New Roots (Fate's Intent Book 8)

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New Roots (Fate's Intent Book 8) Page 13

by Bowles, April

  My head quickly turned up to her and she was slowly starting to open her eyes. “Darius, you’re back?”

  Her voice was weak yet happy and I leaned right into her, taking her hands. “Yes, it’s me. I’m right here. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  She got a slight smile on her face and gripped my hands as best she could. It wasn’t much. “You must have been told by now that it’s not. It’s okay. I’ve accepted what I have to do.”

  “No! Don’t accept it! You accept it and they win. You accept it and I lose you.”

  “It’s no longer up to me to make that choice.”

  “But what about Jaylyn? Let her heal you.”

  She slowly shook her head. “She’s tried already. Anything she can give back to me will just be taken away again in a day by Dirk.”


  Ruby took my hand and moved it to her stomach. “Our son. It’s what I’ve been calling him and what I would like you to call him after I’m gone.”

  “No. You’re not going anywhere. You’re going to stay right here with me and you can call him that when you get to hold him.”

  “I wish that were true.”

  “Shh—don’t say that. You need to rest. Save your strength. You’ll get through this because I’ll help you.”

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you a lot more.”

  “Stay with me? I’ve missed having your arms around me.”

  “That won’t hurt you?”

  She lightly smiled. “No. It’ll comfort me. I could use a little comfort right now.”

  I nodded and kicked off my boots, lying next to her. “Okay.” I held her as gently as I could and she held on to my arm. “Rest.”

  Her eyes started to close and I laid there with her, thinking how I could change things. I needed to.

  Chapter 34


  Jaylyn and I were getting out of our meditation session and ready to wait some more.

  “I think that went well.” I said.

  “It did. If only Ruby could have been with us.”

  I felt the sorrow in her tone and sighed. “I know, Jaylyn but you’ve tried, remember? Several times. We’ve talked about it. I don’t think there’s much else we could do.”

  “I never thought I could feel so helpless.”

  “It’s best to try not to think about it for now. Something else still may come up.”

  “I hope you’re right. Things wouldn’t be the same if we lost Ruby.”

  “Well, it’s nearing your afternoon snack, isn’t it?” I smiled to change the sad subject of Ruby’s condition, knowing Jaylyn would be happy to go with it. “Maybe you should go get that. I’m just going to go upstairs and make sure I have all the baby stuff just right.”

  Jaylyn laughed. “You have to have everything so perfect.”

  “I know but I can’t help it. I’ll see you at dinner.”

  Jaylyn nodded as we started to part ways. “Okay.”

  I made my way upstairs, shuffling down the long hall to my room at the corner and went inside. I first put my eyes on the white bassinet on my side of the bed and smiled. I was about to go over to it but something else caught my eye. Sitting on a chair just outside of the closet was a familiar pair of black and blue shorts staffs and boots just under it.

  “Zayden?” I looked around but didn’t see him anywhere. My heart was pounding in my chest like a heavy drum and I couldn’t seem to do anything but yell for him louder. “Zayden!”

  My eyes turned up to the bathhouse entrance when I heard movement. Rift was there and barked to see me then Zayden stepped out with a white towel around his waist and using another one to dry his hair. “There you are.”

  His smile made me melt and tears came to my eyes. I couldn’t stay away for another second, pounding feeling in my chest or not. I went right over to him and threw my arms around his neck. “You’re home!”

  He tossed the towel in his hand to the side and wrapped his arms around me. “Love! I’ve missed you!”

  “I can’t believe it!” I pulled away and had to see his eyes. “When did you get back?”

  “Just a bit ago. Father said you were in a meditation session.”

  “Oh, I would have skipped that for this.”

  Zayden smiled and our lips found each other’s for the first time in weeks. The feeling was so desirable but Zayden pulled away from it and stepped back, looking down. My stomach was visible in this tight dress and he put his hands on it. “You look so beautiful.”

  I laughed and wiped my eyes. “Yeah. Of course you’d say that.”

  “What? You do! I’ve tried imagining it but I just couldn’t. It would have been nothing like this.” Zayden still had his hand on it, looking down like he was just completely fascinated by it.

  I just smiled back when I noticed he couldn’t take his eyes away. “I know I could have missed seeing it.”

  “Don’t say that. You’re beautiful. Try telling yourself that sometime.”

  “You know that’s hard for me to do.”

  “Yes and I don’t understand it. Can you believe that I even missed us arguing?”

  I laughed. “That’s hardly what this is, Zayden and I don’t want to. I’m just happy you’re home. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Hey, ah, why wasn’t Ruby with you at the meditation thing? When we got back, father brought Darius right up to see her. Is she okay?”

  I sighed and had to turn away. My eyes started watering before I even said anything and I just didn’t want to think about it.

  “Love, what’s wrong?”

  I sucked it in as best I could and turned back around, my arms hugging my body. “No. She’s not okay.”

  Zayden looked worried and led me over to the bed, sitting down with me. “What happened?”

  “It’s Dirk, her son.”

  “Something wrong with him?”

