Anywhere With You

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Anywhere With You Page 8

by Danielle Jamie

I’ve been going for the whole Eric Church look, hoping it will help people not think anything of me wearing a flat brimmed ball cap and aviators all day as I try to hide my face and pray none of these college kids recognize me. Now that it’s night time, it’s a little harder. I now have my shades hanging from the neck of my t-shirt but the only good thing going for me is the bar is naturally dark at night with dim lighting hanging over the tables and above the bar.

  There are only three balls left on the table. Two are ours and one is the other duo’s. I need to sink this ball or all it’ll take is them sinking theirs and we’ll lose. I lean over the table, angling my shot, when I feel a hand on my ass. Laughing, I spin around and spot Summer attempting to look sweet and innocent. “Did you just slap my ass? I’m in the middle of trying to win us a game of pool here?” I say with an amused tone.

  Nibbling on her fingernail, a sexy little smile dances across her lips, making my heart slam fiercely against my chest and my body ache to have her even more. “Sorry—it was just there taunting me. I couldn’t resist.”

  Shaking my head at her, I line up my shot again and tell her over my shoulder, “Baby, you can play with my ass all you want—after we win this game.”

  With those words, I slam the cue ball and watch it bounce off of the green felt lining before hitting my striped ball and sinking it into the middle pocket. Standing, I let out a sigh of relief, “Whoop! One more ball baby and this game is over.” Lining up the shot, I take it and hold my breath as I watch it bounce off the wall again and zig zag over to my final ball resting perfectly in front of the left corner pocket. Just like that, it sinks it. “Hot dayum! Now that is how it’s done!” I shout as I celebrate our win and spin around with my free arm scooping Summer up and pulling her against my body before crashing my lips to hers, savoring the taste of sweet tea on her 'kiss me' lips.

  I’d love to stand here all day kissing her but I need to piss like a fucking race horse. I turn to the couple we were playing, and dig out some money from my pocket for them. We didn’t bet or anything and since I won, it’d be them paying up. Since they look like college kids here on summer break, they’ll probably need more beer money and I have plenty to spare. So I want to help them have a great vacation like I am with Summer right now.

  “Great game, you guys. It was a lot of fun. Here’s a fifty to help you all keep the beers flowing tonight.”

  Josie fingers the fifty and looks up at her boyfriend with a puzzled look on her face. “What? You’re giving us money when you won?”

  Nodding, I clap Dave on the shoulder and give him a knowing wink, realizing this will definitely be helping him in the ladies department tonight. “Yup. We’re about to call it a night so I have no use for it. So you and your friends have some drinks on me. Thanks for coming tonight and listening to me play.”

  “Wow! Thanks, man,” he says, giving me a sincere smile before heading over to the bar to rejoin his friends.

  I feel Summer come up behind me, hooking her arm in mine, “You never cease to surprise me. You have the biggest heart, Killian. It’s just another reason why I love you—”

  As soon as I hear those three words come out of her mouth, we both tense up. Me, because I’m shocked to hear she’s feeling...what I’m feeling. I’ve known since the second I saw her that this was the girl I was meant to be with. Her, I think she’s frozen beside me at the moment because that was the last thing she expected to have fly from her mouth, and she’s waiting rather impatiently for my reaction.

  Turning to face her, I slide my hand into her hair, cupping the side of her head in my hand as I gaze down into her beautiful eyes and take in her delicate features from the few light freckles that decorate her nose, to her beautiful full lips, and the cutest dimple in her cheek that appears every time she graces me with her rock my body to the core smile.

  “I love every single thing about you, Summer. From your laugh, to your beautiful, big heart, and I especially love the way you make me feel as if I can do anything as long as I have you by my side. You’ve been the best thing to ever come into my life. Knowing you love me too, it’s everything to me. I’m going to run to the bathroom and then we’re going back to the resort so I can show you just how much I love every single inch of you.”

