Book Read Free

Anywhere With You

Page 5

by Danielle Jamie

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I know I’m pretty because I’ve been told it enough times by others and I’m not blind. I like how I look and I’m happy with the person that I am but I’ve never looked at myself and seen the girl he’s describing.

  Shaking my head, I interject, “I told you I’d wait and I meant it, Killian. I know you have a life outside of this town. The idea of running away with you, I’ll admit, is exciting to think about...but scary at the same time. I barely know you. Hell, I don’t even know your last name, what your favorite food is, or if you have a criminal record for crying out loud!”

  His eyes drop to our entwined hands before they find mine again. His stare is serious and a flicker of pain flashes in them, but as quickly as it is there, it’s gone as is tone is serious, “I have no idea how long I’m going to be on the road, Summer. I may travel for a few weeks and decide I’ve had enough and come back. Or I may have the time of my life and spend the next year traveling around. I have no idea what the future holds, and the idea of you sitting around this town waiting on me kills me. You don’t deserve that. I don’t want that for you. That’s why I came back.”

  He squeezes my hands and pulls me closer to him so that now my legs are pressed against his, making my body kick into high gear as my breathing becomes labored, and my head begins to spin lightly as his delicious scent fills my senses. The spark of electricity that’s jolting between us crackles in the air, making all of my doubts and fears burn away under the intense heat burning between us.

  “I know I’ve seemed secretive but it’s only because I have a lot going on in my life right now. I’m trying to move on with my life, but every time I try, my past grips hold of me and pulls me back into the fucked up world I’m fighting desperately to get away from. My favorite food is a really good bacon cheese burger, and for a criminal record, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t arrested a time or two but it’s nothing major. I was not arrested for anything that would make you run for hills. If it makes you more comfortable, I’ll give you my whole life’s story, but believe me, I’m sparing you by not filling you in on my fucked up life.”

  Oh, God. This is insane. Every inch of me is screaming to say yes but there’s that annoying little voice in the back of my mind saying, ‘He’s a crazy serial killer. Run! Run as fast as you can.’ That’s the over active imagination part of my brain that’s corrupted from the one too many horror films I’ve watched in my lifetime.

  I’ve prided myself on being able to read others. I’ve had to do it my whole life as I bounced from foster home to foster home. When I look at Killian, I see a sexy, intriguing man with a darkness inside of him that clouds his usually happy green irises when he mentions his life and his past. But, who doesn’t have some darkness inside of them thanks to the crap life can throw your way? I know I’ve been dealt my fair share of blows in life, but I’m still a good, kind hearted person. I think deep down I know Killian is a good man too, looking for someone to believe in him.

  “Everyone has secrets and demons, Killian. I know that better than anyone. I won’t hold that against you and I’ll respect your privacy. I only want you to confide in me when you feel comfortable doing so. When you’re ready to talk to me, I’ll be here to listen. I know Mila is going to flip her shit and Rosie too. answer is yes. It’s been far too long since I’ve taken a spontaneous road trip. So what the heck...let’s go wherever the road and the music leads us!”

  Killian’s eyes grow wide with shock and surprise as he comprehends what I’m telling him. I squeal with excitement as he lunges at me, wrapping me in his arms and pressing a short sweet kiss to my lips. “Yes? You’re seriously saying yes right now?” He murmurs against my lips as he slides his fingers along my back and pulls me further into his body as he flutters kisses over my lips and then along my jaw and down my neck.

  An array of giggles escapes my lips as he kisses a fiery path across my flushed skin, tickling the sensitive part of my neck with his three-day old scruff. “Yes. I’m really saying yes right now. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but like they say, you only get one life so live it to the fullest, right?”

  Lifting his face away from my neck, he smiles down at me and brushes a damp strand of hair from my temple before affectionately sliding his fingers down my cheek, over my shoulder and along my arm, causing goosebumps to blanket my body. His eyes are practically glowing as they twinkle in the soft glow of the television. The excitement I see in them is contagious and I find a wide grin spreading across my face too.

  “Well, Wild Summer, I couldn’t have said it better myself. I plan on living these next few weeks with you to their fullest capacity. It’s a wide open road and I plan on exploring all of it with you. This is going to be the best summer of your life, that I can promise you.”

  Chapter Ten


  When I arrived in Newport Beach, the last thing I ever expected was to meet a girl who would flip my world completely upside down. I planned on coming to town, doing my show, maybe meet a chick at the bar to spend the night with, and then be on the road to the next town and my next gig. That is not even close to what ended up happening.

  Summer is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. Between the girls back in L.A. I’ve grown up with and the women I’ve met out on the road, there’s never been one who’s drawn me in and made me feel the way I do when I’m around her. I feel happier than I’ve been in my entire life. With her, I’m able to be just Killian. I’m able to for the first time ever actually relax and enjoy myself.

  For the first time in my life, I’m playing music because I want to and I have the complete freedom to do whatever I want musically. Meeting Summer has only made me realize even more that the choices I’ve made recently in my life were made for a reason. That reason was to lead me to Summer.

