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Brenda Jackson

Page 12

by Spontaneous (lit)

  He stared up at her and she lost herself in the depths of his gaze. He was so powerfully male and she quivered at the thought of him being embedded so deep inside her. It was as if she could feel him touching her womb, and the realization stroked her heart.

  The moment she released his hands, he automatically reached out and gripped her hips, lifting his own off the bed to thrust even deeper into her. Then he pulled back and plunged into her again.

  “Ride me, Kim.”

  The plea, spoken in a guttural groan, unraveled her senses, fragmented her control, and she—who’d never ridden a horse in her life—began imitating what she’d seen on television. Clutching his sides with her knees as if she was riding bareback, she established a steady rhythm, moving up and down his shaft as he penetrated her more deeply.

  She continued to ride him, building her confidence, flexing her inner muscles to squeeze everything out of him. When he lifted his head off the pillow to suck on her shoulder and then capture a nipple with his mouth, it seemed that every single thing inside her exploded.

  She threw her head back as she continued to ride him, needing to possess him that way, needing him to surrender everything to her and knowing the moment he did. And the thought that he did set her on fire.

  His hips rose off the bed as he let out a guttural groan and thrust into her. His hands locked around her hips and she felt him come inside her and knew at that moment that the condom had broken. The heat of his semen was filling her core and plunging her into one earth-shattering orgasm. She opened her eyes and met his gaze and knew he was aware of what had happened but had no intention of stopping now.

  He clenched his jaw and thrust deep inside her once more as he came yet again. The air surrounding them was filled with the thick aroma of sex, but the only thing Kim could focus on was all the pleasure he was giving her. She gripped his shoulders more firmly as sensation upon sensation washed over her, through her.

  Moments later, she slumped down on him, unable to move after what had to be the most intense mating session any one woman could endure. “Kim?”

  She heard him whisper her name and was fully aware of his concern. She lifted her head slightly and met his gaze. She knew what he was about to say. “It’s okay. I’m on the Pill.”


  Was that disappointment she heard in his voice? Part of her knew it couldn’t be, but another part wished that it were. They held each other’s gaze for a long moment, and then his arms closed around her. Without disengaging their bodies, he snuggled her closer into his arms, kissed her so tenderly it almost brought tears to her eyes. Then she rested her head in the cradle of his shoulder.

  She closed her eyes and knew if she never made love to another man again, this would be enough.


  “DID LANDON HAVE any updates?”

  The bedcovers rustled as Kim shifted position to ease off him. Duan lay on his side to face her, missing the feel of her warm body on top of his. He’d hoped she had forgotten about Landon’s midnight call.

  He glanced down and saw the damage done to the condom. They weren’t cheap, which presented proof of the intensity of their lovemaking. He needed to go into the bathroom, but first he would answer her, not sure how much he would tell her. Already the thought of her mother spending any time with Villarosas bothered her. If he were to level with Kim that he had reason to believe the man had a jealous streak, there was no telling what she might say or do.

  But still, he knew he had to tell her. She deserved to know. She had every right to know. “Landon spent most of the day surfing the Net and got some information on Villarosas that he figured we should know.”

  She lifted a brow. “What kind of information?”

  “About twenty years ago, Villarosas and his girlfriend at the time had had a number of disorderly peace citations when their arguments got out of hand.”


  Of course she’d know there was more, Duan thought. “And according to the woman, he has a tendency to display a jealous streak on occasion.”

  Concern flashed in her eyes and she made a move to get off the bed, but he quickly reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Hey, that’s the woman’s side of things. Her accusations. No charges were ever filed against Villarosas and he never physically touched the woman. They just caused a lot of ruckus that got on their neighbors’ nerves. Who knows, the girlfriend might have given him a reason to be jealous. Some women do that sort of thing to get their man’s attention.”

  It took a while for what he’d said to sink in and then she asked, “And you’re sure there were no charges of any type of abuse?”

