Book Read Free

The Gemini Bridge

Page 34

by Shea Meadows

  Byron then took over the narrative. “You speak truly. He would be a valuable person to free with amazing talents to speak to ghosts. The biggest concern is the type of his enslavement. He has been working with the Stealer for at least five years, from what we can tell. His original personality, that felt the urge to teach others to communicate with departed souls, has been replaced by a former incarnation. He was a being of nefarious intent that thought himself a malevolent demon. That personality caused havoc in England, two hundred years ago. The present day Sam Reading incarnated with the goal to undo the damage of his former incarnation.

  “To make this problem even thornier, he is linked to the ghost of a Mongol warrior, who has gone into a dark place of no compassion, no mercy, and no ethics. The Mongol has the ability to convince others that their positive urgings are unreasonable and unattainable. These villains are who you wish to approach on your own.”

  David leaned back into a tree that conveniently appeared behind him for that purpose.

  “Wow. Talk about biting off more than I can chew; I understand now why Ricky stopped me. So what can we do?”

  Aleese added her perspective. “There are signs that the energy is shifting. The efforts of your group and other groups of resistant soul communicators are making inroads into loosening the bounds of linked beings. More and more incarnates are using energy healing methods to change their own consciousness and those of beings around them. They are becoming more aware of teachers and guides in higher dimensions and sensing when teachers in your dimensions have been compromised.

  “But, there will be some for whom it is too late. Their energy may be so contaminated, that only neutralization will solve the problem. If they continue to incarnate, they will tip the balance away from the evolution of all souls. Sam Reading may be one of those, as is Chester Townsend.”

  Moon smiled sadly and nodded in agreement. “We don’t know for sure that Sam is a lost cause, but it’s possible that he is at the same stage as Chester. The possibility that he will be cleared of his enslavement as completely as Avery and Mel is slight, as far as we can tell.

  “This is painful for me. I taught with Sam, ten years back, before the Stealer got his hooks into him. He was a good friend and a powerful teacher. One of the Stealer’s goals was to enslave all who have mastered soul communication. You can see what happens to those who resist,” she said with a sweeping motion of her arms that indicated her present state.

  “That’s why I am delivering this to Ricky as a tool for the coming inevitable confrontation.” She made a motion with her hands and the dark blue urn with angels and stars on it that held the ashes of her physical body appeared before her, floating in the air, then moving toward Ricky’s outstretched hands.

  “We have been working with the energy of the ashes. On a very basic level they represent my refusal to align myself with the Soul Stealer. We have infused them with pure energy from the highest frequencies. Please bring the urn and its contents back to the Inn with you, and decide how you might use them. We are not sure what the conflict will look like; we only know that you have their attention and the probabilities that they will try to eliminate the threat are high. ”

  Maya spoke. “We suggest you continue to unlink ghosts from incarnates but avoid Sam Reading for the present time until we have had more time to examine his Akashic record.

  “David, it is not a judgement on your skills to ask you to start with another spirit. We have reviewed your records and know that you have the ability to do this type of work. But Reading is a volatile being who has been dangerous in other lives. Even Ricky and Shri would find it difficult to resurrect his present persona.”

  Francos smiled at David when he spoke. “Do not forget your individual guides as a resource. Each of them joins you when you’re doing out-of-body work. You might have your students make the intention to see their guides and start working toward more coherent communication with them one-on-one; then enlarge that so all guides are evident to everyone involved in each unlinking.”

  Moon looked pensive. “Those that are working on an even higher frequency just left a message for all of us. They request that you have your students practice two things in particular. The first is to create a column of love that can be directed outward towards other beings. This can be done individually and with many working together.

  “Second is to practice changing your form when you are out-of-body. We have seen that all of you are capable of this. Don’t just change what you are wearing, or how you speak, change your form completely and join together in these altered forms and attempt to identify the essence of the person near you. Bring the new members that will arrive on Wednesday into these exercises so all are comfortable with the techniques. Can you do this?”

  “I have no doubt we can,” Ricky answered. “Would it be helpful for us to read our own Akashic record and bring out a strong former personality that might have abilities we have forgotten?”

  Byron slapped his astral hands together. “Excellent idea, but you should first review the whole life that you are considering using. You might find that some that start out with good intentions veer off course and become weakened by fear, anger or other undesirable emotions.”

  Megon’s shape started shifting until he presented as a large, multi-legged spider-type monster, his voice issuing from the top of its head. “Do not forget that all beings are not shaped like humans. In many realities they might appear terrible to you, but are the norm in their environment. If you are not repelled by this notion, you might find an unknown aspect of yourself that could come in handy. Who says that your present reality is the one you have existed in for all eternity?”

  David’s grin was ear to ear. “Katera told me stories about her tradition; people changing into shapes humans would consider alien. She might be a wonderful teacher for this. What do you think?”

  The guides in the circle nodded their heads in agreement and all discussed how these new focuses could be integrated into the training they were doing. At the end of the visit, Moon’s expression became serious.

