Love of Lady Liana.
Page 21
It was not the case of Liana. One became towards Zared.
-- What happens to him?
The young person shrank of shoulders.
-- it does not please to him to be mistaken, already it will calm. Rogan, parece that you passed it yesterday well.
This it began to say to something respect to fair, but considered better than only few people knew where there was been the eve.
-- Yes -- it said in low voice --, I passed it well.
Zared saw that his brother watched Liana with astonished expresión. Without a doubt, now Rogan would remember nombre of his woman, thought Zared, and again she was asked if estaba falling in love. How it would be an enamored Rogan? It would turn its room of meditation a camera to escribir poetry?
Zared remained seated in silence, it watched spouses both and it saw a brother who did not behave like Peregrinate. Perhaps Severn was in the certain thing. That brother never could head an attack against the Howard.
When Rogan finished eating, it directed a Liana a sensual glance and said:
-- Ven with me, beautiful -- before which Liana seemed to desternillar itself of laughter.
In that point, Zared began to agree with Severn, this one was not the brother who Zared always was well-known, the Rogan that it grumbled, fruncía entrecejo and it hated.
In silence, pensativo, the smaller brother it left the table, but Rogan and Liana did not notice it.
The rage of Severn persisted during all the day. In the evening it was with the men in the area of entrenamiento and Rogan did not appear.
-- Probably it returned to the bed with his woman -- murmuró.
-- My gentleman? -- horseman a asked who Severn was training.
This it unloaded its rage on horseman and attacked it in the maneuvers battle with a ferocidad that usualmente he only used in the battlefield.
— ¡It is enough! -- rugió Rogan, that was behind --. You want to kill this man?
Severn stopped, sword in hand and it returned towards his brother. Next to Rogan there was a man who him parecía much.
-- What does here one of the bastards of ours padre? -- rugió Severn.
-- one will train with us, you I entrust. -- Rogan began to become, but Severn dropped the hand sobre its shoulder and forced it to become.
-- That hangs to me if training to bastard, if quieres here, entrénalo you. Or we must allow that your wife it trains it, since it seems that it now governs the house of Peregrine? It was idea hers?
Severn was closely together of the truth, but Rogan grasped an iron goad that started of the hands of a horseman.
-- you will eat those words -- it shouted to him advancing towards its brother.
Severn also took a goad and fought it releases duramente and, while their horsemen watched in silence, because they intuited that this one was not one of the habitual fights without importance of the brothers, but something deeper and more serious.
Rogan, in fact, was not colérico, like him sucedía to its brother. One felt less irritated than what it had been the case in many years, so that it was limited to avoid the attacks of Severn.
Both they were surprised when the foot of Rogan tropezó with which there was behind and it fell. Rogan began to incorporar itself but Severn cleared the neck of its brother with the sharpened end of the goad of iron.
-- That is what the woman does to you -- him Severn reproached --. Well castrarte could, already put a chain to you around neck.
The observation was looked much like which the campesinos had suggested in the theater and then piece cólera of Rogan showed to the surface. It separated the goad, incorporó of a jump and was in it looks for of Severn with the naked hands.
Six horsemen jumped on Rogan and four on Severn, to separate them.
-- you were Always a stupid one with women -- Severn shouted --. Your last wife cost the life of two brothers and I create that when you have wife we did not mean anything for you.
Rogan was immobilized.
-- Soltadme -- it said to its men, and these they backed down a step. They had not had to take part, it was the gentleman and had all the right to do what there was to do with his brother.
Rogan approached Severn whose eyes blue still ignitions by the fury estaban and the horsemen retained it.
-- I gave another brother You so that you train -- -- said with serious voice and I hope that you do it.
One became and it walked of return to castle.
Several hours later Severn, place setting of traspiración, promoted the stone stairs that were on the kitchen and entered in the rooms of Iolanthe. Here, the luxury of the ample room and sunny era amazing: the gold shone, the embroiderings of silk shone, the jewels that they adorned the vestidos ones of the ladies fulguraban, but what of distant spot it seemed more beautiful in the room it was the own Iolanthe. Its belleza, appears, voice and movements were all perfect ones, of a so exquisite beauty that often people could not speak when she saw it.
When it perceived the rage of Severn, it moved a hand ordering to its three women who went to their cuartos. It spilled a delicious wine in a gold glass, gave it to Severn and when this one drained it from a single time, it returned to fill it.
-- Explícate -- she in low voice said to him.
-- woman is that condemned -- she said Severn.
it knew it to whom one talked about, because this one it came complaining certain time ago of the new wife of Rogan.
-- It is a Dalila -- it added. -- It is seizing of the soul of Rogan, it governs and it dominates it the men, servants, the farmers... even to me. ¡It ordered that my room was encalada! For her there is no sacred place, invades the quarter of meditation of Rogan and it not even reprimand it.
it was watching it it with reflective air.
-- and what happened today?
-- I do not know how it did it, but the certain thing is that it persuaded to Rogan that brought to the castle to one of the bastards of our father, and I must train it. She is a wool retailer.
Severn said this with true horror.