  He nodded. “Positive.”

  She seemed to relax somewhat and he released her wrist. “My mother is probably the last person I should worry about when it comes to physical abuse. She swore my father was the last man who would ever touch her that way. While I was in college she and some of the ladies in the apartment complex where she was living got together and arranged for one of the police officers who patrolled the area to teach a self-defense class. She enjoyed it so much that when the class was over she took additional lessons at the junior college.”

  He nodded, impressed. “How good is she?”

  Kim shrugged. “She’s not a black belt, but she has a yellow belt.”

  “Some women don’t have that.”

  She smiled faintly. “I know, including me. While Mom was taking those classes, I was motivated to do the same, but I was away at college and studying all the time. Then later, my excuse was the long hours I was working at the hospital.”

  Duan glanced over at the clock as he eased out of bed. It was past two in the morning. “I need to go into the bathroom to take care of this,” he said. “I’m sorry this happened, Kim. It’s a first for me, but I assure you I’m in good health. I take that seriously.”

  She waved off his words. “No sweat, and rest assured that I’m in good health, as well. It was an accident. I don’t want you to lose sleep over it because I won’t. Like I told you, I’m on the Pill so I’m good.”

  Duan nodded. He figured hearing that again should make him feel a whole lot better, but it didn’t. He turned and headed toward the bathroom thinking it would not have bothered him in the least if she hadn’t been on the Pill.

  He pulled in a shaky breath, knowing why he felt that way. He had fallen in love with her.

  KIM SAT AT THE TABLE in her mother’s kitchen and sipped her hot chocolate. Duan and Edward had left hours ago to go fishing and her mother was busy baking a cake for a sick member of the church. She was glad her mother was back to baking again. Spending time in the kitchen had always been one of Wynona’s favorite pastimes.

  Three consecutive knocks sounded at the back door. “Come on in, Bennie—it’s open,” her mother called out.

  When Mr. Bennie walked in, Kim immediately remembered what Duan had said a few days ago about the man having a thing for her mom. “Good morning, Mr. Bennie,” she greeted him.

  He looked over in her direction and returned her smile. “Hey there, Sunshine,” he said, calling her by the name he’d given her years ago when she was a toddler. She was Sunshine and his daughter Valerie had been Sweet Pea. “Are you doing okay this morning?”

  “Yes, sir, I’m fine. What do you have there?” she asked as he placed a huge basket on the kitchen counter.

  “Vegetables for your mom from my garden,” he said proudly. “Sweet potatoes, squash, tomatoes and okra. I always share with Nona.”

  “That’s nice,” Kim said, closely watching the interaction between the two.

  Her mother had crossed the room to check out the basket, and Mr. Bennie said something to make her laugh. But he’d always made her mother laugh. They were old friends and enjoyed each other’s company, which was why Kim had never paid them any attention before.

  And she had never paid any attention to the fact that Mr. Bennie was rather nice-looking. Tall, with dark hair, gray eyes and a roasted-almond skin tone. It
was quite obvious that he had kept himself in good physical shape for a fifty-seven-year-old man. For years he’d owned a hardware supply store in town but had sold it not long after Valerie graduated from college.

  Wynona crossed the room to open the refrigerator and Kim watched as Mr. Bennie’s gaze followed her mother’s every step. And then, as if he remembered she was in the kitchen, he glanced over at Kim and gave her a nervous smile, knowing he’d been caught ogling her mother.

  He cleared his throat. “So, Sunshine, how long will you be in town?”

  “Just until the weekend. I’m flying back out on Sun day,” she said, hoping that was true. She was thinking about contacting the hospital for extended time if she needed to do so.

  Her mother returned to the counter with the eggs for the cake. “Kim came home to meet Edward,” Wynona said, smiling. “She was afraid we would marry before she had a chance to do that. Now she’s talked to me about putting off the wedding until next month, when she could get more time off work. Of course Edward will have to agree to it.”