  “I do not want to create fear. It is the last thing needed right now. But do not put these things off. The probability is that something will change soon. Take advantage of your growing numbers, include your personal guides and sharpen your abilities. Enjoy your enhanced powers but do not allow ego interference. Work as a team, not as individuals; it is vital now.”

  David looked down at his feet. “I promise not to let my macho-cop intellect get in the way again.”

  Ricky gave his hand a squeeze. “But if you hadn’t I’d have missed this wonderful excuse to introduce you to Moon’s fabulous friends.” She stood up and stretched. “Time to get back for dinner.” Turning to Moon, “Send us back to the moment we left, please.”

  David was in the midst of shaking hands with Francos and found himself back in the parlor with Moon and Shri. “Was I really there or is your vivid imagination contagious?” He asked with a chuckle.

  “Oh, you were there, and we have a lot to tell the rest of the group, including the eminent arrival of those coming from Chicago,” Shri answered.

  Both men turned toward Ricky who was sitting silently beside them holding Moon’s burial urn in her lap.

  “It came back with you?” David said as he reached out and touched the urn that he’d last seen in the meditation room in the house on York Street.

  “This isn’t the first time she did something like that. Remember how the etheric emeralds showed up?” Ricky answered

  She turned to Shri. “Are these ashes etheric too? Do we have to handle them with care?”

  Shri took the urn and felt its energy. “I would say if the others are to work with the ashes they should treat them the same as the emeralds. Moon said they will be used as protection, but I’m not sure exactly how.”

  Just then, Erna knocked on the door and called out “Ricky, you got a call. Avery Sweet called George’s phone.”

  Shri started to hand the u
rn back to Ricky but she directed he give it to David. “Please wrap it in that throw blanket and bring it up to our room. I don’t want to tell the others about it until I have a better knowing of its purpose.”

  Ricky took George’s cell phone from Erna, which was the number Avery called when Ricky’s cell kept going to voice mail.

  “Hello Avery, good to hear from you. Something new to share?”

  “Yes, Ricky,” Avery answered, “Katera, Mel and I all got the same message from our guides who are in touch with Moon. We are not to wait until Friday to come. They say there is a sense of urgency in the request. What’s going on there?”

  “We just had a meeting with Moon and the group on strategy. We’ve been training everyone to unlink ghosts in two important locations in Athens, and she says beings of even higher vibration are telling our advisors that we are on the edge of some type of confrontation. I’m sure Moon wants us all trained in the same way, and it’s easier if we do it together,” Ricky informed him.

  “Trix is arranging plane tickets for our group. Mel Shank’s assistant is doing the same for his students. There will be about fourteen of us altogether. Do you have room at the Inn or do we need hotel accommodations?” Avery asked.

  “We discussed it with Cynda Lu who’s the owner-manager here, and she’s worked it out. Tell everyone to expect commune rules. Most of the staff are Wiccans so they are training along with those from Minneapolis; they need help keeping the place comfortable and food on the table,” Ricky answered.

  “Oh-ho, sounds interesting. We are trying to get a flight arriving early tomorrow morning. If we are successful the plane will land about nine-thirty your time, and we’ll be at Serene Nest Farm before lunch. Okay?”

  “Excellent, we have a lot to do if we all want to be on the same page,” Ricky answered.

  “Hold on a moment. Katera wants to speak with you,” Avery advised.

  A shuffling sound as the cell was handed to Katera. “Hello, Ms. Ricky. I am so excited to come see my sisters who are already working with you. Send my love to Erna, Victoria and Mary Joy. They have worked with me before in New Orleans and in the higher dimensions.”

  Ricky laughed. “They are looking forward to seeing you as are we all. We will make good use of your talents.”

  “This is wonderful,” Katera responded. “We must play just a little so joy fills our hearts, so we do our work with love. Are you already doing that Ms. Ricky?”

  “Thank you for the reminder. I think things are a little too tense around here. We keep forgetting the joy. I will remedy that tonight,” Ricky said with a chuckle. “The others are holding their meal for me, so I have to go. See you and everyone else tomorrow.”

  Ricky walked to the long oak table which had grown in length with added leaves. The venison stew smelled lovely, along with salads, bread hot from the oven, and pies that Maggie had thawed and heated.

  “Maggie, you’re a wonder. Everything looks and smells amazing,” Ricky said. All the staff had joined them at the table except for the farm hands who had eaten earlier and returned to the bunk house or campus after chores were done, allowing the rest to speak freely about the project.

  Ricky sat down near David, who had released his former unhappiness after meeting the guides in the circle and reuniting with Francos. He dipped a ladle into the stew pot and served Ricky a steaming bowl of the entrée that they had helped create during the noon-time break.

  “This is magnificent. We have some interesting news for everyone.” Ricky reached for a thick slice of sourdough bread, as she spoke. “We won’t have to wait until Friday for the promised reinforcements. The group from Chicago is coming tomorrow morning before lunch. Avery says there will be fourteen altogether.”

  Cynda Lu smiled. “Thought that was going to happen. We’ll all have to pitch in for about an hour after dinner and get the rooms in shape. We might have to have people double up.”

  Everyone nodded their willingness to help, and the staff talked back and forth with those assigned as their helpers as to where additional sheets, blankets and towels were stored.

