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Surrender My Love

Page 22

by Lisa Eugene

  “Why not, Richard?”

  “Cuz something came up! I don’t need to explain myself to you.”

  Chloe took a deep breath, not wanting to get into another fight with her brother, especially while sitting with Brad. She could already see his jaw clenching tight in the shadows. Now that she wasn’t working, she could cover the shift, but she had a lot to catch up on at her apartment and she wanted to do more research on Omega Pharmaceuticals.

  “Fine. But don’t forget you’re doing one day this week and the following. Maria needs off.”

  “Fine. Whatev!”

  He signed off the phone and Chloe sighed. Her gaze slid hesitantly to Brad, and she was relieved to see his expression lacked censure. She had enough to deal with right now.

  Brad pulled up in front of her building. Opening her door, he cradled her hand in his and they walked to her apartment. Chloe turned to face him when they were at her door, staring up into his handsome face. A dimple creased his cheek as he caught his bottom lip between his teeth and looked down at her.

  His thick, dark hair was tussled from the countless times he’d bothered it from worry, and his sensual eyes brimmed with emotion that almost made her believe she was special to him. But she’d believed that once before. She’d given her heart freely only to find that she’d been a fool. She could never endure that hollowing pain again. It had been a hurt that scooped everything out of her. If Brad broke her heart, there’d be no recovery. She knew she’d be forever empty.

  They’d spent the entire day together and it seemed to have stretched for infinite hours. They’d existed in a comfortable bubble and she’d drawn strength from his nearness. Had it been only this morning that he’d come to her mother’s apartment? She was grateful to have his support, but he was probably tiring of her company and her troubles.

  “Thanks again. For everything.” She smiled up at him.

  He took a step closer to her, trapping against the door. His large body leaned over her, barely touching, but she could feel his heat wrap around her, intoxicating her with its warmth.

  A long finger twirled in her ponytail, pulling it forward to hang over her shoulder, and her gaze followed the curve of his bicep bulging beneath his tee shirt as he stroked the tress.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She nodded. She was always okay when she was with him. The problem would be later, she knew, when she was in bed, alone, thinking and stewing in a pot with her troubles. She wanted him to stay and the words bungeed off the edge of her tongue, but kept springing back, having never quite reached her lips. She’d asked too much of him already.

  “Good night. Thanks for your help.” She reached up on tip toe to deliver a peck on his lips.

  When she was done, and had landed back on shaky feet, she looked up and her breath arrested at what she saw in Brad’s eyes. His hand had stilled, done with its idle fondling of her hair, and the playful dimple in his cheek had run away. His stare burned hot as he took another step towards her, an impossible step that even dared the barrier of their clothes to disguise his raging erection. She couldn’t distinguish where he ended and she began.

  She was wedged between the solid door and his arousing, hard body, and her shocked brain revved full speed ahead.

  “That’s not a kiss, Chloe.” The intensity of his stare caused goose bumps to prickle her skin. “This is a kiss…”

  Gulp… The deep resonance of his voice had her nipples throbbing. His hand shot up to cup her chin and hold her head steady as his mouth swooped down to possess hers. His lips were demanding and aggressive, initiating a hostile claiming of her senses. His tongue snaked in, greedy with rough, delicious licks. His other hand coiled her ponytail tight around his fist while he devoured her lips. Moans crowded in her throat while her breath panted from her nose, and Chloe felt like her knees would buckle at any moment from the ruckus of sensations.

  His tongue glided in and out of her mouth, causing fluid to leak from her body with the memory of his shaft sliding similarly in and out of her. It roused a brilliantly clear memory of him guiding her to ecstasy. Brad’s teeth captured her bottom lip and he tugged hard, seducing a groan from her belly. He sucked on the tortured flesh, drawing it into his mouth for a lush soothing as he thrust his hips against hers, grinding his insistent cock into her abdomen.