  Mr. Bennie nodded, and Kim could tell that Wynona’s wedding to Edward was not something he wanted to talk about. “I called Sweet Pea last night and told her all about you making medical school,” he said, as if he needed to change the subject. “She told me to tell you congratulations and that she knows one day you’ll make a fine doctor.”

  Kim smiled. “Thanks.”

  “And just so you know, Sunshine, I like your young man. He’s nice.”

  Flutters kicked in Kim’s stomach. If only Duan was really hers. “Thanks again.”

  Mr. Bennie rubbed his hands down his jeans. “Well, I’d better be getting back next door. I need to check in on my computer to see if any orders came in this morning.” Kim knew he had an online business that specialized in selling figurines. Customers placed orders through the Internet and he sent them to the factory where the merchandise was kept. That way he didn’t have to worry about inventory. “I hope to see you again before you leave, Sunshine,” he said.

  Kim nodded. “And I hope to see you, as well. In fact I’m going to make a point of stopping by and saying goodbye. You have a nice day, Mr. Bennie.”

  “You do the same, Sunshine.” He smiled at her mother. “I’ll talk to you later, Nona.”

  When the door closed behind him, Kim knew Duan was right. Although her mother was clueless, Mr. Bennie was sweet on her.

  “HEY, YOU’RE NOT a bad fisherman,” Edward said, smiling over at Duan.

  Duan forced a smile back. “Thanks. I try to get out on the water as often as I can. It relaxes me.”

  “Same here. Do you own a boat?”

  Duan shook his head. “No, but my brother has a beauty of one in the Keys. He lets me use it whenever I want, and I fly down there every chance I get.”

  Edward nodded. “And that’s how you met Kim?”

  Duan remembered Kim had told the story of how they met to both Edward and Wynona and wondered if perhaps the man was trying to compare their versions. “Yes. Her best friend Sherri is married to my brother Terrence.”

  Edward grinned. “That’s right, the Holy Terror. I used to keep up with him when he was playing pro with the Miami Dolphins. I hated when he called it quits.”

  “A number of people did, but it was his decision to make. Terrence had played football since he was in grade school and always said he only wanted to play until he was thirty. He didn’t want an injury to take him out. I agreed with and respected his decision.”

  “So are you and Kim thinking of having kids?”

  Duan nearly dropped his fishing rod, wondering where that question had come from. “Probably one day. Kim has plans to go to medical school.” Again he was aware that Edward knew that. Was this another verification question?

  “Wynona is hoping Kim can squeeze in marriage and a baby before she becomes a doctor,” Edward said, casting out his rod.

  Duan shrugged. “It’s whatever Kim wants,” he said. “The beauty of our relationship is that we’re in agreement on just about everything.”

  “And I guess you trust her completely.”

  The statement sounded sarcastic. “Yes, I trust her completely. Just like I’m sure you trust Wynona completely.”

  Edward nodded. “Oh, yeah. Sure. I trust Wynona. I wouldn’t be marrying her if I didn’t.”

  Duan studied the man for a second. “I guess you wouldn’t since this will be your third marriage, right?”

  The beer bottle Edward had been holding nearly slipped from his grasp and he quickly glanced over at Duan. “Yes, it will be my third marriage.”

  “Hey, you know what they say. Three’s a charm.”

  Duan wasn’t sure whether Edward’s smile was genuine. “Yes, you’re right,” Edward said. “Three’s a charm.”

  LATER THAT NIGHT, Duan got a call from Chevis. “I was able to convince the warden of my need to talk to Green and he agreed. Our meeting is set for Wednesday at noon. Has anyone heard from Tron?”

  “Landon spoke with him a few days ago,” Duan said of the former FBI agent turned private investigator, Antron Blair. “He’s checking out Edward’s cell phone records from five years ago and his land phone records from ten years ago, as well as his bank statements for the same period. I hope to hear something from him soon.”

