good feeling around.

  Cindy walked toward her, carrying a small box. “Here’s what you’ve been waiting for, the new jars of Paradise.” She thrust the open package toward Erica and even managed to wrestle up a half smile.

  “I’ll take a look in just a minute,” Erica quickly said.

  Cindy’s small eyes squinted with surprise. “You’ve been dying to see these all week. What’s more important than your prized swag bag products?”

  Erica beamed like the sun. “I want you to meet Jerome Kimbrough.”

  She’d told Cindy about Jerome two days ago, when she’d come in after court to interview an applicant. Cindy had been skeptical, as was her nature, asking question after question, just as Ashley had done. It was her protective, mama-bear nature, and she reminded Erica of her own mother in that regard.

  Cindy looked Jerome up and down, inspecting him through what Erica knew was a very jaded lens. Because Cindy’s life had been filled with so many duplicitous charlatans, she was cautious of nearly everyone she met. That was why Erica was shocked when she saw her store manager extend her tiny hand to Jerome, form her lips into an uncharacteristic smile, and greet him as though he was a friend who’d just stopped by for a visit.

  “I’ve heard very nice things about you, Jerome,” Cindy said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise, and the pleasure is all mine.”

  Erica looked on in astonishment as the two continued to exchange pleasantries. She watched as Jerome literally charmed the box out of Cindy’s hands, relieving her small arms of the heavy weight. He reached inside, pulled out ajar, and looked at it before handing it over to Erica.

  “Wow, this is really nice,” he said.

  Erica carefully examined her long-awaited product, turning the jar this way and that so she could inspect it from every angle. She was so happy, she could have jumped up and down. The jar, which was heavy plastic that had been fashioned to mimic the look of lead crystal, was embossed with a deep purple, vibrant pink, pale lavender, and cream design that was outlined with small crystal-like gemstones, giving it a sophisticated bling. The combination of soft and bold colors mixed with the dazzling accents transformed the container from an ordinary jar into a work of art.

  “It’s beautiful!” Erica said in awe.

  “I have to hand it to you, kiddo. It’s absolutely gorgeous,” Cindy agreed. “People are going to want to buy Paradise just for the jar alone. And wait until they actually put it on their skin! It’s the best product you’ve created to date.”

  “Awww, thanks, Cindy. I hope you’re right.”

  “I always am.”

  “After all the headaches I went through, this was well worth the long days and sleepless nights. What a way to end the week.”

  Cindy nodded. “And even better, the trial is over. Didn’t you say things would wrap up today?”

  “No such luck.” Erica briefly explained what happened in court earlier that afternoon.

  Cindy folded her arms and shook her head. “That woman is lying to get sympathy and to prolong the trial. She’s hoping that over the weekend you’ll have time to think about how hard it will be to send a sick woman to prison.”

  Erica hadn’t told Cindy one single detail of the case, yet she instantly reached a negative conclusion. Typical Cindy, Erica thought.

  “I agree with you, Cindy,” Jerome said.

  Erica’s head swiveled around, and she looked at Jerome, not surprised by his comment, either.

  “Let me guess.” Cindy smirked. “Our sweet Pollyanna here thinks the woman is innocent and probably wants to send her some get-well flowers.”

  Erica shrugged. “Honestly, I really don’t know what to think. But like one of the other jurors said this afternoon, we have no proof of the woman’s medical condition, so on that charge she’s innocent until proven guilty.”

  Cindy scoffed. “Sometimes people have to prove their innocence, not their guilt.”

  “Ignore her,” Erica said, looking at Jerome. “She’s really a ray of sunshine once you get to know her.”

  Jerome smiled and stayed neutral.

  “Okay, think what you will,” Cindy said. “I’m going to the back so I can inventory the rest of the shipment that just came in.” She took the box out of Jerome’s hands. “I can tell you’re gonna be good for her.” She smiled and gave a wink before walking away.

  “She’s right,” Jerome said. “But she left out an important part.”

  “What’s that?”

  He moved in close so that they stood side by side, their bodies nearly touching. “I’m also gonna be good to you.”

  Chapter 23

  It was dark outside by the time Erica finished looking over the shipment of new products, checked a few e-mails, and called her father to let him know that the jars had arrived. He was busy, rushing her off the phone, embroiled in his own hectic work. But he promised her they’d go out and celebrate next week. While she worked, Jerome browsed the boutique and then walked the block, observing the stores, people, and happenings in the upscale neighborhood.

  Now she and Jerome were sitting in her office, trying to decide where they should go for dinner. Tonight was supposed to be their first official “date,” with Jerome picking her up to take her out on the town. But their day had been thrown off course ever since Ms. Slater’s collapse, and now they had to figure out what they were going to do next.

  “I know we never discussed it, but is there a particular restaurant you had in mind?” she asked as she logged off her computer.

  Jerome leaned back in the comfortable leather chair in front of Erica’s desk. “It’s up to you. The whole idea of playing it by ear was so we’d have options. I’m flexible.”

  “I really don’t want to go anywhere crowded, but that’s kind of impossible at this hour on a Friday night.”

  “Something quiet and intimate would be nice.”