  Oh God…

  She couldn’t help the slow rocking of her hips against him, or the press of her breast into his chest as she arched her back, seeking to fuse their bodies. He slashed his lips across hers and kissed her harder. She opened her mouth, desperate to feel the slide of his tongue. Her nails dug into his back, clutching the fabric of his shirt. She tip-toed and tilted her hips, rubbing herself against the mound tenting his pants. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them with one hand over her head, then drew one leg high on his hip as he pushed roughly into her.

  Chloe moaned low and guttural when his teeth bit along her jaw and took hold of her earlobe. It was as though she was shot with volts of electricity that burned fire through her sex, causing it to throb with want and leak with lusty delight. She felt his thick shaft nudge her clitoris and knew she could come from just that friction alone and the incredible, overwhelming presence of this wonderful man. She could develop a dependence on him. Easily. And it terrified her. Her body stiffened and she stopped the rocking motion of her hips.

  His head lifted and his heated gaze probed hers, confused. His breath fanned softly against her cheek as he stared. There was some raw emotion in the deep, velvet blue of his eyes, something her dazed mind was too lethargic to decipher. The air crackled around them, tingly and electrifying. She noticed his erratic breathing, and he paused, as if waiting. He then took a stiff step backwards, releasing her wrists, and dropping his hand from her thigh.

  “Good night, Chloe. Make sure to lock the door.” His chin tilted in the direction of her apartment. “I’ll wait until you’re inside.”

  Chloe shook off her lusty stupor and scrambled for her keys, already missing him, missing the taste and feel of him. She had her door open and was inside before her brain could protest the actions. But as she smiled and closed the door, she was already chastising herself for yearning so badly for something she couldn’t have. To expect any real devotion from Brad would be an inevitable path to repeat heartbreak. He didn’t do relationships.

  Brad heard the click of Chloe’s lock and felt a measure of satisfaction, but his mind and body were still raging with a violent passion. His forehead slumped against her door, and he squeezed his eyes shut, the words that had been a vicious chant in his head finally breaching his lips.

  “Ask me to stay, Chlo. Ask me to stay…” he whispered hoarsely.

  What the fuck! Why had she stopped?

  Brad pushed away from her door and made his way to his car. He’d all but attacked her just now in the hallway. Smooth, Brad. What a fucking gentleman!

  She was so fiercely independent that she’d never look to him for anything. It was as though she felt unworthy or just didn’t trust in anyone but herself. There wasn’t much else he could have done to show her how much he wanted to be with her. Although his need was fierce, he’d been on the other side often enough to know not to push. The one thing he always hated was when women didn’t give him his space, when they became too clingy. Now look at him. Clingy. He almost laughed aloud at the irony. He’d already insinuated himself enough into her life without invitation.

  It was his nature to want to control things, especially when he saw events running amuck. The situation with her brother still angered him and in the car he’d had to bite his tongue to keep from railing at the irresponsible young man. Brad sighed. It wasn’t his place. He’d often wondered why Chloe had such issues with self-esteem and lacked confidence in her physical appearance. Was it from her brother’s abusive treatment, or something else?

  Fuck. He was so wound up! He needed a drink. He needed Chloe…

  Getting into his car, he started the engine, thinking about their
visit with Dr. Shaw. He was still trying to process everything the man had told them. He didn’t know Mr. Phillips very well, but knew he had a reputation as a shrewd business man and was known for being competitive and highly motivated. He was credited with getting Omega to where it was today. The company was predicted to soon become very successful, especially if it was able to release the new Alzheimer’s medication. The few times that Brad had met Mr. Phillips, he’d found him to be excited and knowledgeable about the company’s products and positive about its future growth.

  This unlawful and unsanctioned testing of hospitalized patients was a horrific act that reached far beyond the borders of sanity. For Phillips to think he could get away with conducting such tests was sublime arrogance—or mad desperation to keep his funding. Whatever it was, he didn’t like the way events were unfolding. When it came to Chloe, things were happening too quickly and too precisely, almost following some insidious plan. Although he couldn’t say anything about Omega in his meeting with the administrators on Monday, he wanted to make damn sure they knew Chloe had his full support. She was an excellent nurse with a pristine record at the hospital, and it was contemptible how the administrators seemed eager to vilify her.

