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Besotted (The Billionaire Banker Series)

Page 3

by Le Carre, Georgia

  What he does is the opposite of what I imagined.

  He lands on the bed on his knees, grabs me by the waist and turns me over, the same way someone would upend a bottle. Without warning I am folded over and positioned on my hands and knees. I feel his hands push the shirt I am wearing upwards, until it is bunched around my armpits.

  While I am still finding my balance he ducks his head into the overhanging shirt and sucks one of my nipples. The other he rolls between his thumb and forefinger. The unusual position and the greedy sucking—as if I am a four-legged beast feeding its young—makes my head rear back and my spine arch. Immediately, he removes his mouth as if that reaction was the only reason he had nudged his head into the shirt flap in the first place.

  I whimper restlessly, but he places his hands between my shoulder blades and pushes me face lower down, so my chin and mouth are buried in the pillow and my buttocks and pussy are horribly exposed. But even that offering he deems insufficient. He yanks my hips higher until my knees lift clean off the mattress, and with a manacle-like hold of my thighs, rams into me. I cry out with the shock of his ferocious entry and the surprising depth his shaft has gone to.

  The pillow muffles my scream.

  For a few seconds I hover between pleasure and pain. And then the pillar lodged deep inside me begins its outbound journey. I close my eyes, open myself to accept all of him, and wait… Even though I am anticipating it, the second punishing plunge makes me bite the pillow.

  The wild violence of his thrust is shocking and yet I welcome it. I want him to use me in this primitive way. To use my body to rid himself of his demons. I am in awe of his power and my ability to withstand brutality of his need. So he fucks me with ragged breath, as if with each pump he is releasing all the pent up tensions in his body.

  The frenzied battering makes my sex feel raw and tender, but I squeeze his cock as if I am milking it. Suddenly he makes a sound—feral, triumphant, inexplicably male. And for the first time since I have known him he allows himself to come before me. It tears through him and he climaxes as he always does, long, hard, agonized, calling my name, as if it is a prayer. His cock jerks and spurts its hot seed into my desperately clutching cavity.

  For some seconds he stays still inside me, as he gathers his senses. Then he withdraws out of me and I attempt to fall over to my side, but he puts his hands on either side of my hips and holds me in that highly exposed position.

  From the sides of my eyes I see him go on his haunches. I know his semen is leaking out of me. He jams his thumb into my pussy and pulls it out, which causes his thick milk to spurt out. He smears his juices all over my sex and begins to rub, over and over, in, and around, my cleft.

  ‘Yes,’ I hiss, as my body clenches, and I feel the orgasm building inside me.

  But he does not allow me to climax, instead he teases me until I can bear it no more, and I lift my head and beg him to let me come.

  Then he puts his palm flat across the soaking wet entrance of my body and simply holds it tight. Shamelessly, I grind my heated sex against the hard hand, pumping and working my hips mindlessly, like some rutting animal. It does not take long. My orgasm is explosive and leaves me high and quivering like jelly.

  Gently, he lays me on my back and lies flat on his back beside me, one heavy hand—the fingers spread—on my stomach. That hand is full of possession and ownership.

  Slowly my breath returns to normal and I find myself exactly where I started. With a whole pile of unanswered questions.

  ‘I’d like us to finish that conversation we started the other day.’

  ‘Maybe another time, Lana,’ he says quietly.

  We lie facing the ceiling in silence and the longer the silence stretches the more lost and alone I start to feel. I think of what we have just done—it is so vivid in my mind—and yet we could be strangers now. I have to stop myself from rolling away from him, curling up into a ball, and just crying my eyes out. I simply want to help. I am his woman. Not his toy.

  Why the silent treatment? I haven’t done anything wrong. As the seconds tick by I start to fume silently. If I was Victoria he would tell me. I would enter the forbidden realms with him. I become jealous and sad all at once. But more angry than sad. I sit up and glance down furiously at him.

  He turns to look at me. Questioning. Slightly puzzled. His thoughts obviously elsewhere.