  “I’m with you on that.” Erica rose from her chair, came around to the front of her desk, and leaned against it. “Since we know what kind of atmosphere we’re looking for, we just need to decide on the cuisine. What do you have a taste for?”

  When she saw the unmistakable look of desire dance across Jerome’s deep, sexy eyes, she knew exactly what he had an appetite for, and she didn’t shy away from returning the same look.

  Jerome stood to his feet and came close beside her. “I think we both have a taste for the same thing.”

  “Well, let’s go get it.”

  Fifteen minutes later Jerome was parking his truck next to Erica’s car inside her garage. As they walked through her back door leading to her kitchen, Erica could feel the nervous anticipation building in her body. This was a bold move for her, but she was ready to take it. All her life she’d played by a safe, structured set of rules. Private school, excellent grades, overachievement, perfect manners, don’t kiss on the first date—these things were part of the handbook of life from which her parents had taught her. But now she was writing her own script, and tonight she planned to pen her first chapter.

  She’d thought about this moment during the quick but congested ride over—finally being alone with him.

  “Welcome to my humble abode.”

  “You have a nice place. Just like I knew you would,” Jerome said, looking around before closing the door behind him.

  “Thanks. My parents still don’t understand why I bought a house in the city. They hardly ever come to visit, because they say the traffic and street parking are just too much.”

  “You live in a great neighborhood. But back in the day you couldn’t pay people to move to Dupont Circle. Now folks can’t afford to get in.”

  Erica opene
d the refrigerator, surveying its contents. “Yeah, it’s a gentrified neighborhood, but I love it here. You can’t beat the convenience of all the shops, restaurants, and access to the metro station.” She pulled out two plastic containers and sat them on the counter. “It’s so convenient.”

  “Yes, but convenience comes with a price.”

  She thought about what he’d just said, and she wondered what was behind his statement. She leaned against her stainless steel double sink and watched Jerome as his eyes surveyed her spacious galley kitchen. She knew he was appraising the work. She’d had the room remodeled a few years ago, outfitting it with new cabinets, flooring, countertops, and appliances. The design had been taken from the floor plan of a chef’s kitchen she’d seen in one of her favorite cooking magazines.

  “So, what do you think of the work?” Erica asked.

  Jerome ran his hand across the expensive slate-gray granite countertop. “You didn’t scrimp on anything, that’s for sure. It’s high in quality and design. The work is tight, and your contractor really knew what he was doing.”

  “Coming from you, that’s a huge compliment.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yes, you’re a true craftsman.”

  Jerome tilted his head to the side. “What makes you so sure? You’ve never even seen my work.”

  “I don’t have to. I know you’re great at whatever you set out to do.” Erica smiled as she looked into his eyes. It was an invitation that welcomed him into what they both wanted, and he willingly accepted.

  Without any words, Jerome walked over to where she stood, planting himself in her space so that their bodies were aligned. Erica inhaled deeply as he pressed himself into her, gently moving his pelvis against hers. She could smell the cinnamon Altoids that lingered on his breath, and it made her feel gloriously dizzy.

  Slowly, he raised his hands, cupping each side of her face as he looked into her eyes. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

  Erica’s breathing became shallow at his touch. Her body shivered when he placed a slow, soft whisper of a kiss on her forehead, before planting a gentle peck on the bridge of her nose. “So beautiful,” he whispered again.

  She moaned out loud when his pelvis began to move in a gentle grind as he nibbled the lower part of her earlobe. His hands and body were hard and rugged, but his movements were soft and graceful, like a delicate feather. She threw her head back when she felt his lips slide to the center of her throat, his tongue teasing her skin until her legs became liquid. “Ooohhh,” Erica murmured as she exhaled, releasing the desire that climbed up from her core and passed through her lips as sound.

  Jerome moved his hands down the small of her back, then slowly eased them lower, gripping her round ass in his large palms. Erica’s entire body trembled as he pulled her closer into him, his warm breath coating her skin. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his mouth as it traveled the sweet distance that led to her lips, which he softly grazed with his own.

  Over the past week she’d imagined their first kiss and what it would feel like, but her fanciful musings hadn’t prepared her for the wanton sensation of his soft, warm lips melting into hers. He parted her mouth, covering it in heat, giving her a taste of his cinnamon tongue. He kissed her sensually, with an intensity that let her know this was what he’d been longing for. She wrapped her arms tightly around him as she moved in sync with the increased pace of his rotating hips.

  “Mmmm, baby,” Jerome whispered into Erica’s ear, pushing himself into her so far that her back pressed against the sink’s faucet. “Baby, I want you right here,” he breathed heavily, continuing to grind against her.

  He held her as they slid to the floor, not missing a beat. The surface was cold and hard, but they kept going, lost in their desires. Erica’s back banged against the terrazzo tile, and Jerome’s knees scrubbed it like a mop. They worked vigorously to find a comfortable position, but the rough surface proved more a challenge than a romantic venture. Their lust-driven fantasies had led them there in a heated frenzy, but Erica’s stiff back and Jerome’s aching knees quickly brought them face-to-face with the reality of their mid-thirties.

  “How do you feel about a soft bed?” Erica said.