  Twenty minutes later, Brad walked into his apartment, switching on lights as he made his way to his bedroom. He left the light off and walked to the bay of windows that overlooked the New York City skyline. He was on the forty-eighth floor, facing south, and the view was spectacular, but he didn’t see the luminous monoliths set against a textured black sky. His only vision was of a beautiful face with large golden eyes.

  He remembered the feel of her body pressed against his, and his erection twitched in his jeans. Turning to the room, his gaze landed on his dresser and he walked towards it. He opened the top drawer and pulled out Chloe’s shredded white cotton panties. His fingers trailed over the soft material, his mind filled with images of where it had once been. He was still tense with his need for her, still feeling like his skin had shrunken tight. He wanted her in his arms, her scent on his body, and her taste on his tongue.

  With a tortured groan, he unbuttoned his pants and freed his straining erection, hoping to find relief. He balled the underwear into his fist and walked to the windows, looking out over the dark city. Leaning his forehead against the cool glass, he palmed his shaft and started a steady stroke, wheezing out a long breath at the pleasure that shot through his body.

  Fifteen minutes later, Brad was fogging the glass with the warmth of his choppy breaths. His bicep burned from exertion and his shaft was as stiff as a pike. It ached with unbearable longing. He cursed and slammed his fist into the glass, almost wishing it would shatter into a million pieces. He cursed again, crushing the underwear in his grip. He was so fucking close, and yet could not reach orgasm. Out of his mind with frustration, he sighed deeply and turned toward his bathroom, intent on an ice cold shower.

  Fuck! He wanted to scream. He needed Chloe and knew it wasn’t just for physical release. He was broken without her.

  Monday afternoon, Brad stalked into the meeting with the hospital administrators sizzling with anger. It was a palpable thing that leaked from his pores and stiffened his frame. He entered the room and took a seat at a rectangular conference table. He’d spent the day before at the gym and it had done little to alleviate his stress. The administrators sat on one side, and he the other. It was only the thought of Chloe that forced him to reign in his contempt for the group sitting before him.

  He noticed that none in the group made eye contact, and it didn’t surprise him. This meeting was supposed to have occurred since nine this morning. Bea had received a call postponing the meeting because the administrators had pressing matters to address. Brad had raised hell, but in the end had been left to stew in his anger and impotence for a good part of the day. Now as he stared at the pale stoic faces, he wondered about the pressing matter that had demanded their urgent attention.

  “Dr. Markson, first let me introduce everyone here,” Mr. Pancost started. “I believe you already know Mr. Accardo from O&S, Nurse Wall, Mrs. Chavez.” His eyes touched on each person as he spoke. “Mrs. Pardon is the director of the nursing department and sits on the hospital board along with Mr. Daley. And the gentleman beside him is from the hospital’s legal team, Mr. Edgle.”

  Brad nodded to each one in turn, wondering if this was the formidable group Chloe had met with. She must have been terrified. They all looked like sharks on the hunt, ready to devour unsuspecting prey. Not the least bit intimidated, he speared each one with a furious glare and squared his shoulders. He opened his mouth to start speaking just as Mr. Pancost held up a hand.

  “Dr. Markson, please, allow me to apologize for the delays in meeting with you. We mean no disrespect and hope you understand the considerable pressure the board and hospital have been under the past week. We’ve literally been scrambling to keep hold of this explosive situation. We do however understand your concerns and that you would like them addressed. We know that Mr. Barkley was a dear patient of yours and, from what we’ve come to understand, a friend.”

  Brad frowned, not sure where Mr. Pancost was headed. “Well, about Nurse—”

  “Yes. Before you start, let me assure you we have the situation well under control. Nurse Wall told us that you were rightly suspicious of Nurse Bennett. She also informed us of her irreverence at the time of Mr. Barkley’s death. We understand why you’d want to call this meeting, why you’d want to voice your anger towards this nurse. I know you’ve heard the rumors and have spoken to Mr. Accardo. We fully intend to uncover any wrongdoing and prosecute fully. I’m certain you want answers as well as assurances that no harm comes to your other patients.”