  “They might have to put up with a little dust,” Mary Joy said with a grin. “Won’t be up to our usual high standards.”

  “I told Avery to expect commune duty, so as soon as they arrive they can be recruited as helpers,” Ricky reported. “So can everyone meet in the living room at 7:30? We have new information from Moon and the guides and David, Shri and I would like to tell you what they said.

  “I also have a reminder from Katera who you’ll all meet tomorrow. It’s time to start enjoying ourselves. Even though this is important work, we have to magnify the love within and share it. That means practicing valuable skills that will be fun at the same time.”

  “May I make a suggestion?” Cynda Lu asked “We have a lovely screened pavilion behind the Inn we’ve used for weddin’s. We also have a mobile fire pit that can be wheeled to its center. There are light sconces around the sides of the structure, and piles of pillows in the storage shed to use there, along with blankets and lawn chairs. Why not have our gatherin’ outdoors? The shield includes the whole property, correct?”

  “Excellent idea,” Ricky agreed enthusiastically, “Do you have any drums on the property? I’m getting pictures from Moon as to how excellent drumming is for building group energy.”

  “Oh do we ever!” Erna said with a clap of her hands. “We have drums, rattles, bells, conch shells, and everything to make a joyful noise. We’ve had seminars here with drumming, and people flying in don’t usually bring their drums on the plane.”

  So it was settled. Part of the group broke off to prepare the rooms for Wednesday’s new arrivals and part went to the attic to bring down the drums and other percussion instruments.

  Ricky and David were part of the group setting up the pavilion for the gathering. Ricky had seen it when they walked around the property but hadn’t gotten close enough for a good look. It was much more than a gazebo. It had a white enameled frame and a cooper roof and most of the walls pulled back to reveal finely woven screens that defied any mosquito to enter in. If it was warm, some of the walls could be slid open, if it was rainy or cool, all the walls could be closed, making it a perfect spot for outdoor activities.

  Folded lawn chairs sat in piles to one end of the structure, and just outside of its main entrance was a large garden shed with storage space and a ‘men’s’ and ‘women’s’ toilet stall with sinks and running water.

  Jeff had given David the keys to the shed so he and Ricky could get to the supplies. They found the piles of pillows and blankets that had been secured there in canvas bags, freed them from their protection, and brought them into the pavilion sitting them around a center point on the thick indoor-outdoor carpeting. They rolled the portable wood- burning fire pit into the center area where a vent was provided for the smoke.

  Ricky surveyed the area with a pleased expression. “Wow, I thought this was a gazebo when I saw it, but it’s so much more. I’d love a space big enough for one of these somewhere near the house.”

  “Yup,” David said with a smile, as he arranged wood in the fire pit. “Only problem is that in Minnesota you could only use it three months out of the year. Most years, in Georgia, they can use this every month. But I agree, what a fun space to teach in and enjoy.”

  Just then Jessica and Liam came in through the main pavilion door carrying more canvas sacks. One full of wood and horn rattles, round rhythm sticks, drum sticks and shaker eggs and the other carried ten wood-and-hide drums of various sizes. Jeff followed them with another large bag of drums and a smaller one with whistles, conch shells and what looked like kazoos.

  Ricky laughed when she saw everything, and Jessica and Liam helped her place them near the pillowed spots they had prepared for everyone in the circle. As they did this, Jeff helped David with the mysteries of lighting the fire pit, then went around and turned on the lights that were secured halfway up the frames around the pavilion.

7:30 the rest of the group came in, all wearing casual clothes that allowed them to sit on the ground. The fire pit contained burning embers and the lights around the circle were set to glow dimly. They would be needed later in the evening when the sun went down.

  Cynda Lu brought out a malachite bowl filled with sage and a long eagle feather. She lit the sage and went around to clear the space around each person. When this was complete, Shri placed etheric- emerald-charged crystals in a circle around the group. Bob and Jim, who lead drumming at their yoga retreats, sat on opposite sides of the circle and used their personal drums to start the beat. The others joined in one at a time until they all drummed in the same sequence.

  Erna picked up a conch shell and blew into it. George set aside his drum for a wooden rattle and a set of bells. This went on for about a half hour, until the Reynolds brothers brought the beat to a close. Everyone sat quietly in the circle feeling the presence of nature and all the guides that were part of their efforts.

  “That was amazing,” Ricky said as the calming energy surrounded them. “I want to introduce a few things to you tonight. Some familiar, other things new. They are all new for me in this incarnation, but I have fleeting recollections of all of this from centuries back.

  “The first thing Moon told us to practice was the generation of concentrated beams of love. Love is the most vital energy in existence. It is our true nature and was part of us from the moment we were created. Moon told us that that it would be important for us to be able to instantly move into love, even in the midst of anger, fear, confrontation and danger.

  “Using your heart centers, think of the times, people and places for which you’ve felt intense love. Again do not think of the physical heart, but the radiation of intense caring, compassion, appreciation, and understanding, that you feel when you know you’re in touch with the center of the Universe. Quietly do this, sending a beam of light into the center of the room, right above the fire.”


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