  “Baby, you just read my mind.”

  Chapter 24

  With slow and careful steps, Erica and Jerome climbed the stairs, headed to both comfort and pleasure. He nestled his lean, muscular body behind hers, holding her close, lifting one foot in front of the other as they walked as one. Her slender back was pressed against his strong chest while her head rested on his shoulder. They moved upward in perfect unison, relishing the journey. He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around her chest, finding the softness of her breasts, gently rubbing and kneading her delicate mounds through the fabric of her blouse.

  Erica felt his erection rub against her ass, and for a moment they both felt like stopping and making love right there on the stairs, but they remembered the kitchen floor, and the thought propelled them to travel the ten feet to her bedroom.

  With Jerome still holding her from behind, Erica stumbled over to the nightstand on the side of her bed and turned on the lamp. They both squinted, adjusting their eyes to the light filling the pitch-black room. It was brighter than was necessary for creating a romantic mood, so she pulled away from Jerome, removed her blouse, and draped it over the silk shade, sending the room into a gentle amber glow.

  “Damn, you’re sexy,” Jerome whispered, smiling at Erica with desire. He walked over to her and enveloped her in his arms, kissing her, holding her, and caressing her soft skin. “I knew your skin would be soft, but, man,” he said, anticipation dripping from his voice. “Soft, sexy, beautiful, and you smell good.”

  They took their time, removing each other’s clothes as they inspected one another’s body, slowly and purposefully. The sensual heat of their desire made them each pant, kissing and exploring as they went along.

  Within minutes they were naked, lying atop the chenille duvet on her king-size bed. Their bodies molded into one fine creation as they picked up from where they’d left off downstairs.

  Jerome’s hungry mouth journeyed to Erica’s breasts. He kissed her soft, supple flesh, circling his tongue around her dark nipples before lightly grazing them with his teeth until she whimpered in pleasure. Erica watched with heated lust as he worked his way back and forth, sucking one while rubbing the other with attentive care.

  His hands caressed the soft skin on her arms as he moved down to her stomach, gently kissing every inch of her flesh that his lips could cover. He swirled his tongue around her navel as she trembled and moaned in ecstasy. Slowly, he parted her thighs, situating himself at her creamy center. She was wet and warm and ready.

  “I’m going to enjoy this,” Jerome softly whispered.

  He gently parted her lips with his fingers, taking his time as he rolled his tongue over her glistening skin, stroking her soft folds up and down. He licked and sucked and plied and searched and nibbled and kissed and prodded, darting deep inside her, savoring the tastiness of her sweet juice until she moaned his name.

  She bucked her hips, grinding her sensitive flesh against his mouth as she laced her fingers around his sleek bald head. She held him in place, arched her back, dug her heels into the firm mattress, and bore down into an orgasm that made her body spasm and flow like water.

  Erica could barely catch her breath. She was drunk with so much pleasure, it made her head spin. “That was so good,” she said, panting as she worked to catch her breath. “Now it’s my turn to please you.”

  “You already did. Pleasing you pleases me.” Jerome kissed her mouth, his chin wet with the taste of her. He reached over to the nightstand for the condom he’d placed next to her alarm clock. He ripped open the plastic and slid the latex sheath over his rock-hard erection as Erica watched, ready for a thrilling ride.

  Jerome parted her thighs with his knee as he prepared to enter her. He went slow, taking his time, lett
ing the tip of his large, swollen head make its way inside her. She gasped when she felt his first few inches—hard and throbbing—enter her empty space. Slowly, he filled her, expanding her walls, spreading himself as far as he could go. Once his entire length was cocooned within her warmth, he began to thrust. He stroked her with loving, gentle force as she wrapped her legs around his waist, moving her hips in tandem with his. He pumped in and out of her wetness, making sure she felt every inch of his desire.

  “Oh, Jerome!” Erica cried out, clinging to him.

  His strokes became deeper, harder, and more intense. Then he slowed down the tempo, taking hold of her hand, weaving his fingers with hers in a soft grip. They looked into each other’s eyes, holding hands, making beautiful love as their bodies rumbled with intense heat, shaking the bed beneath them.

  Erica’s orgasm was bursting at the edge, waiting to break free. She pushed her hips upward into his thrust as he pumped, keeping her rhythm steady until she felt an intense explosion that made her call out his name, over and over and over again.

  Hearing her call his name, and knowing that he’d pleased her, Jerome felt his erection stiffen so hard, he could barely control his movements. His thrusts increased, his excitement escalated, and his body felt the weight of a climax right on the verge of erupting. He charged ahead, and after a few quick strokes he crossed over into paradise, joining Erica in the land of long-awaited pleasure.

  Afterward, Erica and Jerome lay in bed, feeling wonderfully exhausted. Jerome looked down at Erica’s head resting comfortably on his shoulder and thought about how much he’d changed. There was a time when after he had sex with a woman, the only sound he wanted to hear was the thud of the door closing behind him as he made his escape from her bed—his escapades had rarely, if ever, taken place at his apartment. Very few of his women had even known its exact location. But now he couldn’t think of anything else he’d rather do than hold Erica and listen to the gentle sound of her breathing.


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