  Brad stared wide-eyed in disbelief. They thought his request for this meeting was to vent his ire and ensure that Chloe was held accountable. They suspected he feared for his other patients’ safety. They thought he wanted to join the lynch mob frenzy to blame her for the deaths at the hospital. Well, they would soon see that wasn’t the case at all. He opened his mouth again to speak, meaning to roar his vehemence, when Mr. Pancost’s next statement gripped hold of his neck and choked his words in his throat.

  “I’ve spent the morning with the police and they’ve taken matters in hand. They are on their way to take Nurse Bennett into custody as we speak. They feel they have enough evidence to arrest her for murder.”

  Brad sucked in great torrents of air that burned the flesh in his lungs.

  “What?” he hissed the word, feeling it rasp from his throat.

  Mr. Pancost took a deep, weary breath, then looked to Mr. Edgle from the legal team. Mr. Edgle nodded and Mr. Pancost continued.

  “This is just between us Dr. Markson, but the syringe that was found in Nurse Bennett’s locker contained potassium. We already knew this because there was a label on the syringe.”

  Brad forced air in and out of his lungs and shook his head, confused. “What? The syringe was labeled?”

  “Yes. But the contents had to be verified. This morning, the crime lab confirmed that it contained a lethal dose of potassium. You are aware that a bolus of potassium can cause sudden cardiac arrhythmias and death.”

  Brad wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling the heat of the room suffocate him. “Yes! Yes! I’m well aware of that, dammit!”

  Oh, God! I have to think! I have to think! Shit! Shit! Oh God, Chloe…

  “There was unfortunately another death on Four West last week. The man’s family agreed to an autopsy. The results of the autopsy helped to strengthen the evidence against Nurse Bennett.”

  “Although we fully believe in innocence until proven guilty, Nurse Bennett appears to be a very disturbed individual and may have some mental issues. It’s sad that this had not come to light before these unfortunate deaths,” Mr. Accardo said sadly, pushing up his glasses.

  Brad heard Nurse Wall huff across the table. “I always knew she had problems!”

  Mr. Accardo tossed Nurse Wall an annoyed ex
pression and continued. “There are some details we cannot share, but we want you to know that the situation has been turned over to the police and that the rest of your patients are safe here at WMH.”

  “The police conducted a search of Nurse Bennett’s home last week and found a syringe there as well. I’m only privy to this because I have connections in the police department. This information does not leave this room,” Mr. Pancost supplied.

  The others around the table gasped and muttered aloud, obviously unaware of those events.

  “Was it the same type of syringe found in the locker?” Mr. Accardo inquired.

  Brad felt his heart buck in his chest, kicking out splashes of blood as Mr. Pancost continued. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “I’m not sure. The contents of that syringe have not been identified as yet, but the police feel there is enough evidence for an arrest.”

  Brad swallowed against his dry throat, his heart like a runaway cart under his ribs. He had to warn Chloe! He had to let her know!

  He slowly raised his hand and dragged his cell phone from inside his suit pocket. Mr. Pancost was now addressing another question posed by Mrs. Pardon. Brad glanced down, pretending to be deep in thought, but his fingers were frantic under the table. His mind raced a mile a minute as he sent a text to Bea, praying she had her cell phone at hand.


  He breathed a gust of relief when, seconds later, the loud chime from his phone interrupted the fervent exchanges at the table. All eyes turned to look at him and he stared back, forcing himself to relax and breathe slowly through his nose. He loosened the tight muscles of his jaw and made a show of glancing at his phone.

  “Damn! Not now!” he frowned. “This is about a patient. It’s urgent. I must take it. I will just need a moment.”

  “Certainly.” Mr. Pancost nodded.

  Brad rose from his seat and forced his legs not to race into the hallway. He closed the door to the conference room firmly behind him and moved further down the hall. He could already hear Bea yelling through the phone.


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