  “No. He’s doing very well. It’s Ruby. She’s not so much. He’s draining her strength and no one thinks she’ll make it.”

  I started crying and Zayden took me in his arms. “Oh, Love, hey, it’s going to be okay. No one knows for sure, right?”

  “You can tell just by looking at her. She’s whiter than the stones used to build this city and she can’t do anything without help. It’s just been really scary for us. I’ve already heard the nursemaids talking about what they’ll use to ease her passing so they can get the baby out. Zayden, we can’t let that happen!”

  “Can they both be saved?”

  “I don’t know but just the talk around here is like no one is even going to try. All they seem to care about is the baby and yeah, he’s a big deal but Ruby’s a big deal to us. We can’t lose her. She’s a part of this family.”

  “Don’t worry, Love. We’ll think of something. We’ll think of a way. Darius would not allow that to happen.”

  Chapter 35


  I spent my time in the dining room having what I thought was a light snack that looked more like a buffet laid out in front of me while I read from a small book. It was a nice quiet time for me until I was nearly jumped by a voice right next to my head. “What’re you reading?”

  I didn’t even pay attention to anyone approach me and looked back to the surprise. “Troy!” I pushed my chair out and Troy leaned down to hug me before I would have sprung up to my feet. “Oh, I missed you so much!”

  “I missed you too.” He sat in a chair next to me and his eyes immediately found my little belly. “And you. May I?”

  “You don’t have to ask.” I took his hand and brought it towards me. “Here, he’s moving over here.”

  I put his hand on me but he shook his head. “I don’t feel anything.”

  “Then it’s probably just me. You’ll get to soon when he gets bigger and ready to come out.”

  “I’m so sorry we took so long.”

  “It’s okay. I know you had to. Did you think about what I asked before you left? I haven’t b
een calling him anything specific.”

  “Well, I did think about that actually, a lot. I think we should name him after your father, Bryce.” I paused for a moment and just looked at him. “What? Don’t like it? I thought you’d approve. I know he meant a lot to you.”

  “No. That’s a wonderful idea. I just thought—you sure you don’t mind?”

  Troy laughed. “It was my decision and I think we should go with it.”

  “Okay. I love it and I love you for thinking of it.” I leaned in and had to kiss him for it. “I knew you’d come up with something great.”

  “Well, from what I hear, he was and still is great.”

  I smiled and glanced at the food. “Hungry?”

  “It’s not dinner yet.”

  “Dinner? This is just a snack.”

  He laughed. “A snack?!”

  “Well, I don’t eat all of it. It’s just a good variety of stuff.”

  “All right, sure.”

  We kissed again and Troy shared in some of the food through a pause.

  I was eating too and he kept looking over at me. I knew he wanted to ask something but I wasn’t prepare for what. “So, how are you doing? Father told me about what’s happening with Ruby.”

  I succumbed instantly to sadness with a heavy gulp. “Not well. You should have known that already.”

  “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I know. Sorry if I sounded rude. It’s just been a little hard to think about.”

  Troy turned in his chair and rubbed my back. “You should know that Darius would never let that happen. They’re both going to be okay. We’ll do whatever it takes.”

  “I know I like to hear that but I don’t really know what we can do. I’ve tried but it never lasts more than a day.”

  “Well, she hasn’t started labor yet. That shouldn’t last a day. Maybe there’s something you can still do.”

  I looked over at him and my eyes shown signs of being hopeful again. “I didn’t think of that.”

  “See? We’ll find a way.”

  I kissed him with a smile and felt much better after hearing his comforting words. Maybe there was still something I could do. That was something to be optimistic about and I was good at that. It’s how I’ve always been and just knowing that there was something out there we haven’t tried made me feel more like myself again.

  I suddenly didn’t live in doubt. I just knew there was one obstacle we’d have to overcome to get the chance to try and that was getting Ruby away from the strict nursemaids who have already thought they decided her fate. We’d have to kidnap our own sister.

  Chapter 36


  Everyone joined together for dinner except for Ruby and Darius and we ate in total and complete silence with my mother and father.

  “So, Zayden darling, how was your trip?” My mother asked.

  “It went well, mother. Just as planned.”

  “No one seemed too disappointed about how you had to split things up, I hope.”

  “Oh, no. Of course not. Everything seemed normal enough. We’re just glad to be home.”

  “And we’re glad that you are.”

  There was another long pause while everyone continued to eat without looking around at each other.

  My father saw it and narrowed his eyes in curiosity. “All right. What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?” Adele wondered with an innocent look on her face.

  “I’ve seen this behavior before. You’re up to something.”

  “Up to something?” Jaylyn asked with the same innocent look that was shared with Adele.

  “Yes. What are you planning? I know it has something to do with Ruby.”

  Adele’s look immediately changed and I tried to defend it. “Father, you really don’t expect us to just sit back and let that happen, do you?”

  “Based on what the experts have already told me, it’s the only thing that can be done.”

  “And how experienced are they when it comes to delivering a gifted child?”

  “It shouldn’t matter. It’s just the same. I’ve done it.”

  “Apparently, something’s different with this one. They couldn’t know for sure that it’s the only way. It hasn’t happened before with someone of that particular gift.”

