New Roots (Fate's Intent Book 8)

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New Roots (Fate's Intent Book 8) Page 12

by Bowles, April

  I felt Adele’s grip get just a bit tighter and her voice expressed a calm anger. “Three. Those stupid skinny whores. You up for a trip?”

  “What do you mean a trip?”

  “They’re not too far away. I can get us there by nightfall.”

  I was silent as I looked upon Troy sitting among all the women and even young girls. I knew deep down that nothing has or will happen but I submitted to jealousy like Adele and brought the image back. “When do we leave?”

  “Now. Get what you need. I’ll take you on foot.”

  “But what about Ruby?”

  Adele paused and let out a saddened sigh. “Oh, yeah. She’s too sick to come, isn’t she? She has to stay here, I guess.”

  “It’s still okay if we go. I’ve been trying but nothing has been working. The baby takes back whatever health I can give her.”

  “Yeah.” Adele muttered, feeling the sadness from talking about Ruby’s condition. “I suppose it wouldn’t matter if we weren’t here.”

  “So, which one of us is going to tell Izin?”

  “He probably won’t like it, will he?”

  “I guess that means you’ll be telling him.” I smiled innocently.

  “All right.” Adele laughed. “Get your stuff and pack mine too. I’ll be busy.”

  Chapter 31


  It saddened me these days to talk about Ruby but now I had to try and convince Izin to let us go. This would be a big challenge indeed and I waited in there for a bit longer, just thinking of what I would say. I went for it. I knew exactly where he would be at this time in the morning and walked to his room on the first floor.

  Kathryn came to the door when I knocked and was surprised to see me. “Oh, Adele! Good morning. I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

  “I know. Sorry about that. Is Izin available? I need to speak with him.”

  “He’s just finishing up in the bathhouse. You can wait inside if you’d like. I was just going to the dining hall.”


  Kathryn smiled and nodded as she passed and I entered the room, closing the door. I walked in farther and paced around, waiting. I was in this room again. It didn’t frighten me as much as it used to since I found out the things that happened in here was all a dream but I still felt like I shouldn’t have been in here like this.

  Movement came from the bathhouse and Izin walked out, buttoning up his shirt. “Adele, what are you doing in here?”

  “Sorry if this is intruding. Kathryn said I could wait in here for you.”

  “It’s quite all right. What do you need? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just speaking with Jaylyn and we were thinking about taking a brief trip outside the walls.”

  “Yes. You know you can go outside of the palace walls with an escort.”

  “I know that but we were kind of talking about the city walls.”

  That caught his attention like I didn’t want and he immediately stopped what he was doing. “No. Absolutely not.”

  “Izin, please. It’s been weeks and we want to—”

  “Adele, no. You already know that it’s not a good time for you. You may be months away from giving birth but that doesn’t mean you can be reckless about your time so no.”

  “Maybe I wasn’t asking you.”

  Izin’s eyes narrowed and he looked me over, trying to figure out my angle because I have yet to tell him. “And where do you plan on going?”


  “Ah, I see. You plan to disrupt Zayden’s work?”

  “Not disrupt. We just want to see them.”

  “He’s days away and even if I allowed you to go, you know you couldn’t spend your nights outside in the dirt no matter how civilized you can make it seem. You need proper care and things you can’t get out there.”

  “Okay but we know exactly where they are and can get there by tonight where there will be services to care for us in the way we need.”

  “Wait. How will you get there by tonight? There’s no way they’re that close.”

  I hesitated but knew he should understand. “Well, I—ah—I have Zayden’s gifts.”

  Izin’s eyes immediately shot down to my stomach. “Because of the baby?”

  “Yes. It will work. I just want to be with him tonight. I promise I won’t distract him. We’ll be back by tomorrow evening and he’ll finish on schedule.”

  “Adele, listen to me. I know how much you miss him but you really shouldn’t be going anywhere. I’m telling you this for my own concern. You don’t know what a trip like that would do to you. I’ve been on them with Zayden and he’s always worn out by the end. You can’t have that right now. Stay. You only have weeks left before he’s home.”

  I knew he was going to say no but hearing it like that saddened me. “But I need him.”

  “And he’ll come home to you soon. I promise that. You know it would be better for you to stay. Think about that. Think of Seth.”

  I knew he was right but it’s been so long since I really gotten to see him and all I could seem to think about was him being surrounded by all those other women. “But what if he forgot about me?”

  Izin smiled and started taking steps closer to me. “Adele, you should know better. He left his country to be with you. That says something. He would never forget about you. What would make you think that?”

  “Jaylyn showed me and—”

  “I understand. All the women?”


  “You have nothing to worry about but just because he’s now married doesn’t mean that all the attention will go away. He’ll always have that and you have to know that he chose you. That won’t change. I know him. He won’t risk what he has with you for the lot of those women. Trust me and don’t risk your health by going to see him. You could very well become a distraction if he sees you and he’ll want to come home with you. That would be pointless now. They’re almost finished and will be home soon. Count on it.”