  I feel her shudder in my arms and her lids flutter as my words hit her. “I’ll go wait in the car then because we can’t get back there fast enough,” she says in a soft and seductive voice.

  I give her one more kiss and her perfect ass a nice little squeeze before releasing her, and head towards the restroom.

  As soon as I zip my pants and head over to the sink to wash my hands, I hear my cell going off again in my back pocket. I grab a few paper towels and dry my hands quickly before digging my phone out. I don’t have to look because I already know who it is. Looking at my screen, I see her name along with a short text.


  U can’t ignore me forever, Killian. This has gone on long enough. Text me back or I’ll be forced to take matters into my own hands.

  Where the fuck does she get off throwing threats at me? I’m so tired of dealing with her bullshit. She hasn’t stopped calling or texting me for weeks. I don’t understand why she or my father can’t respect that I needed to get away. By that, I meant away from everyone. No calling, no texting. None of that shit. All I wanted was a few weeks alone to clear my fucking head but it’s impossible for them to give me that.

  I ignore the text like I’ve ignored all the others and slide my phone back into my back pocket before heading out of the bar and back out to the only person I want to see right now.

  Chapter Seventeen


  My heart is racing against my chest so hard I have to press my hand against it to try and will it to chill the hell out. It's pitch dark as I pull into the parking spot behind the cabin and park the car. Not wasting any time, Killian is out of the car and already around to my side by the time I get my door open. Taking my hand, he helps me out and then we walk hand in hand up to the cottage door. I watch as he slides the key in, unlocking the door. He glances back at me over his shoulder with a set-your-body-on-fire-kind of sinfully, sexy smile. Butterflies immediately invade my belly and I have to keep reminding myself to breathe. He’s the most amazing person I’ve ever met, and I can’t wait to spend the night wrapped up in his arms.

  The second the door swings open, Blue is at the door bouncing around on her tiny legs barking with excitement as she sees we’re finally back.

  Reaching beside the door as we step in, Killian grabs her leash and squats down hooking it to her collar. “You, little Miss Blue, are going to be walked now so you can get your business done and over with right now. I won’t be having any cock blocking from you tonight.”

  I can’t help it as I try to cover my mouth to stop the laughter from escaping but it’s impossible. I find myself laughing hysterically at Killian as he pushes through the screen door and walks Blue out into the darkness so she can go potty. I take the free moment to run into the bathroom and freshen up. I roll on some more deodorant and run my brush through my knotted up hair. It’ll have to do on such short notice.

  I jump at the sound of the door shutting.

  For Christ sake, pull yourself together!

  I shout at myself as I try to remember to breathe so I don’t pass out on the damn floor.

  Killian meets me in the bathroom doorway just as I’m walking out. I reach out and fist his shirt with shaky hands and tug him to me as I use my other hand to remove his hat from his head. I toss it onto the small sofa in the tiny living room, then gently run my fingers through his hair that’s flat to his head from wearing his hat all day. He lets out a low husky growl as he leans down, taking my bottom lip between his teeth and lightly tugging on it before pressing a hot, toe curling kiss against my lips.

  I fist his hair in my fingers and gently tug on it as I feel him wrap his arms my waist, hugging me to him and lifting me a few inches off of the ground, before I feel us
begin to move as he walks us towards the bedroom.

  My heart is beating so fast I swear he can feel it pounding against his chest. The blood is roaring in my ears mixing with the sounds of our soft moans blending together making the most beautiful melody as it fills the small room.

  I feel the mattress press against the back of my legs before Killian sets me down slowly onto the bed. I fall back and open my eyes as I feel his lips leave mine. He fists his shirt and yanks it over his head exposing his perfectly defined body before me.

  I slowly lick my lips and can taste Killian and whiskey on them, making my tongue tingle. Killian’s eyes darken with desire as he watches my tongue dart out between my lips. Climbing onto the bed, he sits beside me and brushes my hair out of the way before leaning down to flutter kisses across my shoulder, then making his way up to my mouth once again.

