Anywhere With You

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Anywhere With You Page 9

by Danielle Jamie

  We finish loading the boat up and now we’re rowing back to the cabin, which is only about half a mile away from the island. As we pull the boat up to the tiny dock and tie it securely so that it won’t float away, I spot a strange car parked at our cabin. Scooping up Blue, I climb out of the boat and up onto the dock. Bringing my free hand up to my forehead, I shield my eyes from the sun that is now high up in the sky, making it almost impossible to see up to our cabin as it shines into my eyes.

  Killian is collecting the cooler and beach towels from the boat as I turn and ask him, “Do you recognize that car?”

  Climbing out beside me he stands adjusting everything in his arms. “What car?”

  Pointing up the hill towards our cabin, I tell him, “That car. It’s parked beside yours. I don’t remember seeing it around here before.”

  Shaking his head, he looks at me with his face mirroring the same confused look that I have on mine. “I have no idea. I’m almost positive I’ve never seen that car before.”

  “Well, we better go find out who this visitor is.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  As soon as we make it to the top of the hill, I spot the blonde from the bar yesterday sitting in the driver’s seat of the car. The car is still running, which doesn’t surprise me since it’s hotter than hell out right now.

  “I know that woman,” I tell Killian as I look from the car to him.

  His face is turning a few shades of red at the moment as he watches her turn the car off and climb out. I know it isn’t red from the heat—it’s burning hot with anger because of this woman—whoever she is. “You know her? How?” He barks at me and immediately gives me a sympathetic look as guilt flashes in his eyes for snapping at me. “Shit—sorry.” He curses under his breath as he runs his fingers through his long wet locks.

  “She was in the bar yesterday. She told Luke she was in town for business and pleasure, and that she saw on the bar’s Facebook page you would be performing there so she stopped in to watch.” A thought strikes me and I grab Killian’s arm, stopping him from walking any further, “Do you think she’s, like, some big music executive or something maybe who came to town to watch you sing because of the buzz online about you?”

  Shaking his head no, he brings his attention back to the woman walking towards us in an expensive looking and very form fitting red lace dress paired with even more expensive looking heels. He doesn’t answer, instead, he takes my hand. Holding it tightly, he greets her by her name and nothing else.

  “Trinity.” The distaste in his voice is evident as he says her name, unlike when he says mine as it sounds like he’s savoring the sound of it as it rolls off of his tongue.

  Folding her arms across her way too large breasts, she glares at Killian before sliding her eyes over to me. She runs them up and down my body, making me fidget uncomfortably in front of her as I suddenly find myself feeling self-conscious standing here in my bikini.

  “Seeing as you refuse to answer any of my calls or texts, I’ve been forced to fly halfway across the damn country to find you and make you talk to me.”

  “Me ignoring your calls and your texts should’ve been a big enough hint that I didn’t want to be bothered. How the hell did you find me anyways?” His voice grows louder as it fills with anger. Whoever this person is, he certainly is not fond of her at the moment.

  Rolling her eyes as if he’s asked the most stupidest question she’s ever heard, she glares at him and replies, “Your father. It wasn’t too hard seeing as you’re still using your credit card everywhere. Luckily for me, you decided to stay put in one place longer than two days.”

  Tugging on his arm, I whisper loudly up at him, “Killian, who is this woman and what the hell is going on?”

  His mouth opens to answer me but before he can get a word out she answers for him, “Of course he didn’t tell you about me. No shocker there. I’m only his fucking fiancé. Not like that’s anything important to disclose to the woman you’re sleeping with all over the goddam country.”

  I feel as if someone has just dumped a bucket of cold ice over my head.


  For his fiancé—who by the way is hauling around a rather big diamond on her left hand that had to cost a whole hell of a lot of money— they seem to hate each other for two people engaged to be married.

  I’m so beyond confused right now. My head is spinning so fast I feel as if I’m going to pass out. I don’t know whether to blame it on the heat or the bombshell that just exploded in my face.