  I swivel my eyes away from him.

  He reacts by catching my hand and pulling me down to his chest. ‘What’s wrong?’

  There is no avoiding him while he is so in my face, and anyway I don’t want to avoid him. I want a confrontation. Molded into his chest I crane my neck away from him and glare into his stare.

  ‘You know,’ I bite out fiercely, and try to twist away, but he brings his other arm around and, effortlessly, I am a total prisoner.

  ‘If you carry on I’m going to have to fuck you again.’

  ‘That’s your answer to everything, isn’t it? Out of bed I am of no use to you, am I?’

  His expression changes. ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’

  ‘I don’t understand you. You say you love me and you can’t imagine your life without me, but you won’t tell me anything. I’m sick of being locked out, Blake. Honestly, it’s tearing me up inside. Do you think I am too dumb to understand? Is that it?’

  ‘No, it’s not that—’ he interjects.

  But I am not done. ‘In your heart of hearts you think I’m not good enough, one of the unwashed masses. How stupid of me to ever think that we could be equal partners in a relationship. I’m just a doll to you, aren’t I? One day you’ll get bored of playing with me, and then you’ll just put me away and totally forget I even exist.’

  Hot tears begin to gather in my eyes. I try to blink them away. I am not going to cry, but the more I try to stop the more sorry I feel for myself and the faster they spill out.

  He does a surprising thing. It stops my blubbering instantly. He fists my hair and lures my head lower until it is inches away from his face, and then he lifts his head, and licks my tears. First one cheek, then the other.

  My reaction is instant and unexpected: fresh desire sizzles through me.

  ‘Don’t… Don’t ever again say such things. They were true once, but not anymore. In fact, I don’t believe they were ever true. From that first night I saw you, I had a reaction to you that I have never had with anyone else. You took my breath away.

  ‘I tried to tell myself that it was because you were so extraordinarily beautiful, but I’ve been with so many beautiful women, some who have brazenly thrown themselves at my feet, others who have played hard to get, and then there were the truly shy ones, but never have I felt that irresistible need to brand them as mine.

  ‘To lock them away and never let another man near them, let alone touch them. When I met you the rest of the world stopped existing. There was only you and I in my world. I wanted nothing else.’

  He presses his forehead against mine, his words curling softly around us. I feel him everywhere. I love him so much it feels as if I should scream it from the rooftops. And yet I worry—my life has taught me that every time I love something, even if it be an animal, my heart will eventually be wrung out and broken.

  ‘You must believe that I am telling you the truth. My heart was in a coffin, safe, dark, motionless…until I found you in a secret place, among the shadows of my soul. You saved me.’

  He smiles softly and weaves his fingers through mine, his brows dipped low. I stare into his sad eyes. He has laid his heart at my feet. How would I have thought that he would turn out to be a gentle warrior? Love doesn’t keep a record of wrongs. My heart melts. I forgive him.

  ‘So why do you hide so much away from me, then?’

  He sighs softly. ‘If you knew a room was full of needles, would you let Sorab crawl in it?’

  I frown. ‘I’m not a baby.’

  ‘Let me make myself clearer. I am afraid for you. I am afraid you will be taken away from me. Eve
n the thought of losing you makes me feel sick to my stomach. You are the only person I can ever imagine myself with now. If all else—the mansions, the mines, the cars, the business, the yachts, the planes—perished and you remained, I could still continue, but if everything else remained, but you were gone, I’d be a broken man.’

  His eyes are suddenly wet. He has never cried before. It breaks my heart. He is my love, my heart, my everything. I will leave it for now. I must know, but I will find out on my own. Somehow I will find out.

  ‘Could you not sleep last night?’

  ‘No, there is too much to do. The phones never stop ringing. People from all over the world offering condolences.’ His lips twist bitterly. ‘If only they knew.’

  ‘When is the funeral?’

  ‘Day after tomorrow.’


  ‘New York.’

  ‘When do we leave?’

  ‘You’re not coming.’ His voice is suddenly hard.