  His fingers gingerly glide up my arm on their way to my shoulder. I feel them finger the thin strap of my dress before tugging it slowly off of my shoulder, followed by the other one. I sit up and allow my dress to fall down to my waist. The room is hot from the warm summer evening but still a cool shiver shoots down my spine, as Killian’s tongue slides between my lips and tangles with mine.

  His hand slides along my back before coming to rest at the small of my back. My skin tingles at every spot his fingers touch as I feel a jolt of electricity shoot straight to my core, and warmth to cascade over me as his hands burn into me lighting my body on fire.

  It takes my breath away feeling my body react to his touch, his kiss, to the way he loves and cherishes me without saying a single word.

  “Remove your dress, baby,” he murmurs against my lips before pulling away from my mouth and unbuttoning his jeans, leaving him in nothing but his briefs. I follow suit and stand up, sliding my dress over my hips, and let it pool on the floor around my feet. I’m left standing in nothing but my matching bra and panties set before him. Even though he’s seen me in my bikini many times over these last few weeks, I can’t help but feel my cheeks flush as his eyes roam over my body.

  Bending down, he grabs his phone out of his pants and turns on his music. Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud begins to play softly throughout the bedroom as he pulls the blankets down and climbs into bed.

  Holding his hand out to me, I take it and slowly climb in beside him, snuggling under the cover beside him. I get lost in the sound of Ed Sheeran’s beautiful song, and the feeling of Killian’s lips on me as he wraps his arm around my waist and flutters kisses across my shoulder.

  “I love you, Summer,” he whispers softly against my skin as he runs his fingers down the curves of my body.

  “I love you too, Killian.”

  We spend the entire night making love before falling asleep tangled in the sheets of the bed in each other’s arms. Tonight was perfect in every single way. I’m falling hard and so fast for Killian, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Even as the clock ticks by counting down until it’s time for us to leave and go back to California, I’m trying my best to cherish every moment we’ve had on this trip.

  It’s getting harder and harder though to not allow the sadness to consume my thoughts as I lay in bed with him each night. I’m the most optimistic person on the planet but not even the happiest person can avoid the heartbreak I feel deep in my soul I know is coming.

  Things are perfect now because we’re in our safe cocoon away from the troubles of everyday life. Soon enough though, we’ll have to stop pretending we’re just Summer and Killian: two hipsters on the road trip of a lifetime, and go back to the lives we left behind. That’s what terrifies me because I don’t know how we’re going to blend two totally different worlds together into one and make it work.

  I can only hope that these last few days go by very, very slowly and I take advantage of every moment we have together.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The smell of coffee and pancakes awakes me. Sitting up, I look around and see that Killian is not in bed beside me anymore. I can hear him moving around in the kitchen as the aroma of food fills the small cottage. Climbing out of bed, I spot Killian’s shirt on the floor from last night and retrieve it from the floor and slip it over my head before heading into the bathroom.

  I toss my hair into a ponytail after I finish washing my hands and finally make my way into the kitchen. My heart stops and kick starts again, and I swear every ounce of oxygen was just vacuumed out of my lungs. In the kitchen wearing nothing but his briefs is Killian standing at the stove flipping pancakes as he hums along to Take Me To Church by Hozier that’s coming from his phone. Blue’s lying on the floor by his feet chewing on a bone. She loves him just as much as I do.

  “Morning. Breakfast smells amazing,” I say as I walk up behind him, wrapping my arms around his narrow and perfectly toned waist, bringing my hands to rest against the ripples of his abdominal muscles. I kiss his shoulder and close my eyes as I try to bask in this moment of perfection.

  “Morning, sunshine. I was just about to come wake you up. I’m making the last batch of pancakes right now.”

  Releasing him, I walk around to stand beside him and slowly trace the script writing that runs along the back of his left bicep. It’s the sexiest tattoo I’ve ever seen. The quote is beautiful that he has tattooed onto his arm. It says, ‘Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.’ It seems like the most perfect quote to be permanently etched onto his body.