  “Fiancé?” I stutter as I look from this Trinity to Killian, and tear my hand away from Killian’s.

  Pressing his lips together, I watch as Killian’s nostrils flare in and out as he begins taking in deep breaths through his nose, which I can tell is a calming technique. Whipping his hand out towards Trinity, he shouts, “My ex fucking fiancé. You may choose to wear that engagement ring on your damn finger—but we’ve been over for a long time, Trinity. Don’t try to play games because I’m not going to allow you to try and fill Summer’s head with your bullshit.” Anger is pouring out of his eyes, making me want to take a few steps back, but I keep my feet firmly planted into the ground.

  Trinity, on the other hand does take a step back but her stance never wavers. Her back is still straight and her shoulders squared back as she continued to glare at Killian and me.

  “You said you needed space and time to think. That doesn’t translate into our engagement being called off. In my eyes and your father’s, that means the wedding is still on. Also, have you forgotten you’re under contract? ‘Your one or two week’s tops needed to getaway’.” She says dramatically with air quotes. “Has long past. You knew the deal. You had two weeks and then you were to come back to L.A. and get back to work. You can’t be the same selfish prick you’ve been your whole life. You have others depending on you. Without you, they’re out of a job. Does that not bother you at all?”

  Who the hell talks with air quotes? I guess stuck up Los Angeles bitches, that’s who.

  “What is she talking about, Killian? My head is spinning trying to keep up with all of this,” I’m bursting with frustration. I just want to know why she’s here and what the hell she’s talking about.

  Grabbing my hand, he leads me towards the cabin, “I’m done discussing this for the whole fucking world to hear. Either come inside and talk about this or go back to L.A.!” Killian spits out over his shoulder before whipping the screen door open and pulling me inside behind him. Within seconds, Trinity is following us inside too.

  “Summer, there’s so much I need to tell you—I’ve wanted to tell you for weeks but I didn’t know how to. My real name is Killian Miles, and since you didn’t recognize me in Newport Beach, I knew you had no idea who I was but millions of others do. I’m the lead singer to the band, Riptide.”

  Riptide?! What the hell is going on? He’s the lead singer to a platinum selling band?

  “Wait a minute! But you said their music was like nails on a chalkboard and that was why you couldn’t stand listening to them?”

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, he plops down onto the small sofa and drops his head into his hands. I set Blue down on the floor and sit down on the couch beside him. I rub his back trying to silently let him know I’m here for him.

  Looking up at Trinity and then to me he says, “I turned the station because the DJ was about to discuss how I bailed on my band days before our tour. I knew if they said my name, there was a chance you would piece things together and figure out who I really am. I love you, Summer. That is the God’s honest truth. I love that you love me for me. Not for what my name is or how many zeros are in my fucking bank account”, he says as his eyes shoot back up to Trinity and I feel my heart sink in my chest.

  He must’ve felt so alone to all of a sudden up and run away from it all. The fame, his fiancé, and now a lot of things are beginning to make sense as they slowly begin to piece together in my head. Now I know why I kept thinking he looked familiar when
we first met. I must’ve seen his face on a magazine or on the television before but just never paid attention enough to it. I try to ignore all the crazy Hollywood drama because I find it all to be way too superficial.

  I completely understand why Killian would want to get away from it all and try even for a little while to live a normal life. Especially with the whack jobs he seems to be associated with. Example number one is standing in front of me as we speak.

  “My dad is Thorn Miles, lead singer to one of the most well-known rock groups, Aftershock. They’ve been touring my whole life—since before I was even born. My father has had the same life all planned out for me since the day I was born. The thing is I don’t want his life. He’s gone through wives like people go through fricking shoes. My mother is completely messed up because of him. From the drugs he got her hooked on while on the road for all those years, and then having a mental breakdown after she discovered my father had spent his entire life sleeping with groupies. Never once was he faithful to her and she loved him with everything she had. Now my mother permanently lives in a mental asylum thanks to him.