  I slowly nodded my head. “Okay. You’re right. It probably wouldn’t have been a good idea. I guess it just worried me.”

  “You shouldn’t let it. He’ll be home sooner than you know it and you can see him then.”

  “Okay.” I started moving slowly towards the door. “I’ll just go and tell her that we’re not going.”

  “You do that and explain good reasons why.”

  “I will. Thank you for your time.”

  “Of course, Adele. Any time.”

  I slowly walked down the hall and knew it was better this way. Our time was almost up and I would see Zayden soon. Now all I had to do was convince Jaylyn of the same thing.

  I walked out into the main hall and saw her at the top of the stairs with a few bags. “Wait.”

  She stopped before taking one step down and saw me walking a little faster. “What is it? Did you talk to Izin?”

  “Unpack. We’re not going.”

  “But I thought—”

  “I know but Izin made me see that it would be wrong to go for the reason we want. We should know nothing will happen and if we went, we’d become the distraction. It’s best if we just stay here and wait out the rest of the time. It shouldn’t be that long.”

  Jaylyn sighed. “If that’s what you want. I was a little worried about what that run would have done to you.”

  “So was he. It’s a good idea to stay. There’s only weeks left and they’ll be home. We’ll get to see them then.”

  “Okay. I see that and what would we have said to Darius if we showed up without Ruby?”

  “Yeah. I don’t want to be the one that would have to explain that.”

  “I guess we can go put this stuff back. The last thing I would want to do is be a distraction to Troy again.”

  “The wait won’t seem so long if we keep ourselves busy.”

  Jaylyn nodded and we walked down the hall to return the stuff to our rooms.

  Waiting out the time was best and we’d do it. Our time
to reunite with our husbands was approaching and we tried everything to keep our minds off it for the next couple weeks.

  Chapter 32


  Those two long weeks we had left had finally passed and my hope to see Zayden any day was high. My morning began with the perfect sunrise. An array of pinks, oranges and yellows filled the sky and I woke to the sights while facing the balcony.

  I sat up on the edge of the bed then put my hands on my stomach and looked down. Zayden’s been gone for weeks and I was just starting to get a small baby bump that I’ve already been calling Seth.

  “I wish you could see this. It’s a beautiful winter morning.” I slowly got to my feet and knew it was time to get ready for the day.

  “Good morning, your majesty.”

  “Morning, Marie.”

  “Shall I draw your bath?”


  Marie walked through the room into the bathhouse to start it as I made my way around the bed, following. She was filling the porcelain tub with warm water and fragrant oils that smelt of rose.

  “Mmm, I love that scent.”

  “It is your favorite, your majesty.”

  “Yes, Marie and how many times have I asked you to just call me Adele?”

  “One more time as always, your majesty.”

  I smiled as I approached the long sinks with the mirror behind it. That smile turned into a sigh when I saw how tired I looked with messy hair. I raised my hands and used my gift to straighten it out to its perfect sleekness and shine. “Much better.”

  “Your bath awaits.”

  I turned and Marie was patiently waiting by the tub with a smile. I smiled back as I walked over and removed my night shirt completely before Marie held my hand and helped me down into the warm water.

  It felt so relaxing and I rested my head on the bath pillow. “This is perfect.”

  “You always say that, your majesty.” Marie used the sponge and started to clean me up.

  “Because it always is.”

  “And just wait and see how more perfect it will be when your Prince returns.”

  My happy mood became a bit saddened and I held up a soapy hand. “That’ll do, Marie.”

  “Forgive me, your majesty. I know you miss him.”

  “Yes. You may go. I’d like to be alone for a while.”

  “Of course, your majesty.” Marie got right up from the side of the tub and left the bathhouse. I hoped I didn’t sound too rude but I really did want to be alone.

  I sat once in a relaxed oasis but now was thinking about Zayden and became depressed. “It’s been so long.” I looked down to my stomach through the water, talking to my son. “Too many days and they never seem to get any easier. I miss him and I’m sure he misses us.”

  I laid my head back and rested while thoughts of Zayden were on my mind. I was trying to image what it would be like to see him again and every outcome brought a smile to my face and a joyous tear in my eye but it wasn’t long before I decided to get out because I was feeling hungry. I liked to think that it was because Seth wanted me to eat whether that was true or not.

  “All right. All right. We’re getting out.”

  I brought myself to my feet and held on the side as I stepped out onto a towel and grabbed one for myself. I dried off quickly and used my gift to completely dry my hair and anything else the towel missed.

  I slipped into a dark blue off-the-shoulder dress that was formfitting to my new curves with long bell sleeves and a flared bottom that went just below my knee.

  I walked out into the room and Marie came in through the door with a silver covered tray. “Your breakfast, your majesty. I was hoping you’d be ready.”

  “Yes, thank you and right on time.”

  Marie smiled and set it down at the desk and uncovered it for me. “Call if you need anything else, your majesty.”