-- Why you have that bulk in in front?
Severn turned aside the glance.
-- That man had luck with poles and never will be a horseman, no matter how much that woman wishes it. And I heard to say that it was today next to Rogan, judging cases. What will do later? it will request permission to him to tinkle?
Iolanthe observed Severn, perceived his jealousy and were wondered how she was that wife of Rogan. it had been mantenido shut in in its pretty quarters, it only left them to take a walk by battlements and to observe what debajo happened. A woman thought in the beginning that she would never manage to change to that Rogan, an obstinate, insensible and consumed man by hatred; but the passage of the weeks demostró that was mistaken. Iolanthe and their ladies saw asombradas how she cleaned to the castle (Iolanthe and its ladies they at least refused to descend the stairs through the dirt), and she she had listened the girls of the kitchen to relate anecdotes during hours about which estaba making the Lady of the Fire. To it pleased to him on all the episode when lady Liana had approached antorcha the mattress in that Rogan and one of his rested prostitutas.
-- it would have had to do it long ago time -- entonces said.
it returned it the eyes towards Severn.
-- Then, it loves it?
-- I do not know it, is as if that woman there was embrujado. Its force is snatching him. Today, during the entrenamiento I demolished it.
-- it is not possible that that had to do whereupon you were angered and he no?
-- Before it arrived, Rogan it was always angered. Now... ¡it smiles!
Io could not avoid to also smile she. It did all the possible one to stay to the margin of the dispute between The only thing peregrinates and the Howard because that to her him importaba was Severn. By assumption, did not speak to the love young person. Long time back had guessed that a the single mention of the word love he would th
row to run. And now it included/understood that it was right, was furious because his brother loved his wife.
Io was wondered how it had done this Liana to obtain that Rogan paid attention to him. It was not by its beauty, then it had seen it really beautiful women trying to seduce Rogan and nevertheless he not even watched; and he heard say that that small wife of the gentleman castle was pretty, but certainly not a beauty. No, it was the hermosura that it attracted the men of the family Peregrinates, because in that Severn case it would have enamored with Iolanthe.
While it watched Severn, whose face of characteristics regulares was dyed by the rage, thought that it would have sold its soul to the demon to obtain that it kneads it. Yes, he did the love to him, consecrated to him certain time, even requested advice to him to solve some problems; but engañaba not thinking itself that it loved it, so that it accepted what Severn it gave him and never it allowed him to know that it wished more.
-- How she is this woman? -- it asked to him.
-- Inserted -- Severn grumbled --. it inserts in the subjects of all, wants to direct to everybody... to horsemen, the farmers, Rogan, to all. And it has a mentality too much simple, it is convinced that if clean something, will solve the problem. I am surely of which it thinks that if we bathed with the Howard, we could be perdonar an a others.
-- What aspect has?
-- Common, ugly, I do not know what sees Rogan him.
Io did not know to it either, but it wanted to find out it.
-- Ire' to have supper at night tomorrow in great hall -- it announced.
During a little while Severn one was astonished. It knew that it did not get along with Rogan, and that the castle, outside its apartment, repelled it.
-- Well -- it said to the aim --, perhaps you can to teach to Liana to behave like an authentic woman. Invítala to spend the day with you, mantenla outside the court and the farmers and far from my brother. Perhaps if you obtain that one takes care of his own subjects, the things can return a to be what they were before.
Io thought: or perhaps she can teach to me how a woman must behave. But it did not say anything to Severn.
By thousandth time Liana was shown to window. Yesterday, Rogan had returned from the training field its good humor it had disappeared. From the moment in which they returned of the fair, one was so tender, so similar to the man who Liana felt that it could be... but at night sullen and it was irritated. It was locked in in its room of meditation, corno Zared called it, and it did not allow him to enter.
That same night, late, he approached a the bed and lay down next to Liana; sleepy, she tightened her body against the one of Rogan. During a little while it feared that it rejected it, but suddenly it grasped and without saying to word him violently hizo the love. Liana almost complained of as much fiereza, but its instinct advised to him that it was shut up, because he it it needed.
Later, it embraced it with force.
-- Dime which happened -- Liana murmured.
During a little while, he thought that perhaps he would speak, but Rogan separated, it gave the back him and it fell asleep. In the morning it left the bed and one moved away without saying word.
So that now it was hoping that he regresara of the training field, to eat. During the supper he it was with its men, leaving to single Liana with its ladies and Zared and was a solitary food.
Io got dressed carefully stops to descend; perjudicaba to never be with the best appearance when one it was with a man.
When entering the great hall, it reigned dense silence. Zared, Severn and Rogan was seated, eating and no it spoke. Liana guessed that the rage of Rogan had something to see with his brother, but did not have idea of causa. It could have asked to him Zared, but it preferred that Rogan told him what had happened.
One seated to the left of Rogan, it began to eat after they served to him and looked for a conversation subject.
-- Baudoin came today? -- it asked.
There would be impossible similarity, but certain it is that silencio was accentuated and as both greater they did not say anything, Liana watched Zared.