  Before her, I felt as if I was drowning and no matter how hard I fought, there was no escaping the inevitable.

  From the moment she walked up to me outside that diner, I knew I had to talk to her. I had watched her walk table to table, taking orders or just chatting with people who were there enjoying their lunch.

  I know the whole thought of love at first sight seems like a load of bullshit. To me it always was, especially when I’d hear one of my friends gush over a chick they met telling me that they knew the moment they saw her that she was the one. They would tell me that ‘they had to go after her because she was the girl who’d become my wife one day’. I used to bust their balls about it. Now, after meeting Summer, I understand exactly what they were talking about.

  It’s almost unexplainable.

  It’s impossible to put into words what happens when you meet the one person you know deep inside of you is the person you’ve been searching your whole life for, and never had a clue you were looking for this soulmate until the person enters your life. It’s then you realize that you were only coasting through life, not really living until the person comes into your life and completes a part of you that you never knew you were missing. It’s only then that you truly start living.

  After only two days, I knew I was falling for her. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t scare the shit out of me. With the mess my life is right now, bringing someone into it is the last thing I ever wanted or planned to happen.

  I’m afraid once she realizes who I am and what she’ll be getting herself into, she may not want to be with me. I know soon enough she’s going to discover who I am or it'll get to the point where I have to tell her. I know realistically there’s only so long that I’ll be able to continue with leaving her in the dark and having her accept that. Soon enough, she’ll wants answers to who I am and why I’m hiding my identity from her and the entire world.

  She’ll come to a point where I’ll get that ultimatum. Let her in or let her go. I know if faced with that choice, no matter how terrifying it’ll be, I’ll choose letting her in rather than risk pushing her away forever.

  It terrifies me that even after I tell her who I really am tha
t she’ll possibly walk away anyways. Because really who would voluntarily become a part of the chaos that is my life? Especially after all the shit she’s gone through already in life.

  Sure, everything is fun right now while I’m able to be Killian, the struggling musician traveling town to town, bar to bar, singing for a living. Though once she learns I’m Killian Miles and sees the baggage that comes with being with me, I’ll know if what we feel for one another is strong enough to conquer all or if we’ll end up being a just a hot summer fling. The demons chasing me can scare even the sweetest of hearts away.

  I have the next two weeks to show her the guy I’m trying to become. I can only hope that while on this trip we’ll form a friendship and possibly a relationship strong enough to withstand anything that’s bound to come our way.

  Since my show in Phoenix is Friday night, we have to get on the road first thing Thursday morning since it’s a six hour drive. That way I I'll make sure I arrive in time to check in with the owner of the bar Thursday evening to go over my gig for Friday night.

  Summer talked to Rosie, who thankfully didn’t try to have me arrested for kidnapping or some crazy shit because I’m a complete stranger asking her to come out on the road with me. I promised her that I’d make sure Summer checked in with her every day so she knows she’s safe. I promised the same to her friend, Mila.

  Summer’s leaving her van at the diner. It wasn’t easy convincing her that it was a better choice taking my car. That girl is as stubborn as they come. But after explaining to her that I’m on a tight schedule for my next few shows and we can’t risk breaking down on the side of the highway, she finally gave in.

  I told her for now the plan is two weeks of driving across country from California to South Carolina. Then after that, we can turn around and head back to Newport Beach where I can drop her off while I go back to L.A. to sort out my next trip or she can continue on this crazy journey with me. For now, all I care about is getting through these two weeks with her by my side having the best time of my life. After the year and a half I’ve had, I need her and this trip more than I’ve needed anything.

  Right now, we’re on the road and only a few minutes away from arriving in Phoenix. The six-hour car ride flew by.

  “The next exit is ours and then we’ll be in Phoenix,” I tell her as we pass a road sign on the side of the highway informing us that Phoenix is the next exit one mile away.

  I glance at her, taking in the beautiful sight beside me before turning my eyes back to the road. She looks amazing riding shotgun. It’s too warm to have the windows down so we have the air conditioning turned up. She has her seat reclined back, with her glittery, polka dotted painted toe nails sparkling in the sunlight as they sit resting on the dashboard. She’s wearing another one of those adorable floral headbands she’s always wearing across her forehead making her look even cuter if that’s possible. She keeps smiling at me from the passenger seat, each time making my heart slam against my ribs as I watch the dimple in her left cheek deepen with every smile she flashes my way.

  She’s had full control of the radio, which at the moment is blasting Taylor Swift’s Style that she’s belting out without a care in the world. She can’t carry a tune, but it’s seriously the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. After every second I spend with her, I find myself wanting her more.

  I really want to do this right. With every other relationship, I've rush into things and then everything seems to implode all at once.

  I need to prove to Summer that I like her and really want to see where things can go with us. My body hates me at the moment because I’m trying to be a gentleman but I’m trying to prove to Summer I’m not the bang ‘em and leave ‘em Killian I was before I met her. When the time is right, I’ll finally have her. When I do, I’m going to cherish every single inch of her the way she deserves to be pleasured, with every part of her feeling worshipped and her falling asleep curled up in my arms.