  I found myself following the same path he took in life, and that’s not who I want to be. The endless women, the drugs and alcohol while on the road...I was going downhill fast. I only proposed to Trinity because my father said every rock star needs a hot trophy wife to hang on your arm at award shows. My father saw dollar signs when he pushed me to marry Trinity because her father is Mitch Harrison. I assume you know who he is?” He asks as he falls back against the couch, lacing his fingers behind his head.

  Nodding my head, yes, I try to wrap my head around all the information being thrown at me all at once, “He’s the actor who got all the Oscars this year for that based on a true story movie they just released about World War Two,” I state.

  Trinity, deciding to put in her two cents, cuts in, “That’s the one. And my father is none too pleased to hear about you flaunting this girl all over the country with you while I’m wearing your engagement ring! Now stop all this nonsense and come with me to the airport. Your father said he’ll have your car shipped home and even pay for this thing’s plane ticket back to California.”

  Thing? This bitch is walking a fine line right now.

  “Excuse me but I have a name,” I hiss up at her.

  Killian climbs to his feet, standing toe to toe with Trinity. “Disrespect her one more time and I will make sure your career in Hollywood is ruined forever. Don’t forget I have videos of everything you’ve done while we were on tour and I will not hesitate to release them to the press, ruining your ‘sweetheart of Hollywood’ reputation.”

  Whatever that was about it must’ve worked because snotty Trinity is suddenly dropping her shoulders and losing the snarl on her face.

  “We’ll fly back to Los Angeles but I’m not coming back to put Riptide back together and I’m sure as hell not coming back to be with you. When I said we are done, I meant it. I’ll sort this shit out with my father myself so I can get him off of my back once and for all.”

  As they talk back and forth with one another, I’m sitting here feeling as if I’ve suddenly been thrust onto a merry-go-round that will never stop spinning. How did we go from an amazing day to this in a matter of seconds?

  The next few hours go by in a blur. All I can think about is hearing Killian confess to me he used and abused drugs, and that terrifies me. Knowing that his father encouraged the behavior scares me even more so. Drugs took my mother away from me, and I don’t know if I want to go down that road again with Killian. Sure he’s clean now but that doesn’t mean that he couldn’t start using again down the road.

  Then there is this whole Riptide thing. I doubt a multi-million dollar record company is going to sit back and let the lead singer to the world’s most popular up and coming band just walk away. Sure, it’s not the type of music I normally listen to, so the band falling apart wouldn’t break my heart. Though I imagine there are millions of fans out there who will be upset over it, not to the mention the millions the label would lose seeing as they said on the radio that new single was off a brand new album.

  This is all just way too much to wrap my head around. I’m suddenly finding myself feeling very homesick and counting down the minutes until I’m back at my tiny apartment and back to Mila. I need my best friend right now more than I’ve ever needed her before.

  Chapter Twenty

  Two Weeks Later

  “Still no word from Killian?” Mila asks as we float out in the Pacific Ocean sitting on our surf boards. We’re waiting on some decent waves to come in, and to Mila, that means lets pass the time by rehashing the same conversion we’ve already had five times in the last week.

  “Nope,” I say, popping my 'p,' dramatically as I look out towards the ocean, watching for a wave and praying one would come so we can end this conversation.

  I haven’t spoken to Killian since we landed in Los Angeles and he drove me back to Newport Beach. That was the longest, most awkward flight and drive of my life. It was my first airplane ride ever, and as I watched out the window at the clouds and mountains below, images of Killian and me in the hot air balloon flooded my mind. Before I knew what was happening, I felt the tears running down my face. I cried for the entire flight home with my face pressed against the glass, wishing that I could turn back time.

  But then I ask myself: Would I have changed my decision and not gone on this trip had I known who the real Killian was?

  Is that even a real question? The real Killian? I know that the Killian I fell in love with is the person he is, but that doesn’t help the images of what he used to be from haunting my thoughts.