  “Then what is it you suggest?”

  “Something! We’re not excepting their decision!”

  “And yet you don’t have one of your own. Let it go. Let her go. You all know she’s suffering the longer she goes on like this.” He walked off through the pause and my mother got right up after him, following.

  “We won’t do that.” Jaylyn muttered. “We can’t.”

  “Shh!” Adele snatched. “Not here. We’ll take this upstairs.”

  Everyone got right up from the table, leaving all our uneaten food behind.

  We went into my room and waited until the door was securely closed.

  “What are we going to do?” Jaylyn asked. “I don’t think Izin is going to let us do anything because we’re not the experts.”

  “Now I don’t think we have much of a choice.” I said. “We have to get her out of here, away from the palace and them.”

  “How are we going to do that?” Adele wondered. “She’s really sick and where would we go?”

  “It’ll have to be somewhere in the city.” I answered, taking a glance over at Troy. “Somewhere safe.”

  Troy knew exactly what I meant and sighed. “Oh, no. I was afraid you’d say that.”

  “What?” Jaylyn wondered.

  “Julianna’s.” I said.

  Jaylyn looked over at Troy and knew he didn’t like mention of the mother he disowned let alone going to see her. “Troy—”

  “It’s okay, Jaylyn. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean that Zayden’s wrong. Father would never guess that’s where we went.”

  She put her arm through his and moved his hand onto her stomach. “But she doesn’t know. I know you didn’t ever want her to.”

  Troy put his other arm around her and kissed her head. “It’s okay. This is for Ruby. Don’t make it about us. It really is the only place within the city we could take her. It’s just minutes away. She should be able to make that trip if Darius carries her.”

  “That’s right.” Adele agreed. “She won’t have to do anything. We’ll make it.”

  “Then we all agree?” I asked. Everyone nodded. “Good. We leave tonight when everyone sleeps.”

  “Shouldn’t we let Darius know about this plan?” Jaylyn wondered.

  “Yeah but I haven’t even seen him since we’ve been back.”

  “Well, you should know where he is.” Adele said.

  “No, he means he doesn’t know what state he’s in.” Troy replied. “I’m sure father tried convincing him there’s no other way but to accept her death. If that’s the case then he could be too irrational to want to talk.”

  “We can get him to listen.” Jaylyn said. “He will if it has to do with saving her. That I know is true.”

  “Well, let’s go find out. Rift, you stay.” He whined when I walked to the door but obeyed and laid in his chair.

  Everyone else followed me out to the next door down; Darius’s room. I let myself in with the others just a step behind and looked towards the bed. Darius was sitting up on the edge of it with one leg hanging off and his eyes focused down in front of him.

  Troy and I got our first look at Ruby and saw for ourselves how bad it really was. She didn’t even seem to look like her to me except for her red hair.

  “Darius.” I said.

  Everyone pause where they were when he slowly started to lift his head. His eyes looked exhausted and were filled with an obvious sign of hurt. “Don’t come any closer.”

  I put up my hands to show I wouldn’t. “We won’t. We just―”

  “Should have seen it?”

  “No. I wasn’t going to say that.”

  “How would we have seen it?” Adele

  Darius was seriously struggling to keep his emotions at bay and it was an awful sight. “That vision you showed me, the one where I was putting him in bed when he was a baby. Ruby wasn’t in it and you want to know why? She was dead and I just didn’t want to think of it until now.”

  “That’s not why.” Jaylyn said.

  “Don’t lie to me. I said he was all I had left.”

  It was so long ago that we’ve seen that vision but Darius seemed to remember it word for word.

  “That future is going to change because we can save her.” Adele said. It caught Darius’s attention and Adele walked to the end of the bed carefully. “But to do that we have to take her away from here. Take her away from everyone who thinks there’s only one option.”

  Darius looked a little worried as he looked down at Ruby again and spoke softly, still trying to hide his emotion of it all. “It could only get worse if we move her. She can’t go far.”

  “She won’t.” Troy said, stepping up next to Adele. “We’re going to take her to—” He paused and couldn’t even come to say it.

  “His mother’s.” Jaylyn said.

  “Really?” Darius seemed a little surprise. “You’d do that?”

  “It’s not for me. She needs to get away from here for us to even try anything. It’ll all be worth it.”

  “How do you plan on doing that? They’ve been in here a dozen times since I have.”

  “We leave tonight.” I said. “They don’t check on her in the middle of the night, do they?”

  Jaylyn shook her head. “Not constantly like during the day. It’s usually twice. About midnight and then just before dawn. We’d be able to get out of here before they even check in on her the first time.”

  “Okay. Then we should do it by then. Darius, you think you can handle carrying her? I mean, you’re looking a little sluggish.”

  “I haven’t slept in twenty-eight hours but yeah, I’ll make myself handle it. I don’t want anyone else trying. You can’t carry her like I can.”

  “Good. Then we’ll all meet back in here before midnight and make sure we all get out unseen, all right?” Everyone nodded. “So, until then, please, everyone try and get some rest. We have no idea what will happen when we get her there but something has to.”


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