  “Do you ever think about getting a tattoo?” He asks suddenly as he turns off the burner of the tiny stove and scoops the last two pancakes onto the small pile he has on a paper plate.

  I really don’t know the answer to that question. I decide to be honest no matter how silly it may sound. “Sometimes I wonder if maybe it’d be cool to get a tattoo but I can’t think of anything I love enough to wear tattooed onto my body for the rest of my life. Plus I really hate needles,” I laugh as I grab the bottle of syrup and small tub of butter from the refrigerator.

  Sitting down around the table, I pile the yummy-looking pancakes onto my plate as Killian sets two pancakes onto his plate and smothers them in syrup. Raising his eyes to mine, he says, “I felt the same way for a long time. Then I had a rough time last year and had a lot going on where I struggled physically and emotionally due to decisions I’ve made over the years. So a few months ago, I heard the quote and decided that I wanted to make it my life’s motto to live by. I figured what better way to make it known to the world that I was going to live every day creating the life I wanted for myself then by tattooing it onto my body?”

  Chewing a bite of my pancake, I stir cream and sugar into my cup of coffee Killian poured for me. Lifting the cup, I blow softly on the steam before taking a sip to wash away the sticky goodness coating my mouth. Setting the cup down, I sit back in my chair and watch Killian for a few moments as I pick at my food. Finally, I decide to confess to him the one quote I’ve had permanently imbedded in my mind since I was a child.

  “There is one quote that I’ve carried with me for a long time—I considered getting it tattooed on myself when I first moved to California, actually. Mila even took me to a tattoo shop, but I chickened out before I could actually get it. It’s by Martin Luther King Jr. and it was something I really related to after everything I’ve gone through since I lost my mother. It’s ‘Only in the darkness can you see the stars.’ As soon as I read that quote in a book about Martin Luther King Jr. in high school, I fell in love with it. For me, even with all the darkness I’ve had trying to poison my life over the years, I’ve found a way to find beauty even on my darkest of days. Without that pain and loss, I wouldn’t be able to see the beauty in my life and truly appreciate it like I do.”

  Killian’s eye darken as sadness flashes over his facial features. “I still find it hard to believe someone as amazing as you was dealt the shitty hand that you were in life. Most people would be bitter and use it as an excuse to spend each day coasting through life, being miserable, and blaming the world for all of
their problems. But with you—it’s as if you celebrate every day that you have on this earth. You inspire me, Summer. It takes a strong person to see the stars in a place cloaked in darkness. Not everyone can do that. Believe me I know.”

  I wish Killian would open up to me, letting me in and allowing me to help him deal with whatever it is weighing him down. I can only hope that in time he’ll find the strength he needs to allow me into his life that's mostly a mystery to me.

  Deciding to change the subject to happier topics, I talk about our plans for the day. Before we know it, our plates are bare and we’re rushing to the bathroom to shower and get ready for our date out on the lake.

  When they say it gets hot in the South, they aren’t lying. It’s well over a hundred today, and with the humidity, it feels even hotter. I’m grateful Killian decided to spend the day on the lake because I don’t think I could handle going anywhere else. I think we’d collapse if we even attempted to walk anywhere.

  We put Blue in the boat with us along with a small cooler filled with sandwiches, bottles of water, and fresh cut fruit we bought already diced up at the grocery store. In nothing but our bathing suit’s we row out to the tiny island filled with trees for plenty of shade and a small sandy beach. We spend the first hour walking along the shore playing with Blue. She loves it. We keep tossing sticks into the water for her to swim out and bring back to us. She loves the water and is especially loving it in this heat.

  The water feels amazing in the hot summer sun. We swim for hours before finally finding a nice shaded spot with enough grass to lay a blanket out and eat. I even packed Blue’s bowls and food for her to eat along with us. It’s just one more day to add to the ever growing list of perfect days I’ve spent with Killian. After lunch, we laid for a long time on our beach towels soaking up the sun and letting our swimsuits dry, before heading back to shore.


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