  I think even if I had known about his past it, still wouldn’t change my decision. I just wish I could find a magic wand to help make the pain that has invaded every inch of my body go away—leaving me with only happy memories and helping make all the heartbreak vanish —before the tires touched down in Los Angeles.

  “I’ve been following his story on all those juicy gossip sites. They’ve showed clips of him out and about in L.A., but if it makes you feel any better, he looks like shit.”

  I force a smile, “I wish it made me feel better but it doesn’t. Killian is an amazing guy, and he gave me the best weeks of my life without asking for anything in return. Life sucks sometimes. But what can we do? We just come from two different worlds, which makes it impossible for us to ever work. Plus, you know how I feel about drugs—that’s a no go zone for me, Mila.” Dropping my eyes to the water, I run my fingers over the top of the water watching it ripple away from me. “I can’t go through losing someone I love again, especially because of drugs.”

  Reaching out, Mila takes my hand in hers. “I know sweetie. I just hate seeing you hurting. The news said Killian is still refusing to go on the worldwide tour with Riptide. They said he gave the label free reign to find a replacement front man for the band. Though, rumor has it his father is fighting Killian’s decision, trying to find a loophole in his contract that will make him legally bound to the band and the label. I feel sorry for the guy. You just can’t catch a damn break.”

  I spot a wave coming and decide to paddle in front of it, ending this conversation before it can go any further. I can’t think about him right now. My head is still too all over the place about everything. If Killian truly loved me the way he said he did, he would’ve stayed and begged for me to find a way to make us work. Instead he dropped me off at the diner and drove away, never once looking back.

  After Mila and I had our conversation at the beach two days ago, I finally cave and pull up Google on my phone to search Killian Miles. I spend hours going over years’ worth of news. The good, the bad and the ugly. His addiction got so bad that he actually was arrested for trashing a hotel room that was full of hookers and then ran down the streets of London buckass naked. It breaks my heart seeing how low he sank as I compare him to the man I slowly found myself falling in love with.

  There are multiple articles about
his arrests alone—public intoxication, reckless driving while under the influence, an arm’s length of arrests due to fights at bars and night clubs. What I don’t understand is how a father can see his child spiraling out of control and do nothing about it. They live this same lifestyle and see nothing wrong with it? To think his poor mother now resides in a mental institution thanks to the life they’ve lived. It’s too much to take in all at once. I’m an outsider reading the facts. Poor Killian actually lived all of this.

  No wonder he ran away and tried to live as normal human being, even if only for a few weeks. I would’ve done the same thing. It said in one of the more recent articles that he spent a year in rehab, which is where he wrote almost all of the songs on Riptide’s newest album.

  Why would a record label want to force someone fresh out of rehab to go back on the road and dive head first right back into the life that put him in rehab in the first place?

  It’s sad that these businesses only look at the potential dollar signs and seem to forget these people are real human beings, not robots or puppets that they can manipulate and force them to do what they want in order to make a few more millions.

  I’ve spent the last two days playing everything over in my head. Even at work, I struggle to focus because all I’ve been able to think about is Killian, wondering how he’s doing. Is he turning back to drugs? Because the images I saw of him that were taken only three days ago were almost unrecognizable. Mila wasn’t exaggerating when she said he looked like shit.

  He doesn’t look like he’s shaven since we returned from South Carolina. He’s still going around with his flat brim hat on and in most pictures he’s wearing his aviators, but in a select few he isn’t and the dark bags under his eyes is evident.

  My feelings for him after two weeks apart haven’t faded away even the slightest. If anything, they’ve only intensified with us being apart. I can barely eat, barely sleep. Whenever I try to sleep, my dreams are filled with memories of us. Just the thought of a hot air balloon ride or listening to music makes me burst into tears. It’s as if he’s implanted himself in every inch of my life and no matter how hard I try, I can’t escape him.


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