Anywhere With You

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Anywhere With You Page 11

by Danielle Jamie

  As I drive on through the resort, I see this gorgeous, tall, hunk of a man, standing by his pickup truck. The hood is up and his shirt is off. My god those abs. I have only ever seen abs like those airbrushed on romance novel covers. He is well built, with defined muscles and one hell of a sun kissed tan. Piercing blue eyes meet mine. He catches me staring and smirks. His lips curve upward and something tells me that this man is used to the attention. His head is shaven, nothing like Justin’s faux hawk. I advert my eyes back to the road ahead. That man is gorgeous and I can’t wait to explore him. Shit, what? I mean… This place is gorgeous and I can’t wait to explore it.

  My trailer is located on the opposite side of the lake from the hunk. That is a good thing. A man like that can only mean one thing…trouble. And I have had plenty of that lately. I had better stay far away from him, but then again a little trouble might be exactly what I need. As I continue to drive behind Rory, I get this odd sensation like everyone is staring at me as I pass by their trailer.

  Pulling up to my new place, I feel so excited. I feel as though anything is possible. My trailer is small but inviting. It actually isn’t decorated half bad and it is already furnished, which is a major plus for me, considering I don’t have much other than clothes and a few knickknacks. Rory gives me a quick tour and assures me that the trailer has been professionally cleaned.

  Once Rory has shown me to my new home, I ask her where is a good place to grab a bite to eat and a drink. She points me in the direction of a place known as High Bar. She says they have great burgers and live music. Hell yeah!


  Walking into the bar, I feel a bit overwhelmed but excited. I don’t know anyone here. I look around and I notice the hot guy from earlier behind the bar. He is wiping the bar down with an excited grin on his face. There is a woman working with him. She totally just pinched his butt. I wonder if they are a couple. But then I see her go over to a man sitting at the other end of the bar and lock lips with him. I am pretty sure there is some heavy tongue action going on there. I feel a bit awkward watching.

  “Hey sweetheart you gonna’ come in and stay awhile or you gonna’ stand at the door all night,” the woman behind the bar yells at me.

  I feel my cheeks flame and make my way to the bar to order a burger and a beer.

  “What can I do ya for,” sex on legs asks me. His blue eyes are like a damn dagger to my libido.

  “Yeah, um Rory said you guys serve good burgers. So I will take a burger with lettuce, tomato and mayo. And a Bud Light to drink.”

  “Sure thing.” He walks away to place my order. When he comes back, he opens my beer setting it on the counter with a devilish grin. “So who are you? I know you aren’t from around here. I know we would have met by now if you were.” He leans across the counter entirely too close but he smells so damn good I don’t mind it.

  “Leave her alone Luke. She is clearly out of your league.” She winks at me and holds out her hand. “Names Stixx. You must be the new lifeguard. Rory called and said you’d be coming in tonight and to watch out for you. Ignore Luke, I do.” I give her a quick shake. She laughs and goes back to serving the other customers.

  “Don’t listen to her. She is just pissy that I won’t join her and her old man in their shenanigans. She likes ménages,” he whispers the last part.

  “Dream on lover boy,” she retorts.

  “You two are funny. You married or something,” I joke.

  “Hell no,” he says looking offended by the word married.

  “Sorry, I didn’t…I was kidding.” I feel so awkward but this hunk is trying hard to make me feel welcomed.

  “Relax gorgeous.” He smiles. “Stixx you got the bar?” he asks her looking at his watch.

  “Yeah go on show off.” She waves him off and I watch intrigued as he takes a guitar from behind the bar and goes over to the stage.

  “Prepare to have your panties melted off,” Stixx states sliding my burger across the counter to me.

  I can’t take my eyes from him as he commands my attention with his voice. He looks so at home in front of the crowd with his guitar.

  God, he is gorgeous and he sings. I am loving this place already. I try to quit staring at him and enjoy my burger. I don’t want him to think I am infatuated with him, but I can feel his eyes on me too. The attention is nice.


  Taking my guitar from behind the bar, I make my way to the stage. I haven’t played in a while but after Killian came through, the locals have been asking for live musicians more often, so I fill in when I can. I’m no Johnny Cash but I can carry a tune. I go through my normal set covering everything from Toby Keith to Cold Play. I have an eclectic taste in music. As I strum the chords, I can’t keep my eyes off that stunning blonde who came in a bit ago. I hope she doesn’t leave before I can get her number.

  She keeps stealing glances at me when she thinks I’m not paying attention. It’s cute, the way her cheeks blush, when I meet her gaze.

  By the time I make my way from the stage, I don’t see her anymore. Damn, I really wanted her number. She is a welcomed fresh face around here. Either every woman around here is taken or I have already had her. Making my way down the hall to the bathroom she almost bumps into me as she comes out of the women’s restroom.

  “Oh, excuse me.” She smiles at me and her cheeks are tinted pink. Cutest thing ever, makes my dick twitch with anticipation. Oh yeah, she is definitely going to be writhing under me soon.

  I step into her leaning in close. “You never did give me your name.” I brush a strand of her hair behind her ear and I see goose bumps pimple across her arm.

  She sucks in a deep breath biting on her bottom lip like she is thinking of lying to me. “Izabella, but Izzy for short.”

  “Iz, I like that. I am just about to head out. Can I give you a ride? Take you out for coffee?” I offer anything really to get her attention. There is just something about her. Is she the woman Esmerelda was talking about? Es told me some interesting details about my love life today and she is never wrong.

  Izzy is curvy and nothing like the women, I am used to bedding. There is just something so innocent and pure about her. She doesn’t seem to be playing any kind of game. Most of the women I meet are climbing all over me, eager for a chance to try to be the one to tame me. My reputation for being a player has gotten around.

  This chick Izzy shocks the hell out of me. She leans in close to my mouth and whispers a soft, “no.” And then she kisses me. I wasn’t expecting her to turn me down and then kiss me it’s confusing as fuck. Her lips are parted and I can feel her warm breath against my lips. I wrap my fingers in her long blonde hair and return her kiss. Eager to feel her tongue I dart my tongue out and lick her top lip. She taste sweet, her lips have a honey taste to them.

  She pulls away from me and she says, “See ya around Luke.” I stand unable to move trying to process what in the hell just happened between us. She is into me, her kiss told me that much but now she is just walking away. I touch my lips as if I am making sure she really just did that. Licking my bottom lip I can still taste her lip gloss, that definitely just happened.

  “What that’s it?” I follow her back to the bar where she continues to ignore me and Stixx gives me a smug look. “Look I know I am some guy you just met, but I feel like I was supposed to meet you today.” I continue mumbling about what Es told me earlier today and Izzy looks at me as though I am crazy. Fuck, I sound it telling her this shit. I would run too.

  Craig, interrupts our conversation and asks Izzy if she’d like to dance. There is no way she is going to choose him over me.

  She rolls her eyes at me and takes Craig’s invitation to dance. Guess she likes to play games after all. She must not know I am a master at playing the game. I always win. I always get what I want. After the song ends, Izzy joins Craig and his followers at their table. He has a group of dorks that follow him around as if he is some sort of God. He was a star football player in his college days or some shit
. He is just a has been if you ask me.

  Whatever, I see Cassie is off tonight and she just winked at me. I do what I do best. I take her to the bathroom for a quick fuck.




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