  He shoved off the bed when Kim walked out of the bathroom. Wynona had gone to Bible study at church, and instead of accepting her invitation to join her, he and Kim had decided to go to a movie at the multiplex around the corner from the hotel. He usually would not have wasted his time or money on the flick, but he would suffer through it for her.

  “All right, Chevis, keep me informed on how things turn out with your meeting with Stein Green on Wednesday.”

  After flipping off the phone, he gave Kim his total attention. There was no hope for it. She was wearing a hot pink tank top and a short black skirt that showed what good-looking legs she had. He’d much prefer staying in the hotel room tonight and messing around with her, but he knew she had her heart set on seeing this movie. Still…

  He crossed the room when he saw the trouble she was having putting her necklace on. He came to stand behind her. “Need help?”

  She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Yes, thanks.”

  He pushed her curls aside to have access to her neck. She smelled so good. But then, she always did.

  “You were right, Duan.”

  “About what?”

  “Mr. Bennie having a thing for Mom. I can’t believe I’ve never noticed it before.”

  He finished with the necklace and leaned down to place a kiss on her neck at the same time she brushed her backside against his crotch. He sucked in a deep breath at the contact. Damn, it felt good. “I hate to say that I told you so,” he said, wrapping his arms around her middle to bring her even closer to him.

  “You know what I wish,” she said, shifting to look over her shoulder at him.

  He leaned in and brushed a kiss across her lips. “No, what do you wish?”

  “That Mom would notice, too. But they’ve been friends for so long she probably doesn’t see him as anything other than a friend.”

  “I can believe that.” Duan went back to her neck, sucking in his favorite spot, not caring that a passion mark would probably be visible tomorrow. “Dad didn’t start noticing Cathy until she turned up the heat.”

  “How did she do that?”

  Duan chuckled. “Hell if I know, but I’m sure Olivia does. Terrence and I figured the less we knew, the better. All we do know is that they went to New York on a business trip together and things changed for them after that.”

  He sucked in another deep breath when Kim intentionally wiggled her backside against his crotch again. “Hey, I wouldn’t do that too many times if I were you,” he warned.

  She laughed when he took a step back. “Whatever,” she said, turning around to him. “Ready to go?”

  “I guess.”

  She lifted a brow. “You don’t sound
too anxious.”

  He smiled. “Well, I’d rather see a lot of blood and guts instead of a lot of kissy, kissy, bed, bed.”

  She threw her head back and laughed, and the way the curls on her head went flying around her face sent sensations all through his gut. He thought at that moment she was simply beautiful.

  Taking his hand, she pulled him toward the door. “We’ll see a blood and guts movie the next time. I promise.”

  Duan allowed himself to be dragged out of the room. He hoped she remembered the promise she’d just made because he intended for her to keep it.


  KIM TRIED TO KEEP BUSY while Duan talked on the phone. The call had come early Thursday morning, waking them up at seven. At first she’d thought he was talking to Landon, but after a while it became obvious a conference call was taking place and he was conversing with several people. She had showered and had taken care of her hair but he was still on the phone.

  The expression on his face looked serious. She tried to remain calm and not jump to any conclusions. To kill time, she walked around the room, tidying up a little bit. Although the hotel had someone to come in and clean their room every day, there was no need for the person to think they were slobs. Although she would have to admit the only untidy spot was the bed.

  Bedcovers were strewn all over the floor, the sheets were all twisted and a couple of pillows were at the foot of the bed. She didn’t have to figure out how that happened. Last night she and Duan had tried several new positions, and one required her at one end of the bed with him at the other, their heads buried between each other’s thighs. Talk about a fantasy come true. Pleasure stirred her insides just remembering it.

  She turned toward him when she heard his phone flip shut and met his gaze. Immediately, she knew—for better or for worse—that he’d found out something. She inhaled deeply to prepare herself for whatever he had to say.


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