  I step away from him. ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because you never take your beloved gerbil to a viper’s den.’

  ‘But I want to be with you.’

  ‘I’m only going for a day. I’ll be back the next day.’

  I gaze up at him. ‘Blake, I want to be with you during that time.’


  I cross my arms. ‘So you don’t want me at the funeral?’

  ‘No, I don’t.’

  ‘All right, I will come with you but I won’t go to the funeral.’

  He shakes his head. ‘No. Then I’ll be worrying about you in New York.’

  ‘All right. I won’t leave the hotel.’

  ‘You’ll be bored.’

  ‘I’ll read and I’ll order room service.’

  That takes the wind right out of his sails. ‘Why do you want to come so bad?’

  ‘Because I want to be with you during that time. I think it is important.’

  ‘All right. But you have to promise that you won’t leave the hotel without me.’

  ‘I promise.’

  ‘What about Sorab?’

  ‘If it is only for one night I’ll leave him with Billie.’

  He frowns.

  ‘Blake, if you don’t take me with you I will fly there on my own.’

  Suddenly he looks tired. ‘I can never resist you. Yeah, you can come.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Don’t make me regret it.’

  ‘By doing what?’

  ‘By leaving the hotel or making me worry about you.’ He looks at me warningly.

  ‘I won’t. When are we leaving?’



  At first, I am amazed by the suite. Wow! This is what forty-five thousand dollars a night buys! So: top of the list are 360-degree views of Manhattan through bulletproof, floor-to-ceiling windows. I walk through the tall, spacious rooms alone, in a daze. The attention to detail is mind-boggling. The master bedroom is made from hundreds of thousands of painstakingly cut and ironed straws! Yes, very beautiful, but God!

  Another room has calfskin leather walls. All the walls of the library are covered in French lacquer. The bathroom has an infinity bath and each sink is cut from one solid crystal piece. I lie on the horsehair mattress. Very, very comfortable. I open the lid of the grand piano and let my fingers trail tunelessly on the gleaming keys. I stand for ages on the balcony seven hundred feet high up looking down on the entire sprawling, throbbing city below my feet. I look at the book I have brought along and pass it by. And wonder what Blake is up to.

  Eventually I get so lonely and bored I Skype Billie.

  ‘How’s Sorab?’

  ‘Asleep. The shot of vodka did the trick.’

  ‘I don’t know that that’s even funny, Bill.’

  Billie laughs. ‘He has to start sometime.’

  ‘Yeah, when he’s thirty.’

  ‘So how’s it going?’

  ‘Well, Blake is busy meeting people, arranging stuff, and I am here bored out of my mind at the hotel.’

  ‘You don’t have the baby hanging around your neck—why don’t you go sight-seeing?’

  I sigh. ‘I kind of promised I wouldn’t leave the hotel.’

  ‘What?’ she splutters. ‘Are you kidding me? You are in the Big Apple and you’re not going out?’

  ‘Forget it, Bill. I’ve promised. He didn’t even want to bring me until I promised. We’ll come another time. It’s a bad time with the funeral and everything.’

  ‘It’s hardly a promise.’

  ‘Don’t start, please.’

  ‘Why don’t you at least go use the sauna or the pool, hmm?’

  ‘Might do. I’m a bit hungry. Maybe I will go down and get something to eat at the restaurant. But first, do you want a tour of the suite? It’s amazing.’

  ‘Go on then.’

  I end the call after the tour and go down to the lobby. I am standing at the plate glass window looking out when a man comes to stand beside me.

  ‘You look like a child outside a cake shop,’ says a strongly accented, man’s voice.

  I turn my head to look at him. He is tall, lantern-jawed and wearing jeans and a cowboy hat. He might be from down South.

  ‘Texas,’ he says.

  ‘I see.’


  I smile. ‘Yes, it is that obvious, huh?’

  ‘I’m just about to fly to London on business.’

  ‘Oh really?’