  “I’ve never seen Phoenix before. I’m so excited about this trip, Killian. We can google all those must see places across America and stop to take pictures with them. You know, like the world’s largest ball of yarn and other crazy stuff like that! Have you been here before?” She asks, her voice filled with excitement. I’m learning when she gets excited about something, she tends to ramble. It’s just one more thing to add to the never ending list I’ve begun to make in my head of reasons why I’m falling for this girl.

  Reaching across the car, I grab her hand that’s resting on her lap and lace it with mine. The second I take her hand, her eyes light up as she begins singing again softly to the radio.

  “I’ve been to Phoenix a few times. I actually have a surprise planned for tomorrow morning—as long as you’re not of heights.”

  “Well, luckily for you, I’m not afraid of heights and I doubt I’ll sleep a wink tonight because I’m going to be way too excited for tomorrow to get here!”

  Chapter Eleven


  The six-hour car ride went by a lot faster than I first expected. When I drove from Nebraska to California, I had fun seeing new places along the way but I got bored a lot. When your only entertainment is the radio, road trips aren’t so much fun. Now that I'm experiencing a road trip with Killian, I’m finding myself laughing non-stop, and enjoying talking about all of the places we can see along the way.

  Thankfully, Blue has been great the entire car ride. We only had to stop once before checking into our hotel. I'm so glad Killian is a dog person because if she couldn't come, then that would've been my deal breaker on this trip.

  We checked in to our hotel a few hours ago. I tried to pay Killian for my half of the room but he insisted on paying. We ended up booking a room with two queen beds. I thought for sure we'd be sharing beds, but that isn't happening.

  I can't help but feel frustrated a little because we're two people in our twenties on a road trip and we're behaving like a priest and a nun who are traveling together. I find it sweet that Killian wants to take things slowly, especially after all the douchebags I've encountered over the years, but I've never wanted to curl up in a guy's arms and fall asleep as badly as I do right now.

  We went straight to the bar as soon as we checked into the hotel. It's a lot bigger than the bar in Newport Beach, but Killian doesn't seem fazed by the fact he'll have a bigger crowd to try and please. If they don't like him tomorrow night, they'll all need their ears checked because he is seriously talented. His voice is one that should be heard around the world.

  After we leave the bar, we stop by a fast food place for a quick dinner before finally coming back to our hotel room. He's lying on the bed right now going over his gig tomorrow night and planning all the songs he'll be singing. I'm in the bathroom blow drying my hair because I took a quick shower before bed. I felt all grimy from the long car ride.

  Turning off the blow drier, I’m immediately mesmerized by the sound of Killian singing softly on the other side of the wall. The song is one of my favorites right now, Take Your Time, by Sam Hunt.

  Opening the bathroom door, I pad my way over to my bed. Climbing onto the bed, I fold my legs Indian style and watch Killian as he gently strums his acoustic guitar. The instant his eyes flick up to mine, I catch myself inhaling deeply and feel my heart double beat against my chest. I've never felt so drawn to a man like I am with Killian. It's as if being around him sends my entire body into overdrive.

  "I love that song. Are you going to sing it tomorrow night?" I ask as I shift on the bed pulling my legs up to my chest.

  Killian's eyes slowly slide over my body, taking in the image of me in my polka dotted pajama shorts and light pink boyfriend tank that I opted to wear a yellow lace bralette underneath. I feel my cheeks flush as his eyes lift back up to mine and he catches me staring right back at him. I’d need my head checked if I wasn’t taking in every inch of his 'too hot to handle' body. This man has muscle covering every inch of him. He's just laying on this bed lounging in his briefs strumming his damn g
uitar, driving me absolutely crazy.

  Setting the guitar down beside the bed, he sprawls out onto the bed stretching and lets out the sexiest moan while doing so, making me bite my lip to stop myself from salivating over him.

  Rolling onto his side, he props his head up in the palm of his hand and locks his eyes on mine again, “Yeah. I have a few Sam Hunt songs I cover. Seems the ladies really love him—along with guys too. So he’s a safe choice to go with. Thankfully for me, I enjoy his music too so it’s a win, win kind of situation.”

  Ladies sure as hell do love Sam Hunt, along with this girl right here. I’ve hit the hottie jack pot with Killian because he has a lot of similarities in appearance. Though in my opinion, Killian is even hotter, which until the day I met him, I didn’t think that was even a possibility seeing that Sam Hunt is my ultimate celebrity crush right now.

  “I love his music, and I’m really excited to hear your version of that song tomorrow night. I know everyone’s going to love it.”

  Killian covers a yawn as he sits up and pulls down the covers, climbing under them. I can’t take my eyes off of him. The way he moves, the way he speaks, and even the way he sings—it is hypnotic—pulling me in, and making me fall for him hard and fast. It’s terrifying but exhilarating all at the same time. It’s the same kind of rush I get when surfing— only the consolation prize is way sweeter.

  “I’m beat. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. The last thing I want is to be tired and dragging when I take you for your surprise tomorrow so I’m going to call it a night and pass the hell out,” he says with laughter laced in his words.


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