-- he is not bad soldier -- it commented boy --. But by the other our good father always it generated hombres.
-- he is not our brother -- it grumbled Severn.
Zared watched it with hardness.
-- He is my brother as much as you are it.
-- I will teach to you who is Peregrine and who is not it -- it talked back Severn to him.
The three were put of foot to the same one time, Severn looked for the neck of Zared and Rogan faced Severn.
The scene was interrupted by arrival of a woman. Liana watched under the arc formed by the hands of Severn on the neck of Zared and it opened astonished the eyes. Of foot in the threshold it found the lady more beautiful than she had never seen. No, not only beautiful: perfect, impecable, a permanent paradigm of beauty. It was adorned of tisú of gold, so that was it radiating, like pilar of sun light in one night dark.
-- Veo that nothing has changed -- it said. His voice was cold and sharp, and immediately it obtained that everything calmed. it advanced with the grace of an angel, almost floating, arrastrando behind several meters of edged fabric of skin.
-- Severn -- it said, and it watched it like one mother could hacer it with a disobedient boy.
This it dropped immediately the hands and it seemed somewhat ashamed. Obedient, it approached a chair Iolanthe, that after seating, Peregrine watched the three, that still was standing.
-- You can sentaros -- it asserted, like one queen who imparte an order.
Liana could not separate its eyes from her. She was what todas the women longed for to be: so beautiful, so elegant, so graceful... and what was better, it obtained that the men were arranged to serve it.
-- Io, you honor to us with your presence -- it said Rogan --. Why?
The hostility in its voice was unequivocal and when Liana watched it, it saw that almost there was a gesture of ridicule in his labios, and that ridicule pleased much.
-- Vine to know your wife -- it responded.
Liana almost asked: To me? But it contained and it breathed deep. If Rogan again forgot its name in presencia this beautiful woman, she would feel that the world had been finished.
-- Liana, Iolanthe -- it presented/displayed them and it continued eating.
Nearly, Liana thought, and it was asked if the blacksmith could make a mark with his name and apply it to the forearm of Rogan, where it could see it when he olvidase it.
-- Hello -- Liana said. What could say a that lady? -- you have bought the fabric of your dress in Londres?
-- In France, my husband is French.
-- Oh -- a smile directed to Io faded.
The food was of badly in worse, Rogan no it spoke; Severn did not pronounce word. Zared seemed intimidated so as Liana by the lady. Only Iolanthe was cómoda, three of its own doncellas they were standing behind its master serving to him its food in gold sources. No it said nothing, but it observed with curiosity the rest, mainly to Liana, that one felt so nervous that it could not take its soup.
Finally, Iolanthe was put of foot stops to leave and Liana felt that the lightening relaxed muscles to him.
-- She is very beautiful -- it said to Severn.
This, with the nose sunk in the earthen bowl of soup, limitó to gruñir itself.
-- His husband is not a little worried because she lives here with vos?
Severn directed towards Liana a glance loaded of hatred.
-- You can interfere in the subjects of other people, but not in mine. Io is subject mine, not yours.
Liana disturbed before the animosity of Severn. It watched Rogan, hoping that it threw itself on his hermano, but it seemed that Rogan had not heard anything.
-- I did not try insultaros -- Liana said --. And I either do not want to interfere. I only thought that...
— ¡You did not want to interfere! -- one made fun of Severn --. He is ún
ico that you have done from your arrival. You have cambiado it everything: the castle, the land, the men, the campesinos, to my brother. Woman, I notice to you that you must maintain the nose outside my subjects and leave in peace to Iolanthe, I do not want that nobody corrupts it.
Liana recostó in the endorsement of his chair, astonished before this attack. Again it watched Rogan. Why he not it it defended? It watched it interested and suddenly it included/understood that it was proving it. It could be Peregrine by matrimonio, but still it had to really demonstrate if the era.
-- It is well -- it said calmly to Severn -- You can have everything what you had before my arrival. -- it was put of foot, it approached the home, where there were ashes you cold from the morning, one seized of the great one bucket that was close and filled it of this dust. It crossed the room towards Severn, all the glances nailed in her; it overturned ashes on food and the clothes of its brother-in-law.-- Already is -- it said -- Now you are dirty, the same that your food. In ahead I will take care of which you have everything what always you had.
Severn, stained the chin and the clothes, furious it was put of foot. Their hands turned claws looked for the neck of Liana. This waned and backed down a step.
But it did not arrive at her because Rogan, without to separate the eyes from the bone whose meat was, chewing, moved the foot in way of its brother and sent it to the floor.
When Severn recovered the breath, rugió
-- It will be mejor that you do something with this woman.
Rogan cleaned the mouth with the sleeve.
-- Parece that it can be taken care of single.
Liana never had felt so proud in his vida. ¡It had passed the test!
-- But it would not please to me, that you put to him the hand encima -- it continued Rogan.
Severn was put of foot and it was shaken ashes that covered their clothes, impeccable few minutes before (Liana it had ordered the servants who washed the clothes to him). It again watched the young person.
-- Manteneos far from Io -- it murmured and it left the habitación.