  ‘Do you know what they say here about the difference between British accents and the hillbilly accent? When you hear a British accent add fifty to the IQ and when you hear a hillbilly accent subtract fifty.’

  I laugh.

  ‘Carlton Starr. Welcome to America.’

  ‘Lana Bloom. Thank you.’

  ‘Will you keep me company while I take some tea?’

  ‘Ah… I’m actually with someone.’

  He throws his head back and roars with genuine laughter. ‘Of course you are. It never crossed my mind that a woman as beautiful as you would be without someone. Come on, I’ll tell you all about my country if you’ll tell me all about yours.’

  I smile. From the corners of my eyes I can see Brian seated in one of the plush chairs. He appears to be reading a book. I know I am totally safe and I am not leaving the hotel premises.

  ‘OK,’ I agree.

  Immediately, he puts a guiding hand just under my elbow. That does make me feel as if he is being a little too familiar, but Billie did say that Americans were super friendly. They can become your best friend on the first encounter, was her verdict.

  I have taken no more than a few steps in the direction he is guiding me towards when I freeze. My stop is so sudden that Carlton’s body nudges into me making me stumble slightly, forcing him, in turn, to grab me by the waist. All this while my eyes are caught by Blake’s. He is staring at me with a look I have never seen.

  Carlton whispers in my ear. ‘I guess that’s your someone.’

  Blake strides towards me, his face as hostile and unyielding as gray granite. When he reaches us, he glances at Carlton with crushing clear-eyed contempt before snatching my wrist, and dragging me away. Blake moves at such speed across the foyer that I am forced to gallop to keep up. I am so embarrassed my entire face flames up. I feel like a child who is on her way to be punished.

  At the lift he hits the call button and waits. A staff member comes to stand beside us. He lets his eyes slide off Blake and rest on me a while before lowering them to hide his expression. My dignity is in tatters and I am certain everyone is looking at me. Blake enters the lift with me in tow.

  ‘Would you mind waiting for the next one?’ Blake says coldly, when the man tries to enter behind us.

  The man nods and hurriedly steps backwards. The doors close. I pull my hand out of Blake’s grasp and rubbing my wrists ask, ‘What the hell was that all about?’

  He lets his eyes swing down in my direction. His voice is a tightly controlled don’t fuck with me.
‘Shouldn’t I be asking you that?’

  ‘What exactly are you suggesting?’

  The doors open and, taking my wrist in his hand again, he drags me into our suite. I whirl around to face him.

  ‘What’s the matter with you, Blake?’

  ‘What the fuck do you think is the matter with me?’ he roars. ‘I leave you for a few hours and you start picking stray men up in the hotel lobby?’

  ‘Are you mad? Picking stray men up? It wasn’t like that. I told him I was with someone. He just wanted to have some company while he was having tea.’

  ‘You’re not a child so you must be stupid.’

  My jaw drops. ‘You’re crazy. It’s not like I went up to his room.’

  His eyes glitter dangerously and his jaw hardens even further.

  ‘For God’s sake, Blake, Brian was there. We were just going to have some tea. He wanted me to tell him about Britain. He’s going to do business there. That’s all.’

  ‘You let him touch you.’

  ‘On my elbow!’

  He comes towards me. ‘How can I put this politely? If I catch you trying to have tea with strange men or letting them put their hands on your elbow or any other part of your body again I will put you over my knees and tan your backside.’

  I gasp. The unfairness of it is unbelievable. ‘So I can never again have tea with any other man even under the most innocent context?’

  He crosses his arms. ‘Exactly.’

  I begin to laugh. ‘This is madness. No, I don’t accept. Don’t try to make out I was doing something wrong. He was just a nice guy.’

  ‘Ah, why didn’t you tell me? A nice guy? In that case, go ahead. Go down now and have tea with him. I’ll call down to the pretty receptionist and have her come up for some tea with me.’

  A fire roars into my belly. Fucking bastard. He wants other women. The cheek of it. I stare at him open-mouthed with shock while he simply looks at me with a smug expression. I exhale the breath I am holding. Fuck him.


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