  “Thank you, Marie. I will.” I sat down at the desk and looked at the tray of food. The main plate had steaming eggs on it with sausage, bacon and a slice of toast. There was a small fruit bowl beside it as well as a plate of butter for the toast and a glass of juice and a glass of milk.

  I took in the smell of it all with one breath and was ready. I was able to finish everything on the tray except for half of the fruit bowl, a link of sausage and some of the juice but it was enough. I was beginning to feel full and didn’t want to overeat.

  I pushed the tray away from the edge of the desk and thought to get some rest after eating so much. I thought a walk around the halls would be good and it also was a good way to keep me active but most importantly, I could stay distracted from thinking about Zayden this way. I knew he would be home eventually and I had a strange feeling telling me it was going to be soon.

  Chapter 33


  After spending many long weeks away, we were finally returning home. We were welcomed through the gates of the city just as we always were with warmth and cheer. As for me, I’ve waited for nothing else but to lay my eyes on the white granite of this great capitol and ride up through the streets towards the palace. All the cheer and welcome seemed to be holding the least of my attention as I was more focused on seeing my wife.

  We handed our horses right off when we entered the palace stables and didn’t bother putting them away ourselves as we always do. We were eager to get inside.

  We walked in a very fast pace and were cordially greeted by the King once we stepped into the main hall. “Seni’s finest have finally returned home. Welcome back.”

  “Father.” Zayden replied respectfully as they embraced for a mere second.

  “It’s good to have you boys back.” Izin smiled, embracing Troy and I as well.

  “And we’re overjoyed to be back.” I said.

  “I bet you are.”

  “Where are they?” Troy asked.

  Izin took a breath while he lost his smile and I knew something had to be wrong. “At the moment, Adele and Jaylyn are unavailable for visitors.”

  “Unavailable?” Zayden wondered. “Even for us?”

  “Yes, even for you. They are right in the middle of their afternoon meditation session and should not be disturbed. It’s preparing them for a stress free delivery.”

  “And what of Ruby?” I asked.

  He seemed to ignore my question at first and looked at Zayden and Troy. “You may get yourselves settled back in until it’s time to see them. As for you, Darius, I’ll personally take you to Ruby. There’s something we need to discuss.”

  I swallowed the deep tense knot in my throat with a light nod. “Okay.”

  I was worried as I looked over at Zayden and Troy and Izin started turning away. Zayden nodded to me and I turned to follow the King. I was led to the back stairwell in total silence and taken up to my own room.

  “Prepare yourself.”

  I nodded but was just getting more worried as Izin opened the door. We both stepped inside and there were a half a dozen maids around the bed.

  “Clear the room please.” Izin said.

  Everyone looked up and immediately left the room with only but a head bow.

  I looked towards the bed and saw Ruby in the center of it. She was just as pale as the snow as she laid there with her eyes shut sleeping. They were dark and sunken in and her lips shown no color to them.

  I stepped closer to her with Izin and I started getting a little emotional just from the sight. It was obvious what was wrong. “She’s sick.”

  “Yes. Very much so I’m afraid. Just over this last month too. She was doing well up till then.”

  I was just looking down at her and touched her head. “What’s wrong with her?”

  “This is all your son’s doing I dread to admit.” I looked down to her stomach and put my hand on the large round mound while Izin stood on the other side of the bed. “He’s growing stronger by the day but as he does, he’s draining her strength. She doesn’t have much left.”

  “What does this mean?”

  His words were
still for all of a second and the answer nearly killed me. “She’s dying, Darius.”


  “She doesn’t have the strength she’d need to give birth but your son can still be saved.”

  “No.” I said again in denial. “She’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sorry, my son. There’s nothing more we could do. We’ve been waiting for you. Just say the word when you’re ready and she’ll be released from this pain. You’ll have your son.”


  “Remember that the longer you wait, the more suffering she goes through. You’re her husband so this decision is yours.”

  My breaths were shuttered and even my eyes were watering as I tried keeping them focused down on Ruby. “Leave me.”

  “Darius, this isn’t the time to be―”


  He took a breath from behind me but backed away. “As you wish.”

  The door closed when he left but I haven’t turned my eyes from Ruby. Thoughts of what was happening went through my mind and I regretted ever leaving her. My hands were shaking as I leaned down, putting them on her face and kissed her a few times. “I won’t let you die. You hear me? I have enough strength for both of us. You’ll make it through this. You have to.”

  I settled my head on her chest for a moment and tried pulling in all of my emotions. I wouldn’t let that be the outcome and I didn’t want to express emotions about something that wouldn’t happen. I took relaxing breaths to keep myself strong and collected and moved my hand down to her stomach again.

  I looked up when I touched it and rubbed my hand gently across the top. “Why are you doing this to your mother? She’s giving you life. You should give her hers back in return. We both need her.” I felt movement under her tight skin and was amazed by it. It was life. Life that I helped create. “I can tell you are strong. Give her strength to survive this and she’ll be around to love you through anything. You need that. You deserve to know what that feels